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Fantasy The Weight of the Crown

@LeviathanL Just this morning I considered how Mármor and Corvago are really well suited (imo) to play as each others archenemy. Take for example their external similarities:

-Coastal & seafaring

-trade heavy & guild structured

-late medeival/renaissance aesthetic

-roguish nobility and aristocracy

-brokers in information, as they believe it to be as valuable (if not more so) than military size

But when you look at their values, things are considerably different.

-Mármor culturally promotes honesty, including honoring one's contracts; Corvago promotes precisely the opposite

-The people of Mármor view their ruler as benevolent, Corvago folk refer to their ruler openly as a tyrant

-Mármor tends to only deal with other kingdoms in terms of economic transactions, while Corvago is always ready to strike political maneuvers against other kingdoms

-Mármor has little violent crime, Corvago is a nest of murder and assault

I see the nations as two sides of the same coin, like high elves and dark elves. Their similarities make them hate their differences that much more.
They are indeed pretty well-suited if you put it like that. Although the current tyrant would probably be nothing but happy to stop playing archenemy, if only the rest of the nobles saw it his way... As much as the rest of corvagon nobles are trash, I'd like to think of the current tyrant as fairly benevolent by corvago standards (which admittedly, is still pretty despotic by ellemar standards).
I would imagine the wounds are too deep to heal quickly, if at all. A break down of trust between nations and cultures often requires generations to get over.

Narratively I appreciate that, because it makes us the only legitimate enemies in the roleplay.
Lol it was massive! I tried to cut it down but it just kept growing. There's still five pages per each collab, but Effie and Rissa are posting those bits lol

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