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Time is a Myth W/ DarkxAngelxRollins ONLY

Dave shook his head before getting up slowly.  He pulled out the colt, aiming it at Ace.  "Leave Doc alone," he said.  He didn't care at this point, all he wanted to do was keep Doc safe and away from his family.  "I know you guys and you will hurt Doc," he stated.  He kept his eyes on Ace, being he would be the one to try and pull something.  Ace shook his head, waving Dave off and continuing on his way to Doc's house.  He got the door and knocked on it, waiting for a response
Jared chuckled lightly at Dave and continued walking to where Ace was. "You know that's not going to kill him right?" he shouted back at Dave. There was only one way to kill Ace and only he knows how. The colt might hurt him a little but its not enough to kill him since he's half angel, half demon. Doc took the helmet off before straightening out his clothes and walked down the stairs to open the door. He took a deep breath and opened it quickly. "Hello there!" he said all cheery.
Dave shook his head before smirking.  "Sure it won't but it will paralyze him until the bullet's out," he said.  "And if I hit him in the heart, your gonna have on hell of a time getting that bullet out without hurting him.  Ace's eyes turned black again before he turned to face Dave.  "Well go ahead hot shot, I'd love to see you hit my directly in the heart," he said coldly.  He moved towards Dave smirking lightly, he knew full well the other male wouldn't be able to do it.
Doc walked out and looked around at the other men. "Is this a bad time?" he asked casually. He really didn't know what to do in this situation and he didn't even know what was going on. Nathan walked up to him and smirked. "Actually no," he said. He put his hand on his gun pulling it out slightly signaling towards Dave to put the colt down, away from Ace before he has to pull the gun out on Doc.
Dave glared at Nathan before putting the backin it's holster. He glared at his older before looking at Doc.  "Just leave us alone," he said coldly.  He didn't want them to hurt Doc, nor did he want them talking to him for that matter.  He stood next to Doc, keeping his gaze on Nathan now.  Ace smirked lightly, before looking at Nathan and then at Doc his eyes flashing black for a split second.  He wasn't going to let this whole thing go down without any consequences.  He took a step towards Doc, his eyes now fully black.
Nathan put his arm out to hold Ace back for a little while longer. Jared now got closer to Doc and smiled lightly. "Why are going out doing our job?" he asked. "We have been wasting are time week after week getting leads on these supernatural creatures that we are supposed to kill only to realize that you were there before us with my son and took care of the problem," he added. He shoved Doc lightly. "So in other words we don't need your help with any of this," he said.
Dave shook his head before pulling out the colt, instantly shooting Ace in the heart.  He wasn't going to have his father touching Doc.  If Nathan did shoot Doc, he could just go in the Delorean and fix it anyway, it wouldn't be that big of a deal.  He looked at his brother and then back at Ace who was now on the ground.  Ace fell to the ground as soon as the bullet hit him.  He growled, ready to go after Dave, but he could barely move considering the bullet was in a major artery.  "I swear to god I'm going to kill you, you son of a bitch," he said coldly. 
Jared immediately went to go check on Ace. He had to keep him calm enough so that he could get the bullet out. He put his arms on his shoulders to calm him down, its going to make it even worse when he's pissed off. Nathan pulled out his gun aiming it at Doc glancing between Dave and his father. "Nathan help me," Jared said to him. He bit lip looking at Dave and Doc before put the gun listening to his father. He's gotten used to Ace being around but it was the fact that he couldn't disobey his father.
Dave immeditely went inside with Doc before shutting and locking the door, taking a deep breath.  "Don't answer the door if it's them," he said slowly.  He knew Doc well enough to know he should at least listen to this word of advice.  He sighed heavily before walking to the kitchen, to grab a bit to eat or something, he wanted to forget this whole altercation happened.  "You okay Doc?" he asked.  Ace growled before looking at John, he wasn't sure what he was going to do at this point, but he didn't want to hurt Nathan or Jared so he knew he had to stay calm.  "You're not just gonna let him get away with this are you?" he questioned.
Doc followed him into the kitchen and grabbed a drink from the fridge. "Yes I'm fine," he said. He wanted to help in some way but it just wasn't happening, he wanted to protect Dave just as much as he wanted to him. "No I'm not now hold still," Jared said before taking a pair of tweezers out of his little medical kit he carries around. This was going to hurt Ace like a bitch so he had to make sure he had his body weight on him as well while pulling the bullet out of his heart. 
Dave nodded slowly, before opening his bottle of soda.  He took a sip of it before putting it down and sighed lightly.  He wanted to make sure that Doc was okay, honestly, that was all he cared about at this point.  He looked over at Doc before turning his gaze to the window, trying to see what his father and brother were doing.  He had to make sure they weren't going to try to pull anything, at least for now that is.  Ace flinched when Jared started taking the bullet out.  He struggled against his grip, trying to get away from him.  It was amazing how much pain he was in, honestly, Ace wasn't used to feeling pain considering most things didn't hurt him. 
Doc peaked out of the window as well slightly behind Dave. Well now that he's had a run-in with "the family" that Dave talks ever so wonderfully about, he knows to stay away from them. Jared didn't want to hurt him but this was the only way it was going to heal so he wont be in pain anymore. Once he got the bullet out, he put alcohol on it and put pressure on it with a cloth.
Dave sighed before leaning against the wall looking at Doc.  "So that's my lovely family," he stated.  He rubbed his arm before he started staring at the floor.  He wasn't all too sure on what he was going to do next.  He was doing what the rest of the family was doing, getting revenge for his mother, but when he tried to do it, he wasn't good enough, or "they didn't need his help,".  He honestly didn't know what to think at this point.  Ace growled struggling harder now when the wound started to burn.  He wasn't sure why, but now he was able to feel the pain he wasn't usually able to feel.  Normally, the burning feeling from alcohol or anything like that had no effect on him, but now for whatever reason it did. 

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