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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Xavier could hear the conversation in the other room, chuckling to himself as he worked on the pancakes, almost finished with them. He took the completed pancakes and two plates, walking into the dining room. "Here comes daddy, there better not be any fruit left on that plate" He said with a laugh, looking at his son as he set down the plates and pancakes. Rose was quite content slowly munching on the fruits before working on the vegetables, the cereal on the other hand she was not a fan of, not even touching it. "Rose you better eat your cereal" He told her softly.
Logan widened his little brown eyes hearing his daddy come back into the room. He quickly pulled the small bowl of fruits towards him and began stuffing them into his mouth in an attempt to get rid of them. Aaron laughed at this. He also found it amusing how Logan wasn’t a fan of the fruit yet Rose was, and Rose wasn’t a fan of the cereal yet Logan was. “Thanks love,” said Aaron softly as Xavier brought him breakfast.
Xavier smiled over at Logan, seeing him eating the fruits now. He sat down at the table, looked over at Aaron and smiled. "Of course dear" He told him, before looking over to see Rose reluctantly working on the cereal. "That's my girl" He said softly, before he grabbed some pancakes for himself and started eating them.
Aaron began to eat his pancakes. Occasionally he’d glance at Logan to make sure he was eating his fruits and veggies as well as at Rose to make sure she was eating her cereal. He would raise an eyebrow every time Logan looked as if he would push away the bowl of fruits and vegetables, which usually caused the little boy to quickly eat one or two.
Xavier was eating his pancakes. His eyes would look at his children every so often. He noticed that Rose was slowly eating the cereal and wasn’t that happy to be. He’d give her a look each time she slowed down and she’d start eating it more enthusiastically for a few minutes. Xavier kept eating his pancakes as he watched her as well as glancing over at Logan too.
Eventually Aaron had finished his pancakes. Logan had eaten most of his fruits and all of his cereal, but some veggies remained. “Oi, Logan! I still see vegetables,” said Aaron, giving a stern look over at his two year old son.
Xavier finished his breakfast a moment later. He looked over at Rose who’d finished her fruits and vegetables, and was picking at the last few bites of her cereal. “Rose. Finish your breakfast.” He told her and she pouted, stuffing the last few bites in unhappily. “Thank you angel.” He said and she laughed after she’d finished eating the cereal. Xavier looked over at Aaron and Logan, curious on if Logan would try and finish his vegetables or not.
Aaron pulled his seat closer as he faced Logan now, who seemed adamant about not eating his vegetables. Clearly the verbal pressure from his father wasn’t working. “Logan…” he said softly but still with a stern tone.
Xavier leaned forward on the table. He wasn’t sure if he should intervene unless Aaron asked him too. He could see that his son was being very stubborn about not eating the rest of his veggies. Rose was also looking at her brother, watching him curiously.
Aaron felt he could handle this job. It was simple enough. Get the bloody boy to eat his damn vegetables. “Logan, there’s only a few more. Won’t you make your papa proud and eat them?” Aaron asked. Logan shook his head no. Aaron sighed at this and briefly looked over to Rose before looking back at the little boy. “Your sister ate all her food. Why can’t you?” he asked. This caused Logan to look over at his sister and it seemed the gears turned in his head as he debated eating. “You don’t get birthday cake later tonight if you don’t finish your veggies, mate,” Aaron told him.
Xavier was watching the scene with pride in his eyes at how Aaron was handling their stubborn little boy. He was being patient, yet not giving in to Logan either. Xavier turned to Rose, taking her plate away and kissed her forehead softly. He loved his kids, and he was hoping this silent encouragement would help everyone. He had seen Logan look over at Rose when Aaron had mentioned her. Xavier turned his attention back to his husband and son. Rose had smiled when she got a kiss from her daddy, before looking at her brother again.
“You know…” began Aaron, a playful smirk coming across his face. “Teddy told me that he wanted you to eat your veggies,” he said. Logan suddenly perked up and raised his eyebrows. “Teddy?” the little boy asked. Aaron continued to grin and nodded his head. “Yes, Teddy. He wants to see you eat some birthday cake later so he wants you to eat your veggies,” said Aaron, hoping this playful little spin to things would get Logan to eat his veggies. It did work, as Logan suddenly began to put the vegetables in his mouth, chew, and swallow. “Atta boy!” Aaron praised the young kid.
Xavier smiled at the scene before him. He was so proud of both his son and his husband. Xavier stood from the table, collecting all the dishes. “Good job love.” He told Aaron, before looking at Logan. “You did great buddy.” He said to his son with a smile. Xavier turned to bring the dishes into the kitchen to wash them real quick.
“That’s my birthday boy! Good work big guy, we knew you could do it!” Aaron said with an encouraging smile. This caused Logan to grin, feeling that he had done well as he saw how proud his fathers were of him. The little boy took his teddy bear and hugged it. Aaron stayed back with the kiddos as Xavier went to wash the dishes. Later, perhaps at dinner, they’d feed the twins their birthday cake. Aaron just hoped it wouldn’t be as messy as last year now that the kids were two years old and not one.
Xavier washed the dishes, setting them in the drainer and put the prepped turkey in the oven to cook during the day. He’d finish the rest of dinner later. He walked back out into the dining room. “You guys wanna go play with your toys?” He asked his kids they had all their toys in the living room where they spent most of their time. Rose laughed. “Ball! Play” She said excitedly.
“Yes! Play!” Logan chirped as Xavier came back and asked if they wanted to entertain themselves with their toys. Aaron smiled and chuckled at the kids’ reactions. “Alright you two, play time for the birthday kiddos,” he said as he stood up and lifted Logan out of his high chair and started on the way to the play pens.
Xavier picked up Rose and smiled, following after Aaron and Logan. He entered the living room and set Rose down in her pen. She immediately went for her pink ball, rolling it all over the pen happily. He smiled happily watching her play with it.
Aaron set Logan down in his play pen and sighed, knowing that the toys in there would keep him occupied for a good while- and much longer than they did when he was one. At two years old, he had a bit higher of an attention span (although like his papa, not much of one). Aaron yawned as he took a seat in the living room.
Xavier sighed softly. He had a little bit of time before he had to work on dinner and Rose would be focused on her ball and cube for a while. He walked over and sat down beside Aaron. Xavier felt a yawn himself as he laid his head on Aaron’s shoulder. “I can’t believe we have two 2 year olds now.” He said with a soft chuckle.
“Wild, isn’t it?” Aaron asked with a chuckle. “But I couldn’t be happier to raised two beautiful children with the most handsome, loving, gentle, and kind man in the world who also is the best damn father I’ve ever seen,” said Aaron with a soft smile over at Xavier. “They’re growing up so fast, I’m just glad their daddy is such a great man.”
Xavier smiled as he looked up at Aaron. “I’m pretty lucky myself to have a pretty awesome, sweet, caring and attractive man and a great dad raising them with me.” He said softly. He felt a pink tinge on his face. “They are growing too fast. But they have a great papa to look up to.” Xaie said. He was enjoying the calm and peacefulness, his eyes moving from Aaron over to their kids and back to him. He never realized how lucky he’d been to find Aaron all those years ago, but he wouldn’t change a thing about how his life was now.
“Nonsense,” said Aaron, bashfully turning his head away from his husband as he blushed at Xavier’s sweet words for him. “You ought to keep your mouth shut before I kiss it so no other words come out,” he playfully threatened. “I’m the lucky one here. I’m just glad you decided to keep me around despite my flaws,” he chuckled.
Xavier smiled with a laugh. “Well in that case. I’ll keep talking just for that.” He grinned, playing right back. “What flaws do you have? All I see is a handsome man who decided to marry me. The shy nerd.” Xavier said with a smile. “Well that and a really great pro quidditch player and an amazing dad.” He added.
Aaron only continued to blush harder as Xavier went on. “Alright, you’ve asked for it,” he said, standing up and going over to his husband, pulling him close and locking his lips with his, giving him a good passionate kiss.
Xavier laughed as Aaron stood up and came over, pulling Xaie close to him. Xavier gladly did so, kissing Aaron back with a similar passionate kiss. He loved kissing his husband and he’d never say no to it.

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