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Realistic or Modern The Theory of Madness (Interest Check)


The Dictionary Example of Insomnia
In the fall of 1949, the Second World War had been raging for a full decade. The Allied and Axis forces each had their respective gains and losses, but ultimately had reached stalemate. An early defeat at Dunkirk in the spring of 1940 resulted in a significant blow to the British forces by Nazi Germany, essentially eliminating their offensive capabilities. A few short years later, a subsequent invasion resulted in their surrender in 1942. However, there was still hope for the Allied cause. Before the fall of the British, the Japanese Empire provoked the United States at Pearl Harbor, resulting in a swift offensive that quickly eliminated the Japanese threat. Due to the United States’ alliance with the Soviet Union and the transition of Italy from an Axis power to an Allied one, the Allied cause showed much promise in this instance. However, with the fall of Britain and a crippling Soviet defeat at Stalingrad that left the USSR severely weakened, the scales of power had once again balanced. By 1945, a stalemate had clearly been reached, as Allied forces could no longer maintain a western offensive on Germany from the Soviet Union, resulting predominantly in a naval war in the Atlantic between the Americans and Germans. Italian offensives were common, but were easily fended off.
The majority of each nation’s military aged personnel had become casualties of war by ‘47, and their governments needed to find a way to keep their armies properly manned. In the U.S., bills were quickly passed that required the enlistment of every able-bodied person at or above the age of 16, including university students who had previously been excluded from the draft. Germany began putting children as young as fourteen years of age into combat.
Public support for the war began to dwindle in the United States as people’s children were now being sent to their deaths. As a result, the military’s top brass needed to devise a plan that would turn the war back in their favor. Their answer to this challenge was Operation Endurance, a long term, three phase mission that would consist of a small squad being air dropped in rural Germany disguised as civilians. Phase one would consist of the initial drop and a period of time in which the team would eliminate strategically important infrastructure and individuals to weaken the German government and military high command and productivity. The second phase consists of westward movement towards to Atlantic in which the team will weaken coastal defenses to prepare for an invasion, as well as training indigenous resistance groups in former Allied nations which had fallen to the Nazis. The third phase will be assisting the final invasion as a traditional combat unit. Due to the nature of the first two phases, only a select few individuals who speak multiple languages and have the necessary skills could be chosen.

Number of Participants:
I don’t have any set number on this yet, I’m planning on adjusting based on the level of interest people have in this concept. I could see this working out with just a few individuals or a larger group if the interest is there.

I don’t have enough prepared to get this rolling yet, and I want to see if there’s any real interest before I go through with putting some time into writing and preparing some of this. What do you guys think? If you have any suggestions they would be highly appreciated.
This sounds interesting, I like the alternate history thing you've got going~
I think I'd be up for it if some more people join in!!

Thanks! I feel like this could be a lot of fun if we got a bit more interest. If enough people get onboard I'll get it started ASAP
I think the three of us are enough

Alright, I can get started on the actual RP thread ASAP. We'll just use this thread for character sheets, and once you and A A Bottle of Memories get yours up I can write the first prompt to get things going

Just a heads up, for the "role in squad" section, you should choose between medic, machine gunner, communications specialist, explosive ordnance, etc. Since we only have three people at the moment, feel free to take up two specializations if that interests you.

General Appearance:
Role in Squad:
Preferred Weapon:
Special Abilities:
Is tgis an all male thing or what?

No, you're allowed to make female characters. I included the section in the intro saying that "all able-bodied people over the age of 16" were drafted to leave room for whatever kind of character you guys wanted to write
Including my CS cause why not:

Name/Nickname: Major Marcin Renat
Age: 24
General Appearance: Marcin stands at 5' 11", with a head of dark brown hair supported by a thin frame. Light blue eyes sit above seemingly permanent lines, suggesting regular sleep deprivation. His face is slim much like the rest of him, but he still retains some muscle mass due to extensive combat experiences. Marcin isn't the most physically intimidating solider, but his reputation more than makes up for it. When not in his combat uniform, he commonly dresses in dull colored, common clothing that helps him blend in to a crowd.
Role in Squad: Squad Leader, Designated Marksman
Preferred Weapon: A scoped Kar98 K and an engraved M1911 Marcin has had since his first experience in the war.
Biography: Little is known about Marcin Renat, besides that he was born on March 14th, 1925 and grew up in the outskirts of Warsaw, Poland. His family was displaced by the German invasion, and fled to Britain. When Britain fell as well, he fled alone to the United States and became an Officer Candidate within the army. Upon being deployed in combat, he quickly rose through the ranks, and became involved in covert operations programs. (I'm planning on telling more of this character's story IC)
Personality: Since the majority of his lifetime had been spent experiencing war, Marcin has become a bit eccentric. While overall kind and friendly to the soldiers under his command, he has a somewhat morbid sense of humor, which commonly comes across the wrong way to his comrades.
Special Abilities: Marcin is adept at utilizing camouflage; whether it's in the outdoors or in a city, he can always find a way to blend in. In addition to this, he has a natural aptitude for shooting, and as a result can make near-pinpoint shots upwards of 1000 yards.
Alright awesome, I assume we post here. Im saying now I'm making the medic translator, so beware of strings of Polish cursing

Yeah post your CS here, once Girl in a bottle posts her's as well I'm going to start an official thread for the actual RP, so we should expect to have things going by tomorrow
Name/Nickname: Anastazia Kochenkov
Age: 27
General Appearance: Ana is 5'8, is on the lean, though is still fit. She has brown hair that is normally kept up in a French Twist style, and piercing emerald eyes. She is used to wearing clothing that allows her to blend in, and almost always wears a light smile
Role in Squad: Medic, Communications Expert
Preferred Weapon: PPS, FB Vis sidearm
Biography: Born I Warsaw, her family was hit hardest by the fighting. When the war came to them, her family made the escape to the UK luckily, but not without some cost. By the end of it, Ana was 12 and alone, traveling with strangers to a foreign land. But she had grown determined to avenge her family for what is was worth. She heard rumors of Polish infantry trying to start a resistance, Cichociemni, they were called, The Silent Unseen. So at 17, so made her way onto the group. Training took a few years, a war raging around her, but she did what she did best, and managed her way through a few ops. Eventually she had been sent in for a joint op with the Allies to collapse the Third Reich.
Personality: She is a friendly person, the war hadn't robbed her of that. She is protective of her allies and tends to argue with authority when it comes to the team, as she doesn't want another person to die on her watch.
Special Abilities: Blending in, Field Surgery, fluent in English, German, Polish, Russian and French. She is good with urban areas and can pass herself off as just about anyone, given the time to practice.
Name/Nickname: Aurora 'Rory' Elaine Matthison
Age: 20
General Appearance: Rory is an Afro—German born in the US. Due to this she has dark skin tone lightened by the skin color she inherited from her father. She has long, curly hair that she occasionally has up in a low bun. Her lips are full, her nose is sloped and fat, and her eyes are almond shaped with brown irises. She stands at 5'6" and has a petite but muscular build due to her training. She usually wears black pants, brown boots, and a grey tank top over a black long sleeve shirt.
Role in Squad: Long distance marksmanship, but she specializes in explosives
Preferred Weapon: A rifle from the M40 series or little daggers she keeps in her boot since she can't carry bombs around with her.
Biography: Rory was born to an African American woman and German man in Boston. Although her mother being black, her family was still able to become rich because of her father's oil company. Her parents shielded her from the war and bought their way out of sending her to join the military. When she found this out she runs away and joins at 17. After some discrimination in the forces for being black and German, she finds out about the Allied forces cooperation and joins, hoping to prove that she can achieve her goals to those that discriminated against her
Personality: Rory is a very determined and hardworking person. She is outgoing and loyal to the people she works with, but keeps a cold facade to those she doesn't know. It isn't very hard to gain her trust, but once you have it, she will give you her trust until you do something very wrong.
Special Abilities: She is a very fast runner. Can speak German, a English, and Arabic. Can build and defuse bombs. Quick learner. Resourceful. Is a good sniper.
Live! That's an order! Lawrence Pierce | 28 | Male | Medic

General Appearance:
Standing at a lumbering 6'2, Doctor Pierce is a casanova stuck in a 17-year-old geeky body -- that, or he just has the mentality of one. He dawns shaggy brown hair, a sharp beaked nose, and a pair of perpetually tired-looking baby blue eyes, hidden behind wire-frame glasses. His outfits are less than the prim-and-proper uniforms worn by commanding officers and colonels -- he really doesn't mind, choosing to remain as comfortable as he can while enlisted. He is a medic, after all, so chances are his clothes are going to end up covered in some poor bloke's blood anyways. His laugh is booming and hysteric.
Preferred Weapon:
A simple and sleek Colt 1911 -- although, he does fancy a classic Thompson submachine gun.
Lawrence's father had been enlisted into the army during WWI as an able-bodied soldier ready to help the British allies all the way from sunny San Francisco, California. Lawrence, as a child, admired his father's bravery and courage immensely. Lawrence had always been interested in human anatomy and biology, so following suit of inspiration from his father, all paths pointed to the medical profession. He had just completed four years of university studying first aid when he was drafted himself into the army. His mother is a soft-spoken banker. He has a younger sister who works as a midwife.
Lawrence is a cheeky sonofabitch. During school, he was the class clown that everyone loved but the teachers hated. He always has some sort of witty remark up his sleeve, which can be enlightening during a time of awkwardness or panic, but because of Pierce's childish attitude, may come off as inappropriate. While he is respectful to his superiors, he always had the test the water with how far he can push people's buttons before he gets into trouble -- trouble being a place he is often in. He is, however, incredibly helpful and intelligent in helping and healing others. He is certainly a shoulder to cry on.
Special Abilities:
Lawrence is fluent in French and German. He is very skilled in improvisation and playing a character.
May I create a german villain. NOT a super soldier but also not a normal soldier. A prototype soldier called 'Project Arbiter'? (Imagine a german Swastika in place of the American stars and stripes okay?)


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