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Fantasy The Only Hoot and I's RP

Shiratori began to laugh at the girls outburst, he had a similar reaction but not as outspoken “You know...I always found her to be my favorite on this mural when I was younger, one day hoping I would meet her” He then said as he smiled at the girl, getting somewhat embarrassed “I guess I can say my dream came true, she is standing right here beside me”
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Haruno blushed. Jeez... what am I supposed to say to that? "That's... really nice of you to say, but... I'm not going to fight in a war just because there's a mural of me five hundred years in the past showing me fighting in a war"
"I never said that you would be fighting in a war, we finally stopped with war" Shiratori said as he hesitantly placed a gentle hand on Haruno's shoulder in attempts to soothe her "This mural alone is eons old, I was a child gazing up at this" he then said with a light smile, despite his young appearence Shiratori was a demon after all and was quite a few centuries old "Take a wild guess as to how long ago that was"
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He's really... aagh, stop it Yuki! But, I can't help that my heart beats so fast when he smiles at me... "Too long?" she really couldn't tell how old he was.
Shiratori could not help but laugh at the woman once again, finding her rather adorable "Far too long" he continued to chuckle while hiding his hands in his large sleeves once again "Try a few centuries" he said as he turned and began to slowly walk closer to the wall to look up to the mural closer "I started to lose count after a second century" he then said as he looked down to the scrolls neatly shelved in front of him, gently running his claws along the wooden handles "Little Haiiro is about to reach his first century"
Haruno got closer to the mural and inspected it. As much as she would have loved to deny it... "That's definately me. Say, how long do you demons live anyways? You're already older than I'll ever live to be"
"Either until we wither away into dust or someone kills us, there is no definite age, we are practically immortal" Shiratori said as he looked down to Haruno, a sad smile on his face "We can die in most ways like normal humans" he then said as he looked down to his feet for a moment and took a few deep breaths before lifting his head up and turning to the girl once more and gave her a smile "Would you like to borrow some of these scrolls?" he quickly asked, wanting to change the subject "These here are too old to even be moved though, they could turn to powder if moved the wrong way"
Huh? He looked sad for a second there... I guess it is kind of depressing to talk about your lifespan though "I'd love to get my hands on some non powdery scrolls... I've never actually seen one in person before, or allowed to touch one..." she had an excited sparkle in her eyes. "Besides, they could help me figure out how to get back home"
"The make your pick, you have free reign to choose, I will be able to help you figure out if a scold is too decrepit to use because they are kind of scattered about, this shelf and a few beside it are the only ones I know of that are too old to even be existent" Shiratori said as he walked more into the open space of the library and opened his arms wide "If you need assistance reading I will help" he then said with a light chuckle as he then walked off towards the shelving that stored some of the scrolls that he could not finish last night
As long as it's in Japanese, I'll probably be fine. Haruno browsed the shelves, looking at all sorts of scrolls, both old and new. Despite the weirdness I have to put up with... this is really cool!
Once he gathered his previous texts, Shiratori took a seat at the table where he was last night and gently rolled out one of the delicate scrolls "Is the script in your era still the same as mine?" he asked as he looked to Haruno, watching the girl walk about the library "I would imagine there could be differences since there is such a gap in time" he then said with a light chuckle as he looked down to the scroll before him, golden eyes quickly skimming through to find his old place
Haruno opened up a newer looking one. "Bleh, it's in old fashioned script... I can read it, it's just different from modern Japanese so it's tricky"
"I can help whenever, just ask" Shiratori chuckled, eyes not once moving from the scroll "If you find anything please let me know, I shall do the same he then said as he looked over to Haruno, faintly smiling at the girls expression when seeing the 'old fashioned' script on the parchment 'Such an odd woman' he thought as he looked back down to the scroll in his hands and began to read the old brush strokes that decorated the page
"Fuck your written language... what does this word mean?" Haruno walked over and showed him the scroll she was looking at, and pointed to the character for "god given gift.''
Shiratori let out a laugh, quickly covering his mouth, he was enjoying himself all too much "Sit here with me, I will teach you" he said as he recovered and gently took the scroll and patted the cushion beside him "Now let us see what you are struggling with" he chuckled as he looked to the scroll, eyes widening when seeing what she was reading "These three actually make one word, so this first set here" he then said as he leaned close and pointed at each character he was talking about "This first word here is Goddo (God) then Gibun (Given) and then Gifuto (Gift)" he said slowly while pointing individually at each word "God given gift"
Haruno blushed lightly and took a seat next to him. She huffed, and crossed her arms. "God, it's like being back at Spanish class... worst semester ever"
Shiratori looked to the woman with a confused look on his face, having not a clue what she was talking about "What is Spanish?" he asked, struggling with the word as he has never heard the word before in his life "Either way, that is what you were confused on, they mean 'God given gift'" he then said with a slightly flustered look to his face, realizing that they were a little close "Seems like we are finding out that you are more and more special" he then chuckled with a smile, relishing in the fact that his gut feeling was becoming reality
"It's a european country... never mind, you don't really need to know. And I don't know why you think... wait, you think it's talking about me?! I don't have any abilities that are very remarkable, even in this period." I'm not special or important... I'm just me.
“Well if you read back some, you’ll see why I believe so” Shiratori said with a light smile as he pointed on the scroll where he was talking “Tell me what this says” he then said with a chuckle as he looked up to Haruno, hoping the girl could understand some of what’s she was reading now
"I think so... teleportation is a tricky sort of magic, to go from one place to another instantaneously. There have only been theories on time travel, but it is believed to be a sort of teleportation, to transfer someone across space of time, however, would take a god like amount of magical power. There have been reports of certain individuals who have claimed to be from another time and have possessed amazing abilites despite being of the human race, which some have called... god given gifts" Haruno stared at the scroll and re read it five times. "I...I must have read it incorrectly... there's just no fucking way"
"I don't believe so, I can tell you've read it many times" Shiratori said as he gently took the scroll from Haruno, not wanting the shocked woman to damage it in any way "I'll give you a moment to recollect all this" he then said while rolling up the old scroll, starting to see the effect this huge news had on the girl just by her facial expression and body language "Take as long as you like to thing"
"But-- this-- I-- you-- this is impossible!! OK, even if I can accept that this sort of thing has happened before, and these people had... it doesn't mean that I... I think I would know!" Haruno was losing her shit, being a woman of logic and reason, this was a little too much for her to process all at once.
"Or would you know? It is not something that you feel" Shiratori said as he watched the woman have what appeared to be a mental break down "You could have awoken this power the moment you fell into the well and transported yourself here" he then said with a shrug as he carefully stood, starting to gather the scrolls to clean up since it seems like they had solved the mystery "You may keep this for now to look back and try to make some sense from it" he cautiously said while handing the girl the scroll that enlightened them "Just be very, very careful"
"OK... OK. But that still doesn't help me... figure out how to get home... but I'm studying the crap out of this, just in case. I'm not saying that I believe that nonsense... there's just no sense in taking any unnessary risks."
"Do you remember which shelf this came from? Maybe the ones beside it have information, each shelf is heavily organized" Shiratori said as he began to clean up the scrolls, finding them unnecessary as they have just now found a lead "Despite being in many wars and coated in blood my father is obsessed with things being orderly" he then said with a light sigh, his fathers obsessive cleanliness was a little ridiculous and rather troublesome

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