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Fantasy The World that Never Was. (High-Casual)


Thank you for the compliment! :D (This doesn't save you from the wrath of my Co-Gm however.)

Ah, you bring up a good point! It seems I have forgotten to mention this aspect in all of my rabid writing... To answer the first question; if one knows two disciplines, then may combine/cross them freely, though doing so would prove quite difficult and strain the user doubly. Unmastered techniques may also lessen the effects of both. But all in all, it depends on who is doing it.

Now for the second; yes, since most exorcists are taught the fundamentals from every discipline during their training. Their specialties are merely what they were best at, so those are the first to be developed beyond basics.

I don't mind answering questions, I'm just glad you're getting a little immersed in the RP. That makes me a very happy GM. :)
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@RyuShura @SniperBus

I welcome the challenge > :D

But yeah it's really very well developed overrall. I think what I liked most about it was that it wasn't too fluff-filled. In a lot of "Detailed" rps I see all people care about is how many words you can stuff into a single post, about 50% of them being adjectives and metaphors. While I love descriptive and flowing language, I feel like it's sometimes abused and overused in a lot of the higher echelons of rp to where half the post is the person just describing their deepest thoughts and feelings and nothing else even going on. That and people's obsession with the visuals. Every post does not need small, colored font with a massive ass picture at the beginning of every overdone paragraph, for crying out loud.

It was nice to find a group that appreciated simplicity as much as it emphasized a complex and creative story.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.8ba448419cef5f7b44e5070ba48bb122.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84762" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.8ba448419cef5f7b44e5070ba48bb122.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • image.jpg
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I went to eat for just like 5 minutes... and I came back to this...



And yeah, I do think simplicity is a great thing. I'd rather get right to the meaning than plow through hollow words and phrases.

When I conceived this RP, though I had used a really old concept I made up a few years ago, I tried to make an RP, where the players are allowed to explore and be creative with how they played their characters. (And getting to fight demons and look all badass is always fun.) But I also wanted for this RP to leave a lot of room for characters who grow as they travel through this world and it's many unique places. I hoped to make a place where characters will have touching, heartfelt moments, experience hilarious randomness from the other PCs, and to touch on inner conflicts.
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Unluckily for us all, it is, in fact, Tuesday.


Savagery 1 {adjective}: An act that is either cool or hardcore, going beyond the normal scope of the given situation.

2 {noun}: A person who often displays savage behaviour according to the above definition

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RyuShura said:
I went to eat for just like 5 minutes... and I came back to this...



And yeah, I do think simplicity is a great thing. I'd rather get right to the meaning than plow through hollow words and phrases.

When I conceived this RP, though I had used a really old concept I made up a few years ago, I tried to make an RP, where the players are allowed to explore and be creative with how they played their characters. (And getting to fight demons and look all badass is always fun.) But I also wanted for this RP to leave a lot of room for characters who grow as they travel through this world and it's many unique places. I hoped to make a place where characters will have touching, heartfelt moments, experience hilarious randomness from the other PCs, and to touch on inner conflicts.
That's right, shoo, Mr. Smiling Bus, shoo.

You wouldn't understand, the angel of symphony that is Maki! > >

On a serious note, how is your...uh, 'project' coming along? *wink* *WINK*
RyuShura said:
On a serious note, how is your...uh, 'project' coming along? *wink* *WINK*
We have skype.. we talk through skype..

you could ask me...

through skype...

But if you need to know, it's there with the completion bar at the bottom of the post.

Please don't look at it.
Is there a char limit? I've been sitting here pondering other characters for this story, it's forcing my creative juices to spew all over the place.
Well, if you HAVE to spill your creative juices all over the damn thread...

Do it.

*the swag express sniperbus is not responsible for any creative-juice related injuries. also, there is no character limit, but if RyuShura stops you, don't question it.
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Kayzo said:
Hey, I'll have my CS up tonight.
I will eagerly await your post, good luck!


And there is no character limit, per se, but I do ask that people only make as many characters as they can handle. If things go according to plan, only a few (read: all) will die by the end of this RP. Other than that, have fun!

*glances at the strange liquid splattered all over the ground* Mr. Bus, can you deal with this? *walks away.*
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By the power invest in me... (and my Co-GM) *takes a deep breath* I GRANT UPON YOU A PATENTED;

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SOMEONE STILL NEEDS TO CLEAN UP THIS DAMN BRAIN JUICE. Ugh, it's even getting into all the font...

*Looks to the Magic School Bus, then to the Porcupine*
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Changed the title. Much less paperwork. *slowly begins mopping brain juices* So when are we due to get this ish started?

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