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Realistic or Modern They can't keep me away from you

The nurse checks him over and gets him a clean bucket. “She went home a few hours ago sir. Your son was getting fussy. Said she’d be back in the morning.” She assures him.
He frowned and just kept mumbling about where she was, eventually falling asleep again and just getting worse through the night.
Danny heads back to the hospital in the morning with Daniel. She bounces him in her hip and heads into Sebastian’s room. She places Daniel in a chair and sighs soflty.
Sebastian woke up again hearing the noise going on and just looked over at her, at this point unable to talk hardly at all. He didn’t even have the strength to lift his head up off the pillow.
He grunted some trying to reach for her hand as he felt the fear creeping in as his temperature was climbing again and he was beginning to sweat again, hearing his nurse come in for the first time that morning to speak to Danny.
Danny watches him and glances up at the nurse. She stands up to go talk to her. “He doesn’t look comfortable.” She murmurs softly and bites her lip. “What’s going on?”
Sebastian grunted a little as he heard her and realised she was assuming he was ignoring her but he physically didn’t have the strength to move let alone talk.

‘Ma’am he took a turn last night. We almost lost him but his wound hasn’t stayed clean like we hoped despite best efforts to keep it that way. He’s running a fever. Hasn’t kept anything down since yesterday evening.’ She explained. ‘We recommend you stay with him now.’
Danny nods a little and sighs softly. She goes to sit back down and places Daniel in her lap. She rubs his back softly and holds him close. She watches Sebastian and holds his hand gently.
He gave her hand a squeeze and stared at the wall just trying his best to stay calm. “Lay with me.” He grunted almost inaudibly.
He eventually fell asleep again and his nurse came back to try and get his fever down for him. “His doctor willl be here soon.” She told her. “Is there anything we can get you?”
Danny shakes her head. “No, thank you.” She murmurs and lets go of Sebastian’s hand. She gives Daniel his coloring books and crayons and sits on the floor with him.
She nodded and left them to it then walked out shortly before Sebastian woke up again. “Are you still mad at me?” He mumbled looking over at Danny.
Danny glances up at Sebastian and sighs softly. She bites her lip and shrugs. “Yes and no.” She murmurs after a minute. “I don’t wanna be mad at you. This isn’t looking good and being mad at you isn’t gonna solve anything, but you threatened me. I’ve never seen you act like that towards me and it scared me.” She murmurs and looks at him. “So yeah I’m mad at you but I can push that aside for now.”
He frowned. “I’m sorry Danny... really I am. The last thing I ever wanna do is scare you.... I panicked and it came out that way and I’m sorry.... now we know why they were targeting us though.” He muttered tiredly and just lay there trying to catch his breath again.
Danny sighs softly. “Hey don’t push it. Just ready.” She murmurs and gets up. She sits back down in the chair and watches him. “You gotta keep that energy to get better.” She murmurs.
He was making weird noises now and he couldn’t see straight so the nurse went straight away to grab a doctor to see him.
Danny frowns and picks up Daniel. She steps out of the room and holds him close. She sighs soflty and lays her head back agaisnt the wall, closing her eyes and just praying he would be okay
Sebastian managed to stay conscious for another few minutes before he finally passed out and his breathing slowed to become almost nonexistent.

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