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Fantasy The Weight of the Crown

[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]I'll totally be the voice of reason here...


*Caves in and prints out sheet to work on durin the drive to the keys*

Would a druid-like sect be allowed within our kingdom?
Potentially. As of now, there isn't any magic, so there wouldn't be much effect to that degree. What were you thinking?
[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]Potentially. As of now, there isn't any magic, so there wouldn't be much effect to that degree. What were you thinking?

More magical-theory than actual magic. I see them having "lost their magic in ancient times" yet are still revered within the kingdom as wise men and women. I see them handling relgious affairs and certain non-relgious ceremonies as well.

I can easily scrap the idea, so just lemme know!
Rissa said:
More magical-theory than actual magic. I see them having "lost their magic in ancient times" yet are still revered within the kingdom as wise men and women. I see them handling relgious affairs and certain non-relgious ceremonies as well.
I can easily scrap the idea, so just lemme know!
I could see it working. My suggestion is, go ahead and write it and if it works it works - if not, we can scrap it later :)
Rissa said:
More magical-theory than actual magic. I see them having "lost their magic in ancient times" yet are still revered within the kingdom as wise men and women. I see them handling relgious affairs and certain non-relgious ceremonies as well.
I can easily scrap the idea, so just lemme know!
[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]I could see it working. My suggestion is, go ahead and write it and if it works it works - if not, we can scrap it later :)

That could go with RL history. Scotland and Ireland have a lot of magical type history to them, so I could see that kind of lore feeling realistic.
Is having a lost heir to the throne cliché? If so I can easily do without.

PS the problem with having a clear mental image of a character is that no actor is good enough.
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Aw, I was scared that I wouldn't have enough time because of moving house but all I have left are the character sheets now!


time to look for reference pictures :P

here's hoping that everything else is alright so far.
LeviathanL said:
Is having a lost heir to the throne cliché? If so I can easily do without.
PS the problem with having a clear mental image of a character is that no actor is good enough.
I don't believe anything is a cliche, so long as it's done well :-)

Just a reminder, the deadline for sheets IS the 13th - you have two days to get those sheets up, so I can review them. If you are no longer interested in joining, just ignore this message, but otherwise, best of luck!

And for those of you that have sheets posted in a WIP state, please be sure to have them finished by the 13th as well <3

And those waiting on auxiliary roles, look back in a few days and I should have some posted for you to look through. Note: They will be predesigned roles, but only the role itself (and where the role will be filling in) - you WILL need to make a character sheet for them.
I'm under the assumption that Thornwild will be an NPC kingdom, if that's correct, will more information about Thornwild be provided?
After I've chosen the kingdoms that we'll be using, Thornwild will have a sheet created, yes. I'm currently working on finishing up the overview, today :)
Elle Joyner][bg=674036][SIZE=8px][COLOR=#EFD4A5] [/COLOR][/SIZE][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/4413-bone2pick/ said:
@Bone2pick[/URL], @CloudyBlueDay, @Macaberz, @Effervescent, @Anomaly, @Doctor Jax, @Poe, @LeviathanL, @Lakita, @Kencen, @RadGalBri, @Onyx Energy, @Space Cowboy Ein, @Semblance [/bg]
Just a reminder, the deadline for sheets IS the 13th - you have two days to get those sheets up, so I can review them. If you are no longer interested in joining, just ignore this message, but otherwise, best of luck!

And for those of you that have sheets posted in a WIP state, please be sure to have them finished by the 13th as well <3

And those waiting on auxiliary roles, look back in a few days and I should have some posted for you to look through. Note: They will be predesigned roles, but only the role itself (and where the role will be filling in) - you WILL need to make a character sheet for them.
Now that I've gotten RSA started the rest should be easy. Thanks for the reminder
Okay! Just wanna clarify something, since there's been a little bit of confusion. YES. You are building a kingdom - you are NOT, however, building an entire NATION/COUNTRY. Bear in mind, the difference is essentially size/population. This was my bad, for not clarifying, but basically what I'm looking for -regions- or -provinces- of a country. They are ruled over separately, but they are not their own countries. Think, at the largest, small states.

Armies should reflect this (ergo, an army with insane numbers would not be realistic). This is to keep things fair for everyone involved, so no one country can just wipe everyone out - and to make it easier to control the world around you that you're building.
I dunno if "Empire" would work considering the size of the kingdoms but it's there if you want to use it.

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