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Fandom The Untold Whispers: A Spark in the Kingdom

Merrick stepped to the side as Turei rushed into the throne room. He seemed to be in some form of distress, some form of pain. Merrick could smell something burning. Hook had mentioned a curse of sorts. It did make since, seeing as the rest of Tetch's crew was cursed. Mrithun went to assist the burning Turei. Merrick had then noticed that someone else had entered the room. Her name was Rapunzel. She had approached and began talking to Simba. For seemingly once today, the next person to walk in wasn't hostile. Merrick picked up his robe, put it back on, and returned his blade to its sheath. He then looked over to Hook. "So, what now?" he asked with a chuckle.
Herc looked at Genie, “Well you could travel by rabbit holes, only problem is you have to travel down the right one, the one by a certain white rabbit. This way is much easy to get to.” Herc said informing Genie that while he was correct in rabbit holes being able to lead here, it was only the White Rabbit’s holes that could get them here and his painting way is much easier. He then looked at Genie and smiled, “No, we are not going to Kingdom Hearts, see another roleplay for that.” Herc said breaking the fourth wall himself as Kingdom of Hearts basically has the same name, without the of, as one of WakingDawn96’s favorite video game series. Dezòd smirked, “Well maybe you aren’t going there, but......” Dezòd said as he mentioned something in remark to Herc’s statement.

Okay, getting back on track now, Herc looked at Genie and then at the small door, “Anyways, we are headed into a place of wonder that is under the terms of being a different world. There we are to seek out one person who I believe shall be able to help us on what we need to do next.” Herc said as he then suddenly handed everyone a potion that would make them all small enough to fit the door, and Herc, Dezòd, and even Aladdin drunk it and Herc opened the door and the three of them went inside.

Mrithun looked at Turei’s burning hand, and he quickly placed the antidote in it. “Just drink this and your curse shall be gone. However, I must warn you there will be a price to pay, there always is with this type of magic. As for what that price is, I am sorry to say I do not know, but you will most definitely be a normal human being again at the very least.” Mrithun said, mentioning that even this antidote would have a price Turei would have to pay, for all magic comes at a price.

Mr. Ursula was shocked to hear Tetch’s words. “Well done, sweetie, very well done indeed. Tell you what, you don’t even realize it, but you actually did something that also needed to be done. For that, I owe you one, and so, I shall change the contract for you to have Galva killed, and you to keep your crew and ship for your service completed. You won’t get your curse removed, but at least your ship and crew will be yours again.” Mr Ursula said as he summoned the contract and changed it by magic and had it out with a magic quill again, needing a new signature from Tetch. “Just sign this again and the deal shall be done.” Mr. Ursula said with a wicked smile.

Prince Simba knew exactly what Rapunzel must be going through in people they care about being missing suddenly. His parents were missing as well, and they meant a lot to him, so he could see where the princess was coming from. “Fortunately for you, I know exactly that same feeling. My parents, King Mufasa and Queen Sarabi, have gone missing as well, so I know what it is like for people we care for to going missing suddenly. “ Prince Simba said informing Rapunzel that she wasn’t alone in missing loved ones. “With that being said, I shall happily that you in as part of my group, we need all the help we can get and I shall personally help you look for your beloved.” Prince Simba said with a nod and a smile.

Hook looked over at Merrick, “Well Robin, that shall be Prince Simba’s decision, but I believe he is getting ready to task us with our orders if the visitors would stop interrupting.” Hook said with a smile and noticing how people need to stop coming in if Prince Simba was to ever task them with their mission.

(Notice, this is a bit longer, so I am going to post for Tamatoa and Koda in a coming up post. Hope you can wait til then. :))
Rapunzel let out a sigh of relief. Hearing hooks remarks she put her hands on her hips and looked at him with a brow raised. " Some of us can only get here so fast seeing as we traveled by foot." She would've taken maximus with her and pascal but the risks for them would be too great and she needed them to comfort her parents. Reassure them she was coming back. Which she would as soon as she found her friend. her more than friend? She was unsure. Turning back to Prince Simba she smiled. " I'll do what I can to help. I won't hold you back. I promise."
It was a beautiful and gloomy night in Halloween Town and the air smelled perfectly rotten. Not that Oogie Boogie could see the sky from deep within his lair nor cared how it looked. He was much too busy plotting another plan to take over Halloween town, with the occasional break to add some touches to his lair, another deadly card or two ought to do the trick. "Now what else could I add, ooh maybe something like poker chips." He mused to himself as he looked at the deadly traps that already there.
Elizabeth left wonderland to negotiate a trade deal between wonderland and his kingdom. She absolutely hated how the royal family ran their kingdom with love and respect but she needed resources for wonderland. She kept their relationship civil because she needed him, he also wasn't that bad on eyes.
When she arrived at gate of the castle. "Look likes the Prince is having a little trouble in keeping up his kingdom" She looked at castle in distaste. "Pirates, should have gotten rid of them long ago." She waited for the gates to be open.
Captain Tetch grinned as he heard Ursula's words. He immediatley took the quill and wrote his signature on the second contract. True, he did not lose his curse, but, he got to keep his crew and ship, for now.

Turei took the antidote and took his hand back into the closet. Turei immediately drank the antidote and tossed the bottle out of the closet. Suddenly, the burning pain that affected his whole body went away. Turei came out of the closet a few moments later and said to Mri with a big smile on his face," Thank you, Prince of Death".
Hook laughed at Rapunzel’s words at him, “Nice comeback, princess.” Hook said as he then smiled. Simba looked at Rapunzel and Hook, “Well yes, anyways, we should probably start by checking the globe, hopefully it is still intact.” Prince Simba said as he hoped the globe was still safe.

Simba then reached the globe and looked at it as it was still protected due to its spell. “Thank goodness this is still okay. From here, we shall be able to know what to do next. However, now Tetch is a new problem in all of this and we must be careful on that end as well.” Simba said as he examined the globe. He then thought to himself, “Hook, you and Mrithun need to scout this kingdom and make sure everything else is still safe. Rapunzel, you, Turei, and myself shall go check out the castle and make sure everyone else is okay. And Robin, since Galva is no longer with us, I need you to fill in for his role, and I need you to scan the world for the next possible danger. Now I know you don’t know how to use this globe, so I am going to put it to where you just have to say the command and it will do the command itself. We use this mode as a learning curve.” Simba said giving the orders and telling that Merrick only needs to say what he wants fhe globe to do and it will do it.

Mrithun didn’t take too well with hearing what Turei called him. “No problem at all, just please never call me that name ever again. True, I might be the son of the Lord of the Dead, but I despise my father in every way possible, and as such do not like to be associated with him at all. He is truly the most vile villain that I have ever met.” Mrithun said revealing to Turei that he didn’t want anything to do with his father in any way possible.

Mr. Ursula then summoned away the contract and looked at Tetch. “Great, the deal is done. Nice doing business with you, sweetie. And by the way, there happens to be another way to get rid of your curse, but you have to seek someone else out for that job. A man by the name of Hades is who you should look for if you ever want to get rid of your curse.” Mr. Ursula said offering on bit of information up for free in that Hades would be able to help Tetch overcome his curse. Mr. Ursula then suddenly vanished in a purple smoke and there Tetch and his crew were alone again.

Suddenly a figure walked into Oogie’s lair and stared him down. “A bag of bugs? They want me to recruit a bag of bugs? They don’t pay me enough for this role.” The figure (who looked like:
) said. The creature then walked forward to Oogie Boogie. “Mr. Oogie, we need to talk.” The creature said wanting to catch Oogie’s attention.

The gates couldn’t have opened up fast enough for Elizabeth as a guard stood there bowing to her for a moment and then stood up right, “Lady Elizabeth, we have been expecting you, please follow me to The Prince’s location.” the guard said as he then began to walk forward to lead her to Prince Simba’s location. (It’s okay if from here you decide to time jump to the part where you get to Simba’s location)
Genie simply shrank himself down instead of drinking the potion and followed the others inside the door. "So who is this person that we seek anyway?" He asked as the party continued to walk, he kept around the back in case anything tried to get the jump on them.

Oogie jumped at the sound of the sudden arrival's voice, briefly thinking Jack might have come to finish him off. Quickly composing himself "How did you get down here?!" He demanded, looking up at the pipe where anything that would usually come down and land on the center table of his lair. "I don't get many visitors down here, certainly not people who come in and insult me in my own home." His voice deepened to a growl. He slid over to a button on the floor, but didn't press it... yet. He wanted to hear what this mysterious stranger had to say. "But please, do tell me what you want to say." He smiled and the creature could see some bugs wriggling around from within.
"Could have gotten here faster." She frustratedly walked with the guard. As she walked in she saw the Prince talking to group of people. "Having a party without me. Is that anyway too treat a friend?" She scanned the room. 'Hmm... a princess, prince, and a knock off robin hood in the same room' She thought and looked them up and down. "Well, Isn't this just a rag tag of group misfits!"
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Prince Simba was caught off guard by Elizabeth’s arrival. “Elizabeth, what are?..... Oh my gosh, did I forget to contact you? I’m so sorry, I was very busy with the attack on my castle that I didn’t even remember about you. I just lost Galva in the attack, and so not even he could have contacted you. Again, so very sorry.” Prince Simba said apologizing to Elizabeth for forgetting to contact her. He didn’t like to disappoint Elizabeth at all, because of the rumors going on about her, like the whole head rumor.

Hook looked at Elizabeth as he stared her down as well. “Well, we aren’t exactly misfits, some of us actually were heroes in different lights. Like for example, the help I provided in an other universe.” Hook said mentioning how he was a hero in a different realm than the Untold Universe. He then fixed his hair, “But enough about me, how about you m’lady? What are you here for?” Hook asked her as he wanted to know why she was even here.

The creature looked at Oogie, “Well, it’s not every day that a true demon meets a bug sack man. Anyways, I have orders to ask you to come aid in a takeover of the entire worlds. Including this here, Halloween Town.” The creature said revealing it had orders to fulfill. “You see, there is an uprising of villains about to take place, and we need as many as we can get. You, somehow, qualify for a role in the uprising, and so I am asking you to join. The end result is to get what we all truly desire in the end and make sure the heroes don’t stand in our way.” The creature went on to say as he stared Oogie down, which was hard to do for him, as he immediately didn’t like even the look of Oogie.

As they arrived in Wonderland, Herc heard what Genie asked as he kept walking forward in the area. The area was filled with many wonders but for the most part, where they arrived was the forest and from there Herc directed the path to their destination, which is unknown to anyone but Herc at the moment. “Well, he is a friend of mine, and he is a mystery to the common people, but he means well and he is actually a friendly guy, as long as the moon is normal.” Herc said as he mentioned who they were to try and find.
"A demon you say, well Mr. True Demon you're speaking my language." Oogie stepped away from the button and sauntered towards the demon. He wasn't too fond of being spoken down on thrice and he hissed in a warning, snake tongue lashing out briefly. "You said come is that right, that implies leaving. Because I would like to bring my henchmen with me, i'm sure that won't be a problem." He chuckled at the sight of the demon's uncomfortable look as he tried to stare the sack of bugs down. It was his pleasure to continue messing with the demon, a few more wormlike bugs darted from one eye socket to the other quickly.

Genie looked at the wonders with well, wonder. He was inspired by all the crazy things he saw. Snapping the occasional picture or two of a particularly wonderful thing so that he'd remember it. "Werewolves, in Wonderland. Ooh that actually sounds like it could be a movie. Or perhaps wererabbits or weremice!" Genie joked as he transformed into both a grizzly looking wererabbit and weremouse before going back to normal. But he was genuinely curious as to what Hercules meant.
Rapunzel blinked at the new comer and gave a soft wave. "New princess. I am well.. still in training." She laughed nervously. Glad Hook had liked her comeback she turned to the 'knock off robinhood' and looked back to her. "Feel free to call me Rapunzel." She perked up at finally getting new orders. Moving forward. Finally. She had gotten here just in time. "So...someone was attacked just before I got here?" She felt a bit of dread. Well. This was her life now. She wanted adventure and well she was certainly getting it. Rapunzel trying her best to hide her excitement put up her cloak hood and turned away for a moment silently getting excited. Turning back around quickly she cleared her throat and pushed back her cloak hood. Oh this was going to be soooo cool.
Elizabeth chuckled at the Prince distraught face. “Contact me next time okay.” She touch the Prince’s face softly. “Or you won’t have a face to contact me with next time!” She whispered sharply. “So, what are talking about?” She asked she turned towards the group. She quietly waited for them to answer.
As Ursula vanished Captain Tetch thought to himself," The Lord of Death Huh? Looks like we are going to Greece when the evening hits." Tetch then walked out of his quarters and said to his crew in a booming voice," Alright me lads. Tonight, we sail for Greece." One of the pirates tilted his head and said to Tetch," Why Capn?" Tetch grinned and said," Let's just say I have an appointment."

Turei nodded at Muri and walked out of the room he was hiding in. He then walked back into the throne room and imeediatley knelt in front of the Prince and said to him," Your humble servant apologizes for rushing out without warning." The heavily tatooed man then turned towards Rapunzel and polietly bowed to her.
The demon creature looked at Oogie, “The name is Chernabog, Hades’s Ultimate Demon. Just call me Chernabog.” Chernabog said revealing his name and his full title. He then thought about Oogie’s request, “I don’t know about that. We are forming an alliance of villains, not trying to babysit some brats. If these minions of yours are indeed the local kid tricksters, then I don’t know if they would have a place among us.” Chernabog said as he revealed that he didn’t think it was a good idea for three children to tag along in all of this. “But, maybe I’ll take a page out of Mr. Ursula’s book, and offer this deal. If you happen to bring them, you are to take full responsibility on their actions. Meaning if they get in the way and mess up our goal, then you will pay with your own life. If you really want to bring them, then you must accept this offer of mine, if you do not, then they can not tag along. Deal?” Chernabog asked making a deal offer with Oogie that if he were to bring his henchmen, then he would be fully responsible for their actions and take any consequences should the need arise.

Herc looked at Genie as he stopped walking. “No, this is worst than being a weremouse or wererabbit. The guy we are to meet has a terrible curse that was placed upon him, that when the moon turns blood red in color, he will turn into a truly horrible monster, and he has tried for many years to keep it under control, but he has failed numerous times in doing so. It is a very harsh life for this guy, but he does his best to avoid his curse when he can and tries to live a normal life.” Herc said revealing that this person could turn dangerous if the moon were to turn blood red in its coloring.

Prince Simba was caught off guard for the split moment when Elizabeth touched his face. “Yes, ma’am.” Prince Simba said in response to her threat. Hook then snapped his fingers and snapped The Lion Prince out of it and back into reality. Mrithun then walked into the room after Turei did and looked at Elizabeth, “Well we were discussing what Prince Simba’s orders were for us to do next. We have to help protect this world and stop the villains before it is too late, and something deep within me tells me there has been a change of plan. I don’t know what it is, but I have this strange feeling that Tetch is about to go looking for my father, Hades. We must stop him before it is too late, because if Hades gets involved in all of this, then the world would seriously be in trouble.” Mrithun said revealing that he could feel what Tetch was about to do. Prince Simba was shocked to hear these words,”That’s it, the next time I meet up with Tetch, I am going to banish him so far away that he would never be able to come back.” Prince Simba said as he was finally, truly just so done with Tetch as a person.
Rapunzel watched the newcomers pour in. Turei bowed and she flushed and waved her hands nervously. Giving in from his bowing she curtseyed. She would humor him. He made her think of the folks at the snuggly duckling. She missed her friends.

With that familiar sting of missing him came back she went to grip at her makeshift whip/rope of her hair. Realizing it was in her knapsack. "...ah.. do you think I could put on my not ..so princessy attire?" She smiled nervously and rocked back and forth on her heels. "I-its just a comfort thing..."
Turei grinned as Rapunzel curtisied to him. He then turned to his master and was about to say something to him when he heard something about Tetch trying to find Hades. Suddenly, Turei's mood changed from content to fearful. Not wanting to interrupt, he started to pace back and forth, trying to calm himself down.

Merrick nodded to Hook's answer. He hopped it would happen sooner than later. After what just happened, Merrick found himself with a little bit of adrenaline in his system, and he wanted to burn it off. It didn't look like it'd happen soon however as more people entered the castle. Rapunzel had introduced herself directly to Merrick and Hook. Merrick nodded in return. With more people arriving and the fight over, Merrick began to think if he should put on a more "Robin Hood like" attitude. As everyone continued in there own conversations, Merrick noticed Turei becoming uneasy at the mention of Hades. Well, being friendly would be a start to looking more like Robin Hood. He took a few steps towards Turei. "What's got you pacing Turei?" he asked him.
Oogie was a gambler but the limit was drawn at his own life being on the line "They know who's boss... But that's a risky gamble and i'm a gamblin' boogeyman." Boogie mused. He was weighing out if bringing Shock, Lock, and Barrel would be worth his life... Nah. "Actually they should stay here and keep an eye on things while i'm gone. I have a much better plan." He looked at Chernabog as he decided his henchmen would stay in Halloween town, a bug would inform them of his leaving. "So Chernabog, what exactly am I needed for. Or would you rather take me to wherever we're going first?"

(Requesting a timeskip for Genie since not really doing much but talking, also I know you said wait on a post for Tamatoa but just a slight reminder :))
Turei turned his head towards the voice and saw that it was Robin. He then said to him said to him in a frightened voice," Hades and the idea that my former master Tetch would actually try to summon him as a way to end his curse". He then stopped for a moment and started to think about what his former master would do in order to secure a meeting with Hades.
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If Merrick could recall, Hades was the supposed God of the Underworld in Greece. To think that a measly man, if you were to call him that, like Tetch could get a meeting with a god. "I'm sure that Mr. Tetch doesn't have a chance at getting an appointment with Hades" he said with a reassuring tone and a grin on his muzzle. This was going to be a nightmare. Merrick hated acting nice. The pay better be worth it.
Rapunzel looked to everyone who seemed busy. Finding the prince to be preoccupied she snuck out of the room and went to find a place to change.

After a few moments of searching she came across an empty room and she locked the door quickly. She started changing back into eugenes old clothes she had made to fit her. It was her reminder. It was the she way she felt as if he was always near. Putting her knapsack full of stuff on the floor she hooked her pan to her belt and the whip from her hair was attached to the other belt loop. Putting her clothes away she took a deep breath. "Save Eugene then go back to everything as normal. " she murmured before unlocking the door and walking back to the room. She sneakily tip toed back in. Hopefully no one noticed.
The two women bid each other good night after Philip left, parting ways. Even after making her way to her bedroom and laying down on the soft bed, Aurora still struggled against restlessness. Worry for her teacher gnawed at her. There was still the faintest worry that Maleficent may still bend to everyone's expectations of her but mostly it was the worry for her well being. Of course she could take care of herself, but... It was hard not to worry.

Due to those worries, Aurora found the pale morning sun flooding her room with barely a wink of sleep to show for the night. She rose, dreading what the day had to offer and wishing she could have gotten some sleep at least as she rubbed her heavy eyes.

Upon entering the dining room, she was met with a familiar face. Aurora was sure that Maleficent knew that she was there but made no movement to show for it. The ashe blonde fairy only stared into the mahogany table blankly in thought. Only when Aurora sat beside her did Maleficent raise her emerald eyes to her sapphire ones. "Oh my dear, you look so tired..."

Aurora didn't answer, focusing instead at the breakfast of ham and eggs that were set before her by the use of magic.
That night, Prince Phillip just laid on the guest bed in the guest bedroom and looked at the ceiling. It had been quite a day, he had rescued a princess,who he didn’t know was one at the time of rescuing her, from a wolf, crossed a dangerous forest, and ended up meeting the person everyone calls the mistress of evil, even though Phillip was starting to doubt if that was just false fear people got out of her. Phillip then thought about what his original orders were from Prince Simba, to seek help out from the misunderstood fairy, but now the plan was changed so that the fairy joined the villains, which could either be good news or bad news depending on how that plays out. But the thing that seemed to bother him the most out of everything was the danger that he rescued Aurora from, the wolf.

The wolf was black and red, and it gave off an aura that was different from a usual wolf. It felt like the wolf had a heart that was in so much pain and suffering that it felt like the wolf didn’t care about anything or anyone else in the world. It was hard to say why it would have tried attacking Aurora, though. Was it for a quick meal? Was it to just inflict pain unto someone else? No, those reasons didn’t seem to be what Phillip felt. He then began to think some more, and it seemed like Aurora was practicing her magic powers before it attacked. It dawned on Phillip that the wolf only attacked Aurora because it was either afraid of and/or angry about her magical powers.

The morning after, Phillip stood up to his feet, feeling weak, for he didn’t sleep at all last night, and that came from him thinking and his fear of sleeping and never waking up. But as he stood up, he quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bottle of some type of potion and he drank just a small douse of it and suddenly he had the energy of someone who slept for twelve hours straight. “Thank goodness for this potion, if it weren’t for it, I don’t think I would still be alive. Well anyways, better go report in to the two.” Phillip said.

Soon after, he arrived into the same room as Maleficent and Aurora. He saw that Aurora apparently didn’t sleep as well. He thought about giving her a douse of his potion, but considering how Maleficent was there and would figure it out, he decided not to for now. He then sat down at the table and looked at Maleficent and Aurora. “Good morning. When should we be heading out to try out the plan?” Phillip asked with a smile. Phillip wondered when they should start heading out for their plan, that was to take place at noon on that day.


Chernabog looked at Oogie, “Well let me ask you this question, do you know of a place called Christmas Town?” Chernabog asked as he wanted to hear what Oogie would say towards Christmas Town. There seemed to be something there that Chernabog wanted Oogie to know about. But what could Christmas Town, of all places, hold that would interest the villains? It seemed to be something that was good enough for a creature like Oogie Boogie to be called in for.

While offscreen, Koda had told Tamatoa about what The Prince could offer in rewards that the villains couldn’t. He then went on to show Tamatoa a way off the island and back to the main shores, in the form of a small sailboat. Koda looked at Tamatoa as he showed the boat, “Now, this is your way off this island. But before you are allowed to use it, you must promise to not give away what you have seen here on this island, and you must also promise to not tell anyone about this island as well. I want this to remain my safe home, and I can’t do that if people find out about it.” Koda said offering the boat in exchange for Tamatoa being quite about Koda’s island home.

Simba thought to himself about everything that was happening and how Tetch was on his way to find Hades. The thing was, though, that he really needed a good plan at the moment, but he just didn’t really have one. That was when Mrithun and Hook understood that Simba was at a loss at the moment and thought to themselves. “Well, while Tetch going to find Hades would be a terrible thing, I don’t think he will easily be able to meet with Hades, that will buy us enough time to stop him.” Hook said as he realized it wouldn’t be easy to find the Underworld entrance. Mrithun nodded, “Exactly, the Underworld is not an easy place to visit, nor escape from without knowing what you are doing. I say that Tetch doesn’t know how to get in and out, which means he will be at a lost when he arrives in Greece.” Mrithun said as he agreed that Tetch wouldn’t know how to easily find Hades. Simba then nodded, “Okay then. Rapunzel and Turei, you guys stay with me and we shall attend to things around here. Meanwhile, Robin, you join Hook and Mrithun and go find Tetch and make sure he doesn’t get into the Underworld, but whatever you do, do not get yourselves caught by him and his crew, we can’t afford another fight with him so soon.” Simba said giving the new orders.


After a while, Herc’s group ended up in an isolated area within the forest of Wonderland, where a small wooden cabin was shown to be connected to a huge center tree. The cabin looked to be in shabby condition and had damage all around it. Herc looked at the group, “Well, this is where he lives currently. Now, just a warning, he doesn’t like to be around people all that much out of fear, so I don’t know how he will react to the rest of you. He only trusts me for the sole fact that we have something in common.” Herc said as just warning that the guy might not take too well to Aladdin, Genie, and possibly Dezòd. As Herc walked up to the door to see if the guy was home, a huge howl came from not too far away. Aladdin was caught off guard and pulled out his dagger sword, “What was that?” Aladdin asked prepared to stand his ground. Dezòd looked around and then noticed that in the sky, a blood red colored moon had appeared. “Brace yourselves, the moon is out!” Dezòd said as prepared to fight himself. Suddenly, a shadowy figure of a wolf with red eyes appeared and immediately rushed at the group, trying to attack Genie of all people first.
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Turei grinned and nodded at Merrick, as a gesture of thanks. He then immediately strided over to Simba and immediately knelt down and said to him with a huge twinge of loyalty in his voice," I will do whatever you order me to do my Prince."

Tetch and his crew were making final preparations for their journey to Greece. Suddenly, one of his crew members came up to him and said to Tetch," Capn, how are exactly going to hide The Lord of Death. It's not like he has a port of call." Tetch thought about for a few moments and then said to him," Once we get to Greece, i want you and some of the lads to shake down the first priest you stumble upon for information." The pirate nodded and rushed back to finish preparations while Tetch let out a evil laugh.

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