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Fandom The Town of Port Pinnella OOC

Should we make a discord channel?

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    Votes: 6 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .

KIRA IS FINISHED, had to watch NCIS: LA to get myself to sit tf down.

Another trainer..? local grass pokemon breeder? or maybe grass gym leader? I shall be doing anything with grass types, because they are the best type of pokemon.
oooh i like the idea of a grass type trainer! a friend for ellie! she is more fairy type leaning but she works with plants, so an alliance can definitely be formed there. lol
gottchyea, grass breeder... err... gardener?
It's getting late. Backstory will have to wait until tomorrow (and probably some edits here and there). Also, t s u k i t s u k i , you can't start liking already either! Breaking your own rules like that, tsk tsk~ (again, appreciate it from you as well, love <3)
Vincent is finished!

Hey noooow~ Matchmaker Lin doesnt wait until the RP starts haha! Haaa...

Alright Alright folks- I'm setting a character limit of 3 for each player!
Good Luck.

:O Why not both?
"We have many wonderful pokemon here, all lovingly raised and ready for... For...." *Character falls flat on his face as bab oddish testing out sleep powder*
Shopkeeper: *uses sleep talk to keep selling*
Akira: *picks up phone* "Port Pinnella Ranger Station, this is Captain Tsukishima speaking! Uh huh...uh huh...he got knocked out again? *sigh* Alright, I'm on my way."
Why do I suddenly get the feeling that Kira is lowkey the Mayor... either that or we need a Mayor.... I think Rowan (the character I will be making tonight or tomorrow....) will be our Mayor
Bro.... copper and vin both buying each other coffee before school... :’) thinking they’d surprise the other... :’)

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