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To See the Face of God

(Cool beans! :)  And okay. It'd be great if you could let me know before you log off, but no worries if not!

...also.  *raises a finger* A couple things you should know.

1.  I'm not caught up yet.  I've finished S10 but still waiting for 11 to be on Netflix.  So preferably no spoilers, please!

2.  I don't do heavy romance.  Kissing and cuddling are great, but nothing beyond that :) And I'm not comfortable with implying that it happened, either, so no fade-to-black...  Hope that's not a problem for you.  Fluff, I will take as much of as I can get, though, haha :)

Oh, and also also (because my brain has decided to throw 50 million things at me that I should tell you), my character's name is Aria, and here's "her" blog on Tumblr (a.k.a. my RP blog) so you can see a bit about her if you like :)  )
(Both are completely fine with me! I'm actually only on season 8... *gag*....so it's you who I'd rather not give spoilers. :)   And I'm great with the no-heavy-romance thing- I'm a firm believer in not including anything beyond kissing in RPs also. All I need to know about your character is their age and looks- everything else I'll figure out as we go along!)
(Oh perfect then! :D  ...*hates to ask* Where are you in S8?  And okay!  So yeah, her name's Aria--Ariadne Elida Hubrecht, but Aria for short--and she's 25 and looks like this:

(I've just barely started episode 12. And Kay! Do you want to start the RP or me? Btw, probably getting off after this comment.)
(*giggles* Yes you do!  And sure :) )

Aria sighed in relief as she limped into the nearly-empty diner.  She still had a lot to do, but after that encounter with the creature-that-wouldn't-seem-to-die, her first order of business was getting food.  Preferably before she passed out.

As she wove through the close-set tables, she felt her lack of nourishment catch up with her.  The noise of her surroundings faded, to be replaced by a roaring in her ears, and her vision faded to black.  She reached out blindly for something to keep herself upright, and found an object, which she promptly clung to, knees buckling.

After a long moment, the room came back into focus, and she was able to think again.  She discovered that she'd been hanging onto a man, and quickly let go, eyes widening.  "Oh, gosh, I'm sorry!" she gasped.  "I--I just...I felt a little faint, and..."  She looked away, embarrassed.
(I hope I do a good job bringing cas to life!) 

Cas was looking around the diner when a young woman came over and grasped onto him. After she had regained her bearings and apologized, he studied her. Hm, Hunter, then. "It's okay." 
(I'm sure you will! :D  Also do you want Dean and/or Sam in there too?  I can kinda stick them in if you want...though maybe not right away, just because I'm sick today and my brain isn't up to doing a ton of extra stuff.  But yeah I can put them in later if you like :) )

She nodded and gave him a small smile.  "Thanks.  Um...do you want me to buy your meal, to make up for that?"
(Tell me how I do! And nah, Sam and Dean aren't necessary yet. :)

"That won't be necessary." He began to edge away. "I have someplace to be." 
(Okay :)  And haha sure!)

Aria hesitated, and then nodded, not wanting to bother him.  "Okay.  Sorry again."  She moved away, letting him go...and then frowned.  Hadn't he just come in?  She looked back, a little confused.
Aria stared, astonished and bewildered.  What had just happened?!  ...and did she need to be worried about it?  Could he be connected to the creatures she was hunting somehow?

Sighing, she sat down and picked up a menu, mind worrying against the odd encounter.
The strange man didn't cross her path anymore for the next day or two, but occasionally something weird would happen, such as a random thunderstorm or strange ringing noise. 
Aria was still puzzled by her case the next time they met.  Puzzled, and a little frustrated by now.  All her research so far had left her with absolutely nothing.
Suddenly, a loud, high pitched ringing began. It started off only annoyingly loud, but got louder until everyone was on the ground and covering their ears in agony. 
The hunter curled up into a ball, trying to think against the throbbing of her whole head.  She forced herself to move, to look around and see what might be causing this.
A lady shrieked, a black smoke emerging from her mouth. Two others nearby did the same thing, slumping to the ground with their eyes burned out. 
Immediately, Aria was on her guard.  The people around her were possessed?  She berated herself for not noticing, and got stumblingly to her feet, shoulders still hunched and ears still covered.
(Ooh *thinks it would be kinda cool for her to be one of the people who can hear an angel's voice and like she just had to get used to it first or something IDEK*  But I also don't want her to be a Mary Sue haha.  Thoughts?)

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