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Fantasy The Warlords- A New Superhuman world.


"Honey!!! Wheres my Supersuit?"
It was around the 2020’s at a time of high tension around the world that the first metahumans began to arrive. People thought it was pretty cool at first, but even the most fervent of doomsayers would not have thought it would happen so quickly. 2033 marked the end of civilization as we knew it. No one is sure what happened, most believed it was some powerful nutter who nihilistically wanted the world to end. Either way it doesn’t really matter, On November 9th of 2033 Every nuclear weapon on earth simultaneously launched and the most populous cities were the targets. It was so sudden and all at the same time few people even attempted to flee. The fear and tension and conflict was finally coming to a head. The bombs fell and Billions died in a flash. Civilization collapsed yet mankind would pass through a sort of filter, as it turned out over the next few decades the rate of people born with metahuman abilities would increase, well thats not exactly accurate. Its more so that those with abilities were more likely to survive long enough to have children, and thus would pass on their metahuman gene.

Its been Fifty years since the bombs fell and a third generation of survivors has been born. While much hardship has been had over the decades, clusters of survivors began formulating communities almost immediately after the Bombs fell, and these communities have grown, merged, split, and become The new Nations of the world, though admittedly nation is a bit if an exaggeration, they are more akin to tribes, towns, or Cities. Among all of these Tribes and people group, the ones our story focuses on Are The Warlords.
This tribe Founded by the still reigning Chief Paul Ithid, has Dominated the Great lakes area of what used to be the United states. Through Conquest and Diplomatic relations they have absorbed their local neighbors. Becoming the largest tribe within a hundred miles of the great lakes and successfully driving the more violent factions out. Under the Reign of Paul Irrigation and farming has bloomed, they’ve even managed to breed a stable population of chickens and Cattle. This rapid growth and resource development has resulted in them being the target of many a people which has in turn forced them to put together a potent defensive force.

The growing population has unfortunately began to exceed the resource production, Thus paul has Ordered an expansionary crusade into their surrounding lands. This is not a task that will be met without resistance from the surrounding peoples. Thus the Defense forces of the Warlords have been called upon for this expansionary mission. You are among this defense force, sent into the Open wilderness to secure land for expansion. What kind of Warlord will you be? Will you drive the peoples out of their lands to take them for yourself? Perhaps you intend to unite your two peoples with diplomacy, Or perhaps, you fear retaliation and subscribe to the idea that they must be purged. Many individuals make up this force, and this untested military has much to learn both about itself, and the world around them.

(hiya folks, today ive got a kinda sandbox setup that i think can go far. Have you ever wondered what fallout would be like if people had powers? Wonder no more your here in the thick of it now. Characters in this setting are expected to be from the Warlords Tribe nestled within the great lakes area of tue USA. Unlike many other storylines in this genre Superpowers are incredibly frequent. Like 98% of people have them. If you ever meet someone who doesnt have powers that person might be someone to worry about as you wont make in this world like that if you aren’t inherently badass.

All that is to say, your powers are not what makes your character unique, in fact you may have to face someone with a similar power, it’s highly likely that your parents or siblings might even have the exact same power. In reality this is a story about the way such power effects people and how their mindsets influence the way this new world will be shaped. Im open to any and all suggestions, and i do have some planned shenanigans and threats for the future but for the most part this RP will be driven by the players, with myself being one of them. )

Questions welcome.
More information coming shortly


First little bits of Lore. Mostly just a map, some info about the setting, and territorial claims of the Tribes.

More intel on the 8 Great lake Tribes will be coming.

Along with Information on superpowers.

Im currently mulling it over wether or not to open up the other tribes for players. While it would make for a more diverse cast…it also threatens to gridlock the story via Divergent Goals. So ill leave that one in the air for now.
Hello. I am lex cheesegobbler69420 (thats not my real username i swear). Can you tell me the lore real quick? And also if you do.. i wanna join this thing.
Hello. I am lex cheesegobbler69420 (thats not my real username i swear). Can you tell me the lore real quick? And also if you do.. i wanna join this thing.
There is a tab just above that has basically everything i have on it to date.

Summary. People get powers, people suck, someone blows the world with nukes via technopathy. 50 years later most of humanity are superhumans, because those with powers survive far more often.

Now the Great lakes are experiencing a population boom and thus the Warlords tribe is aiming to unite or destroy everyone in the area because they have recently revived Farming and with control over the lakes they will have monopolized Food and Water thus becoming an acrual Nation.

Our characters are the Forces being sent out to take over the great lakes by whatever means. Be they peaceful, warlike, or downright terrible. The legacy or the Warlords will be up to the players.
We have an OCC now. Cs should be up within the hour

Annnnd we have a CS.

Guess I overestimated the timeframe lol.

So questions then:

- Are we supposed to each be warlords leading our own battalion?
- how powerful are we supposed to be? For instance 1-10 what would you rate MCU Thor and what number should we be?
- what powers are no no's ex: mind control, power mimicking, self multiplying, elemental earth , etc
- what is the benefit of securing land? Ex: you get free land, a huge bounty, better living conditions, Etc. Or are we conscripted?

So questions then:

- Are we supposed to each be warlords leading our own battalion?
- how powerful are we supposed to be? For instance 1-10 what would you rate MCU Thor and what number should we be?
- what powers are no no's ex: mind control, power mimicking, self multiplying, elemental earth , etc
- what is the benefit of securing land? Ex: you get free land, a huge bounty, better living conditions, Etc. Or are we conscripted?
Thanks for asking. I hadnt thought of some of those so the question is more helpful than you realize.

-You can be a warlord in charge of your own battalion or a part of someone else’s if you would prefer. Im more leaning towards us being in the same battalion as it will let us interact more easily, but there is nothing saying two battalions cant be dispatched to particularly hard targets.

-Thor would probably be an 11 or 12, It takes about 5 of the Lightning powered members from Thunder bay to whip up a decent sized storm that Thor could make in a few seconds of swinging his hammer. Id probably put Ben Grimm The Thing, in his most common depiction, as about a 6 or 7 in this setting and is about the peak of whats playable character will get stronger over time. I mean, it is Canon that some metahumans actually TANKED the nuclear bombs. While none of our players are at that level…a handful of us could bring someone at that level down. (Probably between 3-4)

-Im not sure how i want to frame the no gos. The main thing that’s important is that people are able to have fun with their characters so things that control others players would be off limits. Obvious story breakers like Time manipulation, Reality warping, etc. i am actually willing to take powers on a case by case basis and help players fine tune them as needed. There would be certain things that i may ask someone to NOT do with their powers though for plot sake. Like having Disease manipulation would be pretty game breaking considering we are supposed to be fighting armies. That said since most characters and NPC’s will have powers i do reserve the right to make hard counters from time to time for the sake of plot and character development. You can learn a-lot about a character by how they react to insurmountable challenges.

-Warriors who secure land for the Warlords get first pick on where they and theirs get to settle, will have a choice of lucrative career paths such as being handed water purification technology that gives them a local water monopoly. The idea is to build more cities for the warlords, so an additional stipulation is having cities named after the commanders. All military forces in the warlords are volunteer only. Those who are military get the first of all resources. So when its time to collect water or distribute meats from the hunters soldiers get first & best picks. It’s important to keep the defenders well fed and happy since they must contend with powered human opposition, powered beast opposition, and even the occasional natural disaster. Additionally the ranking system is usually decided by Non-lethal duels. So if your commander is an idiot or an a-hole you can Challenge him for his rank, of if you just want to progress. This keeps the command units a step above the grunts.

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