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The one who made Aerth
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It was surely a sign of strange times, with the full green moon eclipsing the Blue moon on the dawn of a new year... Why that hasn't happened for centuries. Some say this is the gods way of washing Eldrein and its inhabitants with a healthy dose of strong mana flow.
Others claim twin full moons to be a terrible omen, a time where monsters grow in number and strength. But for the always busy Golden Eagles of Sul it was strange times indeed. Having so many members of the team at home base was usually a difficult thing to make happen what with the dangerous and numerous missions the Eagles are constantly given.
Captain of the Gold Eagles is Knight Barnaby Leigh Burnsholt. Though the man prefers to be called captain Lee from his subordinates and Burns from his friends. Captain Lee was escorting the newest recruits to be chosen for the eagles, the journey from the kingdom to eagles H.Q is a little under a two days travel on horseback. However with steeds summoned from mana themselves the trip is almost halved completely.
The Captain steered the carriage away to be under cover near the stables before letting his steeds run free and disappear into nothing. "This is the eagles and my own Home, Fort GoldBurn... or the nest if you don't mind my levity"
Captain Lee's brief chuckle interrupted his little welcome tour. But his voice was soon composed and he continued
"I've held back the youngest of us from missions for the time being to help settle you in here. Im afraid you wont have much time to admire your new quarters as we have many requests that need to be handled."
The large man pushed open the doors of Fort Goldburn to swagger inside calling out for all to assemble in the entrance hall.

Within a minute or two, three people are lined up before the captain and the newest recruits.
"Captain Barney sir, Nealson is still drowsy from using his teleportation, I'd give him a bit or three before he's abused as transportation again sir"
A young man with a stoic face arrived quickly and spoke whilst giving a salute.
"don't call it abuse Lalo, you make me out to be a monster. But nevertheless I shall determine if we have any jobs closer to home that can be settled before making Neal work harder then need be... anyway meet the recruits, show them around, explain how it works here."
Captain Lee rolled his eyes but gave a salute and went on his way towards his room. Passing on the job of giving orientation to Lalo who seemed even more casual about the situation.
"Hey all, this tall flamehaired fella is named Auzhwin but i just call him Win or winner cause... look at the tall handsome boy"
Lalo's lips twist into a grin as he playfully poked Auzhwin in the stomach before quickly standing behind Zeno resting his hand on the blondes shoulder.
"this pretty boy is called Zeno but I call him cutie cause... every one likes compliments don't you think?"
With a smirk and a swift step Lalo went on...

"My name is Lalo and im actually the best kisser out of all the gold birds, now all you fun charming people should follow me up those stairs to the empty rooms as I explain the rules here.. the rules is real simple shit so it's not written down anywhere. Basically everything falls under three statements...
1) listen to those above you,
2) don't cause trouble, or at the very least don't get caught.
3) do your best whenever you represent the golden eagles, as being a golden eagle means you represent sir Barney-Burns"

Lalo smiled warmly as he walked up the stairs backwards looking at all those below him on the stairs (and in rank)
"you may be thinking those rules are vague, but it's basically what the captain told me when I joined four years ago... and them two when they joined after."
Lalo spins around as they reach the first floor and gives a bit more information
"Anyway You get payed well for the work you do and get time off to enjoy it if old Barney believes you deserve it. He's tough but fair, also he's incredibly tall and jacked so it's hard to argue with his definition of fair without getting intimidated by that orange mustache. anyway my room is this one here on the first floor, and I'm gonna get ready to head out cause in a hour or two Barney is gonna send us on a mission. So yea ask me questions whenever you get nervous. Nice to have some pretty faces in the squad"

Lalo entered his room and closed the door with a polite nod, leaving the newcomers to claim some of the empty rooms and the handsome young men to guide them.
Fort Goldburn is three stories tall with a basement/cellar/dungeon below ground. Stables outside as well as hot springs/bath house. A small farm grows vegetables and various flora needed for alchemy.
Kitchen bathrooms dining hall equipment storage etc is all on the ground floor, living spaces/living rooms are the first and second floors with the third floor being all Barnaby's shit in regards to storage, office, bedroom.

Im hoping for two paragraphs twice a week but I'm not gonna get mad if you go over. In regards to post order we are going with a classic of mine
"1,2,3 Then me" as in let three people post before you post again.
If it's going slow and your character is in a conversation/stuck in a moment and you want to post.
Ask me in OOC if you think it's suitable to change the post order from 3 to 2 for a small bit.
Keep to rpns rules, don't be a dick etc etc please don't control other characters or npcs in times they are needed.
Im not saying I need to voice every npc/enemy in the world But I've seen to many players take liberty with getting discounts and oneshotting anything with a sneer.

Most of all have fun, I'll go over rules for combat in OOC and tag you when it's done
Funnier President Funnier President Blackrose7 Blackrose7 Ian Temero Ian Temero Femboy Femboy Prodigious Mage Prodigious Mage
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Lenz was weirdly bemused by their tour guides nonchalant demeanor, entertaining if a bit frustrating.

Frustrating considering the fact that he essentially just gave the bare minium before telling them they would be shipped out immediately, but entertaining if only for the fact that he literally didn't give two shits beyond the fact that he had to be nice.

'Either way, I don't think I'm all that thrilled about calling him a comrade in arms...' She thought to herself, before turning slightly to her other future comrades, eyes narrowed in thought as she observed them.

It always paid to be a bit shrewd about others.
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Zeno rolled his eyes at Lalo`s version of Auzhin, but blushed involuntarily when Lalo called him "cutie"

As Lalo talked about how he was the best kisser out of the Golden Eagles, he simply said "How exactly DO you know your the best kisser?" with a cheeky grin on his face as Lalo seemingly ignored his as he rambled on and on about the rules, and how important they were. Zeno would never understand Lalo, and he didn't mind it as Lalo finished his speech, and went back to his room, leaving Zeno and Auzhin with the new recruits.

He managed a smile at the one of them, before turning over to one who was looking at him and Auzhin, eyes narrowed at them- Zeno didn't really care, and went away to go find a snack- he was hungry
Auzhwin wasn't paying as much attention to Lalo's nicknames and demeanors as he looked over his wrists, the tall boi's mind wondering if he might be overworking them to an aching point eventually. He looked up and began listening as Lalo introduced himself, muttering quietly. "I didn't think he was in any sorts of relationship... " he mumbled to himself, he was wondering if such introductions was why he got nudged in the first place.

He looked over the recruits he hadn't paid any attention to up until now, glancing between all the young faces standing before them before looking to where Zeno would have been standing. "
You don't think he's trying to flirt with-?... oh" he stopped when he noticed he had already become tired of the situation and moved off elsewhere, giving a soft smile and small wave to the recruits just so they weren't intimidated at all. For being in such a place, he almost never took his armour off, especially today since they were working with newer members who may not be as prepared as them, he would be on his top performance.
Lalo couldn't help but stand at his door to listen with a curious ear. Four years serving in the eagles Lalo has seen members quit or even worse seen members die. It isn't hard for new recruits to feel nervous when a legend like Barnaby is your captain. Not that the peak of humanity ever expects his subordinates to match him... It's more or less that rule of do your best being way to heavy a commitment to carry. Seeing others do their best inspires one to improve, but when others are so much better it makes your Best efforts seem lazy in comparison.

So the fact that Win and Zen have managed to hang on to this day gave Lalo a glimmer of hope for the future. With captain being... forty two? And the four men and two women living on the second floor are thirty or older... Having three new recruits meant that Zeno, Win and Lalo could have members close to the same age.
Though the young man couldn't help but feel his subordinates lacked the confidence he had.
Why must they be so stuck in their own worlds, way to handsome to be shy.
Lalo cracked his door open a sliver to see the three girls standing alone in the hall.
Don't tell me I've snuck into their hearts and occupied any thoughts of romance that they can't see what's infront of them!
Lalo pushed his door open with a large dramatic sigh as if to showcase disappointment.
"Ara, they must be more shy than I expected... Perhaps you girls were bullies in a previous life, with one of them being your victim"
A snickering smile grew slowly as Lalo imagined the small red haired girl dragging Winner by his ear.
"I honestly thought those two would offer to help take luggage to your room or something. You can ask Zepher and Liza but the housekeepers do so much here... If you pick a empty space I'll help you carry things if need be."

Ian Temero Ian Temero Blackrose7 Blackrose7 Prodigious Mage Prodigious Mage
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"Oh aye, I was a right tyrant." Innes responded grumpily, arms folded across her chest. Normally she would have been all over the laid back attitude that this Lalo guy had but she was not in a good mood. Hadn't been since leaving the academy and had spent most the ride glowering out the carriage window. Once again she had been dragged away from her friends and the place she had come to think of as a home without so much as a say so on her part. Just another example of her father controlling her life.

So instead she just found him annoying. The flirting didn't help either.

"Find a room. Put our shite in it. Be ready in an hour. Got it." She ignored Lalo's offer of help, picking up a chest nearly as big as her with one hand and pushing past the young men. Perhaps tomorrow she'd be a little more personable, but for now this was what they were going to get. Crabby and sarcastic.
Lilith was watching what the captain and their tour guides were saying to each other. They also didn't want to talk to them during that, since listening to what came out of their mouths was more entertaining. Especially Lalo, because he thinks that he is the best kisser, called Zeno a cutie for some reason, and called Auzhwin handsome. 'Best kisser? More like a boot licker, who wants to have some attention here.' thought Lilith. They didn't believe that Lalo was the best kisser, for not only had they just met each other. He probably wasn't the best kisser in his past life either, since he was saying that like it was a stupid trophy.
After that had happened, Lalo thought that she and the other girls were bullied in their previous life. "I wasn't bullied in my previous life. More like abandoned by my parents, because of their desperate need for money." said Lilith. She would not say anything further than that, since they would rather not have them know that she used to be a thief and a murderer.
They then looked at the girl, who said that she used to be a tyrant. That caused Lilith to unconsciously grin at them, because her past life loved to steal from the rich. "Are you sure that you want to say that in public? It is usually a terrible idea." said Lilith. Upon realizing the grinning, they stopped doing that, since she didn't want to be a thief again.
Lilith went upstairs to go find an empty room while ignoring Lalo's offer afterwards. She didn't need him to look through her stuff, since she has a rosary and her religion book in there.
Interaction: Ian Temero Ian Temero NeonFlow NeonFlow
Auzhwin watched as Lalo made a dramatic show as he had came back from his room, answering for his and Zeno's lack of actions in such a manner. He watched as he had gotten disregarded and ignored twice as two of the ladies had ignored him and decided to seek out their own room and carry their belongings by themselves. "I do not mind assisting if need be. Speaking of which, Lalo, did you not say that you had to prepare for the mission? I feel you should spend your time doing that, they should be fine" he said with a small smile as he looked at the guide who was currently attempting to be flirtatious. He had noticed that by this point everyone was already busy and distracted with their own actions, thinking how Lalo was likely the most interested in the arrival of the day yet he had been the first to walk away from it.

From his first perspective of the new recruits, he felt a little offset from Innes' more ruder denial and choice to abruptly leave, although he questioned if it was because of strong physical attributes that gave her such a strong and self-centered personality. Auzhwin felt like such a thing could get her into trouble at such point in time. He looked over the other two members, one of which had also left and had truly noticed that all of their recruits Lalo had been truly referring to were all indeed female, internally questioning if someone who was supposed to be somewhat that of a mentor should really be flirting with the people that they were watching over. "If you have any questions or need any assistance and either of these two are currently busy, or even if you just wish for some conversation while we wait to be ready, I am happy to assist. Unlike Lalo who you have just met, it is fine. I have made sure to make any preparations ahead of time so I can be free right now" he offered with a genuine smile, even trying to talk to those who had walked off in their own ways to seek their rooms.
Lalo's eyes seemed to light up at the red haired girls retorts. "Zeno you may not be my favourite anymore!" He called out with a chuckle.
Upon hearing about the past life of some parents in financial need Lalo's smile crumbled to a jaded frown. Not having much to say on the matter as his parents were simple people living off the land instead of working for gold and silver.
The thought of abandoning ones child seems horrible... It's a good thing I'm not a father. Seems like pressure...

It was Auzhwin who brought the man's attention back to relevant matters. "huh? Pfft you act like me throwing on some pelts and chainmail takes time Win. I was just being... mysterious on the off chance the newcomers NEEDED help they would ask you two and not the impressive mysterious guy who seemed busy"
Femboy Femboy
Lalo laughed heartily as he rested his hands behind his head and walked up the stairs to the second floor to continue being mysterious and impressive elsewhere.

Barnaby could be heard laughing from somewhere, but a falcon flew in from the kitchen window with a note tied to it's leg. The bird caws at Zeno as if to draw attention to the note.
If he was to read this note...
As we guessed... The Twin full moons have mutated various monsters and animals, Horned wolves being the immediate threat to farmlands and villages. Dragon riders have been spotted near the border to the Sul kingdom. With much love Lelutana.
Obviously this note is for the captain.
Funnier President Funnier President
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As Zeno spotted a falcon flying into the kitchen area, with a note on its leg Zeno immodestly became cautious as he carefully untied it from the the Falcon, and read it through quickly, before yelling out
"Oi Lalo! looks like there is a new monsters about, can you get the captain awake?" Zeno wasn't to surprised with all of the monsters- they tended to come out on nights like this, but it was the dragon-riders that had him worried. Those people were tough-

As he climbed up the stairs, he went searching for the captains room, which was up a few stairs, but he managed as he knocked on the door, waiting for the captain.
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Lenz jerked a bit at Lilith's words, mouth twisting up into a slight grimace, her situation hit a little too close to home for comfort.

"I think she was talking about the situation at hand," She said, with a slight shrug, "it's not exactly a non-existent idiom, rare maybe, but nothing to really allude to past things."

Maybe, that was her takeaway at the very least.

The distinct sound of a birds caw made her tip her head back slightly, straining her ears,
"What the hell?"
Blackrose7 Blackrose7 (Interaction)
Captain Lee was leaving Nealsons room as Zeno made his way up the stairs, Nealson and Lalo following after. Like usual Nealson was grouchy and Lalo was making fun of it for inane reasons. Barnaby's eyes turn sharp as he notices one of Lelutana's reports. "Thank you Zeno,"
With his eyes glancing over the neatly written but vague information he spoke outloud to the three in the hallway.
"The grand master has allocated territory for each chapter as well as provisional soldiers for hunting monsters during the lunar cycle, our territory is the forrest including the outskirt farmlands close to the border. While my original plan was for the youngest to rendezvous with lady Onia and proceed from there with the hunt I'm concerned with news of riders. The Drasing kingdom may think the two moon's benefit their monsters and wish to test their strength... more likely to be bounty hunters of some sort than actual Dragon knights of Drasing."
Grumpy noises escaped from Nealson and Lalo asked about a pressing manner
"why do you call Lelu lady Onia? She's happy when you call her Tana"
The captain answered the question with something more relevant.

"nevertheless, I will attempt to contact the grand master before Neal sends you all on the way. If by some chance we obstruct or hinder efforts made elsewhere by rushing in for battle it will bring dishonor to our chapter. Prepare yourselves quickly and assemble outside."
Barnaby Leigh Burnsholt moved to find his telepathy stone, Nealson made his way down the stairs to greet the new comers. Lalo seemed lost in thought until a smile as bright as the morning sun shines across his face.
"We could cross the border and hunt a Tullyhorn Zenbo!"
He announced to Zeno with the sort of excitement kids might show catching bugs...

Lalo rushed to his quarters to prepare for a hunting trip. Nealson made a low effort to greet everyone he passed and introduce himself where needed. Despite being one of the older members of the Golden Eagles Neal had the demeanour of a moody teenager, with a hint of jaded cynicism he implied to the girls that he is the "resident teleporter of the team" and that they would be "roughing it on the trip back" as long distance teleportation is a once (Maybe twice) a day thing.

An hour passes and the captain has assembled his team outside, each person is equipped and ready by this time and a brief explanation of their mission was given. The main take away being...
Hunt monsters attacking the farms and villages close to the border, hold out until soldiers from the kingdom will arrive. Hopefully within a week to help bolster defensive measures during the new lunar cycle.

Engage any Dragon riders who have crossed the border to enter Sul, (kill if necessary otherwise capture for interrogation)

With the details explained the captain asked if anyone had questions before they are warped long distances quite possibly into a battle.
Funnier President Funnier President @Lazaro1505 Prodigious Mage Prodigious Mage Femboy Femboy Blackrose7 Blackrose7 Ian Temero Ian Temero
I broke post order to speed it along. I regret nothing.

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