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To See the Face of God

Her heart was still racing, but that might have been because of the way he was staring at her now.  She felt a little dazed.  (Maybe it was because that stare had come right after such excruciating pain.)

She smiled a little after a moment, and nodded.  "It's okay."  Then, frowning curiously, she asked, "Wait, so you were looking at my soul?  How does that work?"
"As an angel, I can see your soul anytime I look at you, just like a demon. I needed to investigate it further, which can unfortunately only be done in the method I just used." He didn't break her gaze. 
"Oh."  She would have looked down at herself, but she didn't want to stop staring into those eyes.  "Um...so..."  She hesitated.  "So what did you find?"
"You are one of the select few who can tune into "Angel radio," as a friend of mine calls it." He looked reminiscent for a moment before the look cleared. "That means you can hear what the Angels are saying at any given time." 
Aria took a second to process that, surprised and wondering.  Then she asked, "Why?  I mean...why me?  I've believed in angels my whole life, but..."  She shook her head, puzzled.
"It's a gift some are given. We don't know how... Or why. That secret is kept by God." He broke her gaze to stand up and extend his hand to her. "Come." 
She thought about that for a short second, and then stood, placing her hand in his, curious and, though she couldn't have said why, entirely trusting.
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He teleported them to a cave deep underground, the shaft large and dark. It was impossible to even see one's hand in front of their face. The only contact the two had was their hands- Castiel still held hers in his own. 
She drew in a breath--she hadn't been expecting that--and looked around, gripping his hand tightly, eyes straining to see something.  After a second, she asked, "Where...where are we?"
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For a second she gripped more tightly, instinctively, not liking the idea of having nothing to orient herself in this complete darkness.  Then, feeling her cheeks heat a little, she let go.  "Sorry."
He was silent for a moment, but soon a light glow began to come from him- no place in particular, just his body. His eyes flashed blue- even more than they had ever been before- and they began to flow as well. When the glow got at a fairly large scale, two jet-black, gleaming wings rose from Castiel's back.  The whole cave was lit, and the only darkness present was in the wings Cas now brandished high in the air. 
Aria caught her breath, staring in awe and enchantment at the dazzling sight.  "Oh," she murmured at last, the sound close to a sigh.  "That's--that's really beautiful..."  Almost unconsciously, she reached out.
The feathers were soft, light, but also sleek and strong. The wings were those of a warrior, not a being that spent all its time loitering.  Cas's shoulders seemed to both tense and relax as she touched them, but it obviously didn't hurt, as the feathers only tremored slightly under her touch. 
As he reacted, she almost pulled away.  When he didn't say anything, though, she relaxed as well.  As soon as her attention went back to the beautiful wings,, their fascinating texture pulled her in.  She stroked the feathers lightly, and then ran gentle fingers through them, bending her head close to examine the play of the light over them as well.
The wings almost stretched towards her, and Cas couldn't resist letting out a quiet sigh of pleasure, but tried not to let her hear it. He secretly relished her fingers scanning through his feathers- wings were , though strong in battle, incredibly sensitive to touch. 
She hesitated, catching the movement, but not sure what it meant.  After a second, she asked, voice soft, "Um...is it okay that I'm doing this?  They're really soft, and...really cool, to be honest."  A sheepish smile upturned her lips.  "But if it bothers you, you can definitely tell me to stop.  I don't want to bug you or anything."
"Yes... Yes, it's fine." He cleared his throat, seeming a bit more uneasy than usual, perhaps because he felt more exposed showing his true form to someone, someone that wasn't an enemy and had no other motive for seeing it other than their viewing pleasure. 
She nodded, though his tone made her frown.  "Okay.  I mean, if you're sure..."  She couldn't keep her hands from going back to their motions, though.  The wings felt almost hypnotic.  They were so beautiful, and so soft, and...it was very hard to resist touching them.  After a second, she hesitantly, carefully, separated a feather out, just enough so she could see it by itself.  She had to wait, though, to watch his reaction.  The last thing she wanted to do was hurt him.
He was no longer watching her, but was rather gazing out into the cave. His shoulders were somewhat slumped, intense relaxation and pleasure stemming from her stroking of the wings. When she separated the feather, he sighed again, eyes nearly closing before he forced them open again. 
She smiled a bit, slightly incredulous.  He looked like she felt when someone played with her hair.  Could it be he was actually enjoying this?

After a second she gave a mental shrug.  In any case, she didn't seem to be hurting him, and he wouldn't be that relaxed if he minded.  She bent forward, staring at the feather, running a single finger down its spine and then over the soft edges.  It really was beautiful, seeming to shine of its own accord.  She tilted her head this way and that, and found that different colors seemed to play over it, as if it were an opal.

(Is that okay?  That's like one of my favorite descriptions of his wings I've heard, since I love opals haha.  But he's your character, so feel free to tell me if that's not how you see it/you don't like it/whatever else :) )
(Absolutely! That's the way I kinda imagine the wings as well- black, but colors can be seen across them when they shine.) 

Cas's feathers trembled as she touched the one she'd singled out, but not with pain. Cas's nearly-hypnotized expression revealed that he was as engrossed by her fingers playing with his wings as she was by touching them. 
(Oh cool! :D  *high fives for same headcanon*)

The shaking made the colors skip around, so that it was almost like looking at a prism.  Eyes lit up with enchantment, Aria found just the right angle so that she saw a lovely blue-green, and then, on a whim, slid her fingers over it, watching as it flickered in and out.  Holding onto the feather carefully, she stroked her thumb over it, liking its softness.  The other hand went back to stroking through a larger portion of the wing, and she watched the colors dance as the feathers moved with her fingers.

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