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Fantasy The Weight of the Crown

So is there a trick to get all images into a 150x150 frame or do I have to do that manually for each one? BBcode guide does not hold the answers.
Maybe height restrict can work? I'm not really sure but that seems to be its purpose.
Lakita said:
Maybe height restrict can work? I'm not really sure but that seems to be its purpose.
I tried that but it shut down the whole image. What do you fill in in OPTION? pixels?
Ok it has the right size now. They aren't next to each other but I should be able to fix that myself.
[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]I resized mine, but you can use any size image. That's just a place holder.

it's the 3 tiny images next to each other I have trouble with. They are vertically aligned for me. I'm now seeing if I can just put them together in paint. In any case should have my first draft up soon. I could keep it to myself but I crave attention.
Ah! If you want, just use one medium sized image! Otherwise, I can resize for you, but I won't be able to get to a computer for some time.

As for crossbows, I'm not 100% on the timing, but I'd say as long as you're using the practical application (bolts are very hard to load and take a loooong time vs a regular bow.)
Normally I'd make an insensitive comment on vitamin D deficiency for people who spend a lot of time underground, but apparently mushrooms contain a lot of the stuff, and it is safe to assume that people underground have their fair share of mushroom farms. So no butthurt complaints from this guy.
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There's no limit on applications allowed :-) After the 13th I'll be picking the seven kingdoms that best fit together and make a buildable world.
By the way, what would be the hypothetical PG-rating for this thing? Can I afford to get attached to characters or will they be brutally killed off GoT-style?
LeviathanL said:
By the way, what would be the hypothetical PG-rating for this thing? Can I afford to get attached to characters or will they be brutally killed off GoT-style?
Lol I don't agree with GoT methods of character killing... but there should be death/tragedy expected.
LeviathanL said:
Normally I'd make an insensitive comment on vitamin D deficiency for people who spend a lot of time underground, but apparently mushrooms contain a lot of the stuff, and it is safe to assume that people underground have their fair share of mushroom farms. So no butthurt complaints from this guy.
I have had an obsession with underground cities since childhood.
Bone2pick said:
Same. I created two roleplays based around them.
It's great stuff! But it wouldn't be my jam for too long. People legit go crazy without sunlight for too long as well. That's why people closer to the poles have those special lights that mimic the sun. As much as my family jokes I am a vampire because I don't go outside much at all, I still HAVE to go out every now and then or I'll go nuts.

And I feel like people in Bastellos could potentially feel the same. It's only natural.
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At least when it comes to my picture for fantasy underground humanity, I like to think that they'd adapt. In fact that's pretty central to much of my aporoach for fantasy, humanity adapting in exotic/alien environments.
See, my fantasy civilization hang-up is underwater. Whether it's with water-breathing people, or with giant domes and glass pathways, I reeeeaaaaaallllyyyyy love the aquatic approach.
Anomaly said:
See, my fantasy civilization hang-up is underwater. Whether it's with water-breathing people, or with giant domes and glass pathways, I reeeeaaaaaallllyyyyy love the aquatic approach.
It's not very good in terms of...well...a lot of things, but I watched it religiously as a kid. Involves this family that moves into an underwater facility so the parents could study whales. And then there was this chick who had a friend whale that saved her life. I think she named him Phillip? But the underwater society was there!

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