The Person Above Rolled a 1

You fall all the way down. Unfortunately fire doesn’t equate to a cushioned fall.

I try to continue writing my fanfic but I took a 1.
*Fall Damage Immunity* (PLATFORMING!)
Your computer blue-screens from the awful work you make. That's all gone now.

I try to climb a rock wall. I'm immune to fall damage, so...
The entire rock wall collapses the second you touch it and you get caught underneath the rubble.

I try to not swallow my gum but I roll an one.
You accidentally knock your cup of coffee all over your lamp, thus starting a fire, you were able to quickly put it out, but now your taxes are burned to a crisp.

I try to run up to Gwyn, lord of cinder at level 1 but ROLL a nat 1
You get stepped on by a giant creature. How did that even get there...

I try to make a joke concerning Dave the Frog but I roll a 1.
Nobody understood the reference, you are left alone looking like an idiot.

I try to catch Cerberus but roll a 1
You get bitten by the rabid wolf.

I try to sit down but I roll an one.
I attempt to stand. I roll a Nat 1.
Standing? Standing is easy. You try to get up from your chair and lose balance the moment you start to lift yourself. The leg you put your weight on slips from under you and under the chair, kicking a chair leg in the process and knocking it over while meeting the hard floor headfirst since your arms slip and don't take the impact instead. The chair lands on your back, knocking your breath out and the back of the chair lands an extra hit on your head and remains there as if you're still sitting in it, sort of. One of your shoulders is wrenched, and the ankle that slipped got twisted.


I attempt to write down a note with a technical pencil. The die rolls far, then stops proudly on a Natural 1.
The lead snaps, and when you try to extend it, the pencil jams... somehow.

I try to use Pinterest but I roll a 1.
(Luckily, I have immunity to fall damage, and I have no arms! But my ankle hurts...)

Your laptop is blacklisted.

I try to bounce on a trampoline but roll a one.

The person your stalking calls the cops, and the cops find you wherever you are.

I try to grab an apple and roll a Nat 1. The fruit is from a bowl.
Every single guitar string breaks.

I try to buy a bar of chocolate but I rolled an one.

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