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Fantasy The Raven and the Mountain {Closed}

The idea that Elwyn and Dufur might enjoy the company of little souls molded by them had her heart feeling like it might burst out of her chest. It was such a joyful image, she clung to it all night as she laid awake and restless for the trial ahead. The same weight and pressure that she'd felt on the day of Roan's trial fell heavily to her shoulders as she got dressed for the day. It seemed only fitting to wear something that would remind Kyrie they both hailed from the same home. Gaia met her at the door, and the Dwarf took one look at her before breaking into a mischievous grin, in private the two had forgone with honorifics, but Gaia couldn't help it as she complimented Elwyn, even in front of Dufur.

"Atta girl." After the words left her mouth, Gaia appropriately bowed her head and didn't utter another word as she escorted them to the room where the trial would be held. Elwyn seated herself at the familiar throne and when her eyes landed on Nalu she too lifted her hand to press a kiss and send it her way. Bomber brought the trial underway and Elwyn focused her attentions forward. Seeing Kyrie so unkempt and ragged was strange, and the glare that she sent Elwyn's way was doubly so. Truly she could not have been so ignorant to have missed a stare from her like that before? Self doubt warred in Elwyn's mind as Kyrie accused her and placed the blame squarely on the Jewels shoulders. In an effort to feel braver than she actually felt, Elwyn straightened as Garnetta was brought forth.

A dark black brow raised as Garnetta vowed the truth upon the Sage and then proceeded to also hurtle blame directly towards Elwyn. Of course they would bring forward the woman who had dared to attempt to steal Dufur from her. Righteous rage and perhaps a bit of pettiness fueled her steps as she was summoned to the stand. The Elven princess's cheeks were flushed pink from having to listen to the numerous falsehoods and when her hands rested over the cool stone of the stand she let the sensation ground her to the moment.

"Princess Mother, if you could please state your side of the story." Bomber's gentle words and kind smile were like a beacon and she focused on him as she began to speak.

"My 'errand' of peace and unification has remained ever steadfast." Elwyn's dark eyes flicked to Kyrie but only for the briefest of moments before they settled back on Bomber. "Upon my arrival I did send a number of letters back to the Autumn Grove with information that had been agreed upon with express permission from the late king himself. My husband was in attendance for these meetings as well and can substantiate these claims for me. When I handed the letters to Kyrie to send, it was my understanding that we shared the same sense of peace and morality for this cause. I did not command her to keep copies of the letters, thus I am not sure why she would have copies of the letters I wrote in confidence." The skin of her neck and chest grew pink as well, and she did her best not to think of the letter she had sent to her sister. Oh Kyrie must have laughed at her expense as she read through the details of she and Dufur's first time together.

"During the market I was accompanied by both Kyrie and Logoric for its entirety. Logoric has also kept a log of all those I met and which goods were exchanged. As for Garnetta's claims that Kyrie has been weeping over her shoulder, I'm afraid I can't find the proof to discount that." She swept her gaze over the room and spotted Garnetta next to Kyrie, though the dwarf couldn't quite meet her eyes. "Unless there are any other questions, I do believe I will call Logoric up as my witness."
"Thank you, princess mother." Bomber replied as she stepped down. Logoric came up, dressed in his armor which shone brightly under the magic lights. He swore on the great sage that his testimony was true, and began his statement.

"I was assigned as the Jewel's personal guard for the full duration of the great market." He pulled a small journal out of a pouch and held it up. "I have submitted my list into evidence already. The accuser stipulates that the jewel purchased a single crossbow bolt from the market on the day of closing, just before the banquet. I will read my list of the day in question." He cleared his throat. "Midday, spent two hours speaking to the halfling camp. Was gifted a book of recipes, four baskets of various bread. Three after midday, rested for tea in the Aaracockra camp. Five after, browsed the goblin camp. Given a bottle of glowing moss, two smooth river stones and a set of bone dice. Traded two earrings and one bracelet. Six after, return to chambers to prep for banquet." He closed the journal with a loud snap and handed it to one of Bomber's attendants.

"As you can hear, I did not leave the Jewel's side that day. She did not speak to anyone I did not take note of and did not receive anything that was not logged. We never even visited any weapons stalls." He was dismissed, before Bomber began to speak.

"Now that testimonials are over, we will reveal what we have uncovered." He motioned and a mage came forward. It was Loathe, and she gave a bow to the royal couple before swearing on the Sage and beginning her statement.

"Over the past two and a half days we investigated the possibility of magic being used. We tested all the elves save the princess mother, who has already been tested. We found traces of magic upon the bolt that killed the king, and matching traces on Kyrie and Thorne." The crowd gasped. "We were able to determine that Kyrie was the caster and Thorne was the shooter. She cast two spells upon the bolt; guiding hand and perfect strike. This ensured that the bolt hit no one but the king. Though we have not found a motive, we did find the crossbow in Thorne's chambers. We have concluded that these two are responsible for the king's death." The crowd burst into chaos, partially because Garnetta herself began to glow. The ruby veins throughout her body were glowing violent red. Preists rushed to her as guards tried to calm the crowd.

"Foolish girl!" Her mother cried as she was corralled back "You swore on false information! You took the sage's name in vain!"
Logric was the perfect witness and Elwyn felt her heart soar at the support both he and Bomber had shown her. She made a mental note to bring them each a gift to thank them for their empathy towards her. As Loathe declared her findings Elwyn too gasped along with the crowd at the reveal, her hand jumped to her chest. She could barely comprehend the fact that Kyrie had been a part of the kings demise. Elwyn's victory felt hollow, and when those in attendance began to scream at the sight of Garnetta she did her best to remain in her seat as the guards crowded around her. Her curious eyes peeked around one heavily armoured shoulder and her eyes widened as she took in the sight of the veins that coloured Garnetta's skin, watching in transfixed horror as the magic within those veins began to pulse.

"You- You!" Garnetta's screech was directed to Kyrie and the elf ducked behind the shelter of the guards and priests that soon surrounded the dwarf. Garnetta's cry was hoarse as priests laid their hands on her. Elwyn could make out the shine of tears that streaked down the dwarf's face, though when they fell from the line of her jaw, Elwyn could have sworn the tears were no longer liquid and now resembled small pebbles of glass. Chanting filled the room, and before Elwyn could get a better look she felt a strong hand circle her wrist, twisting she turned to see Gaia's serious expression.

"Do not look Princess Mother." Gaia's hold was frim as she pulled Elwyn back down to her seat, the cries of Garnetta echoing all around them.

"What is happening Gaia?" Elwyn asked the question much to the dismay of the Dwarven warrior.

"She has sworn a falsehood upon the Sage. To do so brings dishonour on ones self, her mana stone is no longer pure." Gaia winced as a great crack filled the room, and the chanting slowly ceased. Elwyn twisted, seeking her husbands hand. Her fingers laced with his and as the guards stepped aside and Elwyn tried her best to hold back the gasp at the sight she saw. Garnetta rose from the kneeling position she'd been and Elwyn caught sight of the jagged scar that ran it's way down the Dwarfs head and down through her neck and under her clothes. Garnetta buried her face in her palms another hoarse cry filling the space, and Elwyn could see the same scar marring her hands.

"She will forever be marked as a liar." Gaia finished explaining.
Dufur and Elwyn stopped as the crowd parted around Garnetta. Dufur raised one hand and spoke as the room quieted.

"I strip Garnetta of her caste and name. She will be forever exiled from Homborimm and given the name of Dustheel. May she pay for her sins for as long as she lives." Her mother and father crumpled to the ground, both wailing as if they had been struck. Two guards came to escort her away. The rest of the crowd dispursed slowly, and Dufur lead his wife to his father's old office. It had yet to be redecorated, and still looked as if Dufun should be scribbling away behind the desk. After settling Elwyn in the sitting area, he called for tea. Bomber and Gleender entered with the maid, bowing to them.

"I am thrilled by your victory, dear Jewel." Bomber said.

"I knew you were innocent, princess mother. Curse them for injuring you so." Gleender said fiercely, still looking angry. The maid finished setting up the tea service, which looked more like a luncheon and gave a bow before leaving. Dufur sat behind the desk with a heavy sigh, though he smiled at the food.

"I'm sure Nalu ordered that, mot kark." He told her. "She must be worried since you have been unattended for so long. I'm sure she will be with us again tomorrow." Bomber gave a small cough and Dufur turned back to face him. Onto the unpleasant business. "Report."

"Yes, your highness. The funeral will be tomorrow, and the coronation the day after. We have done our best to keep up on state affairs but there is a fair amount for you both to catch up on. I will draw up schedules tonight and we can review them over breakfast. Should we remove the caste of Garnetta's whole family? They did fail raising the child, which is a sin in it's own right." As Dufur considered this, Gleender spoke up.

"Should we consider changing out the Princess-mother's guard? I know the rest cleared the mage's tests, but I fear the trust will not be the same. Perhaps the king of Autumngrove would send a new set for us. Handmaids, too. It will take four months for them to get here, though, which is an issue." Dufur siged again, taking off his circlet and rubbing his face tiredly.

"My love, what do you think?"
They retired from the great hall, leaving behind a mixed bag of faces. Most appeared at peace, finding hope in the verdict while Elwyn certainly noticed those that looked towards the parents of Garnetta who clung to one another, the devastation etched into their faces like the dwarven carvings that decorated the room. She forced her eyes away from the pitying looks and followed Dufur as he led her into the late Kings old quarters. For half a moment she thought she caught the familiar scent of the Dufun lingering the space and her eyes closed as she breathed in the familiar spicy scent.

Elwyn sat where she was directed and folded her hands in her lap as the Dwarves and maid ambled around her. Elwyn inclined her head at both Bomber and Gleender as they spoke to her victory only moments ago. Truly she wasn't quite sure of what to say, it all felt so hollow, even if Kyries word's had made her want to take up arms. Now that it was over the truth of it all settled deep within her gut, they had lost a trusted King, and they were still no steps closer to understanding why. Dufur's acknowledgement of the food had her automatically reaching out to clasp the handle of the teacup and brought it up to her nose. She breathed in the aroma of the dark tea, it's steam wafting comfortably over her nostrils as the report was given to Dufur. She listened, her eyes trained on the amber surface of the tea.

They spoke of what to do with Garnetta's family and the issue of her maids and guards. When Dufur's tired tone asked her on what she might desire Elwyn straightened, setting down the cup and regarding the three men before her.

"If possible I do not wish to see the caste removed on the rest of Garnetta's family. Surely their sorrow and having to watch their daughter's punishment will satisfy what ever shortcomings they may have had when it came to raising their child. As for the maids and such..." Elwyn bit her bottom lip, leaning back against the back of the seat, as she considered. "Gaia has proven her fealty time and time again, I believe she is a fine candidate to take up my protection. I trust her judgement on the others. I'm certain Nalu and I can get on quite well just the two of us, I worry that the addition of any more elves to Homborimm might cause unrest." Her head bowed as she continued. "After all, it was one of mine who caused this terrible mess." The words hurt to say, and shame lanced through her features, leaving a soft pink tinge over her nose and cheeks.

As they spoke the group was wholly unaware of the caverns far below them, where the Blue Sage lay. The great shimmering dragon huffed, smoke billowing out of its nostrils as a figure drew nearer and nearer to Homborimm. It's great head lifted, it's eyes shimmering with some deep knowledge as it's jaw unhinged and a deep bellow shook the mountain.
The mountain shook suddenly, a dull thundering coming from within. The group looked at each other in shock, stunned into silence for some time. Finally, Dufur shook himself and dismissed the retainers. He stood and offered his arm to his wife.

"It seems the sage calls for us, mot kark. Let us see what he says." She took his arm and together they triggered the wall to open before lighting a spare torch and descending down into the heart of the mountain. The journey was as long as the first time, but they spoke little, both weighed down with their own thoughts. They stood before the doors once more, and Dufur released Elwyn. Carefully, he sliced open his palm and let the blood drip onto the stone. With a scraping rumble, the seam appeared and the doors opened.

The sage lay before them, his scales glittering like a clear ocean as the torch lit the room's fire rim. He angled his head to look at them with one massive sapphire eye.

The market is over. His voice flooded their minds. His tone was cool and gentle, like a soft, familiar stream. Though not without great loss. I felt the king return to the stone. It was much too early. Dufur bowed his head, his fists clenching at his sides. Neither of you are to blame. Niether could have stopped it. But it shows that a darkness has finally come to Homborimm. Forestling, come closer. Elwyn obeyed, and he lowered his head enough for his massive snout to brush the crown of her head. Images flashed through her mind in quick succession, almost too quickly for her to process. A carved symbol of a bleeding eye, a broken mana stone, a crouched figure by a small fire, and a massive abandoned looking city.

Will you save my children, princess?
The images that flashed through her mind were like water as she tried her best to hold onto each one, but with each image the memory of them slipped through her fingers and drained away. The Blue Sage's warm breath huffed over her feathers and they rustled in response as Elwyn's mind scrambled to keep up with what was being asked, of what was being told. The sense each of those images brought her was foreboding, and the urgency to fix whatever was causing this had her back straightening in determination when the Sage's bestowed his quest upon her.

"I give you my word. I will do everything in my power to defend you and yours." Elwyn peered up at the shining eyes of the dragon and was rewarded with a slow blink from the creature, much like a cat might.

This journey will not be without it's turmoil. Prepare yourself and your allies well Little Sprout. Elwyn couldn't help but wonder what great secrets the dragon knew of. Words felt a bit like a warning, if not also a helpful reminder to lean on those around her. The Blue Sages head turned to Dufur, and Elwyn could all but feel the sympathy from the mighty beast as it regarded the mountains new king. Have faith in yourself Blacksmith, a good king has taught you well. Go now the both of you, and do not let the wound that has been left upon my people fester.

Elwyn nodded, turning to Dufur and with a soft look that shared more than words could ever, she reached for her husband and together they moved from the deep chambers within the mountain and began the long climb back to Homborimm's inner walls.

"In my head, I saw a number of images." Elwyn immediately jumped into sharing what she had seen, wanting to give her husband all that she had witnessed while it was still fresh. "There was an abandoned city, unlike anything I've seen. Large and clearly not elven made. I saw a shattered mana stone and..." She snapped her fingers trying to sort through the onslaught of images. "a symbol. It looked as if it were an eye, with either a tear or perhaps blood seeping from the sides." She missed a step as they walked, knocking her toes against the stone side of the stairs, quickly she forced her hands out, one catching on the wall and the other on her husbands shoulder as she fought to steady herself.
Dufur listened to his wife speak of her communion with the god. When her hand landed heavy on his shoulder he was quick to react. He turned and steadied her hips. When his wife was righted, he made sure to link arms with her as they continued.

"We should consult the scriptures and priests. Perhaps they can tell us more about what you have seen. We must gather more information before we set out on our errand." As they walked, he turned over the conversation in his mind, pushing aside the words the sage had bestowed upon him. Dufur couldn't afford to be more emotional than he was now. It would cloud his mind. The couple finally made it back to the office, then moved to their chambers. It was now quite late. A maid was sent to prepare a meal, and Nalu, who had returned to work at her own insistence, helped Elwyn bathe.

"Dear Jewel," She said, gently massaging the conditioner into her hair as she soaked in the deep tub. "I know there is much that troubles you now. You will meet at the temple tomorrow to discuss many things, but I was hoping to give you a pleasant distraction." She smiled softly "Would you like the theme of the coronation to be? We can do a winter garden, with soft blues and deep greens, or a more celestial one. Deep blues and bright golds. I am sure the court ladies will take most of the load of planning off of your shoulders, if you give them direction."

Dinner arrived as they were still in the bathroom, and Dufur elected to wait for his wife to eat. He instead poured over his design table. It would do well to finish her dragon scale armor before they set out. Perhaps he could use the extra to make pauldrons or shoulder pads. It would be tricky, making something elegant and sturdy without the weight being too much for her slim frame. His mind wheeled around the possibilities, glad to have a small distraction from the heavy weight on his shoulders.
The bathwater and the company was welcoming and Elwyn sank deeply into the ornate tub as Nalu's clever fingers pushed the soothing conditioner over her hair and feathers. Surely tomorrow she would gleam. Tomorrow they would begin to plan for their future, in a way the evening felt a bit like the calm before the storm. They did not know how far the Sage's request would take them or even what had to be done, all Elwyn and Dufur knew was that something needed to change. Nalu spoke of Elwyn's coronation and the elf considered the themes suggested, drawing her bottom lip into her mouth so that her teeth might worry over the skin there.

"Hmm." The elf hummed slightly as Nalu's fingers hit a sweet spot behind her ears. "Perhaps celestial, I've always been partial to gold." Anything that glimmered and gleamed really, was something Elwyn enjoyed but she was certain Nalu already knew that fact about her. The two women spoke of the event and as the caregiving Dwarf suggested it was a fine distraction from what lay ahead. Elwyn dreamed of glittering crystals and beautiful coppery orbs that hung from the ceiling and both women agreed the dress would be absolutely spectacular. Once the bath was done and Nalu was armed with a fine list of directions for the court she departed with a lavish bow and bid the two of them goodnight before shutting the door.

Elwyn wore a simple nightgown, it was sleeveless and hung off her shoulders in billowing drapes as she walked towards her husband. Dufur was bent over his table, his clever hand bringing lead to paper as he sketched out designs. One look over his shoulder and she recognized the piece he was working on was intended for her. Pride burst in her heart at the notion of wearing such fine armour made by Dufur, and with a pleased smile she went to the seating area where their supper lay waiting.

"I will surely come to no harm wearing such finery designed by your hand." She told her husband as he joined her at the table. She was at ease with him, and so her next action may have been a little out of decorum but she wished to sit closer to the man who held her heart. Raising quickly she scooted her chair closer to him and drew her place setting closer as well. As Dufur loaded up her plate and then hers she laid her hand to rest over his knee and gave it a friendly squeeze. Their meal was pleasant and the two of them discussed the armour Elwyn was soon to wear, and she wondered about what sort of protection Dufur might wear. Finally when their plates were clear and their bellies full the two lovers fell between the sheets of their bed and drew one another close. Their lips lingered as they bid the other goodnight and the two fell into deep sleep knowing the following morning would test their mettle.
Elwyn awoke to her husband running his well-worn hands through her long hair, his brown eyes soft with adoration in the morning light. When her gaze met his, he pulled is hand back with a start. "I didn't mean to wake you, my love. I simply couldn't help but admire you once I awoke." Dufur said bashfully, his gaze slowly making its way to match hers. Elwyn gently pulled his hand to her face, planting a soft kiss in his palm before setting it to rest on her cheek. "I could not imagine a better way to be awoken than by your gentle hands, my dear."

The pair enjoyed a few moments gazing into each others eyes, Elwyn occasionally giving a playful kiss to her husband, before the pair set about preparing for their day. Elwyn chose an elegant, spidersilk dress with which to present herself to the priests, fit for a princess mother. Dufur, on the other hand, chose a regal, but clearly well-worn craftsman's outfit, complete with a heavy apron holding the tools of armor making and metalwork. "He must be thinking of working on the armor after meeting with the priests" Elwyn thought, "But is this truly the right garb for presenting oneself to them?"

As if reading her thoughts, Dufur replied after swallowing a mouthful of fresh dwarven bread, "A craftsman's outfit, especially one so well used and maintained, honors the Sage, a master craftsman himself. The creation of something useful or beautiful is a spiritual act to our people, my love. Are you ready to leave? I do not wish to leave the priests wanting, nor my forge cold."

Elwyn nodded, finishing pinning the last piece of ceremonial jewelry into her hair. The pair walked as quickly as tradition would allow, making their way to the temple to begin the ceremonies of the day. Dufur's attendants would in the meantime start the fires of his forge, so it was ready for him by the time they returned.
The temple was alight with bright gleaming golds and rich blues, filling the space with the beauty of the stars that hung over the mountain. Those that had gathered wore the clothes of their trade, some with fine silks while others stood proudly in the uniforms that moved Homborimm's infrastructure forward. Gaia's armor gleamed as she greeted them at the temples doors, her beard braided with delicate gold beads as Elwyn's theme had instructed. She looked towards the couple with a look of pride in her eyes, it pleased her to see the mountains leaders with their heads held high. With a great flourish she opened the doors and the two of them stepped inside the temple.

Banner's holding the insignia of Homboromm floated from the beams of stone above them and soft crystal light shone down from them, inlayed into the temples intricately carved ceiling. Elwyn couldn't stop her eyes from widening as she took in all the splendor. She held onto her husband's arm as they made their way down the aisle, their gait cushioned by the deep blue carpet under their feet. On either side of them the pews were filled to the brim with Dwarves of all types, but as they drew closer to the front where the priests waited on the raised platform Elwyn recognized a few familiar faces. Khafs gleaming feathers rustled as he dipped his head low, his wise eyes gleaming with something as Elwyn passed. She grinned at those in the next pew sending Jorik and the three goblin friends she'd made a welcoming glance.

They continued on past new friends and took their place among the priests, bowing their heads as the ceremonies began. Elwyn had practiced her Dwarvish, and she focused on correctly responding at the times she was indicated. Before them a priest filled a gleaming gold goblet the ceremonial wine, dropping pinches of other ingredients that Elwyn didn't recognize into the sweet red wine. Chanting filled the room as the goblet was raised up and then presented to the new king and queen. There was much to be done, so much to understand but in this moment Elwyn let herself be in the moment. She would not forget the moment the wine touched her lips and a warmth rushed through her. Cheers echoes from behind her and she knew with certainty she'd become their queen.

She could only hope to earn that title. The Blue Sage's words echoed through her mind as she took her husbands hand and they turned to bow to their congregation.
The ceremony was elegant and even grander than his own father's coronation. It went smoothly, and soon enough they were bowing to the gathered crowd as a great cheer rose to fill the hall. Guests began to filter out to the dining hall where the celebrations would commence, but the royal couple would not join them for some time. They were pulled aside by the high priest and led into his office. Once the heavy oaken doors shut behind them, a heavy silence fell.

"My king, my queen, please be seated." The high priest, Boden, gestured at the chairs before his desk. They sat as he shed the three outer layers of his robes--all which were for the ceremony. One he bore only a simple white tunic, he took his seat opposite them and placed upon his wide nose a thin pair of half moon glasses. He pulled out the book Elwyn had purchased from the goblin brothers and reverently opened it. "The translation is complete, and I was told it is of the utmost importance." He looked up. "You were correct, my queen, in the assumption that it is a diary. It takes place almost 3 thousand years ago, right after the death of the red dragon. Based on the entries, we reconstructed the dragonborn's route through the continent. Where is that map?" He stood once more and moved around the office, shuffling papers as he searched.

With a small exclimation, he returned to the desk and unfurled a map, using several oddly shaped paperweights to hold it down. He smiled proudly as he saw Elwyn eyeing them. "My son, Sandal, made them. He is still young, but perseveres nonetheless." He gave a small cough before returning to the topic at hand. "This is where he began, outside the forest of Autumngrove. He moved through settlements, tracking the humans that killed the dragon. Eventually, he made it to the human city of Lorne. That is where he found the body of the red dragon, and no more entries exist after that." He sat back as the couple examined the map. "What would you like to do, your majesties? I dare not expand upon the sage's word to the queen-mother." Dufur examined the map for a long time before turning to his wife.

"It is up to you, mot kark. We can follow his trail or start out on our own instead."
She was whisked from one duty to another, and Elwyn found herself most grateful for Dufur's presence as all eyes looked to her, expecting her to choose with wisdom. Elwyn's teeth worried into her bottom lip and her gaze bounced over the endearing paperweights as she followed the journey of the dragonborn. There was a part of her that wished that Boden would in fact expand more on what he thought but she knew deep down that it was her choice to make. Had someone told her months ago that the quiet little collector she was would be transformed by her people and set upon the mission of protecting them, she might have laughed in their faces.

Dufur prompted her and Elwyn shifted back in her chair, her gown cascading around her like water. She regarded Dufur with a serious gaze and then shifted forward to place a thin finger over the line of the map and she gently traced it to the spot she felt deep down they had to begin.

"In my mind, it makes sense to pick up the search where the dragonborn has left off. Perhaps we might find the most answers in Lorne." A soft breath whistled through her lips. "A human city..." she repeated the words almost as if she didn't fully believe she had suggested that they even go there. Humans while occasionally interested had left a bit of a black mark over Elwyn's heart. It seemed the more the creatures touched the more they destroyed and it was hard to show compassion to such creatures that afforded her and her kin little. "We should depart as quickly as possible." The words of the Blue Sage echoed in her head, demanding that they not sit on their laurels.

"Indeed, this journey will not be for the meek, I am certain your king will keep you close at all points." Boden smiled kindly at Elwyn before turning his gaze to the mountains king. "Are you in agreement your majesty?"
Dufur gave a small nod at his wife's words, and responded to Boden.

"Yes. The queen is our guiding light here, I will follow her lead." Boden nodded and rolled up the map. He would spend the evening gathering the party to escort them on their quest. Dufur held out his arm and helped his wife up from her seat. With a small nod goodbye, he began towards the dining hall. "We will get to the bottom of this, my love." He said softly, his weathered hand coming up to hold hers where it rested. "I have faith in you." A bright smile lit up his face as she seemed to relax slightly with his assurances.

They entered the hall to an enormous cheer--they party was well underway. Dancing, singing led by Jorik and overlapping conversation befell their ears. The royal couple were seated at the head of the long oak table, and were given only a small time to eat before people began to greet them personally. Khaf was the first to approach Elwyn, a goblet of wine in his clawed hand. He Raised the glass in a small toast, dipping his head to her.

"My friend, you sparkle like the moon tonight. Congratulations on your coronation, queen-mother." Reaching his free hand into his robes, Khaf drew out a delicate, glittering sun-catcher in the shape of a flower. "My gift is humble, but I hope it brings you some joy." He paused a moment, pondering something. With a small click of his beak he leaned closer and whispered to her. "I heard a murmur that you are to leave the mountain--is everything alright?"
Relief washed through her as all in attendance seemed to be in agreement with her choice of destination and Elwyn did her best not to sag back in her seat. Tendrils of doubt circled her mind like vultures waiting for any sign of weakness and she felt her fingers curl tightly. All this talk of her guiding the people and saving them had her feeling almost light headed. She was grateful when Dufur led her away and they returned to the celebrations. Jorik's lovely voice was soothing against the tension that pounded in her head and Elwyn sank gratefully into the seat next to Dufur.

Her meal went by quickly and Elwyn watched as her final plate was carted away by staff, starting only a little when the great feathered man, Khaf approached her. Elwyn did her best to smile, to be the sort of queen whose grace was ever present- even with the weight of the future pressing hard against her shoulders. When Khaf raised the glass she lifted her own automatically, lifting the goblet to her lips as his praises washed over her.

"Many thanks Khaf. I am most honoured to have a friend such as yourself here." Elwyn spoke from the heart there. It had been rewarding to see those she had formed bonds with over the market be there to support her. She placed the goblet down and accepted the gift of the sparkling suncatcher and she clutched it to her chest like a lifeline. The cool crystal would look lovely glimmering next to the hearth of she and Dufur's fire. Elwyn was drawn from her thoughts at Khafs question and with straight shoulders and an even straighter back she regarded her friend.

"These murmurs are indeed truths." Letting out a breath Elwyn rose from her seat and came around the table to link her arm into Khafs. "Take a turn around the room with me?" She asked, and his large feathered head inclined in his consent. Together the two worked their way to the edge of the room and began to meander through the crowd of celebrating people. "It is shocking that such a rumour would move through the mountain so quickly." Elwyn hummed to herself. "The Blue Sage has set us upon a most overwhelming task, and I fear that I may not be enough to stop whatever it is to come."

"I.. am not sure I understand queen-mother." Khaf spoke softly, his curious eyes jumping from her to the crowd they navigated. Elwyn shook her head and laughed.

"No I don't suppose you would." It took three turns about the room before Khal had the full story and with each passing moment Elwyn could feel Khaf's feathers bristling with each piece of news.

"This is a most serious quest indeed. Lorne seems like the most logical first step to me as well."

"Perhaps you might like to join us?" Elwyn asked without thinking. Her gut trusted her friend and to have him as an advisor might prove most useful. "You presence might keep my head on straight." Elwyn let out of forced laugh, but it almost sounded like a cough instead.
Khaf's endless black eyes watched Elwyn evenly after her request. It was obvious to him how shaken the young queen was by the quest hefted upon her. If he left the party now, some of the elders in the flock would still be awake to contact. It would take some convincing and calling of favors....but it was possible. He bobbed his head in acknowledgement of her request.

"Yes, queen-mother." He responded "I think I would like to join you. Let me start on the arrangements." Elwyn looked delighted and relieved. She released his arm and he gave another bow before exiting the room. Elwyn returned to her seat and Dufur gladly took her hand. Raising their intertwined fingers, a sound like a horn went off and the busting room became quiet. Dufur released her hand and stood upon his chair.

"I have one more gift for my beautiful queen that I'd like to share with you all." He motioned to a servant and they scurried away, returning through the double doors with a massive cake that took three dwarfs to push. "This is a cake all the way from the Autumn Grove, called Ithuin cake. It is used for celebrations of the utmost importance. On such an occasion, I figured it was necessary. Please, enjoy." The servants began to cut the cake, which was a texture none there had ever had before. The taste was clean and sweet, with fluffy icing and fresh berries. Dufur gave his wife a wide grin as she was served the first piece. "The rest of my gifts are in our rooms, mot kark. I hope you enjoy every one of them."

After the cake, the couple excused themselves, despite the party going into full swing. There was too much to do for them to stay. When they returned to their rooms, a small mountain of gifts wrapped in sliver and gold greeted them. Dufur laughed at Elwyn's awestruck expression. "We need not open them all tonight, if you do not wish. Some from your father, some from your friends, most from me. And one from my father, as well."
Ithuin cake was a delicacy that Elwyn had made peace with never tasting again, but when the large masterpiece of bakery was wheeled in her hands clapped together in delight. Earnest eyes sought out her husband and she thanked him silently, her heart doing a double time jig within her chest at her husbands thoughtful gesture. She accepted a large slice from a server and ate heartily; each bite reminded her of stain glass windows and early morning song. What a unique feeling to know she would forever have two homes.

Once her belly was full Elwyn allowed Dufur to lead her away from the festivities and to their rooms where she gazed upon the mountain of presents in a sort of dumb struck awe. At the end of Dufur's explanation a loud high pitched giggle erupted from her and she hastily clapped a hand over her mouth to hide the un-queen like sound. This was truly most unexpected and she twisted away from the pile to throw herself into Dufur's arms while she pressed eager kisses to his beard and cheeks.

"Husband, I have never been more spoiled in my life. I will treasure each and every gift that you thought to bring me." Elwyn settled herself in the centre of the bed and took great delight as Dufur brought her gift after gift and she settled them around her like a nest. She unveiled crystal figures and carved trinkets that made noise when she pressed her mouth to an opening and blew. Dufur gifted her a fine looking scabbard to keep a small dirk in which she could tie to her upper thigh, as well as a new pair of riding gloves, thickly made and gentle over her skin. She loved the diversity of items, promising herself to catalogue and set up each item in her store rooms upon her return to the mountain.

Dufur approached once more, holding out a package of silver that gleamed in the candle light. There was something in his expression that made Elwyn stop and examine the gifts packaging closer. Her elegant neck lifted so she might peer at her king.

"This... is from your father?" She asked, already knowing the answer to her question.
Dufur adored watching his wife unwrap her treasures with such glee. The unbridled, childlike wonder that lit her features with each new package. Her delight in each gift warmed his heart. Finally, the last gift was to be given, and he carefully handed over the small parcel.

"Yes, mot kark. He regretted how small it was, but didn't have time to make much more." He smiled, his eyes glistening. "It was the first time he took to the forge since making your wedding present. It was...wonderful. I had not seen him work since I was new." Elwyn looked at the gift in her hands reverently, and hesitated. When he gave an encouraging nod, she opened it. Inside was a velvet box, and within that, a silver pendent. A ring of leaves surrounding a square cut Emerald of a beautiful, endless green. "That stone came from the vein that made my mother." Elwyn looked at him with an expression of utter shock. "He mined it himself, along with the silver. Though you never knew her, he saw her in you. She was also kind, and softhearted, and saw the good in everyone. She loved music and art and loved our people more than anything. He wanted you to know that he thought you more than fit for queen."

Elwyn seemed to be caught between tears and a radiant smile. She reached out her arms and Dufur sunk into her embrace without question. They held each other tightly for quite some time, until Nalu knocked to ready Elwyn for sleep. Dufur transported the treasures to her special room, though he was sure to deposit the jewelry in her jewelry wardrobe. The couple sank into bed soon after and fell to sleep easily, exhausted from the day.

They were not granted a day to sleep in. Nalu woke them early in the morning. Dufur sat on the couch as breakfast was being served, still heavy with sleep. His wife was spirited away to the bathroom for the fasting bathing he'd ever witnessed. Nalu had forgone the purfumes and oils she normally used, and they would have to get used to a more rugged life upon the road for the time being. Elwyn was seated beside him in simple travel clothes and Nalu began to fuss with her hair. Gaia had come in to begin the briefing.

"Good morning, your highnesses." She said cheerily.

"You are much too chipper for so early, Gaia." Dufur grumbled between bites.

"Of course, sire." Gaia laughed, throwing Elwyn a wink. "Now, the convoy is still packing, but should be ready just after midday. We have two squads, four healers, two priests and five servants accompanying us. I was notified last night of our late addition, ambassador Khaf. Should I be making any special arrangements for him, queen-mother?"
With each gift Dufur proved his endless understanding and compassion for her and with the final gift from Dufun Elwyn truly could say that she had never felt more loved. It was the highest honour to have been compared to the late Queen under the mountain and she promised herself that each and everyday she would wear the piece as a reminder of the work that was still to be done. She fell asleep in her husbands arms thinking of that ring and it's meaning, perhaps in the future, after the mountain was restored she and Dufur might carve life worthy of this ring. Truly it would be an honour to pass down such a gift.

The following morning Elwyn prepared for their upcoming travels with Nalu and when the kindly grandmother pulled out riding clothes that all but screamed comfort Elwyn couldn't stop the giggle of glee. While dresses and elaborate fittings were fun to wear, there was nothing quite like a pair of riding pants. They took to the main room where breakfast was served and Elwyn munched happily on a few buttered pieces of bread as Nalu wove her dark hair and feathers into an elaborate braid. Upon Gaia's arrival Elwyn tossed her friend and protector a shiny apple which the dwarven warrior accepted without breaking pace on her briefing.

"Likely Khaf should require his own tenting and perhaps a servant of his own. I do not think he will bring much but he is coming as an advisor so perhaps we might prepare for a trunk of books or the like." Elwyn mused as Gaia took a hearty crunch of the apple. Normally it was unheard of for a guard to act as casually as Gaia was but Elwyn had assured the woman that propriety was the least of their concerns on this journey.

"I'll make sure it's seen to. Ah, Sire..." Gaia turned her attention to Dufur. "The arrangements for your armour as well as the Queen mothers have been made. It should all be in order upon your arrival at the gates. And there is the matter of Jorik, the halfling has been adamant all morning about speaking to you." Gaia's eyes rolled a little. "Something about how a journey such as this needs to be remembered." Gaia retreated to the door, her hand swirling around in an easy circle. "You know how bards are of course. See you at the gate when you're all ready." With those parting words Gaia left and Elwyn turned an amused expression towards Dufur.

"Come now and listen to my tale of the mighty Dufur, warrior of the dragon." She said in a singsong voice. "It has a nice ring to it actually." She said as Nalu chuckled.

"All finished. I'll go and collect my things and meet you at the gate." Nalu stepped away for Elwyn and her luxurious braid and left through the same door as Gaia moments earlier.

"Are you ready Dufur?" Elwyn asked after a few moments of silence, it had been easy to hide her nerves around Nalu and Gaia but she found it impossible to hide her emotions around the man who had seen her bare in more ways than one.
Dufur gave Elwyn a bright smile, the marriage clasps atatched to his mustache tinkling as they hit the other adornments woven into his thick beard. He offered her his arm with a deep bow, making her laugh.

"It would be my honor to escort such a vision." He replied, causing a small blush to dust her pale cheeks as her arm slid into his own. She laced her fingers together over his forearm. He had no idea if she'd noticed, but Dufur had slowly been adding height to his shoes so they could more easily walk together. He could sense the nervous energy rolling off her in waves, her smile somewhat stiff. As they walked, each guard and servant gave a bow, raising their hands as if to hold another's knuckles to their foreheads. "All will be well, dearest jewel." Dufur said, gently squeezing her hands with his free one. "Together, we can accomplish anything, yes? With your visions to guide us, I have no doubt in our success." His words seemed to ease her heart, at least a little.

When they arrived at the gates, it looked much like the procession which had brought the queen to the mountain a year ago. A large caravan of simple carriages just outside the gates to the inner mountain, servants rushing back and fourth, soldiers waiting, and every alley and bridge packed with teh adoring public that lived within Homborimm. Cheering broke out as they came form the castle and began across the bridge to the outside. They met the elders halfway across. The group bowed to them, and Dufur placed his father's signet ring in the hands of Gleendr, entrusting the counsel the safety of his kingdom. The cheers morphed into a song--a wish for safe return. It was so loud it echoed through the deepest parts of the mountain and spilled into the outer city. Once again, tiny gems fell upon their heads like rain, glittering all colors in the sunlight. Dufur took one last look around him, doing his best to hold the feelings swirling within him tight in his memory.

When the emotion was too much, and he could see it in his wife as well, Dufur gently pulled her along the second half of the bridge. Gaia met them at the last carriage, which had been fitted for Elwyn's comfort and was larger than the others. She opened the door for the royal couple and closed it behind them. With a sharp whistle, the wheels began to move. The fanfare did not stop in the outer city, the cheering and song continued as the convoy moved through. Dufur slumped slightly in his seat, witholding a heavy sigh. At Elwyn's concerned eyes, he gave a small smile. "Forgive me for not giving a true send off ceremony, mot kark. I could not trust my own voice this time, for my emotions are still too raw. This will be the first time I leave the mountain range in my life. I confess to some nervousness of my own."
As Elwyn had come to expect, the city wished them well with the mighty boom of its collective voice. They fanfare bolstered her and her nerve and she kept her head held high, doing her best to appear as the steady leader they all inferred her to be. Now as she sat in the carriage across from him, their bodies swaying ever so slightly as they made their way through the city did Elwyn notice the shadows that hid her husbands face from her. He was slumped forward and when she leaned towards him to press a curious hand to his knee he explained his own worries that clouded over him.

"It is hard to leave a place, especially a home such as this." Elwyn nodded sagely recalling her own feelings as she had left the Autumn Court. "There is nothing to forgive Dufur." She smiled warmly at her husband and before she could overthink her next actions she rose up and settled herself next to him on the small seat; her hip pressing lightly against his. With purposeful motions she wound her arm through his, lacing their fingers together as they moved through the outer city. Within the hour they were well on their way to the large ornately carved tunnels that led to the outside world. Their caravan was small, with only a few carriages and a number of warrior riders that held tightly to their reigns with purpose.

Elwyn knew they were out of the mountain the moment the curtains drawn over the carriage window began to sway lightly in the breeze. She felt the fresh air tickle her nose marveling at how the scent of earth had been her bedfellow for so long without her noticing. Unable to help herself she pulled the curtains back revealing the pale blue sky to her husband with delight. Soft clouds like the finest stuffed pillow hung lazily in the sky and Elwyn couldn't stop the bright beam of her smile as her feathers ruffled happily. Certainly a bird such as herself had missed the sky dearly.

Their journey on the first day was long, the horses worked hard to pull the carriages from the rolling foothills that surrounded the mountains and headed for the forests. By early evening Gaia called for a halt and the caravan gratefully began to set up camp for the night. They'd come upon a lake nestled in the woods, thick trees lined its shores while the imposing presence of Homborimms mountain loomed far in the distance. Servant's began cooking over a fire while soldiers worked to set up large white tents where they would all soon hunker down for a well deserved rest. Most were tired after the long day but Elwyn was finding it difficult to wind down for the evening, not when the clear fresh waters of the lake begged to have her dip her toes in. Rolling up the hem of her riding pants Elwyn made her way to the waters letting out a soft giggle as her feet dug into the sand.

Grandmother Nalu joined her, and the old dwarf joined the queen in hiking up her skirts and dipping her toes into the cool waters, "by the Great Sage this is lovely." Nalu sighed in relief, her old bones not quite used to the pace of their journey. "I've naught seen a sight such as this before... are there plenty of sights like this near the Autumns Court?"

"Oh yes." Elwyn took a few more steps into the water, turning to look at her old friend. "Though I must say the view from this one is my favourite." Elwyn looked meaningfully towards the mountain that held the people she'd come to cherish.

"A fine queen you are." Nalu praised, making Elwyn break out into laughter.

By the fires Gaia co-ordinated the caravan and the to do list while Jorik (who had snuck into Khafs carriage) pulled out a lute, strumming a soft tune while everyone worked. Gaia rolled her eyes playfully at the sight before turning to Dufur.

"Tomorrow we will press on, within a fortnight we should make it part way to Lorne, there is a city- Martes that marks our halfway point. It's a market hub, all thought it's reputable for more shadier dealings than we are used to." She pulled a map from a satchel she'd laid on the ground nearby and pointed it out to the king. "There is also a faster, more direct route." Gaia tapped on the map again, pointing out the path. "However I've heard whispers that a less than kind witch has been sighted moving down that way." Gaia pressed her lips together, and looked up to Dufur with curious eyes wondering which way he would pick.
The bustle of the camp as it was erected around them was familiar, at least. Dufur has spent many nights in the winding tunnels beyond the mountain, hunting down would be invaders or monsters that lurked in the dark. As everyone bustled about and his wife retreated to the lake for a breather with grandmother, Gaia came to him with a map and a few options of routes. Stroking his beard as he thought a moment, Dufur reached out one hand and pointed to Martes.

"We'll go the longer route. I fear many of our number have never traveled before, and going too quickly would wear them out." he laughed dryly "Myself included. I feel as if I will fall off the earth and drown in all this sky." The guard gave him a sympathetic look, and Dufur laughed again. After a while, dinner was ready. Dufur, Elwyn and their guests ate first, after them the servants and then the knights. After their meal, Jorik was strumming on his lute again, and Khaf sat across from the couple by the fire.

"Sire, lady," he dipped his head in greeting, the stars dancing with the reflection of the fire in his pitch black eyes. "I have some news. On the way here I read the bones--" Jorik gave a groan, flopping over dramatically.

"You would not BELIEVE the rattle he was making, your highness." He grumbled. Khaf flared out his tail feathers, which whacked Jorik with a gentle thud before continuing.

"It seems we are being watched. I did not expect it so early in our journey." Dufur began to bristle immediately. Khaf spoke again "It might be wise to watch and wait, sire. We do not know if they are connected to out quest or something else entirely." He was right, of course. Dufur suddenly felt terribly fatigued, so he kissed his wife on the cheek, bid the others goodnight and excused himself to their tent. Dufur readied himself for bed, his mind both racing and foggy. He placed a knife under his pillow and laid down, wondering if he would actually be able to sleep.
She was well fed and well accompanied. Elwyn looked around the blazing fire her eyes warm as those she'd grown closest with banded together for a common cause. The orange flame sent dark shades of yellow over Khaf's feathers and she bit back a giggle as the Aarakocra gave the well meaning yet entirely unhelpful halfling a bat with his tail feathers. Her laughter died in her throat at the news of a potential set of eyes over their journey. Immediately her eyes drifted to Dufur, wondering what on earth he thought of the news but to her disappointment her husband merely raised from his seat and pressed a soft whiskery kiss to her cheek. Without so much as a mention of the potential threat against them Dufur excused himself and disappeared behind the white flap of their tent.

She watched after him, hoping the flap of the tent might move again and her husband would return with a plan, or even a willingness to talk it over. Instead there was nothing and all eyes were on her. In an effort to sort out her thoughts the elven queen rose from her spot near the fire and took up position at the perimeter of bodies that sat around the orange glow. With long even steps she began to walk around them, her hands twisted up in one another as she considered.

"If I may, Queen mother..." Khaf trailed off, waiting for Elwyn to meet his eye. "We are all here to advise, should you feel compelled to voice whatever thoughts may be spinning through that mind of yours." He tenor was warm and Jorik lifted his flagon of ale to the sky.

"Hear, hear!"

"Well, I do wish to take this information seriously. I do not want to just plough on ahead without first considering the consequences of course." Elwyn said.

"Naturally." Khaf nodded, his beak gleaming in the evening light.

"I worry that halting our journey and waiting is not the correct course of action, merely on the premise that we then no longer draw closer to our goal. Days of waiting do not fell very... productive." She finished after struggling to find the right words. "We cannot speed up and outrun this prying set of eyes either."

"Might I suggest a giving us a single day of waiting?" Khaf suggested, his hands coming together forming peaks as the tips of his fingers touched. "I did bring a volume of warding and protection. Perhaps there is a benefit to shielding our presence before we venture forth."

"Will you have everything you need to preform these wards?" Elwyn asked.

"I should have most objects, and the woods are certainly lush with opportunity to find anything else we might need." Khaf said standing and moving to one of the carriages that was parked a little ways off. Within a few moments he had a thick tome held tightly in his hands, it's binding gleaming gold as he opened it. He muttered to himself as he read and the group waited patiently for him to lift his head. "There is one item that would prove useful that I do not currently have: an ember safflower. It blooms only at night however."

"Well then, it seems our course is set." Elwyn straightened, looking to Gaia. "Khaf, Jorik and one of the men shall make up one team and Gaia and myself shall make up the other. The rest of the men need rest after the days journey." Jorik groaned a little as he rose to his feet, a sloppy salute sent her way. "Gaia, I will need your help with my armor." Elwyn's lips pursed as she sent a quick glance towards the tent Dufur lay in. Her husband had been drained all day and when she noticed how pale he'd been from seeing the pale blue expanse of the sky she'd drawn the curtains closed on the welcoming sight. It was clear the recent events had done a number on him. For now she would let him rest.

Once ready both groups split taking opposite paths around the lake in the hopes they would find the flower on its banks. They wished each other well, and as the moon streaked over the sky they searched. It was early morning when Khaf and Jorik returned, their search unfortunately had them coming up short, their hopes resting on Gaia and Elwyn had them searching the camp wondering where on earth the two were, however that search as well was just as fruitless.

Both Elf and Dwarf were still missing, nowhere to be found.
Dufur was awoken roughly by Nalu shaking him. It was barely dawn by the amount of light seeping through the tent flap.

"What? What! I'm up grandmother! By the sage--"
"Your wife is gone." That shook any lingering sleep from his mind. Dufur was up and scrambling into his armor.
"Report, now."
"The queen mother took a small party to search the woods last night upon hearing Khalf's omen. Only she and Gaia have not returned."
"Why didn't you get me sooner?!" he snapped, furiously fumbling with the clasps on his pauldrons. Nalu came to help him, her gnarled hands deftly attaching them.
"We waited a while to see if they'd come back on their own, then began to comb the forest. I was too busy to wake you until now."
"Curse the dragon eaters!" He swore, causing Nalu to flinch at the severity of it. "What was she thinking?? All she had to do was put the guard on high alert and wait for them to try something! We enchanted the camp for a reason!"
Still cursing, he left the tent and found his pony ready for him. Wordlessly, he motioned to Khalf and Jorik to join him. They would go ahead to join with their best tracker.

Elwyn and Gaia were slumped together in a small cave. No light penetrated the rock, but the sound of running water could be heard faintly in the distance. Strange, tongued whispers filled the air.

Should we wake them?

They'll need food and water, soon.

Are they dead?

Gaia woke first, quickly regaining her senses and grabbing for her sword--which was still in it's scabbard? That was strange. What captor would leave weapons in their hands? At her feet lay two large leaves, one with an assortment of berries and nuts upon it, the other filled with water.

"Queen mother." She said urgently. "Queen mother!" Elwyn woke with a start, looking around them to find many pairs of small yellow eyes peering out from the dark. The whispering began again, in a language they could not speak.

They are alive!

Good, good.

With a sound of claws scraping on stone, a dragonling crawled it's way into the light, and spoke in broken, hissing common. It's scales were a dull gray-brown, and it was no larger than a small dog. One wing seemed to be broken, and it had many old scars covering it's body. One horn was broken at the root. It's piercing yellow eyes affixed them in a curious stare.

"You are sssssafe here, for now, children of trees and ssssstone. But you musssst return quickly from wencccce you came."

"Quickly!" Said another voice from the depths "Otherssss are sssearching now."

"We chasssed away the dark ones! Ssssstrange to fight sssoomthing ssssooo... alive." The dragonling they could see hushed the other voices with a sharp bark.
One moment Elwyn was bending over an assortment of pale flowers hoping that she might find the bloom their camp needed and the next she was coming to in the dark cave, Gaia nestled protectively against her side. Whispers sounded around them, forcing Elwyn to focus on the drawn out syllables. The light was so dim in the cave she could barely make out the offerings in front of her- two large leaves. In the water of one of the leaves she caught the reflection of something as it approached, the scratch of the claws over the stone made her wince a little.

Her eyes adjusted, taking what she could of the dragonling in front of her. She recognized it as it had been described in the journal, though the one that spoke to them now was a little worse for ware. There was a part of her that wanted to gather the poor hurting creature in her arms and hold it tight.

"You save us?" Elwyn whispered when silence descended over the cave after the bark.

"It would not do child of earttthh." The creature spoke back, it's voice echoing in the dark caves. "For your journey to end just as it hasssss begun. Hurry! You musssst rejoin thosssee that ssseeek you!" The small dragonling moved forward, it's wing hanging limply at it's side as it's head nudged her foot. Gaia could only look on with wide eyes, still her hand rested against the hilt of her blade, almost as if she was unsure of the dragonlings motives.

Quick to follow the direction of the creatures that were helping them Elwyn surged to her feet, the top of her head knocking against the stone roof of the cave. She winced, her hand reaching up to the place she'd hit.

"Careful now keivon, we will show you the way." The sounds of claws scurrying against the caves floor filled Elwyn's ears and she kept her head bent low, walking in the path of the dragonling before her, hoping silently the cave did not lower anymore. It was still difficult to see with how little light there was in the cave. Behind her she felt Gaia grip onto the fabric of her dress and together the two of them made their way from the cave.

Blinking in the morning sun Elwyn swirled her head around, trying to get her baring's.

"They ssseeek you now." The dragonling gestured with it's good wing, pointing them towards the lake.

"Th-Thank you!" Elwyn turned to the small cluster of dragonlings that stood at the mouth of the cave, their dark eyes focused curiously on her. "I do not know how to repay you."

"In time... you will." The little dragon hissed at her, slinking slowly back into the cave.

"Come Queen Mother, we better go and ease your husbands worries." Gaia sounded almost fearful, like rejoining the camp was the last thing she wanted. In truth Elwyn felt the same fear curling at her. Dufur must be beside himself. Gathering up her skirts Elwyn made for the direction of the lake. As they drew closer Elwyn's ears perked with the familiar voices of their party and without thinking she cupped her hands over her mouth and shouted a greeting at them.

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