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Fandom The Nexus Realms(Super Fandom Crossover)

Field Marshall

Eight Thousand Club

Basically it's a fandom crossover based somewhat off an anime called Mondaiji. 

It'll takes place in somewhere called the Nexus Realms which connects to all the other universes of series that will be crossing over. The first thing is that those universe are AUs of their Canon verses meaning characters will be slightly to drastically different from their canon counterparts. Basically people from other universes are summoned from their own verses to the Nexus Realms. 

In the Nexus Realms people participate in what are called Gift Games which are basically challengee in which they compete against one another, these challenges can range from simple fights to solving mysteries. And in these Games people wager abilities and equipment which are called Gifts. This is the general appeal of the place where beings can have a chance to win it big or what not. 

Gifts are special abilities and equipment like fire manipulation or a magic sword or a high tech rifle or a mecha. 

In the Nexus Realms beings form what are known as Communities which are like guilds, kingdoms, and what not. Beings form communities to survive because one cannont survive or prosper in the Nexus Realms alone. 

The Nexus Realms exist in closed off timelines and a center dimensions which is how people can be summoned across time and space. There are many Nexus Realms each one basically giant planets spanning the space of their dimensions which are the sizes of universes. The central Realm is called the Nexus this is where the best of best are. 


Our characters will be summoned to the Nexus Realms from their respectrespective verses be it they are au of canon characters, oc, or oc children of canon characters. They would be summoned by a No Name community(basically a community with just about nothing) and basically the goal of the RP is start from the bottom and climb our way to the top. Our characters will develop over the course of the RP gaining power, loser power, and what not.

If you're interested let me know below. Looking for at least a trio.
I'd be willing to join... B-but only cause I want to.

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I'm slightly interested but I don't know if I'm able to join... Got some stuff that I me doing and I feel like I don't have time to join.

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