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Fantasy The Only Hoot and I's RP

I'm going to ignore that "covered in blood" remark... "Hmm... I think it was over here." Haruno walked to a shelf with a bunch of old looking scrolls.
Shiratori followed Haruno to the shelf and grabbed two scrolls from it, hoping to find more information from the ancient transcripts “I knew we had a vast library but would have never thought we would have such information hidden deep inside” he said as he took his spot at the small table and began to scour the parchment for any more leads
"It is said that these individuals convened with an all powerful being who referred to themselves as a god. It seems that those people with 'god given gifts' were chosen by a god to lead the world in a new direction of prosperity...?" Haruno was reading over his shoulder. "Bullshit..." But she didn't sound as sure as she was before. Me? Chosen by a god... that's impossible... I'm just a doctor from Tokyo!
"Are you alright?" Shiratori asked as he placed the scroll down and looked to Haruno, seeing the girl was starting to look a little rattled "I think it is best we take a break for now and get some air, shall we?" he then said as he stood, holding a hand out to her to help her stand "Perhaps a walk in the garden?" he then asked with a light smile, not wanting the girl to have some sort of attack
This is too much... it has to be some kind of mistake. Haruno sighed and nodded. "I think that I could use a walk right about now..." If I hear one more time that I'm the destiny child or whatever bullshit, I think that I'll scream
"I think I know the perfect place" Shiratori said with a sad smile, he could feel the stress permeating from the poor girl "Stay close, we don’t need to be getting lost" he lightly joked, trying to lift the mood “There is a fair chance we will run into my sisters, they are always in the garden” he then said with a sigh, forgetting his darling serpentine sisters practically lived in the garden
“Don’t be fooled by their beauty, they are quite wicked” Shiratori scowled as he thought of his sisters, as much as he loved them they were horrible creatures “Out of the six of us, they are the only girls so they are very close” he then said as he guided the way, arms crossed and hidden in his sleeves “They are the third and fifth born”
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It sounds like he doesn't like them very much... "Do I have to be worried for my life?"
“Oh no, they would not dare stain their clothing or knock a hair out of place tis all” Shiratori said reassuringly, they were fine women of society but horrible creatures an any sister would be to their brothers “Prepare for many assumptions though and that I do apologize for beforehand” he then said with a sigh, just waiting to get an embarrassing earful from the women
"You will find out soon enough" Shiratori sighed as he prepared for the worst "Now as a warning, they are not twins, but you will obviously see why they should have been and watch out for Saikyō she is feisty" he then said with a deep breath, the girls were a deadly combination and it was no wonder neither were married off yet "Junsuina is practically her shadow" he chuckled as he thought of the youngest sister, another shy child like Haiiro but not as gentle spoken
"I'm suddenly glad that I was an only child... then again, if I had an older or younger sibling, then I wouldn't... have... uhh, never mind" Haruno had almost spoken about something that she wished she could forget, as it was a source of great shame and regret for her
"Siblings are not that bad to have, once older really, we've all moved on from drama but we still have our arguments" Shiratori said with a sigh, thinking back to the wrestling matches between his brothers and himself and the torture of his sisters wanting to play with his hair "I've had to save Haiiro from the girls dressing him up when he was a small child" he then said with a chuckle, remembering the poor by crying to him many times
Haruno tried not to laugh. "That poor boy..." She was grateful to move onto a new conversation topic. She didn't like to think about the person she once was...
Haruno tried not to laugh. "That poor boy..." She was grateful to move onto a new conversation topic. She didn't like to think about the person she once was...
"Oh definitely" Shiratori chuckled, seeing the girl struggling to hide her laughter "It's okay to laugh" he then said as he opened a set of doors, the outdoors coated in beautiful pink petals as the never ending sea of cherry blossoms flooded their sight "Welcome to the Tamanegi Garden" he announced while stepping aside with a smile on his face, the beautiful blooming trees following a winding path that could easily be lost under the layer of fallen petals
Haruno's eyes widened as she had a look of wonder on her face. "It's beautiful..." she smiled brightly. "There's nothing like this in my time... I'd say that falling into that cursed well was worth it just to see something as amazing as this"
"I am sure there has to be something like this somewhere in your time" Shiratori said as a frown formed on his porcelain face, the thought of losing such a beautiful garden broke his heart "Nature is really the most soothing thing in the world" he then said as he guided Haruno to the perfect place to relax, a little sitting area deep in the garden whilst hoping his dearest sisters weren't already basking in its beauty
"We have parks and gardens... there are undisturbed places, but they are spread out across to world and you need a lot of money to see them. This is... just amazing... I'd never get to see this in my time. I'm too busy with work to relax very often, so this is the longest break I've had in a while" she smiled brightly.
"Well I am glad to have been able to change that then" Shiratori said with a light smile, feeling rather sad on the inside at the fact the woman could not enjoy such spoils "I shall show you the best place in the entire garden" he then said as he held out an arm to the woman, it was rather easy to get lost in the vast garden due to the flood of fallen blossom petals hiding the stone pathways
Haruno smiled and took his arm. "Thank you. I'll have to think of some way to repay you before I go home"
"Do not worry about such things" Shiratori chuckled as he guided the way and told stories and small facts about the garden as they walked, his good mood soon deflated when he heard a familiar echo of giggles as they approached a secluded area of the garden, surrounded by a soothing creek with warm toned leaves swirling as they floated along the current "Oh no" he sighed as he soon saw he darling near identical sisters clustered together giggling in the gazebo "There they are, Saikyō is the armor clad girl on the left" he then whispered as he gestured to the girl

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