• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom the official day of college! ( or hell )

โ call off the search for your soul. โž
theo couldn't help but allow an awkward smile grow on his lips; admiring her soft features as she stumbled through her words, was he that intimidating? oh god.

with a soft rose tint blossoming decorated theo's ghostly pale skin as the shy female introduced herself as doe. it was a beautiful name, nothing like the pretentious names he heard back home, it suited her in theo's opinion.

"if you could direct me to the admissions building, i'd be thankful."

"nice to meet you doe, i'm-" theo's voice trailed off as he realised he had already introduced himself. the teen mentally scolded himself, awkwardly pushing his glasses back up the arch of his nose, "i can show you the way, it's no problem."

theodore tried his best to pull a friendly smile as he began to lead the way to the the admissions office, his hands shoved into his jeans' pockets as he thought of ways to start up a conversation without trying to scare doe. the soft sound of the grass being crushed underneath theodore's sneakers helped filled the awkward void of silence between the two.

soon a bright idea popped into his head, theo scrambled to open his bag and pulled out a shiny red apple. theodore hesitated for a second, questioning whether he should save it for his brother or not; after all, blood is thicker than water, right? theodore chewed the inside of his cheek before closing his bag once more and offered the apple to doe, "are you hungry? i had this spare apple with me and i thought you'd might like it,"

theodore's lips pulled a sweet smile as he held the apple out in front of doe. the possibility of being late didn't enter theodore's mind, in that moment, he would rather learn more about doe than law.
โ i just had a change of heart. โž
siblings + naina.
ltobias was excited to start his third year of university. it was great, not having to think about running an extremely questionable yet booming business, or running from the authorities for that matter. instead, tobias could focus on being a normal twenty-two year old and live his life. as the day slowly began, tobias stretched his lanky limbs, suffering from sleeping in a bed too small for him, and quickly prepared himself for the classes ahead of him. the male didn't see any of his roommates and didn't bother to check, shoving his belongings into his bag before heading out of the dorm room with the door silently shutting behind him.

the feeling of the sun warming his pale skin only lifted his spirits as he walked across campus, a smile stuck on his lips while jazz music blasted in his left earbud; what could possibly go wrong?

"lilith and tobias monroe, please head to admission's office."

tobias slowly stopped in his tracks as he heard the female's bored voice crackled through the school's speakers. the male's heart soon began to race, his grip tightened around his backpack's straps as he noticed a few other students glancing at him with questionable looks. the male lowered his head and began his search for his little sister, knowing her, she was most likely still getting out of her dorm room. tobias' pace sped up as he felt a wave of anxiety crash over him - ever since he stopped aggressively drinking, the drug lord had to deal with his emotions sober. as he made his way towards the girls' dorm entrance, he saw lilith with her phone in one hand and an unopened packet of cigarettes in her other.

he didn't bother announcing his presence as he quietly lowered lilith's phone, a flash of concern danced across her face before the two of them headed towards the admissions office.

"hey, sis, don't be a cryba-"

tobias didn't realise how violent the siblings' reunion would get. he was certainly surprised that out of everyone, augustus, showed up in the office with a big grin and the delusion everything would be alright. tobias tried his best to hold back his little sister, if steam could come out of her nose like a cartoon bull, they would. tobias stood in the middle of the chaos while augustus tried his best to call lilith back as she stomped away.

"guys, lets talk this out. lilith - you're all about talking, it's what you do best! gus, ugh."

tobias felt drained and overemotionally at the same time, watching both of his siblings walk away and leaving him to stand in front of the office like an idiot. tobias shoved his pockets and began to follow augustus, maybe he could try convince him to do something? the male soon lost sight of his rockstar brother in the sea of students who were training on the field. despite his tall height, tobias couldn't see where his even taller brother went.

as he wandered across the football field, tobias felt a small body bump into him. a soft "oof" escaped his lips as he looked down to see a familiar set of chocolate brown eyes lock with his. "naina?" tobias whispered as he froze, an overwhelming feeling enveloped the tattooed male as he leaned in and crashed his lips into hers, fireworks exploded as tobias' heart rushed with excitement.


Location: nico's dorm Outfit: xxx Mentions: revalia revalia TheWaffleLord TheWaffleLord nymphadora. nymphadora. Scenario: the aftermath of nico Tags: revalia revalia TheWaffleLord TheWaffleLord

Tarus was up by the time the sunshine through the windows. He was already excited about seeing Roman for the first time in months. the party last night, just made him more hyper, and ready for today. He didn't of course touch a drop of liquor since he knew that he would have to wake up early to go surprise Roman. Nico on the other hand....was fucking hammered by the time Tarus saw him leave with a lady. So to say that he didn't expect Nico to be up, or even alive to the world right now was an understatement.

He hurries up, and quietly leaves his dorm. Trying to not disturb his dorm-mates who he met last night while at the party. His phone dings with a message from Kida. He looked at his phone and smiles softly. Stopping for a moment to text her back. getting nico now ki. give me five minutes and I'll be there with....a disgruntled nico He then put his phone back in his pocket, running towards Nico's dorm. He takes out the key that Nico gave him back up. Unlocking the door, immediately running towards Nico's bed. Not even noticing the other male on the other side. "I swear...Nico. Come on....wake up. We got to go, Roman is gonna be here any minute. " He takes out the bottle of aspirin he had pocketed and a bottle of water. Putting it on Nico's bedside table.

"Nico, seriously Kida is waiting for us. Time to wake up drunken beauty!" He says as he pulls Nico out of bed. He finally noticed the other male, and nodded to him. "Hey I'm Tarus, I'm this idiot best friend, well one of them. We have to go meet the other members of our group....SOON." He talked as he shouted into Nico's ear. At this moment, he knew that he was being an ass but he needed him to be up and ready before Roman touched down at the entrance. Goddamnit Nico, why couldn't you for once not party your ass off. Especially not today. Not when it was finally time for them to be together again.



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    S T E L L A

    location: mark's room
    mood: wake up, sleepyhead!
    with: mark
    tags: MoonLegend101 MoonLegend101


    Stella had been staring at her ceiling for the past two hours.

    She hadn't been able to fall back asleep after a strange dream had hit her. She had woken up in a fit from it - a dream that felt so real it caused her heart to ache. She never wanted to imagine what she had experienced, fake or not. It hurt her to think about it, and yet, it plagued her mind for hours until the sun had shone outside.

    The dream - god, it felt like a vision of some sorts - had started with Mark telling her he had gotten into university. She had been so happy for him, and when it came her turn to check...she had received a small envelope from the institution. The look Mark and his parents had given her had told her all she needed to know, and it was that look that had pained her so much, but it was the words he said next that had truly hurt her the most.

    "I guess I'll have to go without you, Stella."

    When she had opened her eyes she had rushed over to her desk, checking her things and pulling out the envelope she had actually received - large - and read the words from her acceptance letter through watery eyes. She brushed away her tears as she read it again, and again, and once more, just to make sure her dream was just that - a work of fiction. After that, she had felt exhausted and climbed into bed with the letter, curling up as she tried to calm herself. She didn't want to worry Mark, not yet. He was probably sleeping just fine, and to bother him would only hurt her more. She was just overreacting, that was all.

    Stella sighed as she turned over, finally noticing the sunlight peeking through her curtains. She knew it was time to get up, and she had been surprised Mark hadn't been the one to attempt to wake her. She sat up, trying to calm herself again by reading the letter again, rubbing at her face and taking a deep breath. Her blonde locks were a mess, she could tell that much, so before going to Mark's room, she headed into the bathroom to wash her face, brush her teeth, and to try to do something with her hair.

    When she found herself a bit more presentable, and after she'd put on a fresh change of clothes, Stella walked over to Mark's door, giving the wood a soft knock before listening in. "Mark?" She said, opening the door and coming into his room. "Mark! Come on, we gotta go soon! I know your mom and dad are probably waiting with breakfast--"

    As soon as she spoke, the house seemed to come alive; she could smell the food being made downstairs and her stomach growled. Stella began to whine as she went to Mark's bed, shaking his shoulders lightly.

    "Come oooon, Mark! Up and at 'em!!"

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Peter Norwood

Peter woke up to the distinctive aroma of toast in his dorm room. He peeked through his lashes, squinting against the beam of sunlight that pushed past the curtains and into his eyes. He groaned and tossed himself over in his bed. He couldn't be bothered to see which one of his roommates was in the kitchen making breakfastโ€”he just wanted to sleep in. He didn't have a hangover or anything of the sort since he didn't drink alcohol, but Peter Norwood had never been a morning person.

He felt as though he had fallen asleep again after he closed his eyes but remained awake through his senses. He heard the toaster hum then ding when it finished its task, much like an alarm clock. The rotund student accompanying Peter in dorm 107 was partial to wearing reds and yellows and giving out fresh pastries to apparently everyone. They briefly met before, but Peter was in too much of a daze from his nap to remember the guy's name when he moved his belongings in. Wilber Peregrineโ€”that was it.

The redhead could hardly understand everything he said, just that he was giving him breakfast; honey smeared on toast and a glass of orange juice. That was nice of him. Peter managed to croak, "Thanks, man." Then Wilber was gone. He ate his morning snack in silence and by sheer will, forced himself out of the comfort of his bed. He brushed his teeth, showered, and threw on an outfit. Peter slung his backpack over one shoulder and used his skateboard to travel in the direction of the courtyard.

As the wheels carried Peter along, quavering ever so slightly against the concrete, he started thinking. The after-party from last night had been fun and a surprise in equal measure. Tamara, who was by far the most talkative person he knew, was able to keep it a secret. He met a lot of people, socialized, and ultimately enjoyed his time at the party while it lasted. Tamara loved the bouncy castle and so did heโ€”they were both just children at heart but that's what made them get along so well.

Peter picked up his skateboard as he strode into the grass. He sat criss-crossed underneath a tree and began browsing through his laptop for films to watch a good thirty minutes of. For some reason, listening to movies he already knew by detail helped the young man focus especially if he felt as bleary as he did right now. He picked a comedy and quietly chuckled to himself from the opening scene.

Peter was none the wiser about the person lurking in the tree above him.
location: courtyard
mood: still waking up
outfit: peter
scenario: (you know what to do Cat)
with: no one
tags: Aero Aero drummerboi drummerboi revalia revalia
code by pasta

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    E L
    location: cafeteria
    mood: amuuuused
    with: maya, kaio, piper
    tags: r e i r e i , revalia revalia


    El was certainly amused by the show in front of her.

    She couldn't imagine why Maya's cousin - Kaio, she remembered - would have the gall to take bacon away from Maya, who cherished every piece she had, but the way he'd gone about it was kinda smooth. The smirk on his face told her everything, especially that he knew she would have a negative reaction to her food being eaten. She did raise an eyebrow when he said hello to them, chuckling a bit in response.

    "Morning, Kaio." She managed to say before Maya cut in, ranting about him taking her food and hitting him on the back of the head. The grin that continued on Kaio's face gave away how much glee this brought him, getting his cousin riled up before she'd even finished her breakfast. El scooped some food into her mouth with her fork as Maya continued, swallowing as another joined them at the table.

    El looked up to her with a small smile when Maya introduced her. Piper. That was a pretty name. She nodded her head at the girl. "Nice to meet you, Piper. Can I call you Pipes?" Unfortunately there wasn't a shorter version of "El", but she had to guess it would do just fine. "Trust me, he isn't usually that bad--"

    She had no idea of what Kaio would do next, and honestly, she'd hoped he wouldn't do something to prove her statement wrong, but of course, all that mattered was annoying Maya more. El rolled her eyes and stuffed more food into her mouth, swallowing before she continued talking.

    "Spoke too soon."
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  • Makaio had broken one cardinal rule for the fun of it. He never should have gone after Maya's food, but he had to admit, getting reactions out of his cousin was one of his favorite past times. So of course, when Maya's first reaction was to slap the back of his head, instead of sulking, his first response was to grin, because he knew that too would irritate her further.

    The grin only faltered a little when Maya's friend Piper came to the table. He wasn't a fan of being introduced as an asshole, no matter how true the statement was. But, he thought as he ran a hand through his brown hair, if Maya wanted to call him an asshole, he guessed he would prove her right. He could have just left it alone, but Maya soon had her arm on him, attempting to tug him up to pay for some more food for her.

    "Oh you are buying me another plate of bacon. Come on cuz. Let's get my damn bacon."

    It was funny how Maya wanted to do this "cousin love" thing so much, but she couldn't get over one damn piece of bacon being taken from her plate. As if she only had one piece. Kaio was more than willing to share with her as soon as he got his plate, but now that she was acting up - Kaio ignored how that was definitely his fault - he decided he really did have to prove her right, and so he got up.

    And while he got up, he leaned a bit down to put Maya over his shoulder. He fixed his grip so his tiny-ass cousin wouldn't fall even if she started to flail in his arms. "Hello, Piper. Nice to meet you." He gave Piper a grin. "Good to know my teeny excuse of a cousin has made some nice friends. Now, if you'll excuse us, we need to get the bacon she so desperately craves - even though her current food will get cold!" And with that, Kaio started to walk off to the food line.



    K A I O
    location: cafeteria
    mood: "kaio that's really rude" I ask again, who's gonna beat my ass?
    with: el, maya, piper
    tags: r e i r e i , revalia revalia



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    A S T E R

    location: soccer field -> cafeteria
    mood: hello!! hello!!!!!
    with: wilbur, sari
    tags: drummerboi drummerboi , r e i r e i


    Aster nodded as Wilbur spoke, giving him a soft smile as he mentioned cooking breakfast for his roommates. How sweet. "That also is very kind of you, Wilbur." She said after she had gotten his name, moving her bike along the path as they headed towards the cafeteria. He actually didn't seem that bad, now that she hadn't been surprised by him. But whenever Aster was uneasy, the feeling stuck with her for a while, no matter how sweet the person was. She felt a little guilty about it, but there was nothing she could do except try her best to keep the feeling in the pit of her stomach.

    "Aster, I didn't see you last night. So I guessed you decided to hide out in your dorm from the party. I was gonna go and check on you but I got into a little trouble. I'm glad I ran into you though. I was a little worried. "

    Aster was relieved to see a familiar face, especially Sari's, when she was feeling like this. She heard the end of Wilbur's sentence, though, and turned to answer him first. She filled in the blanks when it came to the name of the woman Wilbur had been looking for. "Unfortunately I have not met a Chris, nor a Christine yet during my limited time on this campus." She frowned a bit at that - she wished she would have been able to help him.

    After that, Aster turned back to Sari with a pleased and genuine smile. "It is so good to see you, dear Sari." The older girl knew her so well. "I was a little overwhelmed at the thought of a party so early on, so you are correct - I spent the time decorating my room." There was no point of adding "with flowers", because Sari would have filled in the blank space anyway. She really did know her, after all the time they'd known each other. Aster's eyes softened as Sari introduced herself to Wilbur and he returned the favor, bringing out his cookies once more. She didn't speak for Sari, but she had a feeling the girl might also want to wait until breakfast.

    "We are heading to the cafeteria now, if you would like to join us when you're done with your journey - waking up Jim?" Aster giggled a bit at the thought, but she knew the assumption was common at this point. "We can save you both a seat."
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Location: swimming pool Outfit: xxx Mentions: revalia revalia cinnabuns cinnabuns Scenario: the passion of dancing Tags: revalia revalia

Zerek was dancing. Something that made him feel the most alive. The thing that made him feel like himself truly. He, of course, had to do it in secret because Sergio and his father would think it was useless and forbidden to do it. So he kept his dancing in secret. Luckily this year, Sergio let him chose his electives instead of him doing it for him. So Zerek took dance. He needed to practice before the first meeting so he woke up early and snuck out of his room.

His usual place was the swimming pool, because no one came in there this early, and had the room for him to dance. It also helped that due to his status as a member of the swimming team, he was allowed access to the swimming pool. Sergio only came in here when Zerek had races, to prove to Frank, his father that he was leading the young male on the right path of being the best. He had to win races to impress the old man and even then he was never truly impressed. As Zerek began his next routine not noticing, someone had spotted him. He lost himself in the music, which was playing through his headphones.

He was so into his dancing that he even started to sing along to the music as he was dancing. This was his true self. Free and open and just damn free. He loved losing himself to the passion and the music. It was a feeling he lived for. He just never had or have the courage to tell Sergio. Esther of course knew but only cause she caught him years ago dancing. She had been trying to get him to be truthful about his passion, which would have been nice to have that little push if it wasn't for the fact that Zerek knew that she was only doing it to cause trouble.

Hell, she only went along with this whole arranged marriage shit, because she thought it would be funny to throw a wrench into her family plans later on. She had no intention of following her family's wishes, neither did Sergio. Zerek didn't fucking care really.

His only concern was Sergio, or dad he loves to jokingly call him. The boy has been there for him ever since his parents couldn't care less about him. Sergio was the only one who showed him that someone did care what the fuck happens to him and not only because his dad ordered him to. He owes him.


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June Rockers
Mood: Slightly Embarrassed
Location: Dorm > Cafe > Courtyard
Mentions: r e i r e i TheWaffleLord TheWaffleLord
Outfit: โ‚

The freshman party was definitely a blast, but boy did it drain June. She didn't mean to sleep for so long, especially since the Arts and Writing Club's first meeting was in a few hours. Alas, the young blonde couldn't help herself to sneak in a couple more "zzz"s on her oh so comfy Panda Pillow Pet. Sadly, her blissful sleep was interrupted by one of her roomies and bodyguard, Sari.

"Come on Junie. You have to go meet up with Maya in the cafe."

June let out a small groan and shifted in her bed until she was facing the ceiling. It was nice to have people so close to Danny to help her out and make sure she's on schedule but she's a grown lady now! Plus, if Danny wanted to make sure she was doing okay, she could always come and talk for once. June let out a sigh, how she wished things would go back to normal with her sister. However, this was no time to fret about her complicated relationship with Danny, she needed to get her day started. June let out a yawn and rubbed her eyes.

"I'm heading out now, but get dress soon. You know Maya has class soon too."

June nodded slightly and opened one eye to see Sari grab her skateboard and leave. The freshman sat up in her bed and stretched her arms in the air. 'Time for a new day~!' She thought to herself and got of bed to get ready for her day. Now, it didn't take long for the young lass to get dressed and packed for today. With a giant smile on her face, June headed out of her dorm and made her way to the cafe.

Once there, June entered the cafe and looked around for Maya. It didn't take long to find her lively friend/bodyguard surrounded by her friends and seemingly enjoying herself. 'I can't bother her when she's having so much fun.' June thought and decided to leave Maya be for now. She did, however, order herself a chocolate chip croissant and some orange juice. After grabbing her meal, she looked over at Maya and smiled before leaving. From the cafe, June made her way to the courtyard, eating most of her croissant and having some orange juice left. Seeing how there were already a few people in the courtyard, June had some time left before morning clubs begin. "Hm, there's gotta be a good tree around here," June mumbled. After scanning the area, she did find a worthy tree and began her climb.

It didn't take her long to reach the top and position herself comfortably on a branch. She let out a sigh and gazed at the view, starting to feel her creative juices flowing. June reached into her bag looking for her new, never been opened, sketchbook she had been saving for Arts and Writing. 'I know I would save this for my first club meeting but I just can't help it!' June thought with a giggle. Unfortunately, while she was rustling in her backpack she didn't notice she was slowly falling off until it was too late. With a yelp, she found herself falling onto the lap of a redhead boy. "Oops! Sorry about that!" She apologized, "I usually never fall out of trees...Oh darn it I ruined my croissant too." June pouted looking at the pastry on the ground.

  • Ah, Bea thought. These two were definitely a pair.

    She mirrored the smile on Mateo's face as he introduced himself and his friend, Tulia. They seemed to have quite a cute relationship from what little she was able to observe. Bea had to admit they were attractive, but she was certain they were together, from the way they acted. Plus, there was a nagging thought in her brain that told her her boyfriend wouldn't appreciate her flirting with some new students. Speaking of, she wondered where he was, and if he was still asleep on the first day. Bea pulled out her phone as Mateo gave Tulia a noogie, taking the moment to text her beau to make sure he was awake.

    "jared sugar ~ need me to come wake you up? < 3 - bea"

    In the back of her mind, Bea knew what Jared's answer would be, but she loved being coy around him. It made him a little frustrated, but honest, and the latter was what she cared about the most. Since they had started dating their main issue had been good communication - something Bea excelled in, but Jared had a tough time with. She didn't mind being patient and if it took her "annoying" him to get there, well. She'd do what she had to, of course.

    Once she'd finished her text, she looked back up to Mateo and Tulia, who had just called her the 'nice American girl'. Aww. They were something special. "Yea, of course I can help you!" Bea grinned, shoving her phone back into her back pocket. "I was actually goin' to the cafeteria myself. Follow me!"

    With that, she started to walk towards the cafeteria, with a little skip in her step. "So what brought ya two to WDU?" She asked. "I'm here for Dance."


    B E A

    location: main grounds -> cafeteria
    mood: awww, cute.
    with: mateo & tulia, text: jared
    tags: AnimeGenork AnimeGenork , r e i r e i


โ give yourself a try. โž
will may have arrived a few days late to university, due to his lack of organisation, but he had a notebook full of ideas ready to explore during his chemistry class. while most of the student body was asleep in their dorm rooms, will had snuck out of his dorm's window and carefully climbed down the brick wall. sure, it may have been easier to leave through the front door, but where's the fun in that? plus will had already lost his dorm room key.

once his feet had hit the ground, will glanced around his environment - the only sound he could hear was the soft whispering of the cool air that rattled the bushes around him. a smirk formed upon his lips as he turned around on his heels and made a dash towards the chemistry room, his sneakers gently clapping against the stone pathway. a rush of adrenaline surged through will's veins as he hid behind a wall, uncertain if there was someone else - a teacher - was standing there. after waiting a few moments to steady his heavy breathing, will peered around the corner and quietly strolled towards the science building.

his feet stopped at the grand entrance while he swiftly pulled out a bobby pin from his jeans waist, bending the ends of the pin with his teeth before jamming the thin wire into the key lock and aggressively tried his best to unlock the door. "c'mon, the movies always make it look easy," will whined underneath his breath, shaking the pin once more before hearing a click. a grin appeared on will's face before pushing the door open and slipped inside, closing the door behind him.

with his backpack bouncing behind him on his back, will slipped into one of the chemistry labs with ease. the male chucked his bag across the room and onto an empty desk; his shoulders relaxed as will switched on the lights, watching them flicker slowly to life. with an unwipeable grin stuck to his face, will pulled out his red notebook full of questionable ideas and began to tinker using the school's lab equipment and chemicals; thanks to the school's lack of knowing will's sneaking, of course.


Location: in front of dorm 207 Outfit: xxx Mentions: nymphadora. nymphadora. Scenario: dorm 207 Tags: nymphadora. nymphadora.

Carter was drawing a new design by the time it was time for him to go pick up Sabine. His boss, Danny told him to pick up her best friend for her first day of classes and for breakfast. He normally does this for Danny who goes to pick up Sabine on the way, but she had a meeting this morning and Margo was with her. So it was his job to pick up Sabine instead and walk her to class. He barely slept last night, nightmares were a normal thing for him.

Normally he would have taken sleeping pills to have a dreamless sleep but he forgot it due to the excitement of the party last night and how late he got to his dorm. So that was one sleepless night he wasn't gonna get back. Carter yawns, climbing out the bed and going to the bathroom. He hurried up and switched into the clothes he was going to wear today. Grabbing his sketchbook, he quietly ran out of his dorm trying to not to disturb his roommate. Salehe was the last one in the bed. Tobias had run out earlier without even a glance at him.

He felt his phone ding with a message. He opened it to see a message from Margo, reminding him to go and pick up Sabine. He quickly texts back. already on the way to get her, tell Danny her best friend was safe. Carter then ran to the girl's dorm. He looked at his notes on his phone, where Danny had typed the dorm number that Sabine was in. 207, he walked in the building, looking at the dorm numbers until landing on 207. He knocks on the dorm. He did a knocking pattern to let Sabine know it was him, and then he waited by the dorm for her to come out. It was still pretty early. So he would give her a couple minutes.



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    M I T Z I

    location: oliver's room
    mood: c'mon, ollie.
    with: oliver, mina
    tags: izayoiix izayoiix


    Mitzi's eyes fluttered open as her alarm went off.

    She stayed in bed for a few moments, listening to the song she'd picked before turning it off and shifting to look at the man in bed with her. Green eyes scanned the man, giving him a thorough once-over before she let out a - slightly exasperated - sigh. Oliver was horrible with waking up on time, so she knew getting him up now would be a challenge. Mitzi had a minor flashback to a time when she'd tried waking him up by knocking on his door and, after twenty minutes, she'd given up. She hoped now that he had an arm wrapped around her, it would be a bit easier for her, but she wasn't banking on that working. The only way to see if it would work fine was to try it, so....

    "Oliver." Mitzi tried to sit up a bit, but of course his hold on her made that a bit difficult. She pushed a bit on his arm to be successful, letting it wrap around her hips instead of her waist. "Ollie, come on, you're gonna be late. We're gonna be late." He knew how much she hated that, but until he was awake she'd keep pressing him. She brought a hand up, going through his brown-blond locks, leaning down to press a kiss against his lips.

    "I can't make you a cup of coffee if I'm stuck here, Ollie." Mitzi hoped the mention of caffeine would help jump-start his brain. She was being unrealistic; the man liked his rest a lot more than he liked coffee. She knew that, and yet she was trying anyway. How silly of her, she thought, and then a fuzzy tail caught her eye.

    Mina jumped up onto the bed with a 'mrrrt!' - and Mitzi couldn't tell if that noise was because the cat was hungry or because she wanted attention. She held out her hand for Oliver's pet and Mina immediately brushed against it, purring like a motorboat. "Mina, you want to eat?" She asked, and the dark grey cat meowed again, moving over to Oliver and beginning to make biscuits on his leg.

    Mitzi was happy then that Oliver had been too lazy recently to cut her nails, and with the last bit of hope she had scheduled for Ollie at the moment, she wished Mina's claws were sharp enough to help wake up the bigger cat in the room.
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  • Esther was okay with mornings, she swore it. But for some reason this morning, she was enjoying how warm it was in bed.

    Last night was a little bit of a blur for her; she remembered most of it, but she had let Bea fix her drinks and had forgotten the girl was notorious for adding a little too much alcohol without it tasting so. So after three - or was it four? - drinks, things had gotten a little hazy. She barely could recall what had happened next, but nice arms and equally as nice lips were staying in her mind.

    As if she had wished to remember it again, suddenly the man next to her shifted, wrapping an arm around her as he continued to snooze. Ah, yes, now things were a bit clearer in her mind. As much as she enjoyed tricking hers and Sergio's parents, the two were more like siblings than romantic partners. So she and he both enjoyed their own flings without any issue, respectively, especially when they were away at university and their parents visited only once in a while. It gave them time to find out what they actually liked, and Sergio seemed to have found a girl to catch his eye. She supported them, but she knew Sergio liked to tease, using their fake relationship to bother the girl, and Esther, being Esther, would only be happy to assist...you know.

    Once her head stopped spinning, of course.

    Esther groaned softly, turning to the guy in bed with her and nuzzling close to his chest. Her intimate actions in the morning could prove her trickster persona otherwise, but the man was so warm, she had to take advantage of the moment. She needed the comfort while she felt her slight hangover take effect. She mumbled softly under her breath, as speaking any louder messed with her head.

    "What did you do to me last night? And do we have to get up today?" She was much more interested in staying here.



    E S T H E R

    location: taddeo's room
    mood: I don't wanna get uppp.
    with: teddy
    tags: r e i r e i


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  • "Nice to meet you Doe, I'm--I can show you the way, no problem."

    Doe's eyes softened a bit as Theo was about to repeat himself; she guessed she wasn't the only one having a hard time. She found that endearing, and it made her smile a bit more, as her blush began to match his. She found herself lost in his eyes for a moment - the baby blue stood out with his outfit - before nodding and following beside him to the admissions office.

    For some reason his eyes stayed in her mind, and she immediately thought of how well a pop of blue similar to the shade of his eyes would look sewn onto a black piece of clothing, something small.... Doe glanced over his outfit again during their silent walk, something she was actually comfortable with; silence could be nice, especially if there was nothing to say, and it helped her go through the items she could sew. From Theo's glasses and behavior she got a hint he could be the tidy type. But she just couldn't figure out what exactly would fit with the colors going through her thoughts.

    Doe was brought back from her moment of daydreaming when Theo went through his bag, and she tilted her head as she watched him, about to ask what he was searching for, but he beat her to the question as he pulled out an apple, presenting it to her.

    "Are you hungry? I had this spare apple with me and I thought you'd might like it."

    Doe stared at the apple for a moment as her face started to turn from the light pink it had been to a deeper shade of red, matching her hair and then matching the apple in Theo's hand. She was lucky her stomach didn't betray her, as she hadn't had time to eat that morning and still didn't know where the cafeteria was. "T-Thank you." She managed to get out, and this action of kindness helped to set a light bulb off in her brain. She felt a bit in his debt, and his offering helped her focus on what this gentleman needed.

    A bowtie.

    Doe took the apple from him, holding it in her hands as she met his eyes, black meeting blue. "I appreciate your assistance, Theo." She bowed her head a bit; it had been a while since someone had offered her anything, so of course she was cherishing this moment a bit more than necessary. But then, she remembered he had been busy and took the time out to help her, so she stiffened a bit, one of her hands going to her hair again as she spoke.

    "I'm sorry for taking up so much of your time."


    D O E

    location: entrance -> admissions building
    mood: a little entranced?
    with: theodore
    tags: nymphadora. nymphadora.


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Nico รlvarez

The party went by so fast, Nico would've thought it'd been a dream. The hickeys, the scratches on his back, and the sweet perfume that lingered on him confirmed that the escapade from last night actually happened. He remembered a gorgeous girl named Lilith who became an amorous conquest after playing a game of Never Have I Ever. He unfortunately wasn't spared from a throbbing headache; he drank at least five bottles of beer.

Worth it.

When the door creaked open and Alec stepped into the room, Nico realized he was certainly back in his assigned dorm. Somehowโ€”despite being inebriatedโ€”he managed to find his way back to his own bed, too. That in itself was an impressive feat. He watched with bleary eyes as his roommate sat down and started talking.

"Someone had one hell of a night, huh?"
A small, cocky smile adorned Nico's face. "Ohh, a damn good one. Believe me." His phone vibrated on the bedside table. He reached out and silently read the group message sent from Kida. Shit, that's rightโ€”I'm supposed to meet them at the entrance. I should get dressed... It was only a few moments later that his reliable friend, Tarus, barged into the dorm. He should've known he would come to yank him out of bed.

"I swear...Nico. Come on....wake up. We got to go, Roman is gonna be here any minute."
"Gimme five minutes. Damn." Nico swallowed the aspirin pill without any water to chase it, and before he knew it, Tarus snatched the blanket from his body. One thing that rang consistently true about Nico รlvarez was that he never slept with any clothes on; otherwise it was just downright uncomfortable for him.

Tarus knew this, but he was unfazed by the full frontal nudity. After all, the guy was training to be in medicineโ€”why be skittish about human anatomy? He probably did this to embarrass Nico into hurrying up and getting out bed more quickly, but it was a fruitless attempt. The Latino had no shame in the matter. His head began to throb when Tarus shouted in his ear; he swatted him away and flipped him off.

Nico grumbled profanities as he got up and got changed in a set of clothes. The young man wasn't mortified to be exposed in that short amount of time, but he probably couldn't say the same for his roommate.
location: his dorm
mood: dead tired
outfit: birthday suitโ†’nico
scenario: i regret nothing
with: Tarus & Alec
tags: r e i r e i revalia revalia nymphadora. nymphadora.
code by pasta

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Character Nemo | Dorm 204 (Sandy & Cora) | Major Biology| Year First| Electives French & Study Group
Mood Refreshed| Scenario Dancing...by the pool? | Location Pool | Outfit Clothing + Swimsuit
Mentions Cora ( TheWaffleLord TheWaffleLord ), Sandy ( r e i r e i )| Conversing Zerek ( r e i r e i )

Early mornings were always Naomi's favorite time of the day. It were the few hours where the female had her own time to train back home. Here was no different, especially since Hannah has elected her as the captain before she dropped down. Having the key to the pool and showers was a gift from God. That being said, just like she utilizes early hours for training and practice... in her case it was simply her daily routine, other members of her swim team will be allowed as well. It's not just her that like early morning training, like her, there can be others and if there is anything Naomi encourages, it was training.

Having escaped the dark depths of her dorms where her long time best friend Cora and her newly made friend, Sandy who were long gone in their land of dreams where as Naomi was hurrying to her land of swimming. Taking her belongings in their bathroom she stripped off her nightwear and slipped into her one piece swimsuit and a pair of white shorts for the time being. Placing a towel round her neck and a fresh outfit for the day ahead in her bag and headed down towards the pool at around five in the morning. Leaving a not so neat bed and floor around her bed. Naomi was not the most organised, she was in fact quite messy. She calls it her organised mess. Cora might have gotten used to it from knowing her for so long but she doubted that Sandy did. Messes aside, she made her way towards the pool main door and blanked a bit. "Shit... shit shit... The key..." the red-head scrambled in her pockets. No key. She tried to take deep breaths before placing her bag down and started searching deeply inside before the little tiny silver key came to her hands and let out a relieved sigh, "There you are you nasty little bugger."

Getting up and lifting her bag once more the female unlocked and closed behind her, leaving it unlocked for the purposes indicated above. Placing her stuff in the locker room, she removed her shorts and took out her goggles with her water bottle and headed towards the pool. Inhaling, the female could smell the familiar scent of freshly chlorinated water she was so accustomed to. Reminding her of all the marathons she did and all the trophies she had acquired, making a name for herself in the swimming industry at such a young age. Placing the goggles over her head and on her eyes the female prepared and dove in head first and jetted, starting her laps. Every time she went forth, she front stroked and when she went back, she back stroked. Back and forth she went. Covering five laps before she had to stop to take a break. The female took a sip from her water bottle by the edge of the pool before continuing her recurring laps till time passed and passed till it was eventually 6:30 in the morning.

After her last lap, the female took note of the time on her waterproof wristwatch and decided it was best to start heading for the showers and rinse herself off. And so she did, it took only around fifteen to twenty minutes to ready herself. A nice fresh outfit, her usual vivid orange fiery locks were a dull auburn color due to the wet texture it had. Changing her swimming bag to her backpack she went out drying her hair with the towel however she halted in her steps slowly. She saw a person, not swimming but dancing. Dancing by the pool? Sure it was quiet but the pool of all places?

As she proceeded drying her hair with the towel, Naomi approached the male that his moves were flowing smoothly. Naomi was impressed, she also remembered the face as she got closer. He signed up for swim team on the first day. Zerek was his name? Probably. As the male seemed lost in his own world, Naomi watched. As he was or seemed to have finished Naomi started clapping, "Sweet moves! You're really smooth in your moves, Zerek, was it?" the freckled face inquired. "Why dancing by the pool? If I may ask?" Naomi was genuinely asking out of sheer curiosity.
Coded by Invidia
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(Ignore Gen the Hypocrite)​

  • Keaton Landau a.k.a. Emperor Kuzco

    I Was Dragged All Over Those Hills And I Did Not Hear Any Singing

    Mood: Perfectly Normal (Kinda) | Scenario: Memories Suck/Exorcism? | Location: Cafeteria | With: Leo, Jin, Megan, Hook | Tags: nymphadora. nymphadora. TheWaffleLord TheWaffleLord revalia revalia Aero Aero | Outfit: This
    Considering it was his second year here, Keaton was not surprised at the mixed reactions from the students in the cafeteria. Some simply could not handle the pure, unadulterated awesomeness that was Keaton Landau. Though if he was not mistaken, there was a freshman girl sitting with a freshman guy looking at him as if he was the sun--which, of course, he was. It seemed he'd already won her over. Kudos to him!

    Having received his breakfast, Keaton decided to check on the only being worthy of being his wingman--Leo King, the true King of Partying. Out of the corner of his eye, he'd seen his friend give him the finger, and his enemy for Leo's wingfections (wingman affections) had made a snarky and misguided comment. So what if he'd forgotten some had hangovers? He hadn't drunk a drop of alcohol! It was hard to remember this type of thing when you never indulged in the drink that caused such crippling morning problems. But c'est la vie.

    Keaton decided it was best he check on Leo--on a normal day, his friend would never make such a rude gesture at him. As he made his way over to the table where the "Hunks" were sitting, Keaton remembered again how terribly offensive it was that he had never been invited to bear this title. Wasn't he attractive? Of course he was. So why had his wingman never extended the invitation. It was all terribly upsetting.

    Not to mention... it reminded him how truly alone he was.

    No. He was not going to go there. Not now. But before he could shut it down, the memory surfaced anyway.

    ~ ~ ~

    Llamas were great. Keaton had loved them from the moment he saw them. So that day, he was busy watching the llamas at the zoo walk around, being llamas. His favorite llama, Bernard, looked right at him, and he turned around to tell his mom--

    But she wasn't there.

    "Mommy?" he called, but she didn't magically reappear from the crowd. Now he was starting to get worried. "Mommy?" he screamed, pushing his way through the crowds, tears starting to run down his round cheeks. "Where are you?" His shoulders shook as he tried not to cry. He was a big boy, and big boys didn't cry, but he just couldn't help himself, he was so alone.

    Finally, he found himself back in front of the llama enclosure, and he glanced at them for reassurance. Bernard simply blinked back, almost sadly, as if confirming what Keaton had already feared.

    His parents had left him here. Alone.

    And eventually, everyone else would leave him, too.

    ~ ~ ~

    Well, gee, that was pleasant to relive in the middle of the cafeteria. Keaton could only hope no one had seen the fear on his face. Whenever he relived that dreadful day at the zoo--the anniversary of which was thankfully months away--Keaton's body went into autopilot, meaning his face would go blank for a few seconds. Any cracks in his armor risked his reputation as a confident god. Mistakes were something he could not afford.

    But anyway. Back to Leo.

    Keaton arrived at the table just as Sergio left with Lilith Monroe. (Okay, Keaton had to admit, if he wasn't so infatuated with his own beauty, he would be admiring Sergio. No wonder he was part of the Hunks.) That left him an opening to set down his tray slightly apart from the rest of them. Megan was there, cuddling up to Hook--not exactly a ship Keaton had ever thought would sail, but GOOD FOR THEM! he thought--and Jin was trying to convince Leo to eat.

    "Apologies if I offended you, Leo," Keaton breezed, nodding to the Ibuprofen bottle. "I often forget hangovers exist, considering I don't drink. Everyone knows you're the real party king. I'm simply the party emperor when it comes to dramatic entrances." And making a stale party awesome again, he added silently.

    "As for your exorcism, I believe you'd need some holy water, which I don't happen to have, and you need some sort of priest. I'm the closest you've got to that, considering my adoptive mother insists I practice Catholicism. Otherwise, I'm afraid you're out of luck on my end. Though I did snag this for you." He slid a small bottle of Powerade across the table. "That's supposed to help, and since you refuse to eat the eggs Jin oh-so-wisely suggests you consume, that's the only assistance I can offer." He shrugged, as if it didn't really matter to him if Leo accepted his rare genuine aid. And truthfully, the narcissistic side of him didn't care. His help was obviously going to be accepted by somebody--he was Keaton Landau, for God's sake!

    And yet, the part of him that had relived the worst day of his life feared that maybe Leo was starting to leave him.

    Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

โ she had a face out of a magazine. โž
gunner (mentioned).
adeline was fine. there was nothing wrong, she was perfectly whole with herself without him - so why did it feel like hell?

adeline could hardly sleep that night; once the alcohol had worn off and ended up in the once white toilet bowl, the redhead swiftly and methodically got dressed and prepared herself for the day. with her red hair tied up neatly in a ponytail and her favourite hoodie enveloping her whole, adeline left her apartment with the door slamming behind her.

the drive to campus was quiet, adeline was stuck with her thoughts as she drove to campus with the radio playing cheesy pop songs that seemed to blend with each other. the redhead chewed her lower lip as she parked her car and headed to the cafeteria, feeling her stomach grumble for food. as the sounds of cheerful and hungover chatter echoed through the room, adeline made her way through the line with her boots clapping against the wooden floor.

with her tray full of food in hand, adeline made her way towards an empty table and dumped her belongings onto the table, grabbing her textbook from her bag. she swiftly flickered to the middle of her book and began to read quietly, munching on an apple as her eyes studied the tiny words printed on the book. the constant murmur of the student-filled cafeteria helped adeline's mind rest at ease, her free hand gripping to the hem of her sleeve as she immersed herself in the text book.

Character Olaf | Dorm 201 (Penelope & Dakota) | Major Chemistry| Year First| Electives Music & Theater
Mood Intrigued| Scenario Looking for some experimenting I see... | Location Chemistry Lab | Outfit Clothing + Shirt
Mentions Jacob ( nymphadora. nymphadora. ), Dakota ( AnimeGenork AnimeGenork ), Penelope ( izayoiix izayoiix )| Conversing Will ( nymphadora. nymphadora. )

Olivia was a bit bummed that she did not get to enjoy the freshmen party for long. It seemed like a great deal of fun and nice way to start new interactions. However, her flight had been delayed due to bad weather the day prior. Hence, arriving late at night on campus. Registering herself and settled in her dorm placement. She in fact briefly met with the girls she was to share her dorm with for this year. One of her room-mates stuck out to her, was a fashion prodigy, Dakota who seems to have a pet pig who seemed really cute. Olivia decided that for once she woke up early in her life to go around and uncover new areas. In fact, waking up she seemed to have woken up around the same time Dakota was getting ready to set off. Bidding her a good morning, Olivia followed afterwards to get dressed and head out.

Getting in some white branded tee, black jeans and ankle boots, the white blonde motioned out towards the ground where the sun had already started shining over campus. Olivia was not one to have breakfast however she did stop by the cafeteria for a bottle of water. She may have not eaten in morning but she could drink gallons and gallons of water any day. Now that she was properly hydrated she decided to start her exploring near the science block, specifically the chemistry lab. Nothing was better than watching elements chemically reacting with one another and observing such changes. The block's door to the labs was somehow open. Furrowing a blonde brow, Olivia opened the door and closed it behind her. It was quiet, nothing was heard, yet the door was open.

Something smelt fishy and no it was not just the stuffy air that had formed from the doors and windows being closed but another kind. A figuratively speaking kind. Delving deeper down the corridor she approached the labs, seeing the lights flicker on from her sport. That raised two furrowed eyebrows. Someone was in here unauthorized, pretty much like she was. Raising the corner of her lip, Liv motioned towards the door. This mischief was the kind of mischief she wished she had her twin brother, Jacob, for. Sadly he and her parted ways when they were just ten years of age, even though they kept close contact. In fact she had told him about attending University however, he did not mention any plans he had of his own. Shaking her head out her thoughts the female approached ever so silently towards the male that seemed to be delved deep into his curious ideals. Looking to the side she saw safety spectacles which she wore, however, the male lacked them.

Olivia tiptoed by his side and leaned forward to his level, her face a tad close to his before offering the safety goggles, "Haven't they ever told you safety precautions whenever you enter a chemistry lab, hmm?" a mischievous grin dancing on her lip as she intended to make his adrenaline rush burst. Most probably.
Coded by Invidia
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  • 3e107b9205f1d917019e0a173fcfd07f.png

    Location: in his lovely bed Outfit: in his boxers Mentions: cinnabuns cinnabuns Scenario: nope, not yet. Tags: cinnabuns cinnabuns

    Jared was in his bed knocked out. The party last night went on for hours, by the time 3 am came along. He was still at the frat house. His girlfriend, Bea, went to her dorm a couple hours before. So all he was doing was chilling with his friends. He finally got into the back around 4 am. The party was quiet and dead by the time he left. He instantly fell asleep when his head hit the bed. Luckily he didn't drink, knowing he had a class that morning.

    So when his phone alarm went off and a ding saying he had a message. He wasn't overly mad, just tired as hell. Jared grabbed his phone, muting the alarm instantly, and then reading the message. He groans at Bea. She already knew that he needed a wake-up call but she wouldn't exactly come until he clearly stated it. Talking wasn't his strongest part, nor was expressing his feelings. He texted back quickly. maybe babe... He then laid back down. Knowing that she would come in soon, and force him to get up.

    Jared was gonna enjoy his last couple moments of peaceful sleep.


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โ all i ever wanted was the world. โž
brothers + sergio.
lilith's eyebrows furrowed together as she watched sergio pick her bruised hand and began examining the purple bruises that blossomed over her knuckles. the female hardly noticed the throbbing pain that stung her hand; she wasn't one to start a sudden punch, but augustus had that kind of face that was made to be punched. the female tried her best to keep a strong appearance, pain shooting up her arm like fire every time her finger trembled yet somehow, everything hurt less with sergio around.

"i didn't expect to see him again, ever." lilith murmured with a low voice, running her free hand through her raven hair anxiously - even with the help of her heeled boots, sergio still managed to tower over her as she tried to find comfort in his mossy green eyes. lilith didn't know what to do, her emotions were running at full speed which was an extremely rare occurrence for her, especially since she had to stay focus and keep thinking logically; for tobias' sake.

"last time i saw him was before my sixteenth birthday, when i thought he was the greatest thing ever," lilith scoffed, her words quivering with hardly noticeable sorrow as her eyes flickered to the stone ground, almost embarrassed that he had to see her in such an awful state while a thought popped into her head: maybe she shouldn't have seen him.

"fuck," lilith's voice hesitated a bit before she continued, her eyebrows knitting together as she tried to regain her composure, "i was so looking forward to today as well." she whined, her fingers anxiously itched for a puff of a cigarette, a sniff of a pretty white line or a drink of tequila, anything to make the day go faster.

  • "I should really be asking you, what did you do to me but whatever we did. I would very much like to do it again sometime."

    Esther liked her men forward. She had a feeling that was why she was even in this bed now with this man. When he had wrapped his arms around her, she felt safe - a little of an odd feeling for her. She hadn't felt safe in a while. But she rather enjoyed it for once. That was why she cuddled closer to him with a soft sigh, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in her head. Esther chuckled when she heard what he said next.

    "Well I don't know about you but I wasn't planning on leaving this bed...."

    He seemed a little attached already. It was cute; he was kind of like a little puppy. She didn't mind it in the slightest, but she did look up and open her eyes to give him a look. "You don't think we'll miss anything important?" She teased, dragging her fingers gently against his upper arm while batting her eyelashes. "Who would we be to miss our first class?"

    Esther continued to speak as her fingers continued to trace down to Teddy's elbow. "Well, I guess your idea sounds really nice. Relaxing, even." She pretended to ponder it with a smile, as if she hadn't decided what she wanted to do earlier. Of course she wouldn't mind staying for a little while longer. At least until she was well certain her headache was gone. "I would love to." Her smile got a big bigger at that.

    "Besides, I haven't even the foggiest clue what your name is. How can I leave a man I've had such an intimate night with without a proper introduction?"

    Esther liked to flirt, and though she was certain the handsome man next to her didn't remember much of the night either, she wanted to make that apparent right off the bat with him. It was like a second language to her. It was fun, and the only thing that kept her going more than it was spite - something she wasn't actually feeling at the moment. Maybe she shouldn't discredit the guy yet, she thought.

    "I'm Esther."



    E S T H E R

    location: taddeo's room
    mood: temptinggg~.
    with: teddy
    tags: r e i r e i


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[div class=textbox]At the sound of his girlfriend's alarm, Oliver wanted to groan. But then that would mean letting said girlfriend know he was awake. While he hated being woken up, actually getting up and starting the day was even worse in his opinion.

As Mitzi began to move, trying to get up, he hid his smirk as he tightened his grip on her slightly, hiding his smirk as he made her attempts to start the day harder. Sure, she might hit him for it later, but hey, much like the kitten that was dozing nearby, he enjoyed his sleep. As she pressed a sleepy kiss to his lips, he let out a small moan, enjoying this attempt. It was starting to tempt him to actually wake up.

He was even further tempted at her offer to make him coffee. Mitzi knew him well. Her and coffee were two of his largest weaknesses, and when it was Mitzi making his coffee? Well no doubt it was going to be the best damn cup of coffee he'd ever had. But he resisted, shifting lightly, attempting to tug lightly on her waist in a 'sleepy' effort to bring his girlfriend back to bed.

So deep in his thoughts, he missed the low voice of his girlfriend speaking to his small cat who had jumped onto the bed without rustling the blankets. "Shit shit, ow ow ow okay! I'm up, damn it...!" he cursed, jerking to a somewhat upright position as he yanked his leg away from his cat, his voice still rough from sleep.

"Damn it, Mitz, remind me next time to get her nails cut. Shit that hurt..." Oliver grumbled, hunching over to inspect the red marks on his leg. He frowned, poking at it, only to wince. He sent a wounded look to his girlfriend who seemed happy that Mina's tiny talons were long enough to get him up.

with ; Mitzi | tags ; cinnabuns cinnabuns | location ; Dorm Room​
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[/div][div class=credits]credits RI.a RI.a [/div]

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