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Realistic or Modern ๐•ฅ๐•™๐•– ๐•ค๐• ๐•ฆ๐•ฅ๐•™๐•ค๐•š๐••๐•– ๐• ๐•— ๐•”๐•™๐•š๐•”๐•’๐•˜๐• 

"Yeah, I'm Sarah." She said giggling, she thought he was cute. "You're super cute btw. And yes, I'm Pheobe's friend."Uhm yeah, that sounds good! I don't know, do you want me to back away. I don't know how I can help. Once we do this, do you maybe wanna kiss me?" She looked at him, staring into his eyes. "Do you need help? I don't really know how to help..."
@ Winona Winona

Katherine | 18

Katherine had never been one to shy away from a party. In fact, if there was a party within a thirty-mile radius you would likely find her there. She just liked to have a good time though sometimes it did land her into trouble. Even since moving to the northside, she felt the need to prove to some people she was still just as much a southside girl like anyone else. Most definitely to Mason. He'd suddenly had some tension with her after her move and she didn't completely blame him for it. They never spoke of it but it was clearly there and it was only a matter of time before it surfaced. That would surely prove to be fun.

For now, it was in the back of her mind as she wandered around the party. She could barely hear over the chatter and music but as she spun around she caught sight of a familiar face. "Damn it. What the hell is he doing here?" she muttered to herself. She and Izzy had a complicated history, to say the least. They dated briefly before breaking it off a couple of months ago and she noticed he'd been finding ways to bump into her recently. "Crashing another party, I see," she joked as she strutted up to him. She took a sip of the drink in the red solo cup. She wasn't entirely sure what it was, something fruity and yet strong.

"What led you here tonight, Izzy?" she asked, looking around the room as she spoke. She set the cup down on a nearby table and crossed her arms in front of her chest, a smirk on her face. "I mean, besides your need to see me," she added, a teasing tone seeping through. It'd be a lie to say Kat wasn't a bit of a tease, she enjoyed playing hard to get and the attention she got along with it. She had been told plenty she gave guys mixed signals and led them on. It wasn't always her intention, she couldn't help it sometimes. It was fun, especially when she knew they would chase her.

outfit: click here to see!
tags: izzy elextrified elextrified ;

g o l d i e l o x x
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"That bitch!"

Alexandra angrily smashed the end call button, resisting the urge to throw her phone at the wall. Her stupid stepsister was supposed to pick her up for the party, but of course, wasn't answering her phone. With a loud groan, she plopped back onto her bed, staring at the sheer canopy that hung overtop the four poster bed. Alexandra should have known better than to trust her; it wasn't as though they were friends, and it wasn't like Alexandra had ever really been nice to her.

Well, fuck it. Alexandra was going anyway. Pushing herself up, she pulled the dress on she'd been planning on wearing, followed by a pair of black tights and heels. Always one to make a statement no matter where she went, she tied a ribbon in her hair and glanced at herself in the mirror. Her makeup already done, she shot herself a smirk and then left her room. Since her parents were already asleep, she'd just take the Lexus. It wasn't like they'd miss it.

She didn't have a license, but oh well. She drove to the party and parked across the street from the house, getting out and walking into the yard like she owned the place. Wrinkling her nose as she spotted someone throwing up in the bushes, she muttered a "gross" and kept on, heading into the house to mix herself a drink. She spotted her 'sister' making a drink and talking to someone who was definitely out of her league.

"Thanks for the ride, sis." Alexandra snuck up beside her, reaching across her for a cup and some alcohol. "Oh, wait, I forgot. You never showed." She shot her an annoyed look as she squeezed herself between the pair, pouring herself a mixed drink. Glancing over at Izzy, Alexandra smiled at him. "Hi. I'm Alexandra."

Tags: Kat ( jasmyn jasmyn ); Izzy ( elextrified elextrified )
Code by apolla apolla

Addison | 22

Addison remembered right away why she had ended up in Carter's bed that night. Aside from the immense amount of alcohol they had, the sexual tension was obvious. He wasn't just somehow charming but also rugged and effortlessly intoxicating. As his fingers lightly brushed across hers, the bottle leaving her grip, she let her eyes meet his. Shit. Nope. That was a mistake, Addison. You were drunk. The thoughts ran through her mind but they were forced, even if she had been convincing herself they weren't. She took the cup and raised it up, honestly thankful for how much he'd poured them. Was it that obvious she needed to take the edge off?

Pulling the cup away as the liquid burned her throat, she felt an arm around her waist and didn't even need to look over to know who it was. Talk about awkward. Act normal. "Ry. You snooze, you lose," she teased, allowing herself to be pulled into his arms. "Besides, I am sure you're already quite buzzed," she laughed, nudging him teasingly. As she spoke her mind was elsewhere, reminding her that she had chosen not to tell Ryan about the hookup with Carter because it was a mistake. Besides, they were friends. God, she needed to stop overthinking this.

"I'm the one who needs to catch up, no?" she grinned, taking the tequila and pouring herself another cup full and downing it quite quickly. She made a face at the taste, the second cup always hit differently than the first. She put the cup down and shook her head. "Ugh," she groaned. "Why do I still enjoy drinking this stuff?" she asked, laughing a little. Oh yeah, it got her wasted which she obviously needed right now. That was why she almost never made it home after one of these parties too but that was beside the point.

outfit: click here to see!
tags: carter. ryan. apolla apolla ;

g o l d i e l o x x
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Richard Marshmann
"I'll feed you ya' fackin' teeth you piece of ga-" CRACK!

Just as quickly as the teenager had opened his mouth, Richard closed it with a right hand. The poor kid began riding imaginary roller skates around the room, smacking into a good variety of peoples as he attempted to gain his balance. Richard began to laugh in a tone of broken malady as he relished in the scene of stealing someone's balance with a single shot. He didn't fight often, but, when he did, he made the shots count. Around him, the partygoers smacked him on the back in gleeful excitement, a roar of cheers sweeping across the crowd as the kid eventually fell to the floor. Richard raised his drink in the air in hollow victory, releasing a smile. Community. Home. There's nothing like it. Around him, the party continued and various voices chimed in.

"Hey, hey, you showed that little b*tch."
"Hell yeah!"
"Northside I'm uncultured can't take a punch to save their pathetic fucking lives."

They kept the congratulations flowing, but he was never filled by their cheers and dramatic acclaim. Truth is, he felt a little sorry. He'd bumped into a drunk teenager at a party and punched in him the face. There wasn't much manliness to it at all. In fact, it was cowardice. The air around him smelled like a fucking brewery. One punch was all it took for inebriation's sake. Nothing was gained except for the approval of the herd; although, it was all Richard had in this foreign land. For this grand victory, he slammed back the rest of his beer in the hopes that he would begin to feel the bees begin to infect his bloodstream to give him the buzz. Instead, there was nothing left but blurred vision and impaired motor control.

A member of his little entourage cracked him open a fresh beer and slid it into his hands. Richard began to wander away from his herd, a dangerous prospect for the young man. It was a sea of filth, hormones, and freaks; there was no better place to be. Around him, people yelled for each other, danced, screamed, the whole thing. They flowed like traffic, traffic that Richard found fascinating to watch. In his attempt to circumvent traffic by going straight through it, he crashed into a teenage girl. He towered over her in comparison. It was confusing that she didn't fall to the floor in response to his collision. No, something better happened. She was drenched in the cheapest beer that money could buy.

In a moment of genuine remorse, unable to his that little bit of kindness in his shell, he stuttered through his words. "Ah f-fuck. I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention, and, and..." His words trailed off as he made eye contact with her, his land of confusion laid bare in the look on his face. He'd made a mistake, broken his Southside character. What the fuck was he doing?

***mentions: dvds12 dvds12 ***

Alyssa finished her second shake while waiting for a reply from Ryan. She rolled her eyes but could not help chuckle, since he had done this before. Paying the bill and leaving a tip, she grabbed her bag and started making her way outside. She had been to his house before and knew it would be no problem just showing up. Getting into her car, she dropped her bag in the passenger seat and pulled away from the small diner. As luck would have it, Ryan's place was close to the diner anyway so getting there would not take a lot of time, As she began her short drive it gave her time to think over the last 3 days drama.

As she started getting close to where Ryan and his family lived, she noticed the streets were quite busy carrying on until it was not possible to drive any further. Finding a space, she parked up and grabbed her bag before locking up. She walked along the street, smiling at some of the people she recognised from her frequent visits here. From the looks of things, it was a street party. The walk was giving her time to think things over, how would he react to the baby. They had been together for a while but the baby talk had never come up, it felt like there was no need.

Turning onto the street, she spotted Ryan's place and crossed the street. Making her way to the house with a soft smile, she felt more at home here than she ever did with her parents. Reaching the house, she was about to head into the house when she felt a hand on her shoulder, turning around she smiled.

Mentions: apolla apolla


Oh, fuck yeah. Phoebe gave a wide grin and started laying out the fireworks, shooing them away whenever she got too close to them. It almost seemed as if her bag was endless, like that of Mary Poppins-level shit. Actually, she just packed it really tightly and hoped the bag wouldnโ€™t burst. She laid out the small cans of paint and fireworks carefully, not bothering to explain first what she was doing. Theyโ€™d figure it out eventually and if they didnโ€™t, oh well. It wasnโ€™t really her problem to solve, was it? โ€œI know you too well, Kai.โ€ She laughed, taking out some wire and whatever else she had found before to tie the paint cans to the firework. โ€œI also know that fireworks alone arenโ€™t enough toโ€ฆ make a mark.โ€ She winked, quickly getting to work with tying as many paint cans to the fireworks that she could. Once she did, Phoebe took off the tops to reveal the many colors, rather pleased with this. Taking a little vial of glitter out of her pocket and putting some into a few of the cans, her excitement only grew. Who didnโ€™t like a little sparkle? Phoebe really hoped it wouldnโ€™t get in anyoneโ€™s eyes.

After finally getting the preparation done, she stood up straight and looked at the two of them. She hadnโ€™t put paint cans on all of the fireworks, but a lot of them held at least one. โ€œJust set all of the ones with paint around the perimeter, but leave a spot for us to stand safely to watch the show.โ€ She indicated with her hand where the safe spot would be, off to the side before turning her attention to Sarah. She raised an eyebrow and reached over, lightly flicking her on the head. โ€œHey now, no flirting with children.โ€ She teased, shaking her head before turning away. โ€œLetโ€™s get to work before someone sees us up here and tries to figure out what weโ€™re up to.โ€ She told them, picking up a few and placing them in specific spots in order to get maximum entertainment. She had set it up so that if one was lit, the rest would follow. At least, if it went perfectly according to plan.

Now for the show. Once done, she ran to the safe spot and motioned for them to follow. Phoebe reached into her pocket, pulling out a small lighter with a grin. Oh, this was going to be great. โ€œLetโ€™s light it up.โ€

Winona Winona J Joet

codedbycrucialstar | hidden scroll
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This was certainly not his area of town. However, Ishmael, or Izzy as he insisted upon being called, rarely turned down an invitation to a party. In fact, he rarely turned down a party at all, invitation or not. Just like tonight. High enough to breathe, but sober enough to think semi-coherent thoughts, he stood near the edge of the main room, eyes flitting around in search. He wasn't sure whether or not he was truly welcome at these sorts of parties, being the rich man in a party full of poor little people. They never seemed to mind him, though, especially when he was paying outrageous prices for their cheap booze or when he was too high to see straight and handing out his fifties to everyone in a twenty-foot radius. He just liked to have a good time; to be high enough that last week's sermon from church faded out of his brain. And sometimes, he liked to look for a little something extra. Tonight was one of those nights.

He wasn't a stalker, not really, but he liked to show up at places where he knew his ex would be roaming around. Their relationship had been fleeting, and it hadn't been too long ago since they'd broken up. Izzy hadn't taken it too much to heart when it had first happened and had tried to move on, but there was something about the beautiful woman that stuck in his mind. It wasn't his fault that her presence was a reoccurring weight in his thoughts. Maybe she'd bewitched him. He didn't know, but he didn't really care; the game of cat and mouse that the two of them played was almost as rewarding as the highs that he regularly chased. He was half contemplating moving to another room, seeing what drinks were being offered today when a voice immediately caught his attention.

Crashing another party, I see,

Izzy turned toward the voice easily, a slow, lopsided grin appearing on his face as he turned to face Kat. Here she was, in the flesh- and speaking of... He wasn't sure whether or not he had actually said that aloud, but he didn't particularly care as his eyes traveled down the length of her body. She looked really nice, from her black crop top to her- were those fishnets? What a tease. He gave a loose, one-shouldered shrug in response to her question, smile still in place,

"Ohh, me?" he asked, aiming for an innocent tone of voice, "I was just, uh, in the neighborhood." Maybe he was sober enough for coherent thoughts inside of his mind, but his words sounded like a lie even to his addled brain. He managed to be serious for all of three seconds before he burst into laughter, "Maaybe I wanted to see you," he drawled. It wasn't far from the truth, even though he knew the risk of admitting it to her. He barely gave her any time to comprehend the words before his eyes suddenly lit up and he exclaimed, "Oh!" as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his fitted dress pants. "I got you a present."

Izzy was distracted from his search when a woman clad in a black dress made her way over to the two of them. He wasn't sure if his brain was making things up as it tends to do, but she looked rather peeved as she forced herself in between the pair; something about Kat not showing her something, and he wasn't sure he cared enough to pay that much attention. "Hi," he greeted the woman, Alexandra, when she introduced herself, "I'm Izzy." And then, because he had nothing else to say with Alexandra in between him and the woman he was trying to woo with gifts, "Do you want a present, too?"
[/div][/div][/div][div class=credit]credits RI.a[/div][div class=overlay]ishmael siphron[/div][div class=tags]Southside
jasmyn jasmyn apolla apolla [/div]

Kris wasn't entirely heartless, and she knew how Dean felt about Mason. It wasn't like Kris was planning on jumping Mason's bones right here in the living room. She just wanted some attention; that wasn't a crime. And if it was, you may as well lock her up now, because Kris was the type of girl who thrived on attention, especially if the person giving it was attractive.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Kris. Put some clothes on."

Having heard this sentence before in her lifetime, it didn't make her angry but she did roll her eyes. "What are you, the clothes police?" She took a swig of her drink, not bothering to hide the smirk that tugged at her lips as he narrowed his eyes towards her and the beer she offered. "Jesus, Mason, it's not poisoned."

He ended up taking it, or snatching it rather, but she wasn't bothered by that. The barbie and my little pony comment only caused her smirk to grow. "If I wanted to talk about barbies and ponies I'd go talk to my little sister." She glanced around, but didn't see her. Her eyes landed back on Mason as he spoke again.

Only this time he made a mistake.

"I am not a kid." She spoke, her voice dangerously low. He got on her eye level, but she didn't waver. "And I'm certainly not your kid to tell me when I have to go to bed." She stepped closer, practically closing the distance between them, a slight smile now present on her features. Without another word, she raised her hand holding her drink and proceeded to dump it on his head.

"Oops." Drawing out the word with an innocent tone that did not match her actions, she withdrew her hand and then, without warning, flipped the bottom of his beer with her hand so that it spilled on his front. "Sorry." Flashing him a glare that could have killed if she had the power, she shoved past him and disappeared into the crowd.


Tags: Mason ( Winona Winona )
Code by apolla apolla

Carter hadn't come to this party with the intentions of getting fucked up. Usually Carter liked to keep a clear head, that way no one got the jump on him. Especially considering the amount of drugs he had in his pockets right now. He didn't have anyone above him to answer to, but he would have to answer to him, his harshest critic, if something happened.

But something about the way Addison looked tonight mixed with the way the tequila hit him made him think getting fucked up might not be such a bad idea.

She looked amazing, even with clothes on. Carter didn't like to consider himself the type to get attached, and he knew Addison was the same. They'd hooked up once in an alcohol fueled night that neither one could remember fully. But he did remember how her lips had felt on him, all over him, and he didn't regret it. He knew he should feel bad, considering Ryan and all. But did he? Nope.

He grinned at her as she took her shot, though the look faded some as Ryan appeared. Keeping his face impassive, he leaned against the counter as they conversed and Addison took another shot of tequila. "Careful, Adi." Carter grinned at her while Ryan laughed and moved to pour a shot for himself. "Doesn't tequila make her clothes fall off?"

Tags: Addison ( jasmyn jasmyn ); Ryan
Code by apolla apolla

"But I wasn't snoozing!" Ryan protested, not noticing how the smile had slid some from Carter's face. Truthfully, Ryan had deep feelings for the girl beside him taking tequila shots, but to her, their hookups had always been more of a fwb thing. Sadly he was oblivious to this, and typical male that he was, hadn't exactly been 'faithful'.

"I'll just catch up to your catching up." Ryan moved to pour his own shot, winking at Carter and nearly snorting tequila at Carter's comment. "That it does." Ryan waved a hand in front of his face, his eyes watering. "Jesus that was bad timing, Carter." Despite himself he was laughing, glancing over at Adi.

"I got a bearded dragon, Adi. He's in my room, if you wanna see." It was true, he'd picked the dragon up a few days prior from a friend of his. "Long as no one knocked him over, shit." He cast a worried glance upstairs, then looked back at his friends.

"I think I see someone else I know. See you guys." Carter excused himself, and Ryan shrugged.

"What do you say, Adi? Wanna go somewhere quieter?"

Tags: Addison ( jasmyn jasmyn ); Carter
Code by apolla apolla

Addison | 22

Addison looked between the two guys, noticing how Carter's mood had changed. This was the first time she'd been around them both at the same time since she hooked up with Carter and so she was just glad things weren't getting crazy. Though she knew Carter wasn't the type to do that with someone he'd only slept with and he wasn't a relationship guy. She was more concerned with Ryan's reaction, after all, he was the one who didn't know. His comment made her bright blue eyes widen, mostly because she knew the double meaning behind them.

At Ryan's response to the comment, she nudged him but her eyes remained locked with Carter's. "I hate you...both of you." she shook her head. She was tempted to pour herself another shot when Ryan mentioned taking her to his room to show off his new pet. Just then Carter excused himself from the group with what she chalked up to a lame excuse to be away from the weird tension that only the pair of them knew was there. He knew just as well as she did that their moment was a mistake, didn't he? Ryan was their friend. It couldn't happen again. His grin said he wanted it to though...

"Do you really have any interest in showing me this new lizard or is this your way or trying to get me alone?" Adi laughed, the liquor started to set in a little as she spoke. By no means was she drunk, but to say she wasn't buzzed would be an absolute lie. She took his hand in hers and led the way, knowing exactly where his room was for obvious reasons. As she walked through the doorway she noticed two random teenagers sitting on his bed, making out. "Ew, jesus. Get a different room," she announced, watching as they jumped up and left. "So, what's his name?" she asked as she walked over to the tank that held the bearded dragon.

outfit: click here to see!
tags: carter. ryan. apolla apolla ;

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Katherine | 18

"In the neighborhood, right," Kat countered though it was less of a serious tone and more teasing. She uncrossed her arms, one falling to her hip as he spoke again. This time admitting that he was here for her. It wasn't like she didn't know that already but hearing it was different. She was about to speak again when he suddenly blurted out that he'd brought her something. What? Alcohol? Drugs? This was the southside after all and she wasn't a northside girl no matter where she lived. People around here didn't just give out gifts like cigarettes.

Before she could question him another familiar person showed up. One with more of an annoyed look sprawled across their face. Alexandra. Her rather spoiled-bitch of a step-sister who she had told she'd give a ride too. Really, Katherine never had any intention of doing so. The annoyance in her tone was worth it too. "Aw, poor dear. Did you have to drive the new Lexus here? How awful that must've been for you," she rolled her eyes. "I really do hope it doesn't get stolen or vandalized. Daddy would be so disappointed in his little girl and we wouldn't want that," she added with a laugh. This girl was a real piece of work.

It was all fun and games until the girl introduced herself to Izzy with a smile that just screamed trouble. Kat may have broken up with Izzy recently but she wasn't one for sharing affection so when he mentioned giving her a gift too she clenched her teeth. "Oh, Allie doesn't need gifts." she started, knowing the use of the nickname would annoy her new sister. "She likes to max our her daddy's credit cards so I'm sure she can buy her own shit," she said with a smirk. "Can't you find someone else to bother?" she said, turning her attention back to Alexandra.

outfit: click here to see!
tags: izzy elextrified elextrified ; alexandra apolla apolla ;

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Alexandra had been perfectly content on pretending that Kat wasn't there, especially after she caught glimpse of who her stepsister had been talking to. The guy was definitely attractive, and Kat wanted to know more about him. He seemed interested, too, or maybe she was just reading too much into it. What was he on, anyway? "Nice to meet you, Izzy." She smiled sweetly at him, finishing with mixing her drink and then bringing it to her lips. "Where are you from, Izzy?"

Of course, Kat chose that moment to speak up, talking about Alexandra's dad and the Lexus. "If anything," Alexandra turned to look at Kat, a strained smile on her face. "He'll just buy a new one." She shrugged, still holding her drink close to her. "He's more disappointed in people who betray him." She looked Kat up and down at that moment, making it clear who she was talking about. "It's a shame your mom won't get rid of that Volvo she likes so much. Daddy's been trying to buy her a new one, but she's just not interested. He hates that."

Always one for low blows, Alexandra turned back to her drink, and would have turned back to Izzy when Kat spoke again. "I like presents." Alexandra smiled at her, obviously a fake one. "And it's Alexandra, Katherine." Standing up straighter, Alexandra turned her back to Kat, focusing on Izzy again. "Why are you giving out presents?" She questioned, her voice much softer now that she wasn't talking to her sister. "Color me intrigued."

Tags: Kat ( jasmyn jasmyn ); Izzy ( elextrified elextrified )
Code by apolla apolla

Nathan O'Reilly


Nathan was chilling out in the back garden with Krista and Jade, enjoying a few beers. The street party was always a blast and this year was no different, plus the large number of people meant that Nate could get sticky fingered not a problem, hell he already had helped himself a few times and had a new phone and some cash from the snobby kids who felt edgy being here as if it was taboo for them to be seen in this part of town. Normally it would piss him off but as Krista pointed out, they scored big when the rich kids hung around. Nodding in agreement for now, he nursed his beer feeling his arm itch but ignoring it for now.

Jade wandered off to find a few more bottles as Krista took LSD, washing it down with beer as she was coming down and wanted to mellow out. They gathered the cash they had helped themselves too and divided it evenly as they always did, with Nate bagging a pretty sweet 350 dollars and a new phone. Krista mentioning how they would have to stop by Sal's diner for an Egg Sandwich, clearly getting the munchies from their weed. Nate agreed, taking a deep pull from the joint before passing it on and taking the fresh bottle from Jade.

Nate had the cash he owed together and some extra to pay to the house so yeah, today was a very good day. He did not even feel that pissed off at Kai, choosing to just stay the hell away for the day and enjoy himself with his friends. Jade started mentioning the idea of them getting tattoo's with Krista eagerly agreed too and Nate shrugged not fussed either way. Deciding to sort out his new phone, he made the changes from the old phone he had to the flashy new phone, throwing his old one away and keeping the new one.

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Izzy wasn't exactly sure what was going on here.

He was sure, or at least sure enough, that he was bearing witness to a fight. There was no name-calling, screaming voices, or fists being thrown, but it reminded him of his parents whenever they argued- especially in public; all fake laughs, strained smiles, and hardened voices.

"Uhm," Izzy voiced when asked a direct question from the new girl, Alexandra. He knew where he lived, of course, but the way the conversation seemed to keep altering was putting his brain on overdrive. He didn't actually have to come up with a coherent response to her question, for as soon as she finished asking it, she had turned her attention elsewhere. Back to Kat, actually, to not-argue with her some more.

He watched in silent fascination as the two of them traded thinly-veiled insults with each other, his hands slowly sliding out of his pockets as he waited patiently for his turn to speak. He had half a mind to interrupt and stand up for Kat, whatever it was they were arguing about, but he decided that she was taking care of it herself. He was silent until their conversation seemed to come to a lull and Alexandra turned back to him. "Who doesn't like presents?" he countered her question, finally seeing his chance. "I like presents.." he trailed off, fishing into his pants pockets again, "You like presents..." He pulled out a satin box with a tiny "Aha!" and quickly held it out to Kat before peeling it open.

Inside lay a necklace; a dainty little piece made of rose gold and interlocked chains. It connected at the bottom to two linked rings. One was a thicker ring, inlaid with tiny, shimmering diamonds and the second was a simple thin band. It was a beautiful piece, truly- or so both his mother and the jewelry he'd bought it from had convinced him. Izzy had just liked how the two rings at the bottom reminded him of a pinky promise. A deeper part of him had hoped that Kat would see the symbolism too. A pinky promise to stop being annoying or whatever had aggravated her enough to make her not like him as a human being, let alone make her not want to be with him anymore. "It's Cartier?" he offered sheepishly as he waited for her to accept her gift.
[/div][/div][/div][div class=credit]credits RI.a[/div][div class=overlay]ishmael siphron[/div][div class=tags]Southside[/div]

Katherine | 18

Kat's eyes rolled once again at Alexandra's comments. If it hadn't been for her mother's constant warnings she'd have already shown this girl not to mess with a Southsider. Unfortunately, that had been declared off-limits the day she announced they'd be moving. Kat wasn't sure why her mom was so insistent on pretending that they actually fit in on that side of town. Even naming her Katherine, something she barely tolerated being called, seemed like a way to try and be something they were not. "You're lucky that you're off-limits, Allie. I'd love to show you some true southside hospitality," she spat, sure to put emphasis on the nickname.

When Izzy spoke back up, her attention shifted back to him. She watched as he stuck his hand back in his pocket, pulling a small box from it. Is that-? He'd gotten her jewelry? He opened it and her eyes widened, she hoped he hadn't seen the flash of light that glimmered in them as the scanned the beautiful piece he held out to her. She'd never been gifted something so stunning but as much as she loved the necklace she couldn't take it. Part of her felt he meant well but the voice in her head that said it was just a way for him to get her back in his bed overpowered that feeling.

If Kat's last boyfriend had taught her anything it was that money and material things couldn't buy love or happiness. She'd fallen into that so easily and look what happened. She couldn't go back to that. Her eyes met Ishmael's and she shook her head, refusing to look back down at the box. Even though she could see the kindness in his eyes and hear the sincerity in his voice, she still didn't buy it. "This isn't the Northside. You can't just waltz in here and buy people with expensive jewelry, Iz," she stated, trying not to show any hint of emotion. "You know what, I can't do this. I need to go," she added, walking away without another word.

She didn't even bother with her so-called sister again either, sure she'd be after Izzy's attention now that Kat had practically rejected him. Instead, she searched the party for another familiar face, needing something to get her mind off of what had just happened. Perfect timing because as she spun around she caught sight of Kris pouring a drink onto Mason's head. Well, that helped her mood a little. "I'd ask what happened but I kinda know you well enough to assume you were probably being an ass," she said as she walked up to him.

outfit: click here to see!
tags: izzy elextrified elextrified ; alexandra apolla apolla ; mason Winona Winona ;

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[class=wrapper] width:80vw; max-width:300px; height:420px; margin:auto;center; flex-wrap:wrap; border:1px solid #0A0A0A; overflow:hidden; background:url('https://www.thefashionisto.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/silviu3.jpg'); background-size:100%; z-index:3px; [/class] [class=scroll] width:90vw; max-width:310px; height:100%; overflow-y:auto; [/class] [class=textbox] width:80vw; max-width:300px; font-family:Montserrat; font-size:12px; color:#212121; padding:2px; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9); position:relative; top:420px; [/class] [class=overlay] width:80vw; max-width:320px; margin:auto;center; position:relative; top:-461px; left:-10px; font-family:Montserrat; font-size:25px; color:#fff; text-shadow:3px 2px 0px #0A0A0A; z-index:2px; [/class] [class=tags] opacity:0.0; width:80vw; max-width:320px; margin:auto;center; position:relative; top:-490px; left:-10px; text-align:right; font-family:Montserrat; font-size:10px; color:#ccc; z-index:3px; transition: all 0.3s ease; [/class] [class name=tags state=hover] opacity:1.0; transform: translateY(20px); [/class] [class=credit] width:80vw; max-width:300px; opacity:0.5; font-family:Heebo; font-size:8px; margin:auto;center; [/class]
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Even in his drug-addled state, Izzy noticed the widening of Katherine's eyes when he pulled out the small gift box from his pants pockets. He hadn't been a stingy man while the two of them were a couple. Those gifts back then, though frequent, were simple things in his mind; a blue dress that she thought she'd look particularly beautiful in on date night, a perfume he found in the store that he really liked the scent of. Small things. This necklace, however, probably took the cake. Not only was it a more extravagant piece compared to what he'd bought in the past, but it also cost him a fair bit more than usual, too. He'd wanted to make an impression tonight. He'd wanted to show that he was sorry. He'd wanted a reaction from Kat.

A reaction was indeed what he got. Just not the one he had been expecting.

This isn't the Northside, she began, and Izzy knew immediately that he had messed something up.

"Kat," he began, groaning out her name before she had even completed her sentence. He hadn't meant anything by the gift other than it was beautiful and so was she. So what had he messed up this time? She'd always accepted his gifts in the past and, as far as he could tell, had seemed to enjoy them. His brain was working overtime, struggling to understand what was so different about this gift. Had it just been ugly? "Kat," he repeated, louder, when she turned and began to walk away from him. "Kat!" This time it was a yell. Whether she simply couldn't hear him over the noise level of the party, or if she had just ignored his call, she didn't turn back around.

"Jesus," Izzy whispered under his breath, looking down at the necklace with barely contained disgust. The once beautiful looking piece now looked ruined to him, its sentiment ignorant and child-like. There was a brief, flitting moment in which he was outraged at Kat's behavior; denying him and his thoughtful gift for no reason, storming away without an explanation, immediately walking away to another man. He was trying to work things out, and she couldn't give even a little bit? However, his rage was quickly replaced with self-pity and a pang of overwhelming sadness. God, what a way to ruin his high. Was this what depression felt like? He snapped the jewelry box shut with a loud exhale.

Suddenly remembering that there was someone other than himself still standing here, he quickly whirled around with a guilty expression on his face. He wasn't exactly sure who she was, besides someone named Alexandra, but he could tell just in their brief interactions that she and Kat weren't good friends. That normally would be enough for him to turn around himself and leave the girl standing there, but.. at least she hadn't walked away. "Hey," he greeted again, his voice thick for a moment before he gave a hard swallow. "You said you like presents?" He held out the box like an apology, the corner of his mouth twisted into a miserable grin.

[/div][/div][/div][div class=credit]credits RI.a[/div][div class=overlay]ishmael siphron[/div][div class=tags]Southside
jasmyn jasmyn apolla apolla [/div]
TK followed Jack back over to the set of lawn chairs they had been sitting in before his trip inside. When they got there Elsie was sitting in one of the chairs and Jack began talking to her. After taking a seat and cracking open one of his beers, he pulled out his phone. TK ignored the conversation happening next to him as he pulled up the text conversation he had with his cousin. She had still not shown up to the party, and he was worried she wouldnโ€™t come at all.

Malia was new to town, so TK thought the party would be a good way for her to see what it was like around the southside. Yes, the party was crazy, but that was the norm for Oโ€™Reilly parties, so she might as well see what it was like now. He shot her a quick text asking where she was and when she would be coming to the party, before locking his phone and shoving it back in his pocket. Just as he did so, a girl he had never seen before was standing in front of their little group. She was dressed nice, so he assumed she was from the Northside, but was confused when she started talking to Elsie. She was a bit older and didnโ€™t seem like the kind of girl that Elsie would have things in common with.

He took another sip of his beer ignoring the girls comments about him and Jack, and looked around the back yard. Even though there were less people out there than in the house, there was still a good amount of people out there. As he scanned, he noticed Nate, one of Jackโ€™s younger brothers. He hadnโ€™t seen the kid in a while and figured he would go say hi. When he turned to Jack to see if he wanted to come, he saw his friend still paying attention to the teenagers and decided not to interrupt him.

โ€œHey man. Long time, no see.โ€ he said to Nate before looking at his friends and giving them a friendly smile. Noticing Nates beer was almost empty, TK pulled the extra beer he had from his pocket and offered it to the kid. โ€œWhat have you been up to man?โ€ he asked in a friendly tone.


Location: O'Reilly Backyard
Interaction: Jack, Nate
Tagging: Nightblade Nightblade



Nathan O'Reilly

Mentions: unscripted unscripted (Jack,Malia,TK)
Interactions: TK

Nate was putting his new phone away and rattled his beer bottle in annoyance before noticing a beer bottle being held out to him. Taking it and looking up, he noticed it was TK. With a grin, Nate stood and pulled Nate into a one armed hug "About time you showed up. was thinking it would never happen" He laughs before popping the cap on the beer. Taking a drink, he reaches into his pocket pulling out the small baggie of LSD, he offers some to TK. "Help yourself man", He says as Krista comes back with some beers and places them on the table before giving a grin and a welcome to TK as well as her and Jade shuffle and make room for him to sit with them all.

Nate shrugs, drinking the beer down "You know this place man, nothing happens and nothing changes" He says answering your question before asking you. "How about you, thought you came with someone?" He asks, clearly the LSD hitting Nates system as his pupils are dilated and he seems out of it, lounging with his head on Kristas shoulder as she nurses her beer. Nate seems to rally himself a bit "Party is crazy this year" he says looking around the crowded back garden, knowing much of the street out front was the same.

"Hope your cousin is not too freaked out by us" Nate grins, but it can clearly be seen as defensive as he always is with his family. Jade gives his shoulder a small squeeze and like flipping a switch Nate is chill again. "I suppose Jack is around here somewhere and probably in a worse condition than us" Nate gives a dopey grin, the LSD mellowing him out a bit




Location: O'Reilly Kitchen
Interaction: None
Tagging: N/A
As Leo walked up to the crazy house party on the southside, he considered turning around and going home. While he worked on the southside, he wasnโ€™t one to hang out there. He usually spent his time on his side of town, or occasionally the northside. But this was where his friends decided to party this time. And while he could go home and not party, he was already pretty drunk,since he had already had a couple shots while he closed the laundromat as before drinking a forty on his way to the party.

He walked up the steps and into the house, irritation spiking as a drink was thrown against the wall only a few inches from the doorway and his head. He shot a dirty look at a kid laughing about it, assuming he was the one to throw it. The kid stopped laughing and apologized after taking a look at Leo. That was common for Leo to experience, while he wasnโ€™t the biggest guy, he was very fit and had a face that said โ€œDonโ€™t fuck with me.โ€.

He continued making his way through the party, pushing through the throngs of teenagers that filled the house, until he spotted a few of his friends. He dabbed them up as he joined their group. โ€œWhereโ€™s the beer?โ€ he asked after hitting the joint they were passing around a couple times. One of his friends pointed to the kitchen in response. Leo nodded and took one more hit of the weed before passing it and heading to the kitchen.

When he got there, Leo found a cooler and grabbed a beer. He cracked it open and looked around the kitchen, spotting a bottle of Jack sitting on one of the counters. Grabbing the bottle before taking a seat at the kitchen table. He took a drink of the Jack and chased it with the beer before pulling out a joint from his jacket pocket. He sparked the joint and looked around the room at the people in the kitchen. He didnโ€™t recognize anyone, but that didnโ€™t surprise him.


โ€œJust because someone stumbles and loses their path, doesnโ€™t mean theyโ€™re lost forever.โ€ ~ Professor X, X-Men: Days of Future Past

Song Inspiration: Play

Call me Andy

Don't they say that none of us will leave this world alive? Yet for my part I intend to leave the biggest and most beautiful footprint I can. Maybe yours will be right next to mine, that it is together we walk, together we leave a path to guide future generations.


Summary: Happily walking down the party after her keg stand to find a napkin and hopefully a bag of Doritos laying around the kitchen. Open interaction for anyone.

Inconsequent polite conversations, canapes, wine... That's not exactly what was happening. Andy chuckled as she flipped herself upside down with the help of strangers. Hands gripping the sides of the beer keg, a large smile while an acquaintance held the tube to her mouth. Music thundering loudly, but everything felt so fuzzy yet so perfectly fine. The cutlery on the tabletops rattled, neon lights flashing and the floor sticky like an abandoned sugar factory.

She didn't expect to come here. She barely knew anyone. She recognized familiar faces, some with whom she went to school, others were regulars at her work place, some random facebook friends she never bothered to message back or forgot to answer. With was a random invitation she received from a regular at her coffee shop and a good friend of hers convinced to get out of her books. It was the weekend after all! And, as her good friend told her, she needed to get out there!

Well, here she was drowning in cheap beer and somehow enjoying it... well, until she chocked on the beer. Wiggling her legs to get down, beer dripping down her lips and the foam staining her round neck black tshirt. "Goddamn!" she squinted her eyes as she wiped the side of her mouth. It been a while she hadn't done that.

"You're a fucking boss!" some dude screamed. She laughed and simply nodded in acknowledgement. Not that he would care, he was pissed drunk already.

Andy flashed her teeth as she received pats on her shoulders while walking down the living room to the kitchen to get herself a napkin and maybe one of those chips. She was craving those doritos so fucking badly.

Ezekiel | 18

Zeke had decided to come to this party the moment he had heard about it. Some of the guys had been talking about how Carter was going to some party and Zeke decided why not tag along. Not that he had mentioned to Carter that he would be there but ya know. He knew a few people there so it wasn't completely out of the blue that he would pop in. Right? Whatever. He made his way into the house, grinning as music and voices filled the air. The place reeked of liquor and cigarettes along with sweat and marijuana but that didn't matter to Zeke, he was quite used to that.

He made his way through the crowd of people just in time to witness a blonde pouring a drink on some guy's head and then bouncing away. He must've really pissed her off, huh? Zeke's smirk only grew at the sight, he liked a feisty girl. Someone who was too tame just struck him as boring. He didn't hesitate to follow after the mysterious girl, wanting to mingle. Sure, there were plenty of other chicks here but she had stood out. Fiery and stunning, what more was there to think about?

"I'd ask if you want me to kick that guy's ass for whatever he did to you but you can clearly handle yourself," he said as he finally found her who he'd been searching for. She hadn't gotten very far before he'd popped up in her tracks. "So, who is he anyway? Ex-boyfriend? Older brother? Perv?" he pondered out loud with a crooked smile plastered on his face. He was curious to test out the waters on what he might be up against by flirting with her, not that he was easily intimidated by many. He also just thought it was an easy conversation starter.

tags: carter (mentioned) & kris apolla apolla ; mason (mentioned) Winona Winona ;

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Alexandra didn't particularly care who knew how she felt about her step-demon. Or anything, for that matter. She was usually very upfront with how she felt about things, people included. The not so playful banter between her and Kat was normal, at least for the two of them. Alexandra's distaste for the other girl was obvious, as was her curiosity about the guy.

"You're lucky that you're off-limits, Allie. I'd love to show you some true southside hospitality,"

Alexandra smirked, giving Katherine a good onceover before speaking. "I'll ignore your threat for now, Kitty Kat." She almost purred, a thinly veiled threat behind her own words as well. "It's a shame you'll never understand true class." Alexandra turned her back to the drink table, sipping at the concoction she'd made. Izzy was speaking, again to Kat, but Alexandra looked on, obviously interested.

When he brought out the jewelry box, Alexandra froze, but Kat's words had her looking in her direction. Was her sister insane? The necklace was beautiful, even for coming from a southsider. When Kat actually walked off, Alexandra sent a tiny wave in her direction, watching her retreating back for a moment, same as Izzy. When Alexandra looked back at him, he was staring down at the necklace, thinly veiled disgust on his face.

"Don't worry about what she thinks." Alexandra turned to him as he asked if she liked presents, and for once, a genuine smile lit up her face. "Who doesn't?" She tilted her head to the side, then reached up and moved her hair, turning her back to Izzy. "Put it on for me?"

Tags: Kat ( jasmyn jasmyn ); Izzy ( elextrified elextrified )
Code by apolla apolla

"Do you really have any interest in showing me this new lizard or is this your way or trying to get me alone?"

For a moment, Ryan thought that she might turn him down. But when she slipped her hand in his and led him upstairs, he couldn't stop the goofy grin that appeared on his lips. "Out." He jerked his thumb in the direction of the door at the two that had been in his room, and he shut the door mostly behind him as Adi stepped over to the cage to investigate.

"Her name is Lily." Obviously proud of himself, he moved to stand beside her, placing a hand on her lower back as they peered into the cage together. "Got her off of one of the neighbors. They were gonna toss her." He frowned for a moment, then glanced at the beautiful girl beside him out of the corner of his gaze. God, she was amazing.

He couldn't help himself. He pulled her closer, turning her as he did so, and gently pressed his lips to hers.

Tags: Addison ( jasmyn jasmyn )
Code by apolla apolla

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