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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Masaru sighed as he laid against the wall, "well, whatya think kids?"

Abel looked back with a smile, "it wooks so cew!"

Meara quickly nodded in agreement as she looked over. "Eht'z da bestest fowt evuh!"
Masaru smiled, placing his hand on his heart, "y'don't know how nice it is to hear that. Babe, you almost done with the cocoa?"

"Juuuuust about." Dei-Loki smiled, then brought the hot coca out on a tray, along with the freshly made sugar cookies as well.

((I can't wait until I can have sugar cookies again. Imma be so happi.))
"Juuuuust about." Dei-Loki smiled, then brought the hot coca out on a tray, along with the freshly made sugar cookies as well.

((I can't wait until I can have sugar cookies again. Imma be so happi.))
(Mhmm me too)
Abel looked up to Dei. He sneef the air around him, "dat smewws so gud!"
(Mhmm me too)
Abel looked up to Dei. He sneef the air around him, "dat smewws so gud!"

Dipper snickered. "Thank you! I worked extra hard just for all my babies. Now, go get comfy and I'll set this stuff down."
Abel smiled before running into the fort. Masaru looked to him, "can i help you?"

Meara quickly dashed in after her brother while Dei-Loki snickered and smiled to Masaru. "By holding theflap to the fort open, y'can."
Masaru pulled it back before smiling, "after you, butthead."

Dei-Loki snickered and moved into the fort as he looked around with a curled tail. "Really outdid yerselves, guys."

"Dadi made it soh we cud see da TV without it fallin' ovuh becuz he deen't want gwandpapa angwy." Meara giggled, having been sitting next to her brother.
Dei-Loki snickered and moved into the fort as he looked around with a curled tail. "Really outdid yerselves, guys."

"Dadi made it soh we cud see da TV without it fallin' ovuh becuz he deen't want gwandpapa angwy." Meara giggled, having been sitting next to her brother.
Abel nodded as Masaru huffed, "i don't care if he gets angry at me."

Abel looked over, "dat's not twue. You sayd dat Gwandpapa doewsnt need anymowe dings to wowwy about."

"Gods, you two are so cute but such mighty blabber mouths."
Abel nodded as Masaru huffed, "i don't care if he gets angry at me."

Abel looked over, "dat's not twue. You sayd dat Gwandpapa doewsnt need anymowe dings to wowwy about."

"Gods, you two are so cute but such mighty blabber mouths."

((xD AAAAH))
Dei-Loki snickered and set the tray down on the coffee table. "Now if only I could aw out loud without getting in trouble."

((xD AAAAH))
Dei-Loki snickered and set the tray down on the coffee table. "Now if only I could aw out loud without getting in trouble."

Masaru squinted, "don't even talk about it. Shut up. I don't care about that stupid old wolf." He crossed his arms, huffing,

Abel smiled, "dadi iz so siwwy."
Masaru squinted, "don't even talk about it. Shut up. I don't care about that stupid old wolf." He crossed his arms, huffing,

Abel smiled, "dadi iz so siwwy."

Meara nodded and giggled. "Vewwy siwwy."
Masaru sighed, "at least someone's enjoying it." He sat down.

"Oh, stop it grumpy." Dei-Loki smiled and gave him a couple cookies and a hot coca. "Made the sugar cookies for you, especially."
Masaru then smiled, "alright fine, i can look past my grump."

"Thank you." Dei-Loki smiled, kissing his cheek before heading over and handing the kids their hot coca. "It might still be a liiiiittle hot, so I want you two t'be extra careful, okay?"
"Thank you." Dei-Loki smiled, kissing his cheek before heading over and handing the kids their hot coca. "It might still be a liiiiittle hot, so I want you two t'be extra careful, okay?"
Abel smiled, "otay dada! Nana, bwow!" He then blew softly on his cocoa.
Abel smiled, "otay dada! Nana, bwow!" He then blew softly on his cocoa.

Meara quickly nodded, and gently blew on her hot coca, as well. Dei-Loki having watched the two as he sat next to Masaru.

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