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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Masaru grinned, "the absolute best." He then looked to the waiter that came back with all of their food, placing in front of each.
Masaru rubbed his hands together. "Happiness has given me a kiss on my cheek!"

Alright, I have to. I can't pass this one up, either. XD )

Dei-Loki stared at the food, eagerly lifting the utensils before pausing and glancing to Masaru with a squint. "Who's this 'Happiness'!?"
Alright, I have to. I can't pass this one up, either. XD )

Dei-Loki stared at the food, eagerly lifting the utensils before pausing and glancing to Masaru with a squint. "Who's this 'Happiness'!?"

Masaru gave him the "are you really serious? Seriously?" look. "Babe, babe, i'm dating anyone named happiness."

Masaru gave him the "are you really serious? Seriously?" look. "Babe, babe, i'm dating anyone named happiness."

Dei-Loki toyed with his knife. "I didn't ask f'r dating details, I asked where the kiss came from. Is Happiness some sort of ghost? Do I have t' raise the dead just t' drop 'em again!?"
Dei-Loki toyed with his knife. "I didn't ask f'r dating details, I asked where the kiss came from. Is Happiness some sort of ghost? Do I have t' raise the dead just t' drop 'em again!?"
"Squish! I didn't actually get kissed on the cheek by someone named Happiness!"
"Squish! I didn't actually get kissed on the cheek by someone named Happiness!"

"Ooor, y'r hiding them in a ghost box!" Dei-Loki wiggled his hands in the air. At this point, obviously, he'd been joking.
Masaru instantly perked at that, opening his mouth wide as he leaned forward and took the mouthful quickly and ate. "Tank you!"

Dei-Loki snickered and nodded before grabbing a bite for himself. "Yer welcome, Grumpytaaaiiils."
Masaru stucked his tongue out between his teeth as he grinned, "more please?"

Dei-Loki removed the fork from his mouth before grabbing more for Masaru - lifting the fork to Masaru's mouth. "Open, pwease."
Dei-Loki removed the fork from his mouth before grabbing more for Masaru - lifting the fork to Masaru's mouth. "Open, pwease."
Masaru opened his mouth wide before shutting it down. "Only time i'll do this for you, by the way." He then opened his mouth wide again.

(Devus loves making me make jokes)
Masaru opened his mouth wide before shutting it down. "Only time i'll do this for you, by the way." He then opened his mouth wide again.

(Devus loves making me make jokes)

Dei-Loki blinked, following the comment with a snort before biting back a laugh as he fed Masaru the feesh. "Aaaah... Ahaaaaaaah. Hah."
Dei-Loki raised his brows. "Wait, I do?"
Masaru looked to the twins that seemed distracted by their coloring before gently lifting his shirt to shoe a few bruises on his side before quickly placing his shirt back down. "It's not out of anger though so i don't care. You just have dreams of running after squirrels and then your legs and arms start turning into what dogs look like when they run and you start kicking me on the side like a motor on a boat."

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