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Fantasy The World that Never Was. (High-Casual)

Euclid Leaf

Metamorphasis, Genesis, Metastasis
Umm, since I have to write something otherwise you'd be seeing a message imploring that I write something for the OOC... I guess this is where we will talk about the RP, but not limited to. I am willing to talk about random stuff about random topics with any of you. As long as people are having fun and interacting here on this thread, I'll be a happy GM.

I just want everyone to feel welcomed here, all recurring or new visitors. :)

(Unless you have violated one of the rules of this thread, then you are unwelcome and I wish you do not return ever. :S )

((Oh, and beware the Magic School Bus.))
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Could you give us a a baseline for how weak you'd like us to start off? Are we basically talking slightly buffed humans, or a little more robust than that? It would help for building the character sheet.
Sorry about the late reply.

I thought it would watch all of them for me, but apparently not. x . x

You'll all be starting out as Pages, tiers being what I decide base on what your cs looks like. These 'Kindled' start out as very buffed humans. Imagine Olympic Stars but times that by maybe about three. They only get stronger from here. Later on (very far into this.), I imagine very epic fights/scenes with colossus-sized demons, think Devil May Cry, but for now, don't worry about that. At the beginning, every fight will be a struggle.

Note; while this may sound amazing to our standards, please note that the Demons are beyond powerful and should be feared, even the weakest.
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I'm still working on it, but I'm glad that you like it so far. It fills me with energy to keep going! I'm currently creating a secret list of baddies that may or may not kill people with my fellow co-GM.
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RyuShura said:
I'm still working on it, but I'm glad that you like it so far. It fills me with energy to keep going! I'm currently creating a secret list of baddies that may or may not kill people with my fellow co-GM.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ .


Nah, but Ryu is hard at work making stuff for the roleplay, while I sit back poking fun at typos and helping occasionally.

Regarding your current Character, everything clears so far and I enjoy that you made a picture to accompany, but may I ask what he was doing for 900 or so years before he became an official Exorcist? In this world, years count towards strength and experience, so it doesn't really make sense for someone so old to still be at Page rank. Not trying to shut down the idea, I just want to make sure for my own purposes.

(Edit: Oh, I didn't see this before, but please assign him a 'Role' for the group.)
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Everything checks out! I like it. :)

He will make a good addition to the current roster.

The Co-GM and I have just looked over it, and we both give you a nifty;

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@RyuShura got everything edited, lemme know if the history would mean a promotion or something. I'm pretty accustomed to the veteran sort of character so forgive me if I shoot a little high on the power scale.
So, the character sheets don't describe anything having to do with out characters personal abilities. How exactly does that work? Do we pick a class, or is that decided in the rp?
Tronethiel7 said:
So, the character sheets don't describe anything having to do with out characters personal abilities. How exactly does that work? Do we pick a class, or is that decided in the rp?
You pick a role, each role has 2 skills, the skills are all listed. It's pretty straightforward, and also somewhat malleable from what I read.

I will make him a rank of Page - III. This will be the last of the more experienced characters, any from this point on must be fresh Pages. His history explains his age and experiences sufficiently, so I will gladly accept this revised copy.

On that note, I grant upon this character a;


You can pick whatever class you feel like fits your character best. Each character is limited to two starting traits;

ie. Aegis and Sealing, but as you rank up to the next "role" and progress throughout the roleplay, your character may learn more traits, for example my neutral character (will also be an example sheet) is an Aria-role which means he may summon while playing heavy support, so for him I have selected: Invocation/Aegis/Blessing/Rejuvination.

Also, expect supports.

And if you haven't read the neutral characters, they're niiiice.
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Yes, it is what the Co-Gm said. You pick two Disciplines, but such disciplines vary depending on what your character's personal abilities are. They teach you how to fire a gun, figuratively, you just have to choose what kind of gun that is. What I list are both examples and suggestions, you can roll with whatever suits your character's needs.
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RyuShura said:
Yes, it is what the Co-Gm said. You pick two Disciplines, but such disciplines vary depending on what your character's personal abilities are. They teach you how to fire a gun, figuratively, you just have to choose what kind of gun that is. What I list are both examples and suggestions, you can roll with whatever suits your character's needs.
This was primarily what I was wondering. We are able to flesh out what those abilities are as long as they reflect the ability type. Do you want these descriptions in the character sheet?

Precisely. As for putting it on the sheet, you don't have to list each and every ability your character may know, though it would help me balance things, but a basic description of what your 'essence' looks like is enough. I will get a good enough understanding just from the Disciplines you have chosen. Some characters may know 3 disciplines despite being a Page, but those are quite rare.
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Damn that doesn't work.

Yes, all of the "arts" are taught so that any soul learning them can come up with their own abilities and powers, so there is higher diversity among the ranks, so the demons may one day be killed.

For example, with Aegis, a Page II make a small, thin, nearly invisible wall- and it's all they can sustain. They simply control their Arcanus to fill in the spaces between the point, making cover for his allies.

Next, an Apostle shows up and makes the same wall, but it's super thick, impossible to see through, impervious to almost everything except the most powerful of demons, emits a healing field for allies, damages any enemies that walk through it, and it spits out fire constantly.

Anyway, you can do anything with these arts, just say it's under one of them and we won't care.


And, as shown above, ranking up comes with amazing rewards...

Our current ranks:

Page- I,II,III

Cardinal - I,II,III

Bishop - I,II,III

Exarch - I

Patriarch - I

Apostle - I

Which are further divided into the separate roles, except for Apostle and Squire, as Squire has no role and Apostle has the Zenith role, which means they know all traits.

Hope that helps.
@RyuShura Hm, I see. Well that's a really good system by the by, really well developed. Ass-kissing aside, I was also wondering if there was a possibility to blend abilities? For instance blending Aegis with Rejuvenation to create a healing circle? Just curious about that bit.

Final question (he said, lying through his teeth), would it be alright for the sake of character background that Rook would have a very basic form of Quelling? Since his power was basically his only means of defending himself before he became a part of the Exorcists? I'd be perfectly happy to exchange it with Rejuvenation to keep him balanced, it just made sense in my eyes that he would kinda have a sense of how to just excrete offensive power as a defense mechanism before he knew what he was doing.

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