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Realistic or Modern The Secrets of Redwood (OOC)

I apologize for the fact that I only posted once thus far this chapter. Some lack of inspiration combined with not really knowing what to do with Chris at the party made it rather difficult.

But I did think I'd toss out the potential idea of Chris getting involved to help break things up if he's needed in the end? I'd imagine some of those involved would be quick to back down the moment law enforcement gets involved? *Shrug*
I apologize for the fact that I only posted once thus far this chapter. Some lack of inspiration combined with not really knowing what to do with Chris at the party made it rather difficult.

But I did think I'd toss out the potential idea of Chris getting involved to help break things up if he's needed in the end? I'd imagine some of those involved would be quick to back down the moment law enforcement gets involved? *Shrug*
heck yea that sounds cool!
viridity viridity Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 apolla apolla Kloudy Kloudy KingHalliwell KingHalliwell @Feddy Wap idalie idalie mian mian @diaphanous beebim beebim sprouhtt sprouhtt

Alriiight I hope that was enough to get everyone involved! We can get a few vamps in there, trying to calm everyone down, it doesn't work--- idalie idalie could have Mortimer say something provocative (if he's still interested in engaging in the fight that is xD) and Judah could hit him, creating even more tension and etc;
I'll definitely have slightly drunk asshole Mortimer there *Finger guns* i'll write him up this evening
I changed my backstory but not the age like a dipshit :') Otherwise my math is worse than I thought jeebus

The fight at Atori Manor is over, which means the drama is over, right?


A curse is brewing over Redwood. No one will see it coming-- except for those who know of it's purpose. A long time ago, the Brankovich's, along with Redwood's very own team of witches, ran a rogue witch out of town. She wasn't supposed to be alive-- an abomination, if you will. She sacrificed her own kind for immortality, and perhaps went a little mad in the process. The curse is meant to punish those who did her wrong so long ago.

Relationships will be tested, and loyalties will be questioned.

Are you ready?

sprouhtt sprouhtt idalie idalie mian mian KingHalliwell KingHalliwell madame moiselle madame moiselle apolla apolla beebim beebim Kloudy Kloudy viridity viridity Rumble Fish Rumble Fish crossofjesus crossofjesus
ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion

Hello hello!

I apologize like ten thousand times, I just saw your comment of whether this is still open in the CS.

I have re-opened the CS to those who wish to join so I hope that you are still interested (fingers crossed) because I/we would love to have you join our little RP of fun. :)


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