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To See the Face of God

He stretched out his hand, blue eyes pouring into her soul. "Come with me." He gaze was soft but firm, creating the feel of trust. 
(*grumbles* And I got the wrong page and didn't hear the thing go off...this is getting ridiculous *shakes head*)

She caught her breath.  That look...she couldn't help but trust him.  Slowly, she put her hand in his and nodded.  "Okay," she murmured.
(In a few minutes I'm gonna disappear for about 15-20, JSYK :) )

She blinked, staring after him, startled.  "Uh...okay..." she said to the empty air after a moment, a little frustrated.  Then she sighed.  Might as well do as he said.  She wondered if there were pajamas around.  And what had happened to her car and her weapons.
(Okay :) And sure, sounds good :) )

Aria yawned, stretching, as she woke.  She sat up and looked around, wondering what she was meant to do now.
(Agh I meant Castiel earlier, sorry. Remiel is my angel oc.) 

Cas rolled his sleeve up to the elbow. "This might... Hurt. I'm sorry." He slid his arm into her stomach, a light glow coming from the area where he inserted his arm. 
(Oh xD okay *will edit in a sec to say "you" instead*  And hey I have an angel OC named Eremiel haha.  Well he belongs to both me and a friend.  But anyway. xD  )

Alarmed, she was about to ask another question when his arm entered.  She could only scream.  It felt like every bit of her was on fire and being eaten alive at the same time.
He put his free hand on her shoulder to comfort her as he rummaged around inside her soul. "It will be over soon." 

(Gtg sorry :(
Somewhere, in the vague, distant part of her mind that wasn't consumed with pain, she appreciated the touch.  But she couldn't stop screaming.
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Aria sat quietly, breathing hard, shudders running through her, trying to recover herself.  At last she looked up at him.  "What...what was that?" she asked, voice a little hoarse.
"I had to inspect your soul to find out why you can hear us." He crouched in front of her, looking up into her eyes with his sapphire-blue ones. "I'm sorry. It was necessary to learn more." 

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