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Fandom The Wand Chooses the Wizard - Plot & Chat

Autumn is too anxious for pranking people lol But so long as it's not malicious, she'll support from the sidelines
Quinn disapproves of Cooper’s pranking so I’m sure he won’t be too happy about Cassiopeia getting up to some tricks with his brother either haha
Quinn disapproves of Cooper’s pranking so I’m sure he won’t be too happy about Cassiopeia getting up to some tricks with his brother either haha
Quinn and Autumn just observe from the sidelines, one with concern and the other with disapproval lol
I think Arthur is right there with Autumn and Quinn. Pranks are fun, but no one should get hurt from them. He might have to steer clear from Coop and his gang of hooligans just in case things go haywire. lmao Look over his shoulder just in case haha
I think Arthur is right there with Autumn and Quinn. Pranks are fun, but no one should get hurt from them. He might have to steer clear from Coop and his gang of hooligans just in case things go haywire. lmao Look over his shoulder just in case haha
Yea Coop’s a bit reckless so sometimes people do get hurt from his pranks. It would be too much for poor Arthur.
Yea Coop’s a bit reckless so sometimes people do get hurt from his pranks. It would be too much for poor Arthur.
He's got a gimpy leg already, unless they're on brooms, he's not getting away form the scene of the crime quick enough either. looool
He's got a gimpy leg already, unless they're on brooms, he's not getting away form the scene of the crime quick enough either. looool
That’s key to pulling off a successful prank. He’ll have to have Cooper carry him in his arms running away 😆
Quinn will be a calming influence for Cassiopeia 😁
Yes. She will need him, and he will need her to live a little cuz he’s always so uptight.

But we don’t want him being too laid back or else he’ll turn into his brother Cooper 😆
Autumn is mostly complete! I just have to expand on her backstory but it's getting late. She's still open to plots for crushes, past partners, frenemies, and other relationships, so feel free to DM me if interested ^^
Wow what a community! I’m glad to see everyone is so active - that typically bodes well for a a budding young thread like this one!

Sebastian will be in on all pranks (he’ll probably be the one to take them a step too far) but he will ALSO be the one to take the blame and get in trouble for them lol - Ana would ALSO be in the prank squad to the extent that it’s all in good fun

Lydia will happily be in the study group and will get annoyed with anyone who’s annoyed by the studying XD she may be a ravenclaw but she’s got the attitude of a slytherin lol

Kiara will be too busy preparing for the Hogwarts cup to worry about either studying or pranks but if she’s the victim of a prank Merlin help you all
Just want to throw out my beans into the fray for plotting one last time ^-^

Scarlett- definitely would be in the study group for sure and Is pretty open for friends and other stuff. (im putting a hold for romance for her atm to see what happens first )

Bohdi- is open for romance/crushes still, friends, all sorts of good stuff like that for sure ^-^ hes very puppy like so he probably could get on people's nerves too

Algernon - friends, frenemies, rivals , will be a busy year for him but always open for plotting. (Romance taken for him)

Even if its not listed feel free to reach out if you have an idea!
For Cooper we’re gonna have a bit of a rivals to lovers story with Persephone.

Quinn and Cassiopeia are also gonna be a thing. They’ll meet at the Yule ball.

But again, both Cramwell boys are open for other stuff and plotting!

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