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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Aaron stayed there with Xavier in their secret room well into the evening and night. All of Hogwarts was reeling from Cedric Diggory’s untimely death. Unlike Jacob Cromwell’s death which had been witnessed by only Aaron and Xavier and was mostly covered up and swept under the rug, many people saw Harry bent over Cedric’s dead body the day of the third task in the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Everyone had seen it- there would be no covering that up. The House Cup was cancelled that year by Dumbledore out of respect to Cedric. Aaron did everything he could to comfort Xavier in the few days remaining of that year at Hogwarts. He even had comforted Harry Potter at one point, as the death of Cedric deeply affected him considering he witnessed it first hand. Finally, it ended and everyone was off on the Hogwarts Express train to go back home. Unfortunately, Lord Voldemort had returned and was now back up to full strength. The wizarding world was in grave danger.

Many bore a heavy heart, the death of Cedric fresh in their minds. Aaron tried his best to keep spirits light on the train and keep both him and his boyfriend smiling. Eventually the train arrived back at King’s Cross Station and Aaron took his trunk and disembarked, walking with Xavier onto the platform. It was then that his hazel eyes caught sight of his two parents- mother and father. He was a bit surprised to see his mother here as she typically didn’t accompany his father to pick him up from the Hogwarts Express. He then noticed and spotted Xavier’s parents, remembering his mom and dad from when he had initially met them and of course, spending a couple of days at Xavier’s home over the summer of last year.

Aaron quickly grabbed Xavier’s arm. He wanted to introduce the boy to his parents for the first time and finally come out to them as gay and reveal to them that he was dating his best friend. “Come on! I see my parents and your parents! I want you to meet my folks!” Aaron said as he fast walked towards them, dragging Xavier along. “I wanna tell our parents the good news! They should know we’re dating,” he said, looking back at the Hufflepuff boy to see if he was receptive to and supportive of the idea to tell their parents that they were officially dating and had been for quite a few months now.
Xavier had been an emotional mess the last few days of that year. He probably never would've gotten through it as well, but he had Aaron. His boyfriend was a beacon in during the grief he was experiencing. Xavier couldn't believe how lucky he was to have found someone so supportive and caring. He remembered the shock at finding out that Lord Voldemort was back in power, and that Cedric had paid the ultimate price that day. The house cup had been cancelled out of respect for Cedric and the entire Hufflepuff house had spent a day, all huddled in their common room and sharing stories of Cedric, Xavier included. Of course, after that he'd gone seeking out Aaron because it had taken a toll on him.

The train ride back was solemn for many after having witnessed what happened that day in the maze. Xavier appreciated Aaron's ability to keep the train ride happy. He did admit that he had kept a smile on most of the ride back, and once the train pulled into the station, he grabbed his trunk and followed Aaron off the train. He let out a deep breath as he saw Aaron grow excited, taking his arm. He noticed his parents, before he looked over at Aaron. "I'd be honored to meet your parents Aaron. I agree, they should know that I'm dating their handsome son" He said with a grin, feeling more like himself than he had in days. Aaron had that ability to spread the excitement to anyone near him, and that was usually Xaie.
Aaron grinned, very pleased as Xavier said that he’d love to meet his parents. Aaron was very excited to show off his boyfriend to his parents. He just knew they would love Xavier. He briefly mentioned him from time to time to them when he was home, so they vaguely knew of his Hufflepuff best friend. They of course had never seen him though, but Aaron was glad to change that today. “Come on!” Aaron laughed as he picked up his pace and approached his parents.

“Mum! Dad!” Aaron called out to his parents. Mr. Hoskins, Andrew, and Mrs. Hoskins, Mary, turned around and smiled seeing their son for the first time since September. They had very much missed their one and only son. Aaron still held onto Xavier and his parents seemed to notice that he was holding onto this Hufflepuff boy. Aaron’s father Andrew was a tall handsome man that looked very much like Aaron. The only difference was that his hair was lighter and blonde and his eyes were a deep blue color. Aaron’s mother Mary had dark brown hair and hazel eyes- the very pretty eyes that Aaron had inherited from her. “Hello sweetheart!” Mary said with a sweet smile. “Who’s your handsome little friend here?” she asked. Aaron blushed at this comment. “Mum, dad! I want you to meet Xavier!” he said, proudly presenting his friend to and introducing him to his parents.
Xavier followed his boyfriend with a grin on his face, it wasn't hard to keep pace with him. The boy was definitely nervous, he'd never met anyone's parents before and he was afraid that they wouldn't like him. He looked at Aaron's father and his mother. He could see Aaron got his eyes from his mother. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Hoskins. It's really nice to finally meet you. I'm Xavier Collins" He didn't know what else to do, so he sent a nervous glance over to Aaron. He didn't want to say the wrong thing and mess this up. What if they didn't like him? What if they didn't want him to date their only son? He felt his heart rate increase as his mind raced. His parents seemed really nice though so what if he was over-thinking again.
“Oh please! Call me Mary! And you can call my husband Andrew,” said Mrs. Hoskins kindly with her ever so sweet smile. Aaron looked over at Xavier, who seemed quite nervous, with a big grin, grabbing his hand and squeezing it as he took a deep breath and looked back to his parents. “Mum? Dad? I want you both to know something,” he began. “Not only is Xavier my best friend, but he’s also my boyfriend,” he said. “We’re dating. I’m gay,” said Aaron, officially coming out to his parents. Aaron was stunned that neither of his parents reacted with any sort of sign of surprise. It was almost like they were expecting such a thing. They both smiled though proudly of their son.

“Son, I’ve suspected for a little while now,” chuckled Mr. Hoskins. Aaron raised his eyebrows and looked flabbergasted. Mr. Hoskins laughed at his boy’s reaction. “H- how did you know I was gay?” Aaron asked. “Well, you never did seem to like girls Aaron,” he began. “Every girl in your class had a crush on you in primary school yet you never cared. That one girl you ‘dated’ in elementary school you never seemed interested in. Hell, the thought of kissing her disgusted you,” said Andrew. “You’ve never been into girls, Aaron. I suspected but I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. But I’m glad you’re comfortable enough to tell us,” his father said.

Aaron looked rather shocked but glad that his parents accepted him and his sexuality. “Oh honey I’m so proud of you. You know we’ll always love you no matter what,” said Mary. “And I can’t believe my handsome little boy has himself an adorable young man to call his boyfriend,” she said with a sweet smile as she looked over at Xavier. “Such a kind young lad!” Mary went on. “Dashing looks too!” she said, still looking at Xavier. “He’ll make a fine future son-in-law, don’t you think Andy?” Mary said with a laugh, looking over at her husband. Andrew grinned and nodded his head. Aaron’s hazel eyes widened as he began to blush profusely. “Mum! Stop it!” whined an embarrassed Aaron.
Xavier looked at Aaron who had taken his hand and squeezed it. A smile crossed his face as he listened to Aaron officially come out to his parents. He listened to his father and couldn't but smile over at Aaron. All his nervous energy seemed to dissipate as he heard the boy's parents accepted him. Then it was his chance to blush as Aaron's mum mentioned that he was adorable. The blush only seemed to grow as he heard Aaron's mom mention that Xavier would be a fine son-in-law. Of course, he was only 14, so marriage seemed a little far out there to the lad at the moment. He couldn't help but laugh lightly at the embarrassed whine from Aaron, nudge the boy with his shoulder gently.

"Xavier!" A voice called, and he looked behind him to see his parents walking up. Xavier smiled at his mum and dad as they came up beside him. He dropped Aaron's hand long enough to give his parents a hug, before returning and grabbing his hand again. "Mum, Dad. I'd like you to meet Aaron's parents Mary and Andrew Hoskins." He said, before looking at Aaron. "And you guys remember Aaron? Well, we're dating now" He said, squeezing Aaron's hand in his. Cora, his mum, reacted first with a wide smile. "It's nice to meet you both" She told Aaron's parents before looking at her son. "I'm glad you found such an adorable young man" She said. James, his father, smiled as well to his parents. "I guess we will all be one big happy family in a few years" He said with a laugh, messing up Xavier's hair. "Dad!" He huffed, taking his free hand and trying to fix his hair, a pout on his face.
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The thought of marriage was one that had never seeped into Aaron’s mind. He and Xavier were only fourteen and hadn’t even finished their schooling at Hogwarts yet. But, the thought of growing up and one day marrying the love of his life and the boy of his dreams was a highly appealing one. He didn’t have much time to scold his mother for suggesting such an idea as suddenly, the voice of an adult called Xavier’s name. Aaron turned around and saw Xavier’s parents approaching. He put on his polite grin as Xavier’s mom and dad reunited with their son. Xavier then came back to him and grabbed his hand again. Now it was his turn to reveal to his parents that they were dating.

Aaron gulped nervously as he stood there, flashing Xavier’s parents a smile as Xavier revealed to them that they were dating. His heart pounded in his chest as he waited for their reaction and he could only hope that Xavier’s parents approved of him and agreed with their son’s choice of romantic partner. He blushed quite a bit as Xavier’s mother called him adorable. He blushed even more so as Xavier’s dad said that one day, they’d all be a big happy family. It was far off in the future but Aaron hoped that would be true. “It’s very nice to meet you as well!” Mary replied as she greeted Cora with a small hug. Andrew extended his hand out and shook James’ hand firmly, smiling in a friendly manner. Aaron was quite glad that both sets of parents had met and even approved of them dating.
Xavier noticed that Aaron was as nervous as he'd been a few moments ago. He squeezed his boyfriend's hand as he watched his parents interact with Aaron's. Suddenly all felt right in his world, while flashing a grin at the boy beside him. He'd finally fixed his hair from when his dad had ruffled it, and he leaned his head on Aaron's shoulder, happy. Cora returned the hug with a smile, while James shook Andrew's hand just as firmly. Xaie let out a contented sigh, for once his world seemed better. He had Aaron, their parents approved and got along. "We'll have to get together over this summer" Cora said with a smile. "We have a huge backyard and we'd love to host the three of you for a barbeque" She added and James nodded, looking over at Aaron's parents. Xavier smiled, hearing that. They could explore the woods more if Aaron's parents thought that was a good idea.
Aaron’s eyes lit up at the prospect of going over to Xavier’s house for a barbecue over the summer with his family. He looked at his mom and dad with wide hazel orbs, a glimmer of anticipatory excitement within them. “Oh that sounds like a delightful idea! You can count me and my husband in! And of course Aaron,” said Mary with a smile. Aaron looked over at Xavier and gave him a quick hug. Things were certainly looking up despite the rough end to the year.
Xavier had his trunk packed and hauled in the car for the drive to the station. The now 15 year old was beyond excited to get back to Hogwarts and to see Aaron again. They'd had a barbecue over the summer with him and his parents, which had gone fantastically. He and Aaron had explored more of the woods while their parents spent time talking and hanging out. It had been one of the greatest days of his life, not including the Yule Ball, his first kiss with Aaron and them becoming boyfriends. He was practically bouncing in the back seat of their car, excitement written on his face. As they pulled in, Xavier walked with his parents this time and they arrived onto platform 9 3/4. Immediately Xavier's eyes searched for his boyfriend, all while his parents tried to hug him goodbye. His mother managed to get one before Xavier broke free. His father simply ruffled his hair which made the boy pout as he tried to fix it. He sighed, turning and giving them both hugs good bye, grabbing his trunk and looking around while he slowly made his way to the train.
Eventually that barbecue did happen, and it was amazing. Aaron had enjoyed good food with both his and Xavier’s family and of course, quality time with his boyfriend. When July 20th, 1995 rolled around, Aaron had officially turned fifteen. The boy had a bit of a growth spurt that summer. He was taller now and his jawline was more defined. His light brown hair remained messy and wavy and Aaron looked more handsome than ever. Puberty was being very kind to Aaron. It was now September of 1995 and Aaron was going back to Hogwarts for his fifth year. He thought back to when he was a young little eleven year old boy, going to the magic school for the very first time. Now he was a much taller and handsomer mature young man heading into the later years of his time at Hogwarts.

Aaron couldn’t wait to be reunited with his boyfriend once again. Ever since the barbecue over the summer with Xavier and his family, Aaron had missed the boy’s comforting touch and presence more than ever. Aaron said goodbye to his father with a quick hug before taking his luggage onto Platform 9 3/4 and looking around for a familiar adorable young man with his cute bangs. He boarded the train and traversed through the aisles, looking for any signs of Xavier.
Xavier's changes were very minimal after puberty started. His chest had broadened and he wasn't quite the lean he had been. His hair hadn't changed much, except his bangs had grown a little more. He was still short, though he'd gained an inch surprisingly, making it to 5'7" and his voice had deepened a over the summer, it was more of a rougher tone than his prior softer more high pitched voice. He had just made it into a compartment and was looking at the aisle, waiting for Aaron. He'd missed his boyfriends comforting touch and overall presence. His chocolate brown eyes caught on a tall light brown haired hazel eyed teen headed towards him. It was Aaron, and he looked even more handsome then when Xavier saw him over the summer. He was taller now than Xavier, but the boy was okay with that. Hugs now would probably feel like being wrapped in a blanket to him. "Aaron!" Xavier called, his eyes bright as he waved at his boyfriend, beckoning him to the compartment.
Aaron had certainly been keeping fit over the summer. His shoulder began more broad and his body more toned and defined. He’d built up a little muscle mass over the summer and wasn’t as skinny or lanky as he was in years past. His pectoral muscles were also more visible as he had been keeping in tip top shape so he’d be ready for the next season of Quidditch this year. The biggest change over the summer and with turning fifteen though was by far his voice. It was gradually getting deeper and sometimes when he talked, it cracked. But it wasn’t the high pitched youthful voice of a little boy anymore. It was the voice of a handsome growing young man becoming more attractive with each day gone by.

Suddenly he heard a voice. It was a voice that sounded slightly different yet so familiar. Aaron’s heart fluttered excitedly as he perked up, his face brightening as he heard the voice of his beloved boyfriend. He quickly made his way into the compartment that Xavier was in and smiled as he greeted the Hufflepuff. “Xaie! Bloody hell mate I’ve missed you so much!” he said, quickly shoving his trunk of luggage under the seat and sitting down. Due to the increased muscles, Aaron’s trunk seemed to be easy work to carry where in years past it gave him a bit of a struggle and always had him out of breath after hauling it around. “You’ve changed quite a bit, haven’t you?” Aaron asked with a giggle. “Your voice is so manly now- it’s dreamy,” he chuckled.
Xavier looked at his boyfriend and smiled. He couldn't believe that he could've gotten any more handsome but Xavier was wrong. He looked even more attractive, all filled out and muscle mass built up. He blushed as he heard his boyfriends voice. It was deeper and only added to his attractiveness. "I've missed you so much too mate!" He said, choosing to sit beside his boyfriend rather than across like he'd done the other years. "You've changed too, I didn't think you could get anymore handsome but I was proven wrong" He said with a chuckle. "Your voice changed too. It's nice to listen to, very attractive" He added, before he kissed Aaron's cheek. He blushed afterwards, a wide smile on his face. His leg brushed against Aaron's and he smiled.
Aaron smiled and adjusted a lock of hair behind his ear as Xavier came to sit next to him. He was so used to sitting across from Xavier in the past years. But now that they were dating, they could acceptably sit as close as they wanted to each other. Aaron very much liked having Xavier so close to him. How he had missed the touch of the boy- even something as simple as the brush of their shoulders together. Aaron began to blush as Xavier complimented him in his looks, noticing and admiring his changes over the summer. Clearly puberty was very kind to the both of them. He chuckled shyly as Xavier called him more handsome than ever before and blushed harder as he called his voice attractive. His heart fluttered as his Hufflepuff boyfriend gave him a little kiss on the cheek. Aaron put his hand on Xavier’s leg and gave it a loving squeeze. “Well this voice you’re gonna get to hear every day,” he told his boyfriend. “And I could listen to yours for hours! It’s so hot,” he said, nuzzling his head into Xavier’s shoulder.
Xavier smiled at the loving squeeze from Aaron on his leg. He wrapped an arm over Aaron's shoulder as the teen nuzzled his head into Xaie's shoulder. "I could listen to you talk for hours too" He said, blush on his face as he heard Aaron call his own voice hot. Xavier was quite content with being this close to Aaron. His head rested on top of Aaron's with a content sigh, feeling the train lurch forward. "Ready for this year?" He asked his boyfriend, wanting to listen to the boy talk again. "Did you have a good rest of your summer?" He added. Xavier had no idea how he got so lucky to find such a wonderful and handsome boyfriend but he was very happy with how things were going for them.
“Maybe I’ll tell you a bed time story so that you can fall asleep,” chuckled Aaron. He smiled as he felt Xavier gently rest his head on top of his. Soon, filled with students, the train began to move and left King’s Cross Station. They were off and on their way to Hogwarts for a fifth time. “I think I’m ready! Definitely looking forward to Quidditch, as usual,” he replied. “I’ve been training over the summer and even working out. I’m hoping that’ll pay off,” he said. “My summer was fine I just missed you so much. It’s so lonely without you,” he pouted.
Xavier chuckled at Aaron, listening to him. "I'll hold you too that" He said with a smile. He was quite content to be headed back to Hogwarts, especially with Aaron. "You'll do great as usual on the field" He told him, before he felt a playful grin. "You've been training over the summer? I can see that. You've gotten more handsome than the last time I saw you" He said with a little laugh. Xavier heard his words, and placed a kiss on the top of Aaron's head gently. "I missed you so much too, the woods aren't the same without you" He said, seeing the pout on his boyfriends face.
Aaron chuckled and blushed, smiling sheepishly. “Oh stop it- you’ve got me looking like a bloody tomato when you say those sweet things,” he said. “I’m excited to spend another year with you and go through Hogwarts together again,” said Aaron.
Xavier had chuckled, listening to Aaron comment about him blushing like a tomato. The atmosphere was so relaxed and peaceful that Xavier found himself falling asleep on the train. It was serene as the two napped during the train ride. Eventually they made it to the castle and the pair woke, walking to the carriages and headed to the castle, unaware that they would be meeting a professor that's way worse than Professor Snape. Xavier and Aaron parted at the Great Hall with a hug before going to their respective tables. Xavier sat down beside Ryan, greeting the lad with a smile. He looked at his house mates as the sorting took place. Xavier had looked at the teachers before his eyes fell upon a woman coated in pink, she must be the new professor. He was curious who that was as Dumbledore took the podium, introducing the woman in pink as Dolores Umbridge, their new DADA teacher for the year. "I think she's obsessed with pink" Xavier whispered to Ryan who chuckled.
Aaron would eventually let the comforting closeness of his boyfriend and the soft vibration of the train riding along the tracks lull him to sleep, napping with Xavier the rest of the ride to Hogwarts. Once the Hogwarts Express train had arrived, Aaron and Xavier got out and took their luggage, going into the carriages and entering the Great Hall. Before they parted ways, Aaron sent Xavier off with a small soft kiss on his cheek as he went to go over to the Gryffindor table. The sorting ceremony went by quickly and soon, head master Dumbledore took to the podium to address all of the students. Replacing Mad Eye Moody as their Defense Against the Dark Arts instructor was a woman wearing all pink named Professor Umbridge. Aaron chuckled to himself as he knew if Jacob were here, he’d find her pink garments amusing and would no doubt have something to say about them that would make him laugh. He’d be sure to make some snide comment about Professor Umbridge’s clothes to Xavier when they met next.
Xavier recalled the little kiss Aaron had placed on his cheek as they'd parted. He was sure the blush was still on his face. The feast went by quickly, and soon the students were headed to their dormitories. Xavier waved over at Aaron before following the rest of his house to the common room. Ryan and Xavier entered their room and Xavier proceeded to talk Ryan's ear off about his summer and Aaron and anything else he could think to tell his red headed roommate. Eventually the two settled for bed and he smiled to himself. He couldn't wait to see Aaron in the morning for breakfast.
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Eventually the opening night festivities had ended and Aaron headed to the Gryffindor Tower and into his room to bed with a fully belly. He of course glanced over at the empty bed on the left side of the room. It would be Aaron’s second full year without his trusty roommate Jacob by his side. Waking up was as lonely as ever and he quite missed the brown haired boy shaking him violently to get him ready in the morning. The hazel eyed boy soon fell asleep, his thoughts filled with happy ones of his boyfriend Xavier.
It had been a month into his fifth year at Hogwarts and Xavier was pretty comfortable so far, except with the new DADA professor. Other than having weird obsession with cats and the color pink, she wasn't teaching them anything. She was more concerned with the theories of DADA and it was driving the students up the wall. Harry Potter and Hermione Granger created a student group called Dumbledore's Army and opened it up to interested students who want to actually learn spells instead of listening to the professor's theories. Xavier had signed up immediately, Aaron right behind him. It was October 9th 1995 at 8pm when the two showed up at the meeting place, called the Room of Requirement. Stepping inside, they saw other students already there, waiting for instructions.
Aaron didn’t think he’d like a professor any less than Severus Snape. But he was proven wrong as classes went under way and he sat in Professor Umbridge’s very first lecture. Dolores Umbridge seemed to believe in theory rather than practical wand use and thus, the students did not and were not permitted to learn or perform any spells. The whole point of a Defense Against the Dark Arts class was to learn spells to repel enemies and dark magic, yet Umbridge had them sitting and listening to boring lectures on theories- none of which were helpful.

So, in early October of 1995, fellow Gryffindors Harry Potter and Hermione Granger had created a group of students called Dumbledore’s Army. This group would be taught by students for students and it focused heavily on casting spells rather than Dolores Umbridge’s silly lectures on theory. Xavier had signed up first and Aaron immediately followed suit, wanting to join such a group. He disliked Professor Umbridge and her teaching style so joining Dumbledore’s Army seemed like a given. Plus, it was run by Aaron’s Gryffindor teammate and friend, Harry. It was around 8 o’clock at night when the first meeting was held and Aaron went with Xavier to the Room of Requirement where it was taking place. It seemed like a good place to hold the meeting as no one would check there. Aaron stood there, waiting with Xavier.

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