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Fantasy The Only Hoot and I's RP

He could be bluffing... but he does seem stronger than that other thing. I might have overplayed my hand, but I don't really have any choice but to double down, do I? She sighed. "In that case... come at me, bro" Haruno put away her guns and took a fighting stance.
With a loud hiss a clawed hand jut out towards Haruno's throat, part of him wanted to massacre the woman yet the other part just wanted to teach her a lesson on how things worked in this realm "Do not underessstimate me woman" he hissed, his voice more deep with a bit of a grumble to it in this form with a bit of a sultry twist "If I must put you in your place then I must" he then said with a chuckle, finding this rather amusing despite the immense rage he felt inside due to Haruno's utter disresepct
Haruno dodged, but just barely. He's fast! I absolutely cannot let him get ahold of me... then, it's game over. "It looks like guys are the same in this world too..." she sighed exaggeratedly. Seriously, what have I gotten myself into... fighting a snake demon in another world! "I guess it's my own fault for wishing for a more exciting life... God must be laughing at me right now"
"I'll assure you, if there was a god, he would be in stitches" Shiratori chuckled as he slithered into his full height, towering over the girl by over ten feet, while slowly slithering the end of his long body near Haruno's feet 'I won't kill her, I'll just make her remember what kind of world this is' he thought with a smirk as he watched the girl closely for any sort of movement, preparing to wrap around her and constrict her
I don't know a lot about animal biology, but I do know that if he wraps around me... it's game over! She swiftly raised her foot and stomped down as hard as she could on the lower half of his body
Despite his vigilance, the sudden jolt of pain that ran up his body from the woman's foot caused him to hiss and shudder in pain "Insolent woman!" he snapped just before sharply whipping his tail, causing a strong wave to flow down his body to shake the small human off "I grow tired of this foolishness!" he then growled while lunging a clawed hand once more towards Yuki while sneaking his tail around to disable her movement
Quick as a whip, Haruno took out a knive and plunged it into his clawed hand and took out her gun and shot his tail.
With a shout Shiratori recoiled his hand, gazing at the knife piercing his palm he let out a hiss and as he was to attack once more the startling bang of her gun distracted him and howled from the fierce pain that shot through his body "You wretched woman!" he snarled as he recoiled his tail to look at the wound, only to then rip the knife out of his hand and throw it aside, piercing an innocent tree with the entire blade "You cannot be a normal human" he growled as he looked to his poor tail, the giant hole from the bizarre weapon appearing to steam as well as the gash in his hand
"Wow, it's really effective... I didn't think that it would do much damage, I just had to get your tail away from me. And for the last time, I'm just a doctor"
(Sorry I have not been responsive, things kinda got hectic irl)

"You're a smart girl" Shiratori chuckled as he straightened up, whipping his wounded tail with a hiss to straighten it out and shake off the pain whilst his wounds gradually healed "You may just be a 'doctor' but there is definitely more to you than meets the eye" he then said with a smirk while rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck "You're stronger than most women" he then admitted as he gazed upon the small woman, his body slowly reforming back to his regal two legged form, flowing kimono once again draping his pale body and beautifully billowing around him against the lavish wild grass
"Tokyo? What in the world is that" Asked Shiratori as he looked to the girl, having never heard of a thing nor place with such name "What is this Tokyo that you speak of?" his curiosity peaked and his horrid temper soothed, despite his healed wounds still stinging a little it was as if he had forgotten all about his little attack on the poor human like it had never happened
"Planet Earth? Ever been there, it's pretty nice. You don't get attacked by disgusting monsters out of the blue... although it can be dangerous too, just in different ways. Tokyo is my hometown. I can't wait to go home and take a nice long shower"
"Then what is keeping you? We are almost towards the well" Shiratori said as he waved an arm towards the direction they were walking, a little more forward and through some shrubbery was the poor battered well, now he was just teasing the girl because he could, she still disrespected him and he was going to still get his revenge somehow
"SOMEONE just tried to kill me." she huffed and strode past him. What an asshole... I'll gladly forget about him and go back to my wonderfully boring and safe life!
Shiratori chuckled as he watched the girl storm off, finding it rather enjoyable to bother the girl as she would get riled rather easily "Disrespectful sprout" he snickered as he gazed at the woods in the direction the girl disappeared to, humans were such weak and interesting creatures to toy with as they were all different in their own ways
Soon Haruno found herself before the well again. "Well, here goes nothing... I hope..." she took a breath and climbed back in.
"Good luck" Shiratori whispered as he watched the woman from behind a tree, wondering himself if this 'magic well' would actually transport her home, if so this would need to be stopped so that no creature from here would transport to the other side and wreak havoc there and create mass chaos that would just not be good for the poor defenseless humans despite them being weak and frivolous creatures
"..." Haruno stood in the bottom for five minutes. "Nothing's happening... why is nothing happening?!" she kicked the side and whimpered. "OW! That hurt... what am I going to do now... how am I going to get home...?" she felt like crying. I'm lost and alone in another world with no way to go home... I have a limited number of bullets, too.
"This doesn't seem to be working" Shiratori called from the top of the well, head popped over the edge with an arm dangling towards the girl "Come, there must be other ways" he said with a smirk, lightly enjoying the sight of the girl hobbling from the pain in her foot "And you do realize this well is made from solid stone and not smooth silk? Kicking it would hurt as you have obviously learned" he joked as he opened his hand for the girl to grasp, his pale clawed flesh seeming to glow in the dark area
"Gee, really?! I had NO idea!" her sass was still intact as she climbed up the stone well again. For a second. she couldn't help but think that his hand was like a guiding light to one who was lost.
Shiratori chuckled as he watched the girl, starting to enjoy her strange ways "The sun will soon fall, as dangerous as it is in daylight, nightfall is much worse" he said as he turned back in the direction of town "I shall find lodging for you, as well as proper attire as you will grow cold, and possibly something to protect you as you may run low on whatever that object fires" he then stated as he opened an arm behind Haruno to guide her with him
"It's lead bullets. And not that I want to die out here, but... why are you helping me? I just assumed you would leave me for dead"
"You're a fragile human woman, yet something about you is not the same as the rest of the sow, you've peaked my interest despite your utter disrespect for stature" Shiratori said as he looked down to the girl from the corner of his crimson lined eye, he wanted to see what the fates had in store for him and this girl as it could not possibly be mere coincidence that they had met how they had and how brave she was to fight a grand demon without hesitation
"Hmph, I'm not fragile... and where I come from, men and women are equals. We don't have demons popping out of the woodwork, and the only things we have to fight is other humans... I didn't realize how lucky I was."

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