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Multiple Settings The Voidwalkers (A Post Armageddon Multiverse RP) (Sign Ups Closed)

As the speedy, tailed creature's emblem began to beep, a flash of light transformed him back into Ben Tennyson, who was holding his laughter back at the mention of sussus amogus.

"Sussus Amogus?" Twilight raised a brow.

Ben's laughter was harder to hold now.

"Well, we can't let that thing prance around, now can we?"
"I was just walking around looking for the cool vampire-looking guy..." She said, looking down, "I didn't know if anyone would do this..." It seemed like she looked truly worried as she sat down. "I'm in the actual among us game..." She mumbled to herself.
Ada had made her way back to the cafeteria following the alarm. Why would this be their meeting room, of all places? It all struck her as silly.

“Murder and sabotage? This is a fine kettle of fish,” she mused prior to setting her bag on the table. “I retrieved this duffel bag from storage, then used some gadgets to check for problems aboard the ship. Someone cut the wires in that cabinet outside Security, so a few of us were looking for the tools to solder them back.” Well, that was as transparent as she’s ever been.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Tiguidi Tiguidi Bixir Bixir
DIO Brando

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod , @Anyonelse

The vampire had had no luck in locating the Stand User, and was severely irked by it. Coming from the Medical Center, DIO proceed to attempt to rip the emergency button from the table. He looked like a predator that had lost its prey.

“This certainly wasn’t my work, you virgin pill.” He said, addressing the blue crewmate “If I felt the urge to take blood, the body would not be found. Or if it was, you wouldn’t be able to recognize it.”

The vampires eyes looked around, green lipstick curling up in a smirk, before refocusing back onto the Captain. “And what proves that one of you things aren’t this “Imposter”. Or you, for that matter Captain. Why are you not “suspicious?” It’s curious how quickly you seek to blame me and these vermin.”


Dio didn’t know shit, though. He was doing what the Gen-Zers might call “Trolling”​
"Shut up, yellow-haired green-lipstick dude!" She said, getting up and looking at the guy, "How do we know if you're not suspicious? Heck- I Might be suspicious! We both were in the electrical! And that is where the sabotage happened, right!?" She seemed to panic a little. And with that, her stand appeared, holding sharp feathers. "I'll need to defend myself..."

Mentions: Funnier President Funnier President

She looked over to the captain. "He does have a point, though," She said, and started to look at everyone in the room, "But you helped us get out of that void... I should thank you guys instead of being suspicious of you guys. But any one of us could be an 'Imposter', you know?" She sighed, walking over to the window of the Cafeteria. "Feather Fox will keep watch of everyone... I'll find out who this Imposter really is..."

Mentions: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Hackmon looked confused."Wha is going on?"He asked. Tom Looked at them."I was in the cafeteria, playing my Guitar."He said.
"Yes--that's why we're having a meeting right now to determine which one is the Imposter Among Us." The Blue Crewmate slammed his hands on the table. "Standard Protocol. Mira HQ had lost enough crewmates in this expeditions to know that these creatures are dangerous." The Blue Captain said as everyone else began to give their testimonies.

Liz was wandering around Electrical with the yellow Vampire dude, the latter of which denied the accusation, stating that the body would be unrecognizable if he was the one behind it. He would then accuse him of being the Imposter.

"My Medbay scans prove that I'm innocent." The Captain said, not losing to DIO's glare, taking out a messy stack of papers. "I just did mine an hour before you lot woke up--and the Medbay pod doesn't respond to Imposters. Useful trick I learnt in my 2 years of being ship captain, so I asked Pink to--" He said before realizing who else died. "...Pink had everyone's scans."

"She, uh...Didn't have them." Red said, scratching his head. "I checked the body when I saw her body lying there--nope, no medbay scans from everyone." Looking closely though, one could see an oddly placed paper scrap somewhere below where the pill's waist would be.

"Fuck." The Captain groaned. "Well in anycase, I was doing my routinely patrol of the ship before staying here in the Cafeteria." The Captain turned to Hackmon. "This lil' creature and the 3rd deadbody saw me walk in on them doing some stuff with the radio."

"There wasn't any sabotage, dude." The Yellow Crewmate turned to Liz, "If there was, it would've affected the Skeld. Usually lights or Oxygen. Cut wires are a routinely pain in the ass to call a sabotage compared to everything else. But thanks for telling us about it...Where was that, by the way? I'll get on that after this. " He said, rubbing the bottom of his visor. "Speaking of which, I've been here attending to the needs of little miss red and her party."

"That, I can vouch for." Nero nods, "This yellow servant has been of great use to me in preparing this wonderous feast!"

"Grr..." Black nods as well, grunting to affirm the pair of yellows' stance...

As pyramid head slowly got to the cafeteria, he looked around as everyone was throwing names and the gigantic monster was thinking.

Who could possibly be the imposter among them? The room was radiating with tons of sussy behavior.

Pyramid head slammed the table as he let out and loud grunt and pointed at red with the big mighty long sword.

He huffed and pufffed with anger, the death of one of their comerades was surely depressing for them to handle.


He croaked at red.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Cafeteria
Huh?“ She looked at the Pyramid head. “They always say that Red is a bad thing, but we don’t need to think that the red creamate is sus-“ She said, walking back at the table “We need solid evidence on who did it!
Noodle was replaying the last couple of moments in her head, briefly.
An alarm had sounded, thick and red. It came without warning.
She didn't even have time to contemplate on all that Samael had explained, though that didn't mean she wouldn't soon.
Right now, an all-encompassing voice over the robotic intercom had directed the two- and presumably everyone else- to the cafeteria for an 'Emergency Meeting?'
This would be interesting.
Despite being further inside the communications deck, Noodle was the first out the door- and thus leading with Samael in tow. The girl was moving quite quick, actually.
The way back to the cafeteria wasn't lost at all on her, and they made it there not much later than anyone else.
A pair of differently-sized stature- Noodle and Samael- made their entrance to the cafeteria.
Just as before, the crowd had gathered- all manner of being and faces. One pyramid-shaped figure would actually strike the chords of recognition in her brain. That shouldn't be possible.
Was that...?
Nevermind that. Throughout the soft murmurs and buzzing of the gathering, Noodle picked out a few words that made all senses perk up to attention.
Words spoken of 'imposters' as if they were creatures. A creature whose sole purpose was to act as one of them?
From what the teenager gathered, atleast one of the crew had fallen prey to one of these 'creatures.'
That would explain the crumpled shape that vaguely resembled one of the crewmembers off in the far side of the room.
The very fact alone. It made the girl clutch her violin case a bit tighter.
As those up front spoke, a solemn furrow came across Noodle's features.
So the very papers that would clear everyone's innocence were lost?
They had to be somewhere onboard. They couldn't have gone far. Prioritizing finding those would be her first action, if she were in charge.
Speaking of- the one who held that position had begun to implore those in the crowd to speak their alibis.
Noodle didn't want to be left out, lest rouse suspicion. "Samael and I were in communications- just as, umm- as you'd directed us to a moment ago." was her accented voice, face soon sporting a quizzical expression that bled through those non-parted bangs. Even more questions, though this time there was more of an urgency- the fact that lives were on the line; even two already lost.
The teenager displayed a calm body language of readiness that could only come with training.
"Where is the other body? What do we know about them??" Noodle inquired commandingly, never fearing to make direct 'eye' contact with the captain. Especially when the words 'suspicious party' had rolled out of his mouth.
Noodle knew she needn't jump to conclusion, but this was serious. They'd all woken up in a place like this, and now they had to go through some demented murder mystery?
Was this some sort of game for somebody?

Interactions: Specialist Specialist Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Mentions: Specialist Specialist R U S T R U S T (briefly!)
Communications Deck > Cafeteria

  • Interactions
    Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre

    (Everyone Else)​

    Jack watched Maki-ho get up, with newfound confidence that hadn't been there before. He slammed his hands on the table excitedly in response, though one could only imagine what that actually meant, coming from something - and he was certainly a /something/ - like him. Whatever was going on, with Maki-ho or the others, didn't appeal to Jack at all. As soon that blonde shithead left, things got boring quickly. This place needed something spicy to liven things up! Like, a murder or something, but which of these squares was even capable of-

    "Hee-ho-HOLY SHIT"

    Jack's childlike rambling in his mind abruptly seized onto the realization that one of the freaky space flubbers had just kicked the bucket, and in a pretty metal way at that. Jack kept gawking as the scene played out and the people piled in, though his reaction was clearly in stark contrast to the rest of the people gathered here. He was reveling in the anarchy and panic, not the least of which were the implications of what came next.

    What was really weird, though, was that no one seemed to be asking the obvious question. Not that Jack cared, mind you, but it was pretty funny that he was the smartest person in the room for once. Jack leaped from his seat to the top of the table, unceremoniously spilling precious lasagna across the countertop. The imp didn't even notice... "Is no one gonna talk about how one of the mooks that got got was a monster, ho? Who's killin' 'ho out here?"

"Seriously? I'm sussy because I'm red?" The Red Crewmate groaned, crossing his hands as he stared at Pyramid Head. "That's a bit colorist don't you think?"

"Then where were you, Red?" Captain Blue asked, turning to Red.

"Wandering around Storage. Those guys saw me." Red said, turning to Ada, Gordon Freeman and Bucky. "They also saw me do trash." He said with confidence.


"Loitering round the helm. I was bored." Definitely the most sus statement thus far.

"You must've passed by Storage then." Blue said, turning to Noodle's statement. "You remember who was there?" He asked before being directed with the purple Imposter's body, which was pointed out by the snowman looking mother Hee-Ho. "That's true. I've never heard of an Amogus killing another one on board a vessel before." Blue said, glancing over at the vent.

"It...Definitely looks like an Imposter did it..." White said, examining the body. "Most of them kill with their extendable tendril tongue, kinda like a spear in a sense."

"So what, the Imposter done gone killed its cohort?" The Orange one asked.

"T-that's unheard of!" The Green one said, shivering a bit.

"The first victim was Momo. The Pink Crewmate. Our ship's designated medic. White was supposed to be her apprentice, which is devastating to the crew." Blue proceeded to answer Noodle's other question. "The 2nd one...As you can tell, is an Imposter. We never knew the guy."


"She was dragged around by this guy." The Orange Crewmate turned to Pyramid. "Ain't that right, sucka?"

"Wait, then--why did red find it?!" The Blue Captain turned to the Red Crewmate. "Did YOU do this?!"

"Wha--don't look at me! It was probably purple! He's an Imposter and was in the vents--it couldn't be me!" The Red Crewmate said, defending himself in cold sweat.

"What about everyone else?" Kyria spoke, arriving in the Cafeteria a bit later into the meeting. Clearly investigating the case. "I want to confirm some things."

"I was chasing that triangle guy until I reached Reactor." The Orange one spoke, "From then, I helped Greenie with simon says."

"I-I-It's Reactor C-calibration, by the way." The Green Crewmate corrected. "B-but yes, M-mr. Preston's correct. I-I've been stuck bouncing between r-reactor and the Security Room. W-watching the cameras."

"And I was down at the lower engine, doing maintenance." The Brown crewmate spoke. "I didn't realize the 3rd dead body until I finished. It was similar to you long armed folk--wearing white, had these futuristic gear on 'im. Any of you's know 'im?"


Mentions: Blessthismess Blessthismess Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Location: Meeting Area
The klaxon had sounded, and the world turned a dark crimson. With Noodle heading out of the communications room, the Marine dared not to depart from her now- with the possibility of an immediate hostile encounter prompting him to stride briskly out of the room, and scan for targets along the way. With his heavy footfalls eclipsing his visage, he followed the girl out toward the meeting place; his Auto-Senses targeting every person in the room and pinning a soft, yellow crosshair on their forms. When no threat was immediately identified, Samael disengaged his lock as the last inkling of a briefing from the 'captain' Pill-Xenos was caught.

'Sussus Amongus?'

Truly, he hadn't heard of that before. Beastmen, Kroots, Bloodletters, Daemon Princes, Chaos Spawns- it sounded akin to the technical name given to a newly discovered species; except this was spoken as if it had happened before. From what he could clarify to himself, some unknown entity managed to impersonate one of the Pill-Xenos; which already assuaged his foremost concern that a Human had been taken over. Perhaps this life form, this Sussus Amongus, was only capable of infecting the Pill-Xenos. A Daemon, perhaps. Samael scowled underneath his helmet, already feeling the urge to preemptively attack everyone present to ensure the Daemon was rev- No. As the cobalt-clad creature proceeded to interrogate everyone present on their last whereabouts, it was clear that the mood was much tenser among the Xenos than that of the others present. Clearly, this was a recurring problem. Perhaps assisting in the destruction of this entity would gain passage to a planet? He remained silent and stoic; standing tall over the small and lithe frame of Noodle as she proceeded to address the captain on their previous location. Samael only offered an affirmative nod in reply. Unless he was directly spoken to, there was little need to interject in the conversation at present.
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"No? Well I'll be damned." The Brown Crewmate, scratching his head as Blue then glared at Red.

"Right now, Red is the one that's looking more and more Sus by the second." The Captain spoke, "There's literally no other culprit--the other Imposter's literally dead, so there's no use blaming them." As he said this, everyone who glanced out the windows would see a rather curious sight. "So I say we all throw Red out of the airlock! What do you say?!" Blue pointed at the Red Imposter, who seemed to be staring out the window--a crimson red tentacle rising from the depths of the void.

"What in the andromeda...?!" Red couldn't help but gasp, taking a few steps back. This statement caused some people to raise their brows before suddenly--a thump drew their attention--a massive tentacle slaps the glass window, causing the entire ship to start shaking.

"What is that monstrosity? The fabled Kraken?!" Nero blurted out, groaning as a sword manifested on her hand in a burst of flames, as if ready to fight.

"Dammit, let's continue this later. Crewmates, Battle Stations!" The Captain ordered, but as soon as he turned around to rush towards the hallway the led to Weapons, something emerged from the floor--like a ghastly being.

The simplest way to describe it is a purple octopus like creature with a spiked head and a single eye. Its tentacles were long, glistening metal wires.

"Get down!" Kyria spoke as the Blue Captain did as he was commanded, falling onto the ground as a streak of purple energy shot towards the squid creature, causing it to let out a distorted, shrill like roar as it takes the blast, causing it to sink back into the ground, phasing through metal like a ghost.


The beam stopped as soon as the creature was gone, causing smoke to rise from the giant, machine gun-like railgun. Modules and energy packets glowing purple, as if recharging the gun's energy.

"Those look tasty...Like Takoyaki!" Phym cheered, turning to her Mother. "Can we eat that one?!"

Kyria simply smiled, lifting a metal case which contained a weapon similar to Kyria's own giant gun, except this one appears appears to a large, crescent moon-like axe. Blades curving the edge, razor sharp as they are mostly cracked--you can even see the flesh-like wires peeking through them.

"Yay!" Phym gladly took out the weapon, "I'm going to go find them now!" She giggled, running off onto the hallway that leads to the engines.

"Let's split up and get rid of them. They could be all over the ship." Kyria said, the barrel of her weapon compressing and shrinking, as the blade-like bayonet grew twice in size, holding it with two hands. "Finally, a real hunt." She grinned, before chasing after her inhuman child. As soon as the doors close on her, alarms start to blare out--the ship is definitely under attack.

"Divide and Conquer, then? Very well!" Nero nods with a smile, "It would seem that these tentacled interlopers need to be taught a lesson. Come! Let us rid of those vermin posthaste!" Nero says, rushing down onto the Storage Area, thinking that the creature escaped that way.

The Crewmates scrambled to get to their battle stations, headed eastward to where Weapons and Navigations were. Now, how do you contribute to the situation?

"Divide & conquer? If that's the case, I think Echo Echo's the best guy for the job!"

Ben smacked his Omnitrix down, allowing him to transform.


"Grey Matter? Seriously?" this new form expressed disappointment before he decided to hitch a ride on Kyria's shoulder.

"Come on everypony! No time to waste!" Twilight follows Nero closely.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
She ran a random way, looking for some of the 'intruders'. As she found one, her stand started throwing sharp feathers at it, just like how DIO would have if he and Jotaro were to battle. But this wasn't that universe, this is here and now.
Hackmon nodded."Seems like a Job For me to assist! I can fight it off as well."He said. But he needed a way to Digi-volve into Raidmon without katsura-san's help."Well I gotta use this form for now."he said.

  • Interaction: Crow Crow AlexIsFallingInLove AlexIsFallingInLove

    When Kyria made it to the engine, both Kyria and Grey Matter witnessed Phym swing her God Arc around towards what looks like a horde of those tentacle creatures, slicing off their arms with her moon axe with relative ease, as if it weighs nothing. When Phym sliced the creature's eye, the creature disappeared, fading into space dust.

    "That's my girl. <3" Kyria giggled to herself as she launched herself towards an attacking Tenacle Voi, her shield expanded which blocked its attack, crashing onto the octopus like creature, allowing her to strike the creature with her weapon, which sent it flying onto the engine--which the creature got stuck on mid-phase. "Uh oh." Kyria gulped as she landed, seeing the engine starting to sputter out because of it. "Where's Keith when you need him...?"

    Gee, if only someone is small enough to fit inside the engine to finish it off.

Hackmon "Eye" Glowed, he leaped up as his claw Expanded."VANQUISH CLAW!"He shouted out. He dealt a powerful slash at the tentacles hoping to cut alot at once.

Tom was unsure on what to do and he really Wished he had his harpoon gun with him.
Ada placed a hand on her hip following the shocking turn of events. “I see… They’re looking to play rough now.” She dug out her tools, placing them on the table and subsequently organizing them on her belt. These impostors appeared to be bio-weapons of some kind—or simply aliens. She’d deal with them accordingly.

Seeing the situation in Weapons, she pulled her handgun and squeezed a pressure switch on the grip. Her laser sight activated, and she opened fire on the tentacles waylaying Yellow with the speed and accuracy of an Air Marshal.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Mentions: Blessthismess Blessthismess Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Location: Meeting Area
A foul Chaos Spawn...

Dipping his head, he raised his Bolter- and hesitated. This ship's structural integrity was already failing long before his arrival here, and the explosive-tipped .75 caliber rocket-propelled projectiles that his rifle fired would almost certainly compromise the ship well beyond any meager repairs that could already be performed. Glancing over at Kyria, he only watched as the woman's unique firearm quite literally decimated the entity with a clean fineness of nuclear-powered energy disintegration. Within a blur's reflexes, Samael swapped out his rifle; mag-locking it securely to his back and instead reaching for the massive power-sword at his hip. "Noodle, you must maintain distance." With a composed utterance, he held the hilt of the sword at his side, and briefly tapped the pommel against his hip. In a crackling flash, arcs of cascading pale-blue energy crawled up, around, and back down the length of the blade. Holding the weapon out to his side, Samael's HUD targeted the abomination accosting one of the Pill-Xenos. Lowering his body into a running stance and bracing his left hand out in front and slightly left of him, the Astartes suddenly erupted into a thundering sprint to reach the entity; halting his charge halfway and extending his Power-Sword in an impaling thrust toward the center mass of the creature.

  • Interaction: Goonfire Goonfire Mirai-chan Mirai-chan Specialist Specialist

    Luck or not, Hackmon's Vanquish Claw ripped apart the creature's tentacles with ease, causing it to fall to the floor, flailing like a fish out of water, flopping on the floor near the yellow Crewmate. Seeing this, the yellow Crewmate stepped on the limbless Amogus, squirting space dust all over his suit.

    "Hey, the guys at Nav's getting fucked over, too! Someone deal with them, too!" The Yellow Crewmate said as Ada and Samuel shot and impaled the other floating octopi-cyclops with relative ease, "You, look for something to shoot with in Storage." The Yellow Crewmate span his swivel chair to face Tom, ordering him to find a weapon before spinning back and focusing on manning the turret. "One of you, stay and cover me!"

Ada cracked a smirk when she saw she had toasted the creature with her pistol. It was refreshing to see something go down easily. “I’m going ahead, then,” she volunteered, leaving Hackmon to cover Yellow. “See you around,” she added before entering the hallway.

The walk wasn’t far, but Ada made sure to check her corners quickly as she navigated each bend. She soon arrived at navigation and peeked inside to promptly assess the situation.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Mirai-chan Mirai-chan

Those searching for a weapon may find the deceased Veso had a laser pistol on his person prior to being scraped up. The poor soul didn’t even have a chance to draw it against his attacker. The weapon had likely been returned to Storage, placed on a shelf alongside his Datapad that controlled the Shield Osprey.
"Hmmm... according to my calculations..." Grey Matter pondered as he took a great leap into the engine, "can't say I'm familiar with its weak spots, but I have a hunch it's THIS."

A Haephastian Neurogrip was performed at a spot.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod AlexIsFallingInLove AlexIsFallingInLove

"Keep 'em distracted, Nero!" Twilight says, blasting a purple magic beam at the creature's supposed flank.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

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