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Fantasy The Shining Light of Tomorrow(Magical Knight RP)

Sebastian looked at his sister and nodded to her "We have to advance, we can comfort her leter. Together as one Saph! As one! Let's show them how teamwork goes!" With that said, Sebastian grabbed his ax again and hefted it up the gems on the twins necks now let off s glow that cut even through the thickest smoke, they were in their element, losing themselves and dreching themselves in blood. Sebastian's armor gleamed with new stains and the shield of Saphira mimicked the same gleam accompanied by her massive sword. The giant hammer of the ax rocked the earth with each successful crushing blow of a beast and smaller ones flew into burning buildings with crashes as the armored boy made his way to Arthur. "DIE!!" He bellowed with each shout.

@Newtype @Kalin Scarlet

Thanatos knew the kick wouldn't land the blood from his back jumped into the air wrapping around Kia leg stopping the kick and putting a crushing weight on the leg Thanatos had no intention of killing Kai but still the thought crossed his mind as he flicked the ash from the cigarette before putting his hand back in his pocket
Saphira looks at riku then nods at her brother " later but don't let her go I think she might run off." Swinger her sword around for a big arc then slamming her foot down shaking the ground and slashing at more monsters laughing at the monster. " come demons face us show us you are worthy of our blades!"

@zeroknight @TheHappyPikachu

Kai moved his leg back as he pulled Thanatos closer to him. He was more amused then what Thanatos was capable of then his own life.

Arthur struck Auri's clone with his energy infused Zeta Excalibur smacking her backwards into the village. Arthur at first wondered why his sword didn't scratch her then realized they must be using Loyalty Based Power Replication to replicating each others powers and physical conditioning. That means Dark Auri must've been channeling atleast three different dark knights.

Dark Arthur looked at Sebastian. Dark Arthur then gestured for his group to halt. Then he rushed forward at Sebastian knowing Sebastian doesn't stand a chance, he's channeling the powers of all his subordinates including Dark Sebastian and Dark Saphira. Dark Arthur removed the scabbard from his sword and swung it to parry Sebastian's axe which with all the power he's channeling the axe would be blown right out of Sebastian's hand.

@Kalin Scarlet @zeroknight @Lunaire @TheHappyPikachu @Plushie @Aura Of Twilight @yumiyukifan1
Riku's hands clenched and then dragged dirt up from underneath her, this wasn't the time to have a freak-out, she grabbed a hold of herself before charging after them towards the copys she spotted hers amongst them... i didn't even make her flinch, sure it looked like her but it did not hold the same pain inside, she had to do something...anything!? Her eyes glowed red turning the colour of blood soon after, he mouth moved making lots of diffrent noises and saying diffrent random words... "Bestow the power of the dead on me, for those who have died let me eat their life, for those who cause pain may I bring fear, and for those who wish to die face me." All of the dead corpses on the ground started letting out some strange dark smoke, which Riku was absorbing she then thrusted her hand forward towards the creatures, and as if they were being controled they all started to move in her direction swarming in on her. ((Sorry if i got a little overboard there...)) @Newtype @yumiyukifan1 @Plushie
Kalin hid himself, drawing in fire from all of the buildings to himself, trying to build up power, when he notices the copies marching on Riku. He channeled the fire into his hand, and charged the group, releasing a wave of fire at them.

"Leave her alone!"





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Sebastian and beat his chest, then slammed his foot into the ground, shattering around him the earth within a 6 meter radius and his large ax landed off away from him. Ember eyes set on the dark Arthur and he growled so deep and menacing that it wasn't human anymore "Let's play! Come on!" Sebastian charged and his armor sparkled with fresh drops of blood, the gem on his neck was pulling itself towards Saphira trying as if to connect with her own. "Saphira, together!" He called out to his sibling.

@Newtype @Kalin Scarlet @yumiyukifan1 @TheHappyPikachu

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Hearing her brother saphira turned and charged the dark Arthur roaring out at him raising her shield to bash into him."yes brother together." Saphira a gem pulling tightly towards Sebastian's as she charged forward.


Thanatos smiled wondering if he should attack now or just let Kia keep going it's not like he really felt anything but Esstella was watching and he knew she had started to like Jorian time to put an end to that he thought his blood pushed the sword from his body and still holding on to Kia foot flung the boy into the air and slammed him into the ground several times
Telia nodded with a determined look in her eyes. These monsters were going down!!! A voice was heard and she turned to see who it was. Kalin was yelling at the direction where Riku stood and a swarm of clones were coming their way. Her eyes widened as she held her scythe tightly wondering what Riku was doing. She stared carefully and saw that Riku was focused on something.

@Newtype @Aura Of Twilight

Before Thanatos can make his move Kai dodged by flash stepping. Punching Thanatos in the face then giving him a knee to the gut. As soon as he kneed Thanatos he flash stepped again disappearing from his sight.

Unable to speak and struggling beneath her clone, Auri could see the world starting to go dark around her as her next was squeezed harder and harder. Her sword had been thrown several feet away, so she was utterly defenseless. Is...this it? She thought, hearing her heart beat in her ears. I can't...I won't...She tried to summon light magic, but it faded quickly from her fingertips.

"Who would've guessed that the other me would be so...weak?" Her copy said with a sneer. "How pitiful. I-"

Auri then heard an inhuman snarl erupted from her clone, and with a flash of light she realized that Dark Auri was no longer on top of her. She gasped, the air rushing back into her lungs as she forced herself to sit up. For several moments she sat, her blurry vision managing to catch the form of Arthur standing near her, a sword in his hand. He must have been the one to save her. "Thank you." She wheezed, forcing herself to stand. "What...are these things?" She said aloud, watching the clones attacking the others. A neko seemed to be at the center of them all, barely able to hold them off.
Arthur dashed into the center of the village and yelled "Everyone stop, you can't win against them. Just one of them wields all our powers and our physical conditioning. We need to regroup we can't win." Arthur wasn't sure how many would listen to him but in order for a chance at success they al! have to or this battle is lost.

Dark Arthur stood still as Saphire bashed her shield into him he didn't even show signs that she had hit him. His power was just too great for even the twins. Dark Arthur merely needed to swing his sword once and the village was reduced to nothing but a giant crater blowing back everyone to outside of the village. When the smoke cleared the copies could be seen still marching onward to attack Team A and B.

@Kalin Scarlet @TheHappyPikachu @yumiyukifan1 @Plushie @zeroknight @Lunaire @Aura Of Twilight
Riku stared straight ahead of her, at the creatures approaching "Kalin?..." His voice seemed so distant, no, she has to stay focused she didn't know why, or how but something was telling her what she needed to do... The black smoke stored up erupted from her body covering the creatures, they froze in there positions the bloodlust in their eyes showing more than ever... Riku could feel the strange new power surging through her body, the creatures struggled against it but their movements were considerable slowed sweat poured from her face she didn't know how long she could keep this up... or what it even was but what she did know was if she made one wrong move, she was dead, and there were still so many more things, she wanted to live for.... @Newtype
Sebastian flew back, bringing Saphira with him. The twins roared being beaten down and the pain flowed through them. The gem shards touched on their necks and began to glow even brighter, melding together trying to make a full pendant. Sebastian tried to pull away from the melding shards but no matter how hard he tried they wouldn't seperate "Sister! What's going on?!" He sounded so panicked unaware of what was going on

Thanatos avoided the punch to the face but let the one in the gut hit him before Kia dissappered again he looked around waiting for the next attack and thought to himself this whole fight I have only taken on step
Forcing herself forward despite the pain in her head, Auri was barely able to dodge the attacks of the clones in time. The creatures were incredibly strong and were little by little gaining the upper hand, easily being stronger than her fellow knights.

Auri had to do something. Anything to slow their advance. She was just a rookie, but she wasn't going to let anyone die if she could help it. She took a deep breath, praying that what she was about to do would work. Adrenaline was pulsing through her veins. She raised one hand in front of her, muttering a few words under her breath. Light magic spilled from her fingertips, moving forward to make a wall between the clones and her and the rest of the knights.

"Where...are...the teachers?!" Auri gasped, nearly bending over as the dark Arthur clone hit her shield. She could see it was already starting to crack.
Newtype said:
The copies were momentarily halted until Dark Riku developed the same power and dispelled the power of normal Riku. The copies then marched onward once more. @Newtype
Saphira looking at the merging pendants looked at her brother " I don't know but if it's happening with them it can't be harmful to us and seems to just get stronger the angrier we get so brother" she smiles at him and starts growling" LETS GET ANGRY" she roars facing her brother letting the pendants keep going


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