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Fantasy The Underground-OOC

I don't post enough, but I'm still tempted to make another character ó~ò

One that isn't as soft spoken and timid as freaking Shion xD

I just wanted to ask a quick question, @Axel1313,

I am working on that co-leader position you mentioned, and I was wondering what the precise title the character I am making is subordinate to. Just so I can write it in the occupation field.
@Axel1313 This is random as all fudge. But I just now figured out what your icon is from and...

It's cat-tastic
I had a neat idea for a character.

I have to ask, though, what has the order accomplished thus far, for how long have they been trying to accomplish their tasks, and how much failure have they faced? (Feel free to answer qualitatively. Not all questions need to be answered, only a couple.)

If the Order has faced a noteworthy amount of failure, or exceeded their projected time frame for their operation, I was thinking of making a strict chief audit executive that steps in to evaluate the management of the operation, and begins making direct executive orders, trying to override the current management.
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We haven't gotten much of a start with the Order quite yet, but so far they've failed in keeping a fae and human captive for interrogation and have yet to track them down and recapture them again very quickly.

To add onto that though we could add that for as many years and resources as they've put into tracking down the entrance to the Underground they have had no success, not even with capturing many of it's residents either. which would be a larger failure.
Well, that seems like plenty to work with. Perhaps, with more and more failure, he/she will gradually start taking control over the order.
I know. I accepted it now simply so I would not forget it was here and leave you waiting forever...early classes tend to fry my brain..
Axel1313 said:
I know. I accepted it now simply so I would not forget it was here and leave you waiting forever...early classes tend to fry my brain..
Oh. Well, thank you for accepting it in advance, and trusting it's quality.

I hope your early classes go well.
Alright, I believe I have finished everything regarding my character, but before I post, may I have a quick synopsis of the current events, and/or what human locations currently exist with active members?
Currently, In the human locations there are several agents in pursuit of the targets that got away. They were able to place a tracker on them right in the nick of time so they could be found again. And the prince's of the Underground, their guard and a demon friend of one of theirs are in a park and going to explore the town for a little while.

In the Underground there is discussion on what to do with the amulet if needed and a planned search for said princes who've gone missing there.

There is also a vampire and werewolf currently in a cafe as well.
@Beowulf , At the moment I believe it would be best for Connor to maybe go out hunting on his own? or him and my agent go and leave Penelope in the car on stake out for a while. That way there is a complete opening for Rosa when she returns and the story can move forward or at least make it much easier to.

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