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Fandom The New World - OCC

It's a player wrote NPC title, it doesn't really matter.

We actually wasn't.... We were actually arguing about how I thought that Fenrir was a tameable mob rather than a raid boss was ridiculous. (Yeah that was even more stupid I admit.)

Also it was not the title that was the problem, but Kuro saying the NPC Jorm and the boss World Eater are the same.
But it did bring up the fact that we actually don't know exactly how much of the Canon we're keeping and how much stays.

For example I wanted the Nine Colors of Roble to stay the same while Petro wanted them to have a set role in the government.
I don't even feel like carrying these discussions forward anymore.

This haggling burned me quite a lot and I didn't even take that big of a part on it.
I don't even feel like carrying these discussions forward anymore.

This haggling burned me quite a lot and I didn't even take that big of a part on it.

It isn't haggling. I'm not even trying to get anything out of it.

Right now we need at least set some sort of boundaries or else this is just going to happen again.
The biggest notion is how much of canon are we sticking to and how much of the canon's rules are we sticking to. I initially thought we agreed to no canon whatsoever, including rules that might make the RP less enjoyable. Is that the case, God_himself God_himself ?

It isn't haggling. I'm not even trying to get anything out of it.

Drop the attitude. You're not helping.
The biggest notion is how much of canon are we sticking to and how much of the canon's rules are we sticking to. I initially thought we agreed to no canon whatsoever, including rules that might make the RP less enjoyable. Is that the case, God_himself God_himself ?
We did agree to this, I don't know why we need to go back an review it for no good reason.
Wait a minute... then why are we even using the new world in the first place? Wouldn't it be less confusing if you just said it was a entirely new world?
Canon rules, not setting
Yeah I get that, but we're having it take place in the same world as canon due then? I mean shouldn't we be using a different world?
Just cause its the same world doesnt mean everything from the canon is in. Using a new world would mean we’d have to make a whole new map, make up countries, come up with societies and lore. At that point might as well just say its a fantasy rp with video game stuffs
Just cause its the same world doesnt mean everything from the canon is in. Using a new world would mean we’d have to make a whole new map, make up countries, come up with societies and lore. At that point might as well just say its a fantasy rp with video game stuffs

And just how much does "everything" mean? Because, everything not interesting is pretty vague.

And that's basically why we need to define it better.
And just how much does "everything" mean? Because, everything not interesting is pretty vague.

And that's basically why we need to define it better.
Will you list what you think what particular areas we need to define then?
First of all, I'd like to point out how freaking hypocrite this:
Drop the attitude. You're not helping.
Is when considering how Kuro's comment was away more offensive, calling a reasonable reaction to something who largely messes with the Canon as haggling.

Secondly, I'd like to bring in the issue that there's no fucking point in naming this an Overlord fandom if we're simply changing multiple aspects of the game to fit our own ideas of what would be cool, so I more than agree with Shiyonichi's urge to define what are we changing from the Canon lore.
Will you list what you think what particular areas we need to define then?

Extremely difficult considering how vague it all is, but here's a couple.

1. How each country operates are we going to keep it the same or are we going to change it and how far can we change it? Is the limits just changing out officials or is it as massive as changing the type of government.

2. Relations between which Countries are we keeping that the same? Is some countries allies or enemies?

3. Which factions still are around. Like Demi human, Human, or etc.

4. History, which events in the past are we keeping.

5. People, are all the new world people still around or is it just Nazarick that's gone?

6. Relations between the New World and Players.
Tone's hard to read on the Internet. I can't speak for Kuro, but I didn't see much venom when reading their post, Arne Arne . In any case, it looks like there's going to be another debate in the OOC soon anyway.
Nope, the haggling part is the 5 pages long discussion that ensued from the perfectly reasonable explanation of we don't need to follow the canon in everything, especially since a lot of us didn't read the novels and would be subject to the word of those who say they did.
Nope, the haggling part is the 5 pages long discussion that ensued from the perfectly reasonable explanation of we don't need to follow the canon in everything, especially since a lot of us didn't read the novels and would be subject to the word of those who say they did.
There's a great found of knowledge called Overlord wikia for that. Not even hard to do some basic research before posting.
Nope, the haggling part is the 5 pages long discussion that ensued from the perfectly reasonable explanation of we don't need to follow the canon in everything, especially since a lot of us didn't read the novels and would be subject to the word of those who say they did.

I did give everyone a way that they could read the light novel and you do have access to the wiki.
However, I'm pretty burned with this discussion and seriously considering to withdraw my participation from this RP. I didn't sign in for this to be chained down by novels I haven't read and have no way to verify.

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