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The Wolf's Princess

She nodded and bit her lip and look she looked away, "What if I wanted to see you again?" she asked sheepishly and regretted it the moment she asked. That was selfish, he was already doing so much for her and it would probably be dangerous for him to she shook her head , "Never mind forget I asked, sorry." She was still fascinated with him though and knew that a few days with him wouldn't be enough to satisfy her curiosity.But she still had one more question that was bubbling to the surface, why did he save her when it was going to cause him nothing but trouble. Given the fact that he was the leader of a pack of ferocious wolves she thought it would be better to leave that question unanswered. Seeing as he might take that as her questioning his motives, something she knew she shouldn't do.

Was shocked to hear that the government knew about werewolves and the horrors that awaited all of them if she spilled the beans. Lily knew she wouldn't. Though no matter what she couldn't help but find herself somewhat fond of Klaus. Despite his unappealing qualities he made up for them with his concern, not just for her but for his pack as well. Granted she was sure they weren't aware of how caring he could be. Since when was compassion weakness she wondered. She assumed that she was seeing him as sort of a loyal dog who would do whatever it took to keep the things he cared about safe. She wondered if it was rude to liken him to a dog, maybe it was she would never know she would feel to embarrassed to ask such a childish question. "Klaus, while I'm here I want to help you with things, since you're being so nice and all it wouldn't be right for me to just stay here for a few days and not help." She explained, "So if you would like me to do something please just ask."
Klaus stopped and turned, looking her up and down. There was surprise and curiosity in his eyes as he looked her over. Why would she want to see him again? He was a monster. Something that came in the nightmares of children. Something men made movies about where the Human hero killed off the dangerous and evil beast called a Werewolf. She should be cowering, yet she was reaching for him. She hugged him and asked for chores. She was joyful at his sudden mercy and pleaded for more time with him. What was this...? Why did she care? He blinked once more and turned away, indicating down the hall.

"The room in the far back is mine but you can sleep there tonight. The closet and brown dresser is off limits but you can wear anything you find in the black dresser. There's another bathroom in there is you need to shower and there's a lock on both doors if you don't trust me. But the windows are barred so you can't leave. You wouldn't want to after dark, though. That's when the boys like to stretch their legs and hunt," he nodded.
Lily watched him and, looked down the hall. She made note of what she could and couldn't touch. It did make her somewhat curious to know what was in the closet and brown dresser, but she knew better than to snoop. Wait did he say his room, well if he was giving her his room where wad he going to sleep, she thought. It seemed she was adding another inconvenience, now Klaus was giving up his own room for her.

That wasn't the only thing bothering her, what did he mean if she didn't trust him? Why wouldn't she trust him after all he was doing for her? These questions needed to be answered, and they seemed harmless. Lily decided to risk it and ask, "Um, Klaus what did you mean when you said if I don't trust you?" She asked innocently. She wasn't naive, she just never had any reason or occasion to think about things of a more mature nature. "You can sleep in your room, I don't want to bother you anymore than I have already, I could sleep on the couch." She suggested, seeing as she would probably fit on that just fine.
"No. I'm a gentleman, believe it or not, and I'm offering you my room. I say there's a lock in case you're afraid I can't keep my hands to myself. I can and I will. It's a promise but I understand if you don't trust that either. Now, are you hungry for anything besides bread? I told you I have just about every meal in that fridge. Someone needs to eat it," he nodded to her, pulling spare blankets and pillows onto the couch.

With his back to her, Klaus unbuttoned his shirt. As it fell to the floor, the tattoo on his back showed. They were large black wings that started at his shoulder blades and ended at his lower back. "If you're cold, there's spare blankets and the thermos stat."
Lily nodded as he explained, but began to blush as she realized what he was talking about. She felt so stupid for asking, and it was just embarrassing to think about him touching her anywhere. "No, I'm fine thank you." She answered, and then she smiled shyly at him "I..I trust you." She whispered. With that said all she really wanted to do was take a shower and go to sleep.

She stared at his back, well mostly the wings that were tattooed there. "Those are really beautiful." She said with out thinking just enjoying the art work, they reminded her of angel wings. Klaus certainly seemed to fit the role he kept her safe, and was actually a really kind and gentle man. She blushed more realizing she had spoken her thoughts aloud. "I'll keep that in mind thank you." She was still staring at the wings finding it hard to look away from them. Silly as it was they made her feel better about Klaus and being here for a few days.
"Thank you. But I don't understand why you'd trust me. Even my own Pack mates don't trust me," he turned to her, confusion in his red eyes. He had soft edged abs and a barren chest, it surprisingly left untattooed. "Why do you trust me? Is it because of the wings? I'm no angel, if that's what you're thinking. I'm a killer, a murdered and have no remorse about it. I'll protect you but to certain lengths. I will not coddle you, baby you or treat you like a Princess, Human," Klaus stalked forward, his chest brushing hers and his nose half an inch from hers. He stared down at her, eyes emotionless.

"You're safe in this house but this house only. Keep that in mind," he spoke as he turned and walked away. "Good night," he growled lowly as he went outside, slamming the door. His chest heaved, feeling quite bad for trying to hurt the girl's feelings. But he couldn't let the soft thing get attached to him. His world was too dangerous for someone like her. He'd bring her back to her own safe world and keep it that way. No more contact.
Lily blushed it was like he knew what she was thinking. She stared at him, his chest was bare, she expected to see tattoos covering it like the rest of his body. For the first time in her life she actually felt attracted to another person. But that feeling was quickly squashed by his harsh words. She began to tremble from his touch and then being so close. His eyes were cold again, and that made her afraid.

She watched Klaus leave, and jumped a little as the door slammed. "G-good n...night..." She whispered, to the empty room. She felt hurt and confused, not really sure what else to do she went down the hall to the bedroom. She went to the black dresser and stared at it. It wasn't right to rummage through other people's things, but he told her she could wear what was in there. She debated a bit more before cautiously opening the middle drawer. Finding it and herself to still be fine she went through it looking for a t-shirt. Taking care to keep it the way she had found the clothes. She took out a plain black t-shirt.

She held it up to her frame, it was prefect for a nightgown she thought. It didn't really suprise her, Klaus was huge compared to her. With the shirt in hand she went to the bathroom, and made sure that there was a towel. Before hopping into the shower, Lily quickly bathed herself, and dried off. She slipped on the shirt and was swimming in it, but that's what made a nice night gown though. She hung the towel up and ran her fingers through her wet hair. Lily sighed wondering why he got angry when she said she trusted him, he hadn't given her a reason not to trust him yet. She picked up her shoes and sundress and carried them back to Klaus's bedroom.

Lily put her shoes on the floor, by the foot of the bed. Then she folded her dress and placed it on top of her shoes. She sighed and hesitantly crawled into his bed and pulled the covers over her. His pillow smelled like him, she kind of of like that. Not sure why she did, but then right now she was confused about alot of things. Not to mention a bit angry, she didn't need to be coddled or treated like a princess. He seemed to use human as an insult of sorts too. She tried to turn her brain off, no more thinking about Klaus, that was easier said than done. She tossed and turned for awhile before she finally fell asleep in this strange place.
After she settled into bed, there was the soft sound of the door opening and closing. Klaus sighed, regretting scaring her off. If he wanted her to keep still, he'd have to be nicer. He just...he was afraid of attachments. He didn't want to be hurt when she left. She was sweet and adorable beyond measures but he couldn't let himself warm up to her. She'd be a weakness that he couldn't afford.

"I'm sorry," he murmured, knowing she couldn't hear. But it made him feel better when he said it. He hated to let her think it was her fault he was mad but, in reality, he was angry with himself. Why now were his emotions suddenly shining through for this little Human? Little Lily? Did he just make a nick name. "I'm doomed," he growled to himself but silently. Klaus crawled onto the couch and began to ease into sleep.
Lily sat up, it was still dark outside, but it was four in the morning when she usually woke up. At first she looked around confused, by her surroundings. She sighed, when she remembered what had happened. It was tempting to just lay back down and go back to sleep, but she didn't know when Klaus would wake up. She got out of his bed and shivered, it was always cold this early in the mornings. She rubbed her thighs and arms, then she changed back into her dress, and slipped on her shoes. She made the bed and folded the shirt and left it at the foot of the bed.

She was still cold as she made her way quietly to the living room to see if Kalus was back yet. Lily had made her mind up, she was going to talk with him about his behavior and how it was unacceptable, also he couldn't leave angry, thst just wasn't a smart thing to do. She wasn't sure how he'd take it but he needed to hear it. Maybe with an attitude change he could actually get his pack members to trust him maybe he could even make a friend. She figured that had to be why he got angry, and acted the way he did he when she said she trusted him.

Lily saw him on the couch and didn't want to wake him so she quietly sat down on the floor next to the couch. The sooner she talked with him the less time her nerves had to make her chicken out. Also she hoped he was a morning person, or he'd just listen and be to tired to get to angry. She was content to just sit there for awhile and watch him sleep, she hadn't heard him come in. After a short while Lily did begin to wonder how long she was going to have to sit there before he woke up.
Klaus lay on his stomach, his shoulder blades arched so he could fit on the couch. His right arm dangled over the side and his left served as a pillow for his head. He looked younger, softer and, even, sweeter asleep. He had childlike face when he wasn't straining it to be angry or stern. He let out a few soft noises as he slept soundly, chest moving slowly.

Suddenly, he yawned loudly, arm stretching out. It wrapped around Lily's back and pulled her to his side. He pulled her against the side of the couch, her head against his shoulder. He mumbled softly, breath smelling of brandy. Klaus pressed his face against the side of her head, breathing in her scent deeply. "Lily?" he raised his head, eyes barely open. "Lily, why are you awake?" he let go of her, pushing himself into a sitting position.
Had been admiring him while he slept he looked so different, from before she wondered if this could be the same man. Her eyes grew big as she was pulled close to him. She felt her head against his shoulder, and could smell his breath, he had apparently had a nightcap as her father called it. She didn't know what to do, she just wanted to talk. She could feel the goosebumps on her arms and her face turn red; as his face pressed against her head and her heart was racing. She was to busy panicking to enjoy the fact that he was warm.

She heard him say her name and let go of her. She took a couple of deep breaths, stood up and looked at him. "So-sorry I w-woke you up." She wrapped her arms around her self from the cold and to help calm her self down. "I'm usually awake at this time, uh I just had to talk with you, about somethings." She took another deep breath, "Klaus I don't like being talked down to, it's disrespectful, and there's nothing wrong with being a human. Also you shouldn't judge me because I'm a human, especially when you don't know anything about me. Lastly you can't leave here angry again. It's just a bad idea, and if you leave here angry you are more likely to do something stupid and get yourself hurt, because you weren't thinking straight." Lily told him, then she realized she didn't give him a choice, she lectured him like she did her youngest bother when they were kids. She waited hoping he'd just grumble or something and go back to sleep. Also hoping that he would over look the whole I'm telling you what to do thing.

It was early for most people to be awake now. She realized her normal and his normal were probably very different especially with their sleeping and waking hours. Well she'd pay attention to what his were and adjust herself accordingly.
Klaus narrowed his eyes and stood, towering over her. "Listen, Lily. I'm Alpha. You may not understand the exact meaning of that to a Wolf but it means my word is law. You do not question it and you do not speak against it. I rule with no mercy and I make no exceptions. I don't judge by what you are but how you act and that's how I live. That's how my father ruled and that's how my grandfather ruled. This is my territory and I leave when I want to leave," he spoke matter of factly.

"But alright. I'll try and be more open. You're not part of my Pack, so I can't expect you to bend to my will. You're new, so I can't expect perfection and I understand if you're scared to be alone. So I'll try to be easier," he nodded, rubbing his eyes. "You like coffee?" he yawned, walking to the kitchen. He might as well let her have her way, considering she was only staying for a few days.
Lily held herself tighter when he stood up. But she was surprised that he was yelling or angry. Maybe a bit annoyed, but still not at all what she had expected his reaction to be. She listened carefully, she didn't agree with everything he said. Her surprise grew when he said he'd try to be more open, and that he knew she was scared. For someone who ruled with out mercy he sure seemed to have lots of compassion. It made her smiled, him being kind and trying to change a little for her.

Lily followed him to the kitchen, "Yes I like coffee, but um if you want to go back to sleep you can, and in your room I'm wide awake so I don't need your room ...and I can find something to do while you sleep." She wasn't really sure what to say. She was still surprised at how agreeable he was being this morning. "Thank you, for not yelling, and explaining things to me." She smiled.
He shrugged. "With you, yelling doesn't work. And I'm already awake. No sleeping now. You like crepes? I don't but I can't refuse anything the Elders make. It'd break their hearts," he opened the fridge as the coffee started. He pulled down creamer and sugar and a plate full of crepes. "They brought peaches, strawberries and blueberries. Your choice of jam," he nodded. "Imma make myself some bacon, alright? If you don't like the smell or something, you can eat in the living room if you like. Or my room, your choice. But you need to eat. I'm going to go back and make sure the Pack believes you are dead and then start training you the moment I'm back," he nodded.

"It'll be low impact, of course. Mostly deflecting common Wolf moves," Klaus spoke as he started to heat up the pan. "And don't think that I'm a lap dog now that I'm agreeing to your ways. I'm doing this so you'll be comfortable the next few days and don't tattle on us dog-folk," he chuckled drily as he put two crepes onto the pan to heat them up. "The peach one is really good, you know," he spoke lowly.
Lily was stunned he was actually having a conversation with her and it thrilled her. It had been a long time since she had talked with anyone other than her family. "I've never had crepes before, and I don't mind the smell of bacon." She replied watching him for a little while, "I can help you get things ready, if you want I could get some plates and silverware set up." She suggested, not wanting him to do all the work, she wanted to help too. She nodded her head, of course she was going to eat.

"I would never think you were a lap dog, you're to big." She commented, "And it's called compromising, so if I do anything that bothers you, you tell me and I'll do my best to stop or change what I'm doing to. It's only fair." She watched heat up the crepes and smiled, "I love peaches, the are the best stone fruit ever...Um Kalus can I ask you a question, you don't have to answer it if you don't want to but I was wondering why don't you have any tattoos on your chest? Oh and why do you have so many? And is there a story behind all of them?" She was like curious child, asking all sorts of questions, enjoying herself and the company until she stopped herself, "Sorry I'm just curious, your the only person I know besides my big brother who has any." She explained fidgeting and playing with her hair.
"If you want us to sit together and eat, fine by me. Just no candles. I don't like the smell of smoke," he nodded, his back to her as he put the bacon on the pan. Klaus put a top on it, to keep the grease from popping every where and flipped her crepes. "Peaches it is," he slid the crepes onto a plate and put it in front of her. He put a spoon in the peach jam and put it next to her plate, putting the others away. Pulling out two mugs, he filled them both and put the two on the table with the creamer and sugar.

Klaus slid his bacon onto his own plate and sat across from her, sighing. "My right arm," he indicated to the ran and lightning that went from his shoulder down to his wrist, where there was a ravine. "Is from about three years ago. I, uh, was chasing this doe and it darted in front of a car. The car flipped over and fell into a ravine. There was a mother in the drivers seat and a little girl in the back. The mother had a broken neck but I was able to save the girl. But she's in a coma. The two didn't have any family so I've been paying for everything so they don't pull the cord. She's twelve now," he spoke softly. "My, uh, my left arm," he traced a finger over the intricate lines and patterns, "Was the same tattoo my father had. I used to trace them when I was a pup." He pointed to the black Wolf with blue eyes on his neck. "That's my mother. Never met her. She died after having me but my dad said this was what she looked like," he bit into a piece of bacon. "The wings are for my twin brother. He was a still born," he sighed. "These aren't real gauge items," he pulled the two silver balls in the center of the gauge. " They're the silver bullets that a hunter shot at me," he chuckled and put them back in. "And my chest...I'm saving it for when I find my girl. It's the closest to my heart and if someone is stubborn enough to deal with someone like me, they deserve a very big space," his voice steady all the way through. But his eyes were low, staring at the jar of peaches.
Lily got things set up for breakfast, she shrugged she didn't even think about using candles until he mentioned it. "Thank you." She replied as he slid the plate towards her. She watched him intently and beamed, she was right about him he was a good guy. He just did a good job hiding it, under all that anger.

She said grace to herself, and watched him trace and explain his tattoos. Her eyes grew wide hearing about the mother and daughter, and how he was taking care of the bills. The poor guy, maybe he feels responsible, she thought. He's sentimental too, she was shocked to hear the reason his chest was barren. One Klaus finished his explanation, Lily finally said, "Wow...your a hero...and your mom she was really pretty...sorry about your brother...I couldn't imagine what it be like if I lost any of my brothers or sisters...You're not so stubborn and I'm sure you'll meet a nice girl soon, and she'll be lucky to have a guy like you looking out for her." She smiled and reach across the table and put her hand on his. "Thank you for sharing with me I'm sure that brought up some unpleasant memories for you and I'm sorry that they were brought up...but I'm glad you told me know I feel like I know you a lot better. If you want to know anything about me go ahead and ask...but my life's pretty boring compared to yours."
He gulped, nodding to her kind words. Sure, he had thought back to them and some pain had struck his heart but not as much as what he had to say. What he needed to say for her. He squeezed her hand but pulled away, sitting up. "Lily...I know how I yelled at you earlier wasn't very...good, communication wise. But I mean what I say. I can't...it's too dangerous for you to care. It's too dangerous for you to see me as a friend and it's too dangerous for you to want to see me more. You're a good and sweet girl, Lily but I'm not a good person to have in your life. I would hurt you too much and that would hurt me," he spoke softly.

Seemingly impossible, his red eyes were kind and gentle but stern. "I'm keeping you safe for a few days then I'm taking you back home. I'd watch over you but I'd never have you see me again. It's nice of you to say all those kind things but I can't be a person in your life, friend or anything else...I'm sorry and don't think that I don't mean it because I haven't said sorry since my father died," he gulped thickly. He looked away and left the table, going back to his room.
"Then...if ...why..." She didn't know what to say. Lily was hurt he, let her in and then pushed her away again. She bit her lip and tried to hold back the tears that were welling up in her eyes. She knew he was probably right, but she still wanted a friend. He was in her mind good person to be friends with. But she couldn't hold back the tears any longer, they ran down her face. Lily looked down, clenching her dress in her hands.

Lily listen and looked up at him. He had made his mind up, she could see that in his eyes. She wanted to argue that they could be friends they didn't need to see eachother to be friends, they could write, she could go to the forest and know that he was there in the shadows. She felt as though she had just lost her best friend before she even had a chance to enjoy all that friendship entailed.

She watch him leave it hurt she was alone. It was seemed she wasn't the only one who was hurting. She didn't understand why the world wouldn't let them be together. He was nice, and she tried to be good so why couldn't they be friends, just because he could turn into a wolf and she couldn't? If that was the only reason it was a stupid one. Lily got up went to the living room. She curled up into a ball and cried some more. Until she couldn't cry anymore. Then she just laid there trying to think of a way any way for them to be friends.
Klaus closed the door and fell against it, covering his face as he slid to the ground. His heart ached for hurting her and her sobs pulled at him. He wanted to get up and hug her close and beg for forgiveness. To dry her tears and pet back her hair. But he couldn't. Klaus was doomed to this, unable to feel for the right people. He snarled and hit the wall, hating this. He wanted her close but she was in too much danger being around him.

He stood and pulled on a black t-shirt and left, going to the kitchen and cleaning everything up. He wasn't hungry anymore. Not after what he did. After the kitchen was clean, he decided to face his fears. Klaus sat on the ground by the couch she lay on. He lowered his head in shame. "Don't cry, Lily. Please? I just...I don't want you to get hurt. I'm bad. I'm a dangerous guy and you have a family waiting for you. A family that loves and cares for you and would never hurt you in the ways that I could if I got too mad.
Lily heard Kalus in the kitchen it made her feel guilty, he wasn't sulking. He was being productive, she just couldn't face him yet. Even though she wanted nothing more than to bury her face in his chest and hear him say that everything would be okay. She felt the tears fall again, she didn't know why she wanted to be close to a person who made her cry at least once a day; if things kept going the way the were.

Lily was suprised to hear Klaus's voice. She peered out, and now he trying to comfort her. She couldn't take it anymore she got off the couch slowly and wrapped her arms round his waist. Then buried her face in his chest, he warm and she knew he wouldn't hurt her. He had, had lots of opportunities to hurt her and he didn't. "Is that why you don't want us to be friends?" She sniffled, "You won't hurt me I know you won't, and, and I like you and trust you..." She sobbed and clung to him tighter. She couldn't lose him, he had just opened up and she wanted to get to know him better. Become friends even if it posed challenges. She wanted to be there for him, like he was there for her.
A gasp escaped him, her arms wrapping around him. For a second, he froze, not knowing what to do. But he hugged her back and let out a sigh, pressing his lips into her hair. He ran his thumb along her spine, closing his eyes. "Lily...I know you trust me. And that's the problem. I can be...I am a bad person. You're good, sweet, kind...I'd take that from you. Around me, you'd see things you shouldn't see. You're...I really do like you, Lily..." he whispered, hugging her tightly now.

"You can't stay here, Lily. You'd get hurt everyday. By either me or someone in this Pack. They'd...Lily..." he sighed, standing with her in his arms. "You need to think about your family, alright? I'm gonna get you home soon enough and we'll see about visitation privileges. Okay? Your parents wouldn't like someone of the looks of me coming around, alright?" he sighed, sitting her back on the couch. "Dry your face, L."
She felt instantly better the second his where around her. She took some deep breaths. Calming herself down a bit, he kept saying he was a bad person but he wasn't, nobody was good all the time. Lily blushed when he said he liked her. That moment sealed it she made her mind up then and there she was going to be his friend. Nothing was going to stop her from trying to be the best friend he ever had.

Lily took a few more deep breaths and listened to his voice. She looked into his eyes as he sat back down on the couch. Did he just give her a nickname, she had never had one of those, unless you counted her father calling her buttercup, when she was small. But her eyes showed happiness and excitement at the mention of visitation privileges. She wiped her face, "Do you promise we'll visit each other, cross your heart?" She excitedly asked. She thought for a moment, "Oh maybe I could join the pack some how...is that possible? And my parents wouldn't mind if you came around, as long as you didn't kill any chickens or cows." She smiled eagerly awaiting him to promise.
Klaus narrowed his eyes. "You'll have nothing to do with my scrap of manging mongrels. They'd get you hurt, even killed. And nobody else is to know what I am. I'd just be the boy that found you stumbling in his part of the woods. But, I cross my hear that I will visit you. I have no idea what this crossy thing does, though, so teach me," he nodded down to her, the corners of his lips tugging up. Lily was slowly breaking through his walls, finding the pup left inside years ago.

"You're a good person, Lily. Stubborn and hard headed but good," he ruffled her hair gently, eyes kind. "You better now? I promise, cross my heart if I have to, that there will be no more yelling and no more talk of us not seeing each other. Alright?" he hugged her once more, his inner Wolf taking in her scent. "Da. Now, are you still hungry? I have everything still on plates," he looked to her, offering food as a peace treaty.
Lily looked up at him and nodded sheepishly, then tried not to laugh. She had said cross your heart out of habit, she blushed. "Um well the crossing your heart thing...it's really more of a thing..." She bit her lip, "that kids do, you know the whole cross my heart and hope to die stick a needle in my eye...you just do it to sort of say you really mean it." She crossed her heart as she repeated the frimilar saying. She nodded it was true he was the boy who found her in the woods, and her parents would believe that. "I promised that wouldn't tell anyone what you are and I won't, not even my parents." She smiled, she wasn't going to lose her new friend.

Lily grinned it had been awhile since anyone had ruffled her hair. " I'm not that stubborn..." She muttered and smiled, "Yeah I'm better." She was caught of gaurd when he hugged her for a second before returning the embrace. "Yep, still hungry. And thank you Kalus...you're a good friend. But I will do the dishes when we are finished, since you cooked, it's only fair."

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