• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern ๐•ฅ๐•™๐•– ๐•ค๐• ๐•ฆ๐•ฅ๐•™๐•ค๐•š๐••๐•– ๐• ๐•— ๐•”๐•™๐•š๐•”๐•’๐•˜๐• 


Carter couldn't just stand there and watch Ryan shamelessly flirt with Adi, knowing full well how much he wanted her for himself. Hoping his friend hadn't noticed the tension or the flirting, he'd excused himself, landing somewhere in the living room where he watched a few people attempt to do a keg stand. Only one even remotely succeeded, and someone yelled from beside him that she was a fucking boss.

Carter smirked, giving a small shake of his head. Keg stands had never been his thing, but they were surely interesting to watch. And it wasn't like he'd never done one. Realizing his drink was low, he tossed the cup and found a cooler full of beer, grabbing one and twisting the top off of the bottle. After wandering around some more, he spotted keg stand girl in the kitchen.

"Nice job." He nodded towards the keg in the other room, leaning against the counter. "I haven't seen you before, have I?"

Tags: Andy ( D d1uni5ys24si3o )
Code by apolla apolla

Still fuming from Mason's words, Kris almost unleashed her fury on the next person who spoke to her, which just so happened to be Zeke. "I can handle myself, thank you." She snapped, turning around to face the voice. She didn't recognize the male, but the simple fact that he'd pretty much complimented what she'd done saved him, and caused a small smile to grow on her features.

Looking past him at a beer soaked Mason, her smile turned into a smirk. "Definitely not my ex. He's my friends baby daddy, though no clue where either of them are." She shrugged one delicate shoulder, returning her attention to Zeke. "I'm Kristina. Most people call me Kris. You look like you need a drink."

Nodding towards one of the nearby coolers, she turned and swayed over to it, popping it open and grabbing another wine cooler for herself. "Beer? Or something harder?" She turned to look at Zeke again. "Who do you know here? Or did you just stop by when you heard the music?"


Tags: Zeke ( jasmyn jasmyn )
Code by apolla apolla

Phoebe was a genius. Why someone as smart and like... attractive as her would want to hang out with a bunch of losers in the Southside -- including one child -- was beyond him. Wasn't that the goal of most people, at least the ones living here? To... get out, as soon as possible. And yet there were people like Phoebe who seemed to be attracted to the shit show that was the O'Reilly's life and kept finding themselves drawn back to this house like moths to light. It was weird.

Sometimes, Kai wished he had that option. To come out here and party at night, and then return to a cushy existence in other parts of the city during the day. The Southside got exhausting when you lived there.

Paint. Phoebe was attaching paint to the fireworks, and he was more in awe of the size of that Dora the Explorer bag than at what they were actually going to be doing. Painting the whole block would be legendary. He was still grinning when Sarah spoke up, and Kai looked over at her politely, an easy-going smile on her face, when she asked... wait, what? A blush settled across his cheeks, and then Phoebe even called him a child and scolded Sarah. The blush just grew.

"I'm gay." He blurted out before he could think much on it, his nose scrunching up for a moment at his own stupidity, before he decided to just try and pretend like this whole awkward encounter hadn't just happened. Plus, Phoebe was talking again -- steering the conversation from this awkward discussion, and leaving Kai wanting to slam his head into a wall.

"No one's going to stop us." He assured her with a shrug. "Jack's taking it easy tonight, so we've got no party mom to tell us what to do." His older brothers throwing in the towel and taking a night off were always Kai's favorites. They could be really annoying with their "no Kai, you can't try to fly by jumping off the roof" and other ridiculous rules.

He followed Phoebe and Sarah over to the safe part of the roof, and held his hand out for the lighter. "Do you care if I do the honors?" He asked, the inner arsonist showing through.

LethargicJade LethargicJade @Xx_LovelyHolly_xX

Kris was a perfect reminder of why Mason didn't chase blondes. They were fucking crazy. Not that her actions were totally uncalled for, and Mason had to suck in a deep breath, his dark eyes falling closed for a moment as the beer dripped down his hair and he let out a small cuss when she smacked the beer in his hand. Mason tried to jump back, but yeah, that didn't work, and now he was standing there smelling like a brewery. He narrowed his eyes after Kris as she walked away, and then set his beer on a nearby table. If Kris was a little older, or fuck -- if Mason wasn't in such a bad mood, he would've loved to mess around with her. String her along or... whatever.

Yes, Mason did feel an ounce of guilt deep within his dead beating heart for what he'd said to Kris. It wasn't like Mason got off on bringing others down, but it was just the easiest way to get them to leave him alone so he could get back to business. That business, of course, being to find his ex-girlfriend and his child.

Instead, he was met with another distraction. Kat appeared in front of him, and her words did nothing to brighten his mood -- instead making Mason more prickly, more upset. He narrowed his gaze at her. "Haha, very funny." His voice was cold and edged with thorns as he spoke. At one point, Kat had easily been one of the most important people in Mason's life -- sad, really, but true. He didn't... socialize very well so, although he was popular, he had never been liked.

Kat had been different.


And then she had moved to the Northside, and the two had hardly talked. It wasn't like Mason was exactly pushing for her attention or anything, though. He wasn't trying in this friendship and if anything, he had just managed to ignore her and push her away more than ever before. Mason wasn't good at much -- he knew that -- but one thing he was good at? Dumping people in the blink of an eye when things started to look rocky, or when things got hard.

He wished that it was easier.

"What do you want, princess? I figured you wouldn't want to be found down here."

His voice dripped with hatred and unfounded anger. Mason wasn't even sure what he was angry anymore -- he was just pissed, but that was nothing new. It was Mason.

jasmyn jasmyn
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Lane Taylor


Lane knew the moment she stepped foot into the O'Reilly house that she should have stayed home. By the time she made it to the party the booze was flowing freely as so were the fists. It seemed like a second didn't go by without some kind of fight or someone being yelled at. She was supposed to not even come but her friend Elsie had blown up her phone begging for her to at least come for 30 minutes. The guilt trip worked as here she was now in a house filled to the brim with hundreds of hormonal teenagers. Tring to find Elsie was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Lane was just about to give up her search and go back home when someone bumped into her and spilling their drink all over here.

"what the fuck man!" Lane exclaimed out of shock as the cold liquid stained her clothes. Looking up she saw the person who lost their drink on her and it was a teen boy who she barely recognized. He attended her high school and was maybe a year above her or so in that manner. If she was correct he was usually around the thugs, which she avoided like the plague. Lane was on the soccer team at her high school and that was her ride into a nice college. She couldn't be seen hanging around with guys like him, but she did find it funny as he didn't really fit in with them. It was like he was trying too hard. Take now, for instance, he apologized when any thug like the person she knew in the past would try and make it her fault and creepily try to hit on her. The boy in front of her was different from them and maybe that was a good thing.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to help me clean up the mess you made?" Lane asked as she moved past him in search of something to help clean her up.

Bloodshed Bloodshed
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[class=wrapper] width:80vw; max-width:300px; height:420px; margin:auto;center; flex-wrap:wrap; border:1px solid #0A0A0A; overflow:hidden; background:url('https://www.thefashionisto.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/silviu3.jpg'); background-size:100%; z-index:3px; [/class] [class=scroll] width:90vw; max-width:310px; height:100%; overflow-y:auto; [/class] [class=textbox] width:80vw; max-width:300px; font-family:Montserrat; font-size:12px; color:#212121; padding:2px; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9); position:relative; top:420px; [/class] [class=overlay] width:80vw; max-width:320px; margin:auto;center; position:relative; top:-461px; left:-10px; font-family:Montserrat; font-size:25px; color:#fff; text-shadow:3px 2px 0px #0A0A0A; z-index:2px; [/class] [class=tags] opacity:0.0; width:80vw; max-width:320px; margin:auto;center; position:relative; top:-490px; left:-10px; text-align:right; font-family:Montserrat; font-size:10px; color:#ccc; z-index:3px; transition: all 0.3s ease; [/class] [class name=tags state=hover] opacity:1.0; transform: translateY(20px); [/class] [class=credit] width:80vw; max-width:300px; opacity:0.5; font-family:Heebo; font-size:8px; margin:auto;center; [/class]
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Growing up, Izzy had always been, more or less, a mess. His grades were never the straight A's that his parents had sought after. His words were never quite as eloquent as was expected of him. Hell, even his ties were never entirely straight for Sunday morning mass. He'd gone through life knowing that he was unequivocally a fuck up in the eyes of those around him. The thing was that he'd never minded that he was a tad off-kilter. He'd tried to please his parents, of course- especially his everpresent and ever disgusted mother- but it had never truly bothered him that he wasn't enough. He was enough for himself, and so he'd lived a pleasant enough life. Or so he'd thought.

It was moments like these in which he thought that maybe he'd developed a complex growing up; moments like these where he was riding the tail-end of his high and he became a little sentimental, a little conspiratorial about his life. Maybe he just had some unaddressed mommy issues, but there was something about women that he'd rarely been able to properly understand- and he wasn't even exactly sure what that specific something was. He'd just never been able to get inside of a woman's head- anticipate what it is that they wanted. He'd always wanted to make the women in his life happy, but it seemed like things always ended up a colossal failure.

Don't worry about what she thinks, Alexandra had said- but it was hard not to when what Kat thought was currently his main concern.

Izzy watched the smile light up the girl's face and he smiled back at her, despite his sour mood. He may not be the brightest man in the room, but he knew when to cut his losses- and what a loss this had been. He didn't think he could stomach going back to the jeweler and seeing the look on their faces as he returned the piece. "Kat. Apparently," he said in response to her question, huffing out a self-deprecating laugh through his nose. She wasn't Kat, but she was here and she was willing, and that had to count for something. He waited until she turned her back to him before opening the box once more and removing the necklace. He moved a bit closer until he was standing directly behind her and lifted the piece over her head. He settled it along her collarbone and then clasped the two ends together.

Something of a genuine smile crossed his lips as he stared over her shoulder, looking down at the piece. He knew next to nothing about jewelry, but he knew that the piece looked nice against her skin. โ€œItโ€™s pretty.โ€ he said as he gently took her hair out of her hand and settled the strands along her back where they had originally been. He placed a hand on the girlโ€™s shoulder and half turned her so that he could look her in the eyes. โ€œDo you dance?โ€ he asked, an eager look crossing his expression. He may have come here with a purpose, but that didnโ€™t mean he couldnโ€™t stay and have some fun.
[/div][/div][/div][div class=credit]credits RI.a[/div][div class=overlay]ishmael siphron[/div][div class=tags]Southside
jasmyn jasmyn apolla apolla [/div]

Katherine | 18

Kat would have loved to pretend that Mason was just misdirecting his anger at her but she knew that wasn't true. He had been angry with her ever since she moved to the northside and even though she understood it, that didn't mean it didn't completely piss her off. She rolled her eyes at his comments and the use of princess. "Are you just going to hate me forever because my mother uprooted me to the northside? That wasn't my choice. Were you gonna let me stay at your place or was I supposed to live under a bridge?" she spat back at him, her irritation obvious.

The thing about Kat was that she could be just as straight-forward, or at least close enough, as Mason. Maybe that's why she had never minded his blunt personality or why she could deal with his asshole ways. She hated that they had been so close at one point only to end up like...whatever this was. She'd be lying if she said she didn't miss their friendship since he was the closest person she'd had in her life but she damn sure wouldn't show that.

"You know what, Mase. You keep pushing people away and soon you won't have anyone left. You can act like you don't care about that all you want but we both know that isn't true," she said before pushing past him. She found a bottle of, whatever the fuck it was, and poured herself a generous amount before wandering the party again. She was about ready to end the night as it had seemed to go to shit pretty quickly but as she drank the hot liquor, she knew driving wasn't a smart idea. Instead, she found a nearby couch and plopped onto it, downing the remaining contents of the cup and scrolling through her phone.

outfit: click here to see!
tags: mason Winona Winona ; OPEN

g o l d i e l o x x
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Addison | 22

"Lily the lizard," Addison declared with a grin. She bent down a little to get a better look as he explained that the previous owners were just going to dump her. Jerks. She stood up straight and shook her head at the notion. "Guess you really came to her rescue, huh?" she laughed. Before she could turn around to face him she was being spun around and his lips found hers. It wasn't out of the ordinary for them to fall into this when they got alone.

Adi felt the reassurance, as she kissed him, that her prior fling with Carter was a mistake and she needed that. She let herself relax, the kiss turning a little fierier than before. She couldn't help herself as she pushed him down on the bed and climbed on top of him, still locked in the kiss. If the tequila hadn't kicked in earlier it sure had now. She started to tug at her shirt but soon the moment was interrupted by the sound of his room door opening. She assumed it was another drunk party goer but by the look on the girl's face, that probably wasn't the case.

outfit: click here to see!
tags: carter. ryan. apolla apolla ; alyssa Nightblade Nightblade ;

g o l d i e l o x x
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"A vet?" Drake echoed, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise for a moment. "So you're like... rich." An animal doctor was still a doctor, after all, and didn't they make a shit ton of money because Karens with too many cats went to them for everything? To Drake, it seemed almost like a scam. Spending thousands of dollars to keep some animal safe -- then again, he'd never had a pet. Mason wanted a dog, Drake wanted a cat. But Mason was horribly allergic to cats (or so he said), and Drake had been scared of dogs ever since one had attacked him. He still had a scar under his left ear from the incident. A reminder that even a fucking Chihuahua was capable of ripping out your jugular.

"So if you're a vet..." Drake's pale eyes narrowed as he tried to work through his thoughts. "Does that mean I have to call you doctor? Dr. Finn?" That was a horrible name for a doctor -- Finn was the name of someone that would spin their chair around backwards to sit down to try and relate to the kids these days. Finn was not the name of someone that you would trust with your life or, in Dr. Finn the Animal Whisperer's case, someone a Karen would trust with their cat.

Then again, if he was going off of name stereotypes, wouldn't that mean that Drake should either be a dragon or a rapper? And Drake could not spit fire in the literal sense, or in the musical sense. Not without the help of oil and a lighter and let's just say, that had not ended well.

Being a social person meant that Drake knew, or at least had heard of, the majority of the people that went to these parties. Finn's description at first didn't leave much for him to go off of -- short blondes were a dime a dozen down here. He could name several right off the bat -- Kris, Elsie, Kai, Ash -- granted, none of those were related to Dr. Finn. And then he mentioned her name, and a light bulb clicked in Drake's head. At the time, he'd been walking with Finn through the house in search of a small blonde, but then he stopped, looking back at him.

"I saw her earlier." He explained triumphantly, but then came the non-triumphant part. "She had like a big bag but didn't stay down here long, and then just kinda disappeared. Ya know, Dr. Finn, sometimes if you love 'em, you gotta set 'em free. As a doctor of animals, I'm sure you tell your clients that all the time, so you totally understand."

elextrified elextrified

"Oh god, if Kris is with Mason, I'll pass." He was a dick -- everyone with half of a brain knew this -- and Ash wasn't interested in going anywhere near him. It had always confused her, like... what other girls saw in him. Or how he even had friends, or why Dean still seemed so hung up on him. He was stupid, he was a loser, and he was an asshole that didn't know how to use a condom. But hey, whatever -- if Kris wanted to try and flirt with him, let her be. And Ash wasn't in the mood to go and babysit Dean, because she knew that if she did, Mason would show up to yell and one thing that Ash hated was yelling.

She did crack a smile at Elsie mentioning it being safer out here to avoid getting shot or punched. Mostly because it wasn't a joke -- at least shooting people wasn't super common at the parties or like... Ash hadn't seen it happened, and Ash was good if she never saw it happen. But the whole punching thing was all too common, and again, it was something that made her uncomfortable. Made her panic a little bit, like her chest was closing up. Ash just... didn't handle fights well. Conflict.

It was wild that she even wanted to be down here in the Southside with her hatreds of the things that made this place run. But hey, the alcohol was good and Dean and Kris were far less judgy than the Northside girls her mother had always pushed her to befriend. Ash had enough self-esteem issues on her own -- the last thing she needed was judgmental carbon copy blondes telling her that she would never be as perfect as them. Yeah, she was content down here.

"Well if you don't mind," she said with a breathy sigh, glancing from Elsie to her brother and his friend. "I might just hang out here with you for a bit. Not much going on in there."

@unscripted dvds12 dvds12

Oh fuck it. Kat could say whatever she wanted, but Mason was fine. Maybe being alone was what he wanted -- in fact, it was exactly what he wanted. Being alone was just easier -- less distraction, less work. He glared after Kat as she walked away from him and maybe for a moment, he wanted to apologize, but Mason didn't apologize. And you know what else? Fuck her. Of course Mason would've let her stay with him, but why would she ever choose a rundown apartment over a mansion on the Northside? She was already just like those other Northside bitches -- plastic, fake, and stuck-up. He didn't need her.

Mason didn't need anyone.

Mason's steps took him through the living room and then up the stairs, trying every door as he went until he finally found the room he was looking for. Yep, there was Dean, looking like shit, and Ari fast asleep in the bed. Mason had come up here ready to yell and bitch, but he was too fucking tired and now he was soaked, and he didn't have the energy to yell at Dean when she looked like she'd just been hit by a train or something. And Ari wasn't hurt, just... sleeping.

"What's wrong with you?" His voice was still gruff, edged with knives as he pulled the door closed and then crossed the room, first making his way to Ari. He brushed the hair back from her sleeping face, a little smile pricking at the edges of his face before he leaned down and gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead and then pulled the blanket up, tucking her in.

The smile and tenderness fell away the instant Mason turned away from Ari and took a seat next to Dean. His lips going from a smile to a straight, pursed line. His muscles tensing, like he was ready to fight, to argue. Mason was always on edge, so it wasn't a surprise. He rested his arms on his knees, glancing over at Dean, waiting for some kind of response.

dvds12 dvds12

Ezekiel | 18

Zeke grinned even as the girl started to snap at him. When their eyes met though, the mood seemed to shift and she was explaining who the guy was. Good. Not that he wasn't up for some healthy competition but the guy kinda looked like an asshole type. Carter might not be too pleased if he was in some sort of fight here especially since he didn't know Zeke was even here. Yet. "I'm Zeke," he said in response to her introduction.

He didn't hesitate to follow her as she made the comment of looking for a drink. "Beer is okay," he said, taking the bottle as she handed it to him. He popped it open and took a good swig of it before shaking his head. "I overheard a friend of mine talking about it actually. Figured I'd stop in and see what all the hype is about. I gotta say, I wasn't disappointed," he said, looking her over better as he spoke.

"You here with friends?" he countered her question. He knew there were probably people she knew here, she'd mentioned the guy was her friend's baby daddy after all. The friend was sure to be around somewhere. Plus, she just stood out as the type to know a lot of people. She wasn't shy, that was for sure. "You seem like the type of girl who likes to have a good time. Wanna join me?" he asked, holding up the joint he pulled out from behind his ear so there was no confusion as to what he meant. He didn't need the girl to be offended for any reason.

tags: kris apolla apolla ;

g o l d i e l o x x
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Alyssa Redfield

Mentions: apolla apolla (Ryan) jasmyn jasmyn (Adi)
Interactions: Ryan, Adi, Rest of O'Reilly Fam

Alyssa turned when she felt a hand on her shoulder. The guy looked buzzed but looked confused as if he thought she were someone else. With a smile she shook her head before asking where Ryan was. The guy mentioned he had gone upstairs. Nodding and thanking him, she made her way upstairs. While she was, it gave her time to think, what would Ryan's reaction be. Would he be like her parents and freak out?, or would he be happy. A part of her hoped that he would be happy about the news, no matter how unexpected it was. Feeling cautiously optimistic, she reached the top of the stairs.

It would make the most sense for him to either be in the bathroom or his own room. She decided to check his room first. Finding the door, she turned the handle and opened the door, stepping in as she did. "Ryan I........."

The words died on her lips as she froze. Seeing Ryan and some girl she never met before kissing before they pulled apart. She felt numb, as if someone had dumped a bucket of ice cold water over her as her brain scrambled to string a sentence together. It was a weird feeling as if time dragged on in hours instead of minutes. Mumbling something about needing to go, she pulled the door shut as she left the room.

Eyes welling up, she made her way downstairs, feeling hurt, embarrassed and angry. Right now hurt and embarrassment were winning out. She felt played, did his family know this was going on? Had they willingly stepped back, they had seemed nice. Reaching the end of the stairs, she headed for the door wanting to be anywhere in the world but in that house.

Alexandra wasn't really one to be fake nice to people, unless it was that nasty-fake nice like she used on Kat alot of times. Alexandra either liked you or didn't, but this guy that had Kat shaken up fell somewhere in the middle. He intrigued her, and that might be even more dangerous than if she liked him. Most looked at Alexandra as a cold hearted bitch, and to be frank, she liked it that way. People didn't hurt you when you were this way, and she thought that was a lesson that Kat needed to learn. Or maybe she already knew, considering how cold she'd just been to Izzy. The necklace was simply stunning, and she'd thrown it in his face.

She felt Izzy move closer behind her, but she kept her face pointed forward, having heard his comment about Kat. "One woman's trash is another woman's treasure." Alexandra's eyes flicked upwards as she saw the silver coming down to be placed around her neck, Izzy connecting the clasp behind her neck. Although he wouldn't see the smile on her face yet, it was there, as the pair stared down at the piece. Alexandra couldn't really see it anymore, not mostly, but she could picture it easily in her minds eye and knew it would look stunning around her neck. Kat's too, if she hadn't refused it.

"It's... it's gorgeous." She stumbled over her words as she felt Izzy take her hair from her hands and settle it back to how it had been before. It was such a kind gesture that she was stunned for a moment, and when she turned to face him, a look of confusion was evident on her features. She would have asked what was on her mind, but he cut in first, asking if she danced. "What? Of course I do." With a small grin, she settled her hands in his and led him towards the makeshift 'dance floor'. Releasing his hands, she wrapped her arms around his neck, tilting her head slightly as she watched him.

"So tell me," She breathed as they moved. "What kind of history do you have with my step sister?"

Tags: Izzy ( elextrified elextrified )
Code by apolla apolla

Ryan was thoroughly enjoying his time with Adi, as he always did. She knew him in a way that most people didn't, and he didn't just mean sexually. To his family, being one of the elder brothers, he was a protector. A provider. A father figure that he had no business being (not that they listened to him, but still). But Adi saw him as a person, the person that he was meant to be, and as sappy as that sounded it was something he thought about everytime they kissed. He turned her to face him fully and pulled her even closer, grinning into her lips. She separated from him after a moment and pushed him down on the bed, causing him to chuckle.

She climbed on top of him and he gripped her hips as she started to tug his shirt. One minute, he had a shirt on and all was well, and the next-- it was off and shit was wrong. So very wrong. He heard her voice before he saw her, standing there in his doorway with a deer in headlights look on her face. "Oh, fuck." He recognized Alyssa of course, but what was she doing here? Why hadn't she called? Or had she, and he'd been so wrapped up in this party that he hadn't noticed? Where was his phone, anyway?

Looking over at Adi, he internally groaned, knowing that he couldn't just let Alyssa go like that. "Five minutes." He reached up to kiss Adi on the forehead, then set her aside and hurried out the door and downstairs, looking for the familiar blonde. He thought he saw her by the door and started weaving in and out of the crowd. "Alyssa!" He called for her, catching up as she reached the front porch. "What are you... why are you... Fuck, Lyssa, what's going on?"

Tags: Addison ( jasmyn jasmyn ); Alyssa ( Nightblade Nightblade )
Code by apolla apolla

Kris noticed his grin as he introduced himself, and he happily took the beer she'd offered him. "A friend, hmm?" Straightening to her full height-- which was not much-- she looked around the room. "And who might this friend be?" Kris thought she knew pretty much every female at this party, and if he was friends with someone she didn't like, she wanted to know. He could stay, that was for sure, as long as he wasn't a dick to her like Mason had been. She almost scowled at the thought, but he asked her a question and she tuned back in just in time to hear it.

A slow grin spread on her lips as she sipped at her wine cooler, shaking her head. "Guess again." Her eyes darted up to the joint he pulled out from behind his ear, and she nodded. "Follow me, Zeke." Leading the way out of the house and onto the front porch, she paused by Ryan and a girl that she actually didn't recognize. "Nice, Ry." She muttered, stepping outside completely and turning towards the porch swing. "Get up." She instructed the two people there, who'd been making out and obviously enjoying themselves. They shot her a look but she returned it, and they actually moved. They either recognized her or didn't want to deal with her.

Either way, she won.

Sinking onto the swing, she patted the seat beside her, pulling a tye-dye lighter from her pocket. "Need?" She questioned, holding it out to him. "It's yours, after all. The joint, I mean. It's only fair you go first." Leaning back on the seat, she used her feet to make them go back and forth some. "Welcome to my humble abode, Zeke."


Tags: Zeke ( jasmyn jasmyn ); Ryan; Alyssa ( Nightblade Nightblade )
Code by apolla apolla
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"I work for a vet," Finnegan corrected, eyeing Drake with a patient smile on his face as he replied. He spent his days explaining straightforward maladies to less than astute patients, so explaining something as simple as his job to a boy who was incontestably high and enjoying life was, peculiarly enough, reminiscent of just another day at work. He found it hard to be too annoyed with the kid, especially when he kept referring to him as such in his head- just a kid. "I'm just a vet tech," he explained, using the same balmy tone that he used on his patients. "I do a lot of the same things that the vet does. Just not the fun activities- like surgery."

He certainly hadn't gone to school long enough to be an actual vet, let alone receive the title of 'doctor.' Though it was cute enough that Drake thought so, that he almost didn't have the heart to tell him no. "Don't worry, I'm not a doctor. You can just call me Finn," he told the boy. He would love to go back to school and continue his education one day, but he was currently more than comfortable with his life; a steady income and a nice place for him and his pets to live was more than enough for him. โ€œI think my cat would never come out of hiding if I was an actual vet.โ€ he added.

Finn followed Drake around through the party in search of his sister, only thinking once or twice about how strange it was that he was putting his faith wholly in this kid. Drake seemed to know what he was talking about, but then again maybe that was just whatever drugs he was on giving him some false bravado. He stopped walking when Drake did, meeting his eyes as he looked back. โ€œYou did?โ€ he asked when the boy claimed to have seen her, unable to hide the relief that made its way into his tone. Toting around a large bag and mysteriously disappearing to unknown places certainly sounded like a Phoebe move, so that meant she was definitely here. He looked upwards at the ceiling as he thought, trying to think of a way to find her current location.

But then,
If you love 'em, you gotta set 'em free,

Finn blinked at the boy, staring at him for a long moment before a surprise burst of laughter forced its way out of his mouth. Did he really just- what was this kid on? He covered his mouth as if to hide his amusement, but dropped his hand soon after to speak. โ€œI- no, I donโ€™t think Iโ€™ll euthanize my sister. Thank you for the idea, though.โ€ he responded, almost seeming genuine. A chuckle escaped his lips again, and he scrubbed at his mouth with his thumb to wipe away the humor there. Sobering up, he told him, โ€œI just need to make sure sheโ€™s okay.โ€ He offered him a slight shrug and a crooked smile. Maybe he just didnโ€™t have siblings and didnโ€™t understand.

โ€œI think Iโ€™ll head outside and look for her there,โ€ he added, taking a half step in a random direction before pausing. He couldnโ€™t just leave the kid here, could he? He was obviously fine by himself before he approached Finn, but it seemed rude to just walk away from him now. โ€œThank you for your help.โ€ he said earnestly. โ€œDo you have friends to get back to? Or do you want to walk with me?โ€
[/div][/div][/div][div class=credit]credits RI.a[/div][div class=overlay]finnegan faraday[/div][div class=tags]Southside
Winona Winona [/div]

Alyssa Redfield

Mentions: apolla apolla (Ryan)
Interactions: Ryan, Rest of O'Reilly Fam

All she wanted was to get out of here, somewhere god anywhere. She was just by the door when she felt a hand catch her wrist. She turned as she willed the tears not to fall, not to make it worse but of course her eyes misted. Filled with fury she listened to him trip over his words, clearly caught off guard despite chasing her down in the first place. Folding her arms, a voice whispered in her head sounding a lot like her mother.

"Don't tell him your pregnant, walk away and cut him out"

Heart hammering, hands curled into fists.

"What the fuck me?, I'm not the one who ignored the calls and texts I had sent and then ended up half-way into bed with someone else"

She was hurt and pissed and like a burst dam, it all came pouring out at once, what she faced the last few days up to a few minutes ago

"I spend all day yesterday defending you to my parents to the point where I get thrown out of home because they try and force me into a marriage. I spend all morning waiting for you to call me back or reply to any kind of text that I sent you. I make my way over here only to find you in bed with someone else?"

She stood there waiting, tapping her foot on the floor before piping up again

"Did I miss anything?, leave anything out?"

She asked with a sarcastic attitude, she would have been surprised since she never got snappy or condescending unless really provoked, but the events were catching up to her.

"I chose you, I chose you over my family and this is what happens?"

Like the final nail in the coffin she announced the news she had

"I'm pregnant"


Having secured the small paint cans to the fireworks, Phoebeโ€™s grin on her face grew. Once done with setting them up, she wiped her forehead as if she was wiping off sweat from a long dayโ€™s hard work and looked at her masterpiece. She was proud of herself, admittedly; this, if it goes well, would be amazing. She only hoped they could avoid getting arrested, considering how illegal fireworks were there.Also, what if someone got hit in the head with a can? She guessed it wouldnโ€™t be any issue for her, since she was used to getting away before someone could threaten to sue. That, or sheโ€™d get Finn involved. He was a fairly smooth talker when he wasnโ€™t hunting her down.

What if he got covered in paint? Phoebe couldnโ€™t help but nearly laugh at the thought. She loved her brother and all, but she wished heโ€™d be more lighthearted sometimes, and not so hateful towards the Southside. Same with their parents, honestly. Yeah, it wasnโ€™t the best place and most definitely not the safest, but she didnโ€™t think it deserved the hate it received. It just seemed like too much sometimes, at least in her opinion. It probably helped that she had made friends, especially Kai. She appreciated him a lot and considered him a close friend. Phoebe glanced at him, noticing his excitement to set something ablaze. Well, perhaps one day she could teach Finn a thing or two, with some help.

โ€œOkay, you gay pyromaniac. You got this.โ€ She gave a nod, putting away her own lighter and taking a half-step back. โ€œJust hope we donโ€™t attract the party momโ€™s attention and end up getting sent to bed early.โ€ Phoebe took out her phone to check the time before looking at Kai, getting herself ready to shield her face from what would surely be a colorful surprise. โ€œLetโ€™s paint the fuckinโ€™ town.โ€

Winona Winona


code by yousmelldead

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Addison | 22

Addison's eyes had flickered from the girl standing in the doorway to Ryan's. It was clear the two knew each other and hearing the girl say his name had only confirmed that. Her brow furrowed in confusion as he asked for five minutes. "Are you fucking kidding me?" she breathed as he rushed out of the room. Did he have a girlfriend? That girl had seemed like she'd just caught him cheating her. Or was is some chick he'd been messing with that just thought they were more exclusive than they were? Either way, Addison didn't really wanna stick around to find out.

It wasn't that she was jealous, maybe a little that he'd left her there to run after the mystery girl, but she just didn't think waiting around was the best idea. Plus, maybe it was a good thing they'd been interrupted before going further. She grabbed her shirt and slipped it back on before making her way down the stairs. She noticed Ryan and the girl talking but all she could make out of the conversation was something about being kicked out of her parents after sticking up for him. So they were a thing? Not that she had room to judge but he could've told her, right? Ugh.

Adi turned the opposite way and disappeared into the crowd, hopefully before he could see her. Maybe she just needed to go home though the liquor in her body would disagree with her driving. Just then she ran into someone, looking up to see it was Carter. Shit. Of course. That made two times in one night. "Hey, um...can yo-do you think you could drive me home?" she asked him over the music. Probably not the best idea, she could've asked anyone but he was the first person she'd ran into. Quite literally. Besides, she just needed to leave after that awkward encounter.

outfit: click here to see!
tags: alyssa Nightblade Nightblade ; ryan & carter apolla apolla ;

g o l d i e l o x x
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Ezekiel | 18

Zeke could sense the curiosity in Kris when he said he was here with a friend. Maybe for the same reason, he'd been curious about the man she'd dumped a drink on. Scoping out the possible competition. "Maybe you know him. Carter. I know I saw a few other familiar faces around here too but he's the one I overheard talking about this party," he admitted, as he scanned the room a little. He wasn't sure he wanted Carter to see him here and if he did, Zeke couldn't be sure the encounter wouldn't be embarrassing. He definitely didn't need that guy cramping his game right now. Not that he had much to start with.

He grinned, downing the rest of his beer and following her outside as she'd insisted. He couldn't suppress the chuckle when she ordered two random drunks to vacate the area. Bossy, another quality he found attractive about her. He shook his head when she offered him the lighter, a playful smirk on his lips. "I am a gentleman. Ladies first," he said, holding the joint out to her as they sat down. His eyes scanned the night sky before returning to her, so she was one of the O'Reilly's. Of course, he knew of them but he wasn't well acquainted with many of them.

"Ah, no wonder you hold some rank around here," he said with a laugh as he took the now lit blunt from her. He took a few hits as he tried to think of if he'd heard about Kris before. With O'Reilly attached to the name it was possible that he had. "Wait, I think I remember you. We had algebra together junior year? Mr. Parker's class," he said, recalling that she had been friends or something of that nature with his ex-girlfriend, Ash. Way to go Zeke. Not that it would change his interest in her now but still.

tags: carter (mentioned) & kris apolla apolla ; ash (mentioned) Winona Winona ;

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"Just a vet tech." Pfft. This guy really liked to try and -- badly -- downplay his accomplishments, didn't he? Hell, he could've said that he was the janitor at a vet's office, and Drake still would've been impressed. Because he was still surrounded by cats and other cute animals. But not dogs because dogs were the devil.

And then he mentioned cat, and Drake had to stop in his tracks. He looked at Finn, eyes widening slowly as he registered exactly what the hot doctor had said -- and he'd definitely just gotten ten times hotter, because he had a cat. Drake glanced around the room, and then leaned in closer to Finn. He placed one hand on Finn's shoulder to steady himself because his mind was still swimming, and now he was starting to wonder if maybe this was all just a hallucination.

"Can I meet your cat?" He asked, his voice a little bit louder than a whisper, as if he was asking for something not nearly as innocent as this. Another quick glance around to make sure no one was eavesdropping, and then Drake leaned back in to keep talking. "I really like cats. But my brother's a bitch and won't let me get one." He was! Drake was pretty sure that Mason was lying about the whole "allergy" thing and currently, he was working hard on getting Ariana to beg Mason for a cat.

Drake let go of Finn after a moment, and then his jaw dropped open when Finn suggested euthanasia. "Before you kill things, you tell people 'if you love em, let em go'?" That seemed unusually cruel, and Drake wasn't talking about death. He would never suggest murder as an option. "I meant like, when you release a goldfish into the wild, y'know? Because you love 'em so much that you set them free, you don't kill them." He scoffed at Finn, shaking his head.

It sounded like Finn was excusing himself, and Drake was totally cool with that. Hanging out with a kid you just met at a party that quacked at you was probably something that most people didn't want to do, but then Finn asked if he wanted to tag along. And Drake blinked at him, not replying right away as the gears churned in his head. Because... people didn't usually ask Drake to come with, they were usually eager to get rid of him, and that was fine with him. But this was...

Weird. But cool.

"Sure. I feel like I need to keep an eye on you." Drake said, following after Finn. "You're like a... here let me make a reference you'll understand. Like a cat amongst a bunch of dogs. I gotta make sure no one bites you. Or punches you. Or shoots you because you look at them funny." He said with a pleasant smile, and a gentle pat on Finn's shoulder.

"Think of me as like your... guardian angel. Your guardian drake."

elextrified elextrified
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He couldn't get the thought out of his head. Izzy had some common sense rattling around in that brain of his, despite the fact that oftentimes it seemed as if it were the opposite case due to his perpetual state of intoxication. He often missed important details, unless there was a reason for him to be paying attention. However, the brief interaction that he had seen the girls have in front of him had proven that they were most definitely not friends- that much was very clear to him. Hatred might be a strong word, but he was sure that it was something similar given the way they traded fake smiles and bitter tones with each other. With that simple bit of knowledge, he knew that he should probably be ending this here if he wanted to get in Kat's good graces. He wasn't a naturally vindictive person, so what was he doing?

He couldn't help but think to himself, as Alexandra led by the hands to where everyone else was dancing, that he was walking straight into enemy territory.

As she wrapped her arms around his neck, he followed in turn by sliding his arms to settle along her waist. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, he mentally quoted, giving himself an excuse for his behavior. Alexandra may have said something rude to Kat- may have, mostly because he hadn't been paying much attention to that part of their conversation- but that certainly didn't mean that he had to be rude back to her. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. In some twisted way, he wondered that if Kat could see his kindness and sincerely, she'd be less harsh with him. Inherit a blessing, indeed, if he could get her to like him again. She'd been the only thing he'd had to look forward to for a while, there.

So, tell me, She breathed, bringing him out of his reverie, and he tilted his head down to focus on her. He'd been dancing absently with Alexandra, lost in his own world for a moment; though to others it may have looked as if he were staring someone down.

"Sister," he mimicked, his tone of voice conveying just how surprised he was by the girl's words. He and Kat had only dated briefly, just a few months, and had never gotten around to the whole 'meet-the-family' gig. He would have thought she'd have mentioned a sibling, though, and the fact that she hadn't sat awkwardly with him. Had Kat really not trusted him with that information? "I didn't know she had a sister," he replied dumbly, after a pregnant silence sat between the two of them. "We were, ah, together for a bit." He shook his head minutely as if to clear his thoughts, then offered her a smile. "It doesn't matter." he dismissed. "I bet it's fun having a sibling, yeah? I'm by myself," he mused, "It gets kind of boring sometimes. I wish someone else lived with me."
[/div][/div][/div][div class=credit]credits RI.a[/div][div class=overlay]ishmael siphron[/div][div class=tags]Southside
apolla apolla [/div]

Katherine | 18

Kat had downed the contents of about four cups full of some random liquor she'd found and it had clearly hit her like a damn truck. "Move," she snapped at someone who she had run into upon standing up. She needed to get out of here even if it meant taking the bus home, which was probably the worst possible choice right now. She started to push through the crowd, heading towards the door or so she thought. Instead, she ran into someone else. "Damn it," she groaned, looking up to realize that someone was Izzy. Just her luck. She quickly realized he'd been dancing with Alexandra and rolled her eyes. Not that she was surprised that her step-sister had managed to steal her man. Wait...he wasn't her man anymore. Shit.

That's when she remembered their conversation earlier and the necklace he'd tried to give her. The whole thing replaying in her mind made her wanna puke. Ugh. She looked up, ready to throw out some snarky insult and shove past them when she noticed the same necklace dangling around Alexandra's neck. "You've got to be kidding me?" she muttered. Her head was spinning from the drinks she most definitely should not have consumed. "Don't you ever get tired of my leftovers," she spat the words hoping to hurt both Izzy and Alexandra. She probably should've left it at that and gone home but she wouldn't.

Usually, around this time Mason would swoop in and save her from herself but they weren't friends anymore. All because he had some fucking complex over her moving to the northside. Ha. The thought of their earlier encounter only fueled her anger more. Men were a joke. So was her slutty step-sister who hadn't wasted any time in trying to pull Izzy right from under Kat. Accepting a gift that was meant for another woman, how tragic. "You know, Iz. You've been pretty persistent in trying to win me back but I didn't realize you were so desperate that you'd settle for just anyone," she directed the irritation towards him now. She probably wouldn't have used such harsh tactics on him if she was sober. Of course, she could be mean but this was drunk Kat and she was a raging bitch.

"I guess I'm not surprised. I mean, she is an easy target." Katherine started as she stepped even closer to the pair. "Want my advice? Buy her a Louis Vuitton bag and she's sure to let you in her bed. Isn't that right, sis..." she added, hissing the last word. Kat's eyes flickered to Alexandra, fully ready for a fight and it actually looked like she might get one. All she wanted to do was push the girl over the edge. Get her to lunge first. So without thinking about it too much, Kat shoved the girl towards the front door, which was conveniently wide open, hoping that she would get the reaction she wanted.

outfit: click here to see!
tags: alexandra apolla apolla ; izzy elextrified elextrified ;

g o l d i e l o x x
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What he had suspected would be a rather boring, dry party had actually turned out pretty fucking amazing. He beamed at Phoebe, his face lighting up when she gave him permission to light the fireworks -- even if she had called him a gay pyromaniac. Although not necessarily incorrect, it wasn't like Kairos enjoyed the nickname. He rolled his eyes, but said nothing more on the matter, instead taking the lighter from his pocket and flipping it on with expert precision.

Kai loved fire.

He also loved destruction, and he especially loved pissing off his siblings by catching their things on fire when they pissed him off. Most importantly, Kris. No one got under his skin quite like his twin sister, the lesser twin -- the baby twin.

With lighter in hand, Kai moved away from the safe spot on the porch and took to lighting the fuses on fire, one by one. He could hear them sizzling and right as he lit the last fuse, the first firework took off into the air. Kai was quick to make his way back over to Phoebe, shielding himself from the onslaught of paint that was about to cover this block.

"Phoebe, this is the best idea ever."

LethargicJade LethargicJade

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