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Fantasy There’s Something Strange in our Neck of the Woods

Yu was seemingly interrupted by her smoke break , as some guy with green hair came up to her and sub-sequentially the blonde girl who was near her. He nodded at the both of them before Yu scoffed. She didn't like being told what to do , especially by someone she never even spoke to yet. Yu groaned when he mentioned that the group she was in was already getting punishment by not turning in their phones. What was the big deal? Only absolute donuts would make a fit about something so trivial.

"You don't say? Well mores the pity I guess. " Yu inhaled one more puff from her cigarette , taking it out of her mouth and exhaling a big cloud of smoke. For a moment she contemplated on throwing it to the ground so she could step on it. But for some reason Yu wanted to be a bit more of a dick than usual.

"Say.. why don't you hold onto this for me , Jay is it? "( Malozing Malozing ) She stated before putting the Cigarette in his mouth. Yu walking forward to be more close to the blonde girl as she chuckled.

"Good first day huh?" She said cheerfully to her yellow headed companion( Alvaris Alvaris )
Francis had paused his search for gloves just before he would have found them, at the next shout from Sergeant Marlowe. He eyed the signs, listened to what each staff member had to say, and took a glance at the newcomers. At first sight, they didn't seem like much for this camp, but when one of them stuffed her cigarette into Jay's mouth and then stepped away from him and towards the other late one, Francis wondered if a clique was about to form.
He wouldn't be surprised if it were to happen, after all this was the kind of camp where he'd expect the brash and cronyistic types to go. Of course to Francis, those types didn't seem to get into nearly as much trouble as Francis himself, at least where he was from. Perhaps it was different elsewhere, he wondered.
It was almost enough to distract him from the "no tresspassing" signs that had been pointed out. Though he hadn't enough gall to go beyond them of his own volition, he did want to know what lay beyond them. What cryptids were supposed to live in the Pacific Northwest? Black Eyed Beings seemed too urban to reside in the forest, so he figured he could rule them out. Dogmen, Wendigo, and other such creatures probably were consigned to the midwest and nearby Canada only. Sasquatch, he knew, were a staple anywhere.
Uh oh. Now he had another song stuck in his head. His humming thus commenced as he continued to the boys' cabin with a box of gloves.
Blythe eyed the green haired kid as he approached, his gaze passing over her to rest on the girl behind her. Interesting. Blythe glanced at them. The two were a matching set with their funky hair colour. Red and green. Always an atrocious combination. When the boy spoke, she chuckled lightly. Jay. Though his hair makes a bold statement, he certainly does not. She watched them for a moment. The red-haired girl shoved her cigarette in his mouth. She had a feeling she would like that girl.

Blythe nodded at the red-haired girl. “And it’s just getting started.” She smiled before looking at Jay. “Seems like the folks here already have their tails between their legs. Pity.” She turned back to the boss man. Maybe this place wasn’t like she originally thought. Or maybe she had yet to meet the right ones that could make this place more interesting. Either way, she could make her own fun, and there were plenty of students here to keep the mundane away.

Ghostiiys Ghostiiys Malozing Malozing Coyote Coyote
Jay smirks around the cigarette. "Thanks for the free smoke." Taking a deep drag, he released the smoke through his nostrils. "Nah, not tucked. Just hoping someone was willing to plant a cig on me. I've had one in a good while after having been caught with booze back home."

Jay jerked his thumb over his shoulder. "I doubt anything the old man could do would amount to much." Walking into the woods, the boy gave the girls a half-hearted wave. "The bathrooms are clean enough for me, but if you ladies want it cleaner, do it yourself."
Stanley looked over and spotted a pair of new faces walking into camp. He smiled and pointed over. Marlowe looked over and frowned. "I believe that's them, sir." Marlowe nodded and cleared his throat. He started over with intent, his brow furrowed together in intimidating fashion. With a hardy look on his face, he approached the man and woman just as Jay was leaving. Stanley was close behind.

"Stanley, do me a favor and fetch Jay. He isn't finished cleaning the bathrooms yet," Marlowe then turned his attention to the newcomers. Stanley walked off into the forest in search of Jay. Marlowe looked the woman up and down. "Where did you just come in from, the Amazon rain forest? You look like a fruit basket at a country club brunch. Get your hair cleaned up by dinner, understand?" Marlowe told her. "What are your names?" he asked. Jane approached them with two shirts roughly their size that had the CAMP PROPER logo on them. "I dig the style," Jane nodded approvingly at the woman.
"Enough, Jane," Marlowe said. Jane huffed and walked off.

Malozing Malozing Ghostiiys Ghostiiys Alvaris Alvaris
Before Yu had anything to say to Jay , she heard a few other voices , turning around to see an older man , figuring who he was. The big boss. As he ordered his underlings around. Yu crossed her arms and sighed.

Noticing the man looked her up and down she scowled at him. But yet again she couldn't insult him at all , as he was quick to roast her on her hair. "Sir yes Sir!" Yu said mockingly as she did a half assed salute. What exactly did he expect when she washed out her hair? It wouldn't turn back to black! For gods sake it would just be a little bit less pink and yellow. Didn't matter how many times she washed it in one rinse, especially since she just dyed it before she got here. Maybe he was just mad , since he was so old dying his hair would undoubtably make him look tacky and make him even more single.

At least That girl Jane got Yu's style.

"My name is Yu Yan. Don't wear it out." She said with a sigh.

Coyote Coyote
Blythe stared at the wrinkly white-haired man as his gaze locked on them. Amazon rainforest. Interesting comparison. She was curious as to what this man thought of the green haired kid…John? Jeff? She’d forgotten his name already. Blythe chuckled lightly at his insult. She was somewhat pleased she decided against adding colour to her hair. Her mother always threw a fit when anything other than blonde shimmered in the sun.

Blythe glanced at the girl beside her. Yu Yan. If she couldn’t remember cabbage head's name she wasn’t going to be able to remember that.

“It’s Blythe, captain,” she said, adding a yawn for extra measure. “Marrow, was it?” She saw the paperwork on the kitchen counter with a name that started with “M”, one she assumed to be his. Sadly, her attempts at tossing out the papers were unsuccessful and her disinterest in the content paired with her inability to recall names led her here. Maybe his name didn’t start with an “M”. Had she just made that up? She half smiled, not too concerned.

Mentions: Malozing Malozing
Upon entering the cabin once more and donning gloves, Francis removed the vole with little ceremony, venturing to the edge of the trees and tossing the vole into the forest. He considered burying it at first, but decided that he shouldn't based on the possibility that a raven or other carrion eating animal might want it as a snack if it were still edible to them.
He raised his voice a little in singing the song about the Sasquatch playing hopscotch for people's wristwatches, now on the verse in which the 'squatch was in the tavern in the cavern. Before he reached the cabin again, he had forgotten about the vole.
Jay heard footsteps following him and glanced over his shoulder. Seeing that it was only Stanley, the green-haired teen waved the hand with the cigarette at the camp counselor without slowing. The teen kept his posture relaxed and uncaring, but he lengthens his stride going deeper into the forest. He continued to take drags from the cig until it was nothing more than a stub.

Standing next to one of the "No Trespassing" signs, Jay dragged the still burning end across the words, leaving a line of soot crossing out the message.

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