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Realistic or Modern The Vanishing Game [Open]

Gah, all the codes currently up look so pretty and i'm over here with basic stuff... hhh
@Eternal-Weekend , Neastlarsson Neastlarsson , Noivian Noivian , Hexeroni Hexeroni , constellation constellation , ShadyAce ShadyAce , JayeTheKat JayeTheKat , @Smoaki , nymphadora. nymphadora. , Rainzen Rainzen , . D O V E . D O V E ,

hello lovelies! how is everyone doing? are you guys still interested in this?
we apologize for the delay since things have been hectic as of late!
the ooc thread will be coming shortly!

hope to hear from you guys soon!<3

I'm still interested!

if you need help dearie, let me know!

I would also love something along the lines of a template for my cinnamon roll of a character. But I can also throw something together first if that's not the kind of help you were expecting to give.
Wait woah I found something in my private workshop for Reirei holy crap :O
I'm gonna push myself out of here, I'm sorry. Maybe some other time, yeah?
totally understandable. thank you for giving us your interest though
Wait woah I found something in my private workshop for Reirei holy crap :O
hehehe, would you like me to help you with a template still? or would you use the one in your private, dearie? or i can help revamp, or so and so for whatever youd like!
totally understandable. thank you for giving us your interest though
hehehe, would you like me to help you with a template still? or would you use the one in your private, dearie? or i can help revamp, or so and so for whatever youd like!

A revamp would be very much appreciated.

[border=1px dotted black][border=3px solid black][center][font=VT323][b][size=50px]Raymond "Reirei" Kimura[/size][/b][/font][/center]

[row][column=span2][border=1px dotted black][border=3px solid black][font=Ubuntu][b]Age:[/b] 21
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Sexuality:[/b] Demiromantic Pansexual
[b]Birthday:[/b] August 8th
[b]Sign:[/b] Leo
[b]Major:[/b] Computer Sciences[/font][/border][/border]

[border=1px dotted black][border=3px solid black][center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/21428594/large.gif[/img][/center][/border][/border]

[/column][column=span2][border=1px dotted black][border=3px solid black][center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/9b/d2/64/9bd264250fb296f1305ce80f43e955c7.jpg[/img][/center][/border][/border][/column][column=span4][border=1px dotted black][border=3px solid black][font=Ubuntu][center][b][size=20px]P[/size][size=15px]ERSONALITY[/size][/b][/center]

[Tabs][tab=Favorites and Quirks][row][column=span4][b]Favorite food:[/b] Curry
[b]Favorite Music:[/b] Mixed
[b]Favorite Drink:[/b] Strawberry Lemonade
[b]Favorite Color:[/b] Green
[b]Favorite Season:[/b] Summer
[b]Favorite Activity:[/b]Coding, Swimming[/column][column=span4]> Idly bites nails
> Always smiling
> Tends to cling to the group leader like a puppy[/column][/row][/tab]
[tab=Positives and Negatives][row][column=span4]+ Easily amazed
+ Curious
+ Dedicated 
+ Honest
+ Loyal
+ Smart[/column][column=span4]- Childish
- Overbearing
- Socially awkward
- Low self-esteem
- Clingy
- Forgetful[/column][/row][/tab]
[tab=Likes and Dislikes][row][column=span4]+ Sweet coffee and tea
+ Spicy food
+ Math and Physics
+ Hours upon hours of gaming and coding[/column][column=span4]- Bitter foods
- Sitting through boring lectures
- History and Literature
- Forgetting his laptop[/column][/row][/tab]
[tab=Secrets, Desires, and Fears][row][column=span3]Secrets[/column][column=span2]Desires[/column][column=span3]Fears[/column][/row][/tab]
[tab=Theme Song]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51kFdeXESx4[/tab][/Tabs][/font][/border][/border]

[border=1px dotted black][border=3px solid black][center][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/d075e5f98664d78a4124d3f7c777d3c7/tumblr_o394ebwDeN1v9vcwro3_500.gif[/img][/center][/border][/border][/column][/row]

[border=1px dotted black][border=3px solid black][font=Ubuntu][center][b][size=20px]B[/size][size=15px]IOGRAPHY[/size][/b][/center]
The story of Reirei starts way back... well, not really. Really, it starts when his parents immigrated from Japan to USA, in search of work. As for what they could have possibly hoped to find in Milltown is beyond Reirei, even to this day, but regardless, the found work and settled down. It wasn't until two years had passed of them being here that Reirei was born. His parents, Yukiko and Jiro Kimura, wanted to give Reirei a western name, in an attempt to allow him to mingle and blend in with his peers better. They named him Raymond, with the nickname Reirei when he was younger, as it was faster and easier to pronounce. Over the years, however, Reirei got used to being called Reirei, and as such it has all but replaced his original name. Everyone who knows Reirei knows not to call him Raymond, but rather Reirei, which sounds really similar to Ray-Ray.

While he did stand out a bit through his elementary and middle schools, Reirei came into himself during high school, making fast friends with others in school who admired technology and the way it was being constantly developed and pushed forwards. He founded the high school robotics club and did most of the coding for the robots, while other hands-on students built the actual robot. From as early as elementary school, Reirei showed promise in the computer department, taking to simple coding languages and poking about in the programs in the computers, up until high school, where he started writing his own.

Reirei met Alex in college... (WIP)

Example of Living Space (house, dorm, apartment, etc. Inside and Outside) WIP[/font][/border][/border][/color][/bg]
A revamp would be very much appreciated.

[border=1px dotted black][border=3px solid black][center][font=VT323][b][size=50px]Raymond "Reirei" Kimura[/size][/b][/font][/center]

[row][column=span2][border=1px dotted black][border=3px solid black][font=Ubuntu][b]Age:[/b] 21
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Sexuality:[/b] Demiromantic Pansexual
[b]Birthday:[/b] August 8th
[b]Sign:[/b] Leo
[b]Major:[/b] Computer Sciences[/font][/border][/border]

[border=1px dotted black][border=3px solid black][center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/21428594/large.gif[/img][/center][/border][/border]

[/column][column=span2][border=1px dotted black][border=3px solid black][center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/9b/d2/64/9bd264250fb296f1305ce80f43e955c7.jpg[/img][/center][/border][/border][/column][column=span4][border=1px dotted black][border=3px solid black][font=Ubuntu][center][b][size=20px]P[/size][size=15px]ERSONALITY[/size][/b][/center]

[Tabs][tab=Favorites and Quirks][row][column=span4][b]Favorite food:[/b] Curry
[b]Favorite Music:[/b] Mixed
[b]Favorite Drink:[/b] Strawberry Lemonade
[b]Favorite Color:[/b] Green
[b]Favorite Season:[/b] Summer
[b]Favorite Activity:[/b]Coding, Swimming[/column][column=span4]> Idly bites nails
> Always smiling
> Tends to cling to the group leader like a puppy[/column][/row][/tab]
[tab=Positives and Negatives][row][column=span4]+ Easily amazed
+ Curious
+ Dedicated 
+ Honest
+ Loyal
+ Smart[/column][column=span4]- Childish
- Overbearing
- Socially awkward
- Low self-esteem
- Clingy
- Forgetful[/column][/row][/tab]
[tab=Likes and Dislikes][row][column=span4]+ Sweet coffee and tea
+ Spicy food
+ Math and Physics
+ Hours upon hours of gaming and coding[/column][column=span4]- Bitter foods
- Sitting through boring lectures
- History and Literature
- Forgetting his laptop[/column][/row][/tab]
[tab=Secrets, Desires, and Fears][row][column=span3]Secrets[/column][column=span2]Desires[/column][column=span3]Fears[/column][/row][/tab]
[tab=Theme Song]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51kFdeXESx4[/tab][/Tabs][/font][/border][/border]

[border=1px dotted black][border=3px solid black][center][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/d075e5f98664d78a4124d3f7c777d3c7/tumblr_o394ebwDeN1v9vcwro3_500.gif[/img][/center][/border][/border][/column][/row]

[border=1px dotted black][border=3px solid black][font=Ubuntu][center][b][size=20px]B[/size][size=15px]IOGRAPHY[/size][/b][/center]
The story of Reirei starts way back... well, not really. Really, it starts when his parents immigrated from Japan to USA, in search of work. As for what they could have possibly hoped to find in Milltown is beyond Reirei, even to this day, but regardless, the found work and settled down. It wasn't until two years had passed of them being here that Reirei was born. His parents, Yukiko and Jiro Kimura, wanted to give Reirei a western name, in an attempt to allow him to mingle and blend in with his peers better. They named him Raymond, with the nickname Reirei when he was younger, as it was faster and easier to pronounce. Over the years, however, Reirei got used to being called Reirei, and as such it has all but replaced his original name. Everyone who knows Reirei knows not to call him Raymond, but rather Reirei, which sounds really similar to Ray-Ray.

While he did stand out a bit through his elementary and middle schools, Reirei came into himself during high school, making fast friends with others in school who admired technology and the way it was being constantly developed and pushed forwards. He founded the high school robotics club and did most of the coding for the robots, while other hands-on students built the actual robot. From as early as elementary school, Reirei showed promise in the computer department, taking to simple coding languages and poking about in the programs in the computers, up until high school, where he started writing his own.

Reirei met Alex in college... (WIP)

Example of Living Space (house, dorm, apartment, etc. Inside and Outside) WIP[/font][/border][/border][/color][/bg]
i'll take a look, dearie!
to be honest. . .

i really like the code though!
i'll totally revamp it, but like i just wanted to say your codes are nice as well!
i love it??

aw, thanks! I was trying to go for a computerized feel, but i don't like it much as it is. I suppose we really are our own worst critics?
aw, thanks! I was trying to go for a computerized feel, but i don't like it much as it is. I suppose we really are our own worst critics?
of course! i'd honestly say keep this code!

i'll probably make a different code and not revamp it actually.
cause i feel like this is your work and if i played with it i feel like im messing up someone's masterpiece??

is that okay?
of course! i'd honestly say keep this code!

i'll probably make a different code and not revamp it actually.
cause i feel like this is your work and if i played with it i feel like im messing up someone's masterpiece??

is that okay?

How about something of a compromise? I'll keep this code for the CS, if you can make a similar IC post template? 'Cause I really love your coding as well, and don't wanna kick up all this fuss for no reason...
deer deer i'm going to have to drop this since i've joined too many rps and lost my inspiration.

thanks for having me though and goods luck with everything ♡
How about something of a compromise? I'll keep this code for the CS, if you can make a similar IC post template? 'Cause I really love your coding as well, and don't wanna kick up all this fuss for no reason...
suresises dearie!
deer deer i'm going to have to drop this since i've joined too many rps and lost my inspiration.

thanks for having me though and goods luck with everything ♡
no problem dearie!
thank you for the interest!

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