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Fantasy The World that Never Was. (High-Casual)

I appreciate everyone's exuberance towards this rp. I'm looking forward to a an enjoyable time. Now to do something about this brain juice, we couldn't possibly start with this thread being such a mess.

*rolls up his sleeves*
SniperBus said:
I think the porcupine got a mop.. takes out a bottle of Windex and a rag
For our purposes I'll assume that I have banishing and reverse summon the buckets of brain juice into the midst of a demon orgy. That'll show'em.
Hmm, was just thinking about it, and I can't imagine Lanni is going to be too easy to be around.

She throws up her walls and all, and ac ts like she doesn't trust people, but that's already known.

Nah, I was just sitting here thinking to myself, "With how rumours go, I wonder what the recruits will all think of Lanni given her origins as one of the very monsters they are trained to hunt and kill. Her creepy as ettin radiance probably won't help with that either.

I have a feeling this could be a very fun dynamic.

Also, @RyuShura I editted the first line of Lanni's appearance, as well as the age she appears, to give better understanding to her size. I figure since she went vengeful, not-so-evil-evil-daemoness first, her size and appearance were retained to be part of her black irony about those she hunted.
@The Velveteen Rabbit I'm just gonna tell you this now since I know you didn't see what Ryu said so you couldn't have known but they actually decided to stop accepting PageIIIs for balance purposes. Just wanted to let you know now so you could maybe adjust accordingly before you are "judged before the gods of this realm" 'n all that.

*whistles while he mops, more brain juices leaking out of the back of his head, replacing each bit of the mess he cleans*
@The Velveteen Rabbit

Well whether she is what where supposed to hunt, being hard to be around nah. She seems easy to befriend. Trust can be easily gained with a few sweet words when it comes to role playing, Now Mundo Ha! lol She's a difficult peanut. I made sure to make her take after the sins of lust, wrath , and envy. Same goes for Lava, he takes after greed and gluttony. Don't accept her trials so easily ohohohoho
It seems I won't be able to fill a CS anytime soon, after all.

It's best if I pass on this one. Sorry for the trouble.

I wish you all a great roleplay.
Ah, I'm glad people are posting on the thread! :)

But since the day is drawing nearer, there is a lot to be announced.

Please note that I will no longer be accepting 'Spirit' characters after the most recent one. (I will also update the cs page.) Such beings are quite rare indeed, so I think it is best to have that be the case. Also, I have elaborated upon the idea around them. They are beings who are humans who have, in contrast to demons, manifested because an excessive 'purity' and 'good'. Vague concepts, but that is also the point. Their appearance, because of this, are also unique base on what their own interpretation of those ideals. An example would be a human who wanted to preserve life and nature, becoming one akin to looking like an animal.

As for Page rankings, I guess I'll just toss it out the window because we have more players than I expected, so breaking into groups is almost going to be case after a point. While each higher tier in a rank are notably stronger than the last, the difference in a whole rank, i.e. from Page to Cardinal, is what has the most change in strength.


I'm just glad you took the time to try. That is all I can hope for. Thank you and I hope you the best from here.
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Is it possible for us to choose any two of the core disciplines to start with, or do we have to use the class combinations given?
I'll pair with anyone when I announce that I can lore-wise.


Who's cs's are yet unaccepted?
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Tronethiel7 said:
Is it possible for us to choose any two of the core disciplines to start with, or do we have to use the class combinations given?
You can choose any two. I just put a few there as suggestions that would make sense in fulfilling that particular role.
I'd just like to point out that none of the characters know one another, unless stated otherwise in the history. (I do love me some awkward introductions.) You can change them now if you want to form early acquaintances.


No need, you lot are going to need the healers. > :) Unless you want to change it.
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I'm somewhat confused about our armaments. Are they demon familiars, crafted from demon parts, or weapons that demons previously wielded. The sheets I have seen don't seem totally clear on that.

Sacred armaments are weapons Exorcists manifest from their Soul, while Cursed ones are assimilated from a Demon(or any powerful Soul) in some way. It could be their weapon, or even made from their bodies.
I kind of want my character to be incapable of speech and only able to communicate through an empathic link. (Literally broadcasting raw emotion directly into other peoples' heads.) I imagine it could eventually be integrated into combat once he becomes stronger. Regardless, is this okay and would I need to take a particular discipline to make this viable? Sorry, I thought I'd be done by now, but I had more work to do at work than I thought. Haha, who knew? Should be done soon though.

Let me know if there is any problem with that though, I'm completely open to adjustments.
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Tronethiel7 said:
I kind of want my character to be incapable of speech and only able to communicate through an empathic link. (Literally broadcasting raw emotion directly into other peoples' heads.) I imagine it could eventually be integrated into combat once he becomes stronger. Regardless, is this okay and would I need to take a particular discipline to make this viable? Sorry, I thought I'd be done by now, but I had more work to do at work than I thought. Haha, who knew? Should be done soon though.
It sounds cool, and kinda doable, though it'd be up to Ryu. Does it feed back(two way) or is it only his emotions to others(one way)?
[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]It sounds cool, and kinda doable, though it'd be up to Ryu. Does it feed back(two way) or is it only his emotions to others(one way)?

I imagine he could sense surface emotions and maybe pick up on very powerful emotion at a distance. It might even be useful for sensing demons but that would be difficult to work with other players and the gm since people would have to cue me so I could rp it. Probably too much.
Tronethiel7 said:
I imagine he could sense surface emotions and maybe pick up on very powerful emotion at a distance. It might even be useful for sensing demons but that would be difficult to work with other players and the gm since people would have to cue me so I could rp it. Probably too much.
Eh if he can somewhat sense emotions I'd imagine that he and Lanni would probably be a bad pairing xD

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