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Fantasy The World that Never Was. (High-Casual)

Was the intention for us to start posting tonight? I've been posting from my phone so I was going to wait til tomorrow to get my sheet together.

During the day, of course.
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SniperBus said:
But no, we will start tomorrow if we have enough sheets.
Well then, you should be able to expect mine tomorrow before 5. I think I may throw a bit of girl power in. Not enough fictional estrogen in the character submissions. Or I could make them genderless as a side-effect of the kindling.
Throw a humanity in the fire to kindle it for all I care, lol.

If there is need for females, I guess I can oblige... I've been "working" all day on "N"
Kayzo said:
Working on it now.
Universalbore said:
Almost done
Yay~! *Does a little jig, but forgets there is brain juice on the ground that someone hasn't cleaned up* What the-- *slips and falls*

*Gazing up at the Magic School Bus* This is all... your... ugh...

Tronethiel7 said:
Was the intention for us to start posting tonight? I've been posting from my phone so I was going to wait til tomorrow to get my sheet together.
During the day, of course.
We will begin posting once everyone has settled in and got their sheets done, so please take your time. For now we've just been socializing and goofing around. I don't expect to start until tomorrow anyway. On the topic of female characters, I already have 2 females prepared in the Neutral character tab (I only post my sheets there) but even with them, it makes an imbalanced male ratio. Though I ask that you only do what you want. :D
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I had initially planned for everyone to be together in a gigantic cluster-nonsense, but I guess establishing separate groups would work much better and would be less hassle for people to post and whatnot.


So far, I still need to write up a description for the 'Spiritual Divide' that we should be somewhat familiar with, a bit of lore on the Spirits themselves (and demons for that matter), and the 'Chapel' everyone here is stationed at.

Any suggestions on what it should look like? It's supposed to be a secret hideout for Exorcists, so I wasn't going to make a giant church-looking building since doing so would be painting on the walls, "Come here and kill us!", but if that's what you guys want...
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I appreciate it, but I belong with everyone, since I have to post what happens and stuff if we do separate into different groups. At the beginning though, everyone will be together, but once things get rolling, I'll have either a mission board up so that groups can choose things to do from there.

Of course I have a plot planned... but that's going be a surprise.
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Ryu isn't a mentor, though...

Because lore, Anelle and N will not be accepting students in-character until otherwise stated by an npc in-rp.

(the npc will be a message on the noticeboard of jobs)

Also, demons are currently divided like this:

Pride Demons

Envy Demons

Wrath Demons

Gluttony Demons

Lust Demons

Sloth Demons

Greed Demons

And each demon is given a "rank" from F --> SSS+

F < D < C < C+ < B < B+ < BB < A < A+ < AA < AAA < S < S+ < SS < SSS < SSS+

SSS+ being the one and only true origin demon, the devourer of souls, the equivalent of satan.
So since you all are filthy casuals, your primary missions would be against F and D class, even though one D class would be like smacking a fly for N or Anelle, it would be a boss for a Page 1 or 2, while a significant challenge for a Page 3.

These scale up faaaast.

For example, the rank "Apostle I", which only one soul has ever attained, is equivalent to the demon rank of SS.

There are, however, three Apostle, that have not yet become Apostle I. They could take on as much as an AAA individually, or an S+ together.

It's interesting stuff, but I can always make it infinitely more difficult on the players with ease.

I love it.

(good roleplaying will always beat the biggest of baddies!)

(not actually, but it's good to believe.)
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Don't worry. I don't want you to feel pressured into forcing out a sheet. I know how difficult and helpless block can make a writer. ): I understand that this is still a work in progress, so I'll let you take your time with it until I give my final verdict. I hope you'll feel better soon and good luck! :D
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@Kayzo I'd be happy to help you brainstorm/elaborate on her. It's a solid base she just needs a little fluff. Shoot me a pm and we can patch her up nice and pretty-like.

Good to see you here! Best of luck!

@October Falls

I like the fact that you're leaving the personality of your character a secret, I can't wait to see it unfold in the RP. This all checks out good for me, and no doubt also by my moderating Magical School Bus.

Your character (I'm starting to actually run out of these...) EARNS A GRAND SPANKING, SHINY and SPARKLY(Not really);

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I'm glad you're all getting along... It'll only make it that much more pleasurable when I KILL YOU A--

*cough* I, uh, mean... watch all of the lovely character interactions. :)

> >;;
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