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The one who made Aerth
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you've heard the legend of the one True king yes?
It's believed that long ago when the world of Aerth was new, there was a human born with a full head of flowing white hair. Fierce blue eyes that pierce like a lance through ones very soul. The charisma of angels and the innate talent to lead. It's said the true king has never lost in battle and died young happily in rest after living for three hundred years.

the true king was so strong that all races bowed down before him.
Animals, beasts, monsters...
They never approached this human as their own instincts caused them to submit or flee.
Beastkin, Dwarfs, Elves...
They allied with this human out of respect and fear of the power that could fall upon them.
spirits, demons, gods...
They fought and lost to the human, those left alive by the true king's mercy vowed never to touch, influence or appear on the world unless given permission.

It's believed Aerth belonged to the True king and all acknowledge and believe this person existed, after hundreds of years the true kings influence is still seen today.
The indescribable landscapes made from their various battles with otherworldly beings...
The multiple Void doors to other plains of existence only a handful of lifeforms alive now can barely use...
The most telling evidence of a True king once existing is genetics...

Those born with the true kings blood in their veins are known as potential kings,
The potentials have a streak of pure white in their hair.
They have eyes capable of seeing the essence of mana and beyond.
All potential Kings have the talent to be incredible and breathtaking in some form.

The legend is known in many interpretations all over Aerth. Most human kingdoms hold potential kings in high regard and even more caution, though have a form of ranking these potentials and award the best of these potentials as a King.
If we take the lands of Mollit for this example...
The three kingdoms Jareedi, Blador and Karma each have four titled kings.
The Warrior king
The mightiest fighter in the kingdom, in one on one combat they always win.
The Mage king
The most versatile magic user in the kingdom, usually in poession of a brilliant mana and much of it.
The King of hunters
The most cunning hunter in the kingdom, all living creatures small or large fear the king of hunters.
The Omniking
The most powerful king in the kingdom which the other three and most others obey, almost every Omniking was once a King of a different title who challenged for the right to be the king of Kings and killed to inherit the title.

These kings are determined by competitions tournaments and challenges all sanctioned by each kingdom in Mollit.
Meaning if the warrior king is murdered in bed by a sneak thief that thief won't become king unless the act was acknowledged by the ruler of the kingdom or a council of nobles before during or after.
It was once said by a Omniking or potential king of equal rank...
"I'll become the second true king"
that goal has been shared by many and many more will aspire to make that claim.
This became a legend all lands shared. Stories shared, songs sung, ambitions heard that the gods and demons from ages past have heard whispers of it.
The true king is dead? A second true king comes?
we must stop all on Aerth who could challenge and best us like before.
This rp is about Demons and God's coming back to Aerth since they heard the big strong who beat them up all those years ago is finally dead. In joy of that and out of fear of potential kings reaching the bullshit level of power that first human had both races from other planes of existence invade the planet in a effort to prevent that shit.

Put simple the world is slowly being consumed by two immortal factions bent on controlling mortals once more.

Various kingdoms urge their kings to deal with the threat but they have to contend with not only otherworldly creatures and beings but other potential kings ready and willing to take their title and life.

This rp has a few options depending On how many players want to participate.

Option 1) for 3 or 4 players
This rp is about a potential king and the party they rally to join them in the quest to become the True king.

Option 2) for 5 or 6 players
This rp is about two potential kings joining forces/competing To become the true king, they need to rally a party each and fight off the demons and God's and only after that is done will they fight for the title of the true king.

Option 3) basically option two but add as many potential kings and party members as needed.
This is on the chance a bullshit amount of people rock up so it probably doesn't even need to be written.

This is a rp set in a medieval fantasy with magic, monsters and more.
Post requirements is two paragraphs or more once a week.

If people show interest I'll make a CS page and all the other needed ones.
Note that you do not need to make a potential king to be a competent badass with magic/skills etc so no need to make claims or argue over spots as it is first come first served deal meaning the first acceptable sheets posted are the ones that get a spot.

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