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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

“Hullo Xavier,” said Andrew as he entered the play room and looked over at Logan and Rose entertaining themselves with their toys. It was quite the adorable sight. Aaron couldn’t help but smile as he heard Rose talking. How he loved it when she formed words and spoke in her cute little baby voice. “Absolutely,” said Aaron, “Everything we say they’re repeating. They’re developing a good vocabulary now!” he told the parents. “I’ve ought to stop saying ‘bloody hell’ because Logan has resorted to saying ‘buddy hell.’” Aaron told them with a laugh.
Xavier looked over at Aaron with a raised eyebrow. “Yeah. We can all see who the bad influence is around here.” He said teasingly. He did have to watch himself as well even if he didn’t say stuff like that often. Xavier looked over at Rose who was still rolling the ball back and forth with his mum.
“Aaron! No swearing in front of the kids!” Mary scolded, wagging her finger and furrowing her brow. “Oh come on mum, it’s not that bad!” Aaron said, laughing it off. Clearly Mary didn’t find it so funny. “But I guess I should watch the language around these two kiddos, especially now. They’re practically like parrots recently!” Aaron said.
Xavier couldn't help the laugh at Mary's reaction to Aaron's swearing in front of the kids. He told him that too the last time he heard it. "Yes you do, and your son seems to love repeating everything you say dear" Xavier said with a grin and shake of his head. "I'm going to check on dinner. I'll be right back" He said, stepping through and into the kitchen. He loved his little family so much. Xavier checked the roast and nodded, thirty minutes and it should be good. He went into the dining room and set the table and then rejoined everyone in the other room. "I'd say we have thirty minutes left before it's ready" He said with a smile. He still couldn't believe that the two kids were already a year old, time really flies by sometimes.
“Well he chose a good man to repeat then!” Aaron proclaimed with a grin. He nodded at his husband as he excused himself to go check on dinner. Speaking of dinner, Aaron couldn’t wait for that. It smelled delicious in the house all day. Eventually he came back after checking on dinner and setting the table for them in the dining room. “You know what I just thought of?” Aaron asked Xavier with a grin. “Maybe Rosie has a future as a chaser,” he said. “I know she can roll a ball but perhaps she can catch it. Gotta start em young, ya know? Then I can move on to throwing her quaffles,” he laughed. Mary shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Oh Aaron, stop it. You’re not going to force Rose to be a Quidditch player,” she scolded him.
Xavier crossed his arms as he looked over at Aaron. "Really? Have you seen how fast she moves? She'd be a better seeker than a chaser" Xavier told him. "Besides, Mary has a point, if she wants to play Quidditch then we can see." Xavier told him, looking down at Rose who'd heard her name and was watching the conversation with wide eyes, before rolling her ball around again with a laugh. He smiled at her, ruffling her dark brown hair before looking back at his husband.
“I still think she’d be a better chaser,” muttered Aaron with a little smirk. “Aaron…” said Mary sternly. “Fine fine, we’ll see when she gets older,” he said with a roll of his eyes. He looked over at Rose and smiled, imagining having his little girl train to be a chaser or even a seeker.
Xavier shook his head with a small laugh. "You just want someone to carry on your name" Xaie said. He loved his husband and his excitement about his daughter's future. He could see her being a Quidditch player himself, but one never knows. Xavier once thought he'd love to play the sport, until he got on the broom for the first time and that was the end of that. He much preferred his charms and magic than flying through the air like his husband.
“Yes I do,” chuckled Aaron. “Maybe Logan will instead,” he said with a playful smirk, leaning down and poking the baby boy in the belly. This caused Logan to giggle, a sound that Aaron absolutely loved and one that never failed to melt his heart every time. “Quidditch is very dangerous love, I wouldn’t want them getting hurt,” said Mary. “That’s nonsense mum, I manage,” replied Aaron with a grin.
He shook his head at his husband with a smile. "Hmm. Maybe. Time will tell" Xavier said, as he heard Logan's giggle at Aaron poking him in the belly. Xavier heard those sounds all the time, but each time they melted his own heart. He never realized what was missing from his life until they adopted their two kids. "Yeah, he hasn't fallen off his broom yet though I'm sure there have been some close calls." Xavier said with a smile.
“Plenty of times, I’m just good at hiding it when I do almost fall,” replied Aaron with a grin. “How have you survived with his massive ego?” Mary asked Xavier, only half joking. “I hope neither of these cute little babies don’t have a quarter of the ego their papa has,” she chuckled.
Xavier laughed, shaking his head at Aaron. He turned and looked at Mary. "It's pretty tough sometimes, but he's had it since we met so I've gotten use to it." He said with a chuckle. "I'm hoping they don't, or at least learn the humility their papa still struggles with" Xaie said, looking over at Aaron with a teasing grin.
“You’re all just jealous I’m so amazing,” said Aaron with a grin as he continued to look down at Logan playing with his car. “Not exactly helping yourself here, son,” laughed Andrew. “But I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love our little boy,” said Mary, smiling fondly at her one and only son watching over his own son now.
Xavier rolled his eyes at him. "Yes, that's what we're jealous of dear" He said. Xavier's attention went down to Rose who was content with her ball. Xavier looked between Rose, Logan with his car and Aaron looking at their son. He smiled happily, and stepped over to the door. "I'm going to another quick check but I believe that dinner is ready" He said. Rose looked over at Xavier and said "Up! Dada" He walked over to her. "I'll be right back angel." He told her, leaning over the pen to her. "Dada! Up" She said again, looking at Xavier with the saddest eyes. That is not fair. Not at all. She should not have learned the puppy eyes yet, and he was sure she didn't quite know what it was, but knew it worked. "Alright, come here" He said, picking her up in his arms.

"Mum, can you come help me check dinner? Someone has decided she wants to be with me and I can't exactly open an oven" He said with a chuckle. Cora nodded, following behind her son and her granddaughter. They went into the kitchen and she opened it, checking it, looking at Xavier and nodded. Perfect. "Alright, um. Can I have help serving it too mum?" Cora laughed. "Of course dear, I don't mind helping. Go tell the others that its done" She smiled. He felt bad asking but his mum was quick to get things ready to serve. Xavier and Rose walked back into the other room. "Dinners done." He said, leading the way into the decorated dining room and set Rose in her chair, and she was fascinated with the balloon above her, the want to be in her father's arms forgotten.
Aaron looked up from Logan’s pen and nodded as Xavier said he was going to check if dinner was ready. But Rose did not like that her daddy was leaving. Even after Xavier assured her that he’d be right back, this wasn’t enough for the baby girl. Then she did the puppy dog eyes, a classic tactic. Aaron should know- he did it all the time, as a baby, little kid, teenager, and even sometimes as an adult when he wanted to get Xavier to do something for him. It usually always worked. But now that the baby was doing it, no one would be able to deny her.

“Oh boy, wrapped around her finger,” laughed Aaron with a grin as he saw Xavier pick Rose up. Aaron stayed back with Logan, James, Andrew and Mary as Cora went to help with dinner until eventually, Xavier came to tell them that their meal was in fact ready to be eaten. Aaron quickly looked at his husband and grinned excitedly. He couldn’t wait to eat that delicious smelling beef roast and potatoes. “Up you go little dude,” said Aaron as he reached into the pen and picked up Logan. “Uppies!” Logan said with a smile. “That’s right bud!” Aaron said, as he held the baby boy in his arms now and transported him to the kitchen, following their parents.

Aaron got Logan situated in his high chair right next to Rose. It was all decorated for their first birthday, courtesy of Xavier. Once Logan was secure, Aaron sat down at his seat and prepared to eat. While waiting to be served, Aaron looked over at Logan and saw him playing with the string of the balloon that was on his chair. “Logan honey, stop that ok? No playing with the balloon string,” said Aaron gently. “Baboon!” Logan said with a giggle. “Close enough,” said Aaron with a grin.
Xavier looked over at Aaron when he set Logan down, and then to his son playing the string of the balloon. Oops. He hadn't thought of the fact that the kids would want to play with the string. He did laugh at Logan's attempt to say the word balloon though, it was cute. "Thank you for the help serving dinner mum" Xavier said with a smile. She'd gotten everything on the table while Xavier had gone to get everyone else for dinner. He sat down and smiled. "I hope everyone likes it" He said, passing the food around now that his hands were free. He had heard Aaron's comment about him being wrapped around Rose's finger and it was true. He certainly was. He looked over at Rose who would pull the string, let it go and watch the balloon go up and down. She didn't mess with it, just pulled it every so often to watch the balloon move. He kept a very close eye on her while he ate, making sure she didn't hurt herself.
“Yes thank you very much for your help Cora,” said Aaron with a smile as the food was served to everyone. Logan, having been gently scolded to not play with the string of the balloon, stopped doing so but just stared up at the balloon, seemingly mesmerized by it, his big brown eyes wide with wonder. As Aaron began to eat, he looked over at his husband. “This is wonderful love, absolutely wonderful,” he complimented his amazing cook of a spouse.
"It's no problem. I remember how it was trying to cook meals and have someone constantly wanting to be in your arms" She laughed, looking at Xavier. He looked away. He didn't really remember how he was as a baby, but he was always by his mother's side as a young kid, helping her so that made sense. "Thank you dear, I learned how to cook from mum, she's amazing in the kitchen" Xavier told Aaron, before looking at his mum who smiled. "Well, you were a good student, you picked up things quickly in the kitchen" She told him.
“If only someone had stood by me and both learned and helped me cook,” chimed in Mary, looking over at Aaron. “He was always too busy playing football in the backyard as a young lad when I was cooking,” recalled Mary. “That’s why I have a lovely husband to make me these excellent meals,” replied Aaron with a grin. As he continued to eat, he looked over at Rose and Logan to check up on them. Aaron found it amusing to see Logan staring up at the balloon, seemingly in awe of it.
Xavier looked at Aaron with a smile. "That's exactly why he married me, just my cooking skills" He laughed. His eyes looked over at their kids, Rose had left the string alone and was running her hands on the tray table, fascinated with them. Logan was still staring at the balloon. Xavier found it adorable and amusing watching him. He was glad that the roast had come out so well, it was perfect. And in all honesty, he didn't mind cooking at all, it was relaxing to him.
The family continued to enjoy their dinner together, making some small chatter as they ate. Aaron wondered to himself if Logan had been hypnotized or zoned out. Aaron couldn’t blame the little boy since he himself often zoned out.
Xavier finally finished his food, looking over at the two babies, and waited for everyone to be done. He was curious as to how the twins would take to the cakes he'd gotten for them. He'd probably be washing cake out of the high chairs tomorrow.
Finally everyone had finished their dinner. “Ok you lot, I think it’s time to give the babies their birthday cakes,” said Aaron with an anticipatory grin. “Are you two ready?” he asked, looking over at the children. Logan just seemed to find the balloon so fascinating.
Xavier looked at Aaron. "I think that's a great idea. I'll be right back" Xaie said. Rose had looked over at Aaron when he spoke towards them, slapping her hands on the table with a laugh. Xavier smiled, walking into the kitchen and grabbing the two small cakes. He came out and handed the blue one to Aaron "Maybe you can get his attention off that balloon" Xavier said with a smile, before taking the cover off the pink one. He was curious if Aaron could get Logan's attention on anything other than the balloon. "Happy birthday sweetheart" Xavier told Rose, setting the cake on the tray. She tilted her head slightly at it, something she picked up from Xavier who did it more often than he'd like to admit, and placed one hand on it, pulling her hand back at the soft texture. Then her other hand went to it, and grabbed some with her fingers, looking at it curiously.
“I will,” chuckled Aaron as he got up and went over to Logan as Xavier got up to go get the cake. “Buddy. Hey! Buddy! Over here!” Aaron said with a smile, snapping his fingers in front of Logan’s face. Logan seemed to snap out of it and look back at his father with his beautiful brown eyes and smiling. “It’s birthday cake time Logan!” Aaron told him. Logan didn’t understand but continued to smile at his papa. Soon Xavier came back into the room with the cake. “Ok the boy’s ready for his cake now too,” chuckled Aaron as he looked over at his husband.

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