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Fantasy The Only Hoot and I's RP

"Get it together Yuki!" oh that voice was too familiar, Shiratori sighed as he had come to the realization that he was near the strange woman once again 'Why me?' he thought as he sighed heavily and rolled his golden eyes, finding it best to stay away from her he slithered deep into the trees but his consciousness told him other wise as he began to feel guilty leaving the girl to fend for herself, the forest can get quite dangerous 'Troublesome woman' he thought as he hid in the tree canopy and stealthily made his way back to the woman and stayed out of her line of sight
The only choice I have is to keep moving forward... just because no one will help me doesn't mean that I can't make it... since when have I had help anyway? She took a breath and walked forward. Hopefully I can find a town soon and get more information about this weird place... and not get captured or killed in the process.
As the woman wandered the wooded lands, she was not only followed by Shiratori but also a rather grotesque lesser demon scavanging for some sort of food "Hello little girl" growled the raspy voiced demon as he crept towards the human girl, saliva pouring from his mouth as he eyed her like she was food "How does a delicious creature like you get lost in these woods?" he then asked as he continued to creep towards the girl 'Time to see what you really are girl' thought Shiratori as he watched the scene unfold in front of him, finding the lurker demon rather gross and he could easily wipe the creature out if things got out of hand
Of course... I really am in Inuyasha! "I'd like to know that myself... you know, I usually don't like getting violent, but I'm really pissed off today. And you're obviously not human, and mean to kill me, so... time to test my theory!" Haruno pulled out a .45 magnum and expertly fired at the demon's vitals areas.
The sound of the fired shots echoed through the air, startling all living creatures in the area as they were not accustomed to such bizarre sounds 'What in the world is that thing?!' Shiratori thought as he watched Haruno hold such a bizarre and loud item, his claws dug deep in the tree he was hiding. Horrified gasps escaped the crumbling creature as it lay in the grass slowly crumbling, gaping holes in both its eye and chest "W-What are you?" it asked fearfully as it stared up to the woman, only to crumble into ash and lightly blow away with the faint wind
Haruno cheered. "It looks like bullets work on the monsters in this world... but I have a limited number, and no way to get more... I have to be careful." she smiled to herself, and put away her gun.
"What are you?" Shiratori cautiously asked as he slithered down the tree, golden eyes staring intently at the metallic item in her hands "No mere human has that sort of power" he then said as he cautiously looked to the girl, starting to fear for his people despite his usually stoic and cold appearance. Whoever this woman was she was not from this world for sure; the strange clothes, the odd dialect, the obscure weaponry, this woman was dangerous and needed to be dealt with before it was too late
"Oh, it you... what are you talking about? I'm only human... you mean this? Well... would you believe that I' from another world?"
"We do not have those kind of objects here...I am beginning to believe you" Shiratori spoke as he cautiously watched the woman, slowly walking towards her with his eyes locking onto the metal object in her small hands "Why are you here?" he asked, not trusting the woman at all now that she wielded such an outlandish and strong weapon
Haruno shrugged. "I fell into a well in my world... and wound up in a well in this one. I just want to go home..."
"Then go back into the well?" Shiratori questioned as he continued to look the woman cautiously up and down, rather curious about the bizarre woman "Usually those who are lost retrace their steps and find their way home" he theorized, finding it rather foolish of the woman to not think of that on her own but nothing much was expected from women in this period
"Well you don't have to dive in head first" Shiratori scoffed as he crossed his arms, porcelain arms hidden under many layers of elegant kimono sleeves "You could be sensible and clime in" he then said as he slowly began to find this woman as foolish as the other women of his dimension, the hidden fear he had from her show of force dwindling rather quickly
"I thought you were lost" Shiratori said in a smart tone as he watched the girl stride off in total confidence, he knew the way back to the well since these were lands owned by his father "You're quite far from the well in all actuallity" he continued as he walked towards the girl, his stride making appear to be gliding and his feet seemed to hardly touch the ground
"Wow, so there's smart asses in this world too! Who'd have thought?" Haruno was the sass master
Shiratori could not help but let out a quiet chuckle as he began to walk ahead, guiding the way to the well "Keep up if you don't want to get lost again" he then said as he looked over his shoulder as he walked, easily gliding through the high grass and vast plant life in the beautiful land
"By the way, I forgot to ask... if it's not too rude, what exactly are you? You don't seem to be human"
"That answer is for another day girl" Shiratori spoke over his shoulder, looking down to the much shorter girl with a chuckle, he didn't know if she was an assassin or a hunter of sorts and was definitely not planning on exposing himself to the girl since this would probably be the last he sees of her if the well worked
"Another day? Are you expecting the well to not work... and my name isn't 'girl' it's Haruno. Haruno Yuki, M.D., so get it straight"
"Watch your tongue girl" Shiratori growled, not liking her tone at all "You do not know who you are speaking to in such a disobedient way" he then said as he approached the girl close, glaring down at her with glowing golden eyes "Has anyone taught you manners and to respect those above you in stature and help you when in need? I could just leave you here to die, you will eventually run out of power" he began to hiss, his fangs beginning to elongate and the S sounds in his words lingering
"ABOVE me?! Now who's gotta attitude... you think that your better than me, just cuz you're a demon?? And I'm only nice to people who deserve it! I don't remember asking for your help, anyway." she glared right back at him, royally pissed off. "You listen... I've been dumped in another world, called a fool, a prostitute, and attacked by a random... THING. So don't fucking think for a second that I'm in any mood to humor your lame ass pride!!"
"You are on my land insolent woman, watch your tone" Shiratori hissed, trying to keep his anger to a minimum but this woman just knew how to push his buttons all the right ways to instantly set him off, it usually takes a lot to even crack the young lord's cool demeanor "I am Sunōnaga Shiratori, heir to the Sunōnaga Province and you will stop this unruly behavior at once!" he then snapped, having fully lost his cool, his eyes had fully changed into a more snake like shape and his fangs fully extended to their threatening length whilst his forked tongue had finally shown itself
Tch, he finally shows his true colors... she swiftly drew her gun and loaded it. "Don't fuck with me... move an inch, and I shoot your brains out."
Shiratori couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the threat, he was much stronger than the putrid lesser demon that was nearly instantly disintegrated by the weapon "Go ahead and try" he smirked as his body began to slowly change "The weapon you carry is rather strange and quite strong, but I doubt it would do much to me" he spoke as he began to slowly appear taller and taller, underneath the elegant kimono his body began to change into its natural Naga state "Your weapon is loud, and jarring but with much thought it isn't much of a threat"

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