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Fantasy The Moon is Intoxicating (Dog Shifter / Wolf shifter) interest check

Hit me with them! It'll definitely help get more juices flowing about the plot. D. Rex D. Rex
Cool beans, I'll start you off with a few then.

1. Are there hybrid forms?

2. Do bites cause the affliction?

3. Are the traditional weakness like silver and wolfsbane applicable?

4. Do the weres have regeneration and increased strength and senses?

5. With lycanthropy being a curse, what are the impactful negative effects of it being a curse? And if there are no negative effects, what keeps the affliction from being seen as good?

6. Would it be safe to assume that other creatures exist such as vampires and witches?

7. What level of strength are alphas expected to have over non alphas?

8. Is the transformation brutal or swift? Or a combination of both, as in moon transformation is smoother and swifter, with the forced transformation being more of a struggle and a bit more painful.

9. Do the weres struggle to keep their minds in check in were forms, and do they lose it entirely on the full moon?

10. Are weres seen as monsters? if there is no major negatives and they maintain control in transformations, why would it be something to hide?

11. Assuming that weres are hidden and not known about, would it be logical to assume that one of the major roles of the alpha is to ensure it stays that way?

12. Is this disease something that has never been seem before? Or is it something in history that might have explained the major drop of prominence of weres from old times?

13. What sort if challenges do weres deal with? I have plenty of ideas if you want help.

14. Can weres give birth? Or because of the affliction, it drastically increases miscarriage chance? Would keep the weres from spreading and dominating, and would explain bites being one of the main ways a were comes to be.
So I guess now is a good time to make the distinctions within the dog pack vs. the wolf pack

Scouts (wolves): Scout out information. Natural objects can give a brief glimpse of their limited history.

Sniffers (dog) would be the equivalent of scouts although they have the ability to pick up human scents, a limited history of who that human has interacted with.

Hunters (wolves): Has the ability to discern scents that are faint and stale and can "resurrect" almost ghost trails.

Herbalist (dog): Can gain knowledge of herbs at an accelerated rate. Does not have any healing powers

Healer (wolves): Healing powers but takes longer to understand herbs.

Fighter (dog): Since they're less of a unit the fighter dogs have the potential to be stronger than the wolves in terms of strength due to the fighter dogs fighting for their lives rather than the pack

Warriors (wolves): Although they may not have the same strength they can communicate almost telepathically with one another and can unleash coordinated attacks.

Thisisntmyfinalform121 Thisisntmyfinalform121
( Meme Machine Meme Machine Thisisntmyfinalform121 Thisisntmyfinalform121 Boondox Boondox Elliot.The.Idiot Elliot.The.Idiot Anonymous Anonymous Kenku Kenku )

Meme Machine - Yes I'll put you down as healer!
Thisisntmyfinalform121- I'll put you down as herbalist!
Boondox- I put you down as a beta male!

1. Are there hybrid forms?
Yes there are hybrid forms. Only during moon sickness which changes them into a bloodthirsty monstrous creature and eventually kills them.

2. Do bites cause the affliction?
Yes moon sickness is spread through bites, blood contact.

3. Are the traditional weakness like silver and wolfsbane applicable?
Silver could make it so the wounds don't heal and have to be stitched up.

4. Do the weres have regeneration and increased strength and senses?
Weres have a slightly faster regeneration period. Wounds can heal but it'll take at least days if not weeks. On the most severe wounds it can take a month.

5. With lycanthropy being a curse, what are the impactful negative effects of it being a curse? And if there are no negative effects, what keeps the affliction from being seen as good?
For the Black Bloods having to transform on the full moon (although they keep their human mind and thoughts) is still a hindrance to living as a human
For the Silver Bloods having to transform every night takes energy and is taxing. Moreover, having to lose your human thoughts and only run on beastly instincts and having no recollection is taxing on the individual.

6. Would it be safe to assume that other creatures exist such as vampires and witches?
Witches and vampires would probably exist, but more so in a smaller fashion than fantasy texts have us believe. Much like how lycanthrope is a disease, vampirism would also act like a disease where those born with it are fine, but offspring and those bitten become ghoulish. As far as witches it could be similar to people who are between these "worlds" so to speak in order to collaborate as peace keepers between were's vamps and humans Thisisntmyfinalform121 Thisisntmyfinalform121

7. What level of strength are alphas expected to have over non alphas?
Alphas are chosen because although they may not be the strongest, they have the leadership skills, quick thinking, and fair amount of strength to protect their pack from other Alphas. Overall an alpha (dog) could most likely hold their own against 2 non-alpha wolves and 3 non-alpha dogs. The alpha wolf could hold their own against 3 non-alpha dogs and 2 non-alpha wolves.

8. Is the transformation brutal or swift? Or a combination of both, as in moon transformation is smoother and swifter, with the forced transformation being more of a struggle and a bit more painful.
Regular transformation is painless, including during the full moon. To the Silverbloods it feels like falling asleep and waking up confused. However when a victim has moon sickness the transformation is painful as the bones in their body break and are pulled together into a hybrid form.

9. Do the weres struggle to keep their minds in check in were forms, and do they lose it entirely on the full moon?
The Silverbloods lose the human side of their mind and are wolves during the full moon and every night. The Blackbloods however keep their minds during the full moon.

10. Are weres seen as monsters? if there is no major negatives and they maintain control in transformations, why would it be something to hide?
I think a good reason could be their bite turns people slowly turns that person insane and although they live far away from the town it's always a possibility that during the full moon they could attack unsuspecting humans. They can only have normal werewolves through breeding. Let me know what you guys think though!

11. Assuming that weres are hidden and not known about, would it be logical to assume that one of the major roles of the alpha is to ensure it stays that way?
Yes one of the roles as an alpha for both packs is to ensure weres are not discovered by the humans

12. Is this disease something that has never been seen before? Or is it something in history that might have explained the major drop of prominence of weres from old times?

--> Maybe first they were almost wiped out when the Europeans came to America. They found these beasts needed to be exterminated so settlers wouldn't have to worry about their farm animals.
--> During the Medieval Ages gold and silver were heavily used during church ceromonies and werewolves' skin would start getting red when they had to handle the chalice (which contained silver and was used for the religious ceremonies they were forced to attend)

13. What sort if challenges do weres deal with? I have plenty of ideas if you want help.
I was thinking that moon sickness increases the hunger tenfold since they transform into this hybrid and more often. So in a sense it's just their transformation but amplified by a lot. Also the birth problem is only among weres affected with the illness moon sickness.

Weres are more secretive because they fear discovery along with their animalistic nature which makes them more aggressive and need something like a pack hierarchy. That paired with the fact that they need to look out for each other to control hunger, since they transform fairly often. excessive transformations without recovery can lead to malnutrition and fatigue. Biting a human is a taboo and I think the wolf that bit the human would have to be put down. Maybe also human flesh is sweet.. so they'd crave it once they tasted it. The pack can try to bring the newcomer in but if the newcomer resists they will be killed. Mental breakdowns need to be avoided at all costs so the pack needs to work together to assure each member has support.

"Pack relations. Need some proper reasons why dogs and wolves dont like each other. And then have the alphas do what they can to keep things diplomatic between the packs. While also not letting the misbehavior of the other pack slide."

I would think that the Silverbloods could be jealous and disapproving of the fact that the dog pack lives so close to humans. They think canines should stick together and they don't consider their messed up forms to be "wolves". To them they look like something went wrong with nature (especially considering there are small dogs and medium sized ones)
The Blackbloods could think the Silverbloods are ruthless and wild. They consider them dangerous because they lose their faculties during the full moon (and become more aggressive during this time) and every night.

14. Can weres give birth? Or because of the affliction, it drastically increases miscarriage chance? Would keep the weres from spreading and dominating, and would explain bites being one of the main ways a were comes to be.

When afflicted with moon sickness their babies are malformed and die from an early age (teenager) but not before experiencing intense anger and often times getting violent and therefore biting other canines and spreading the disease. They live longer with moon sickness than the average were due to them having a higher tolerance although it ultimately kills them.
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I believe (regarding question 10) that it would make sense for them to keep their identity’s hidden because they wouldn’t want to be hunted. Not only being considered ‘monsters’ (even though I would be super happy if werewolves were real) but people would probably hunt them for their werewolf pelts AND the fact that they have faster healing paces. Not by much, sure, but some people would pay big money for that. Kidnapping of healers/herbalists or fighters and warriors for their own gain would be present.

But that’s just my penny’s worth, lol.
Name (First, Last)
Human job (only applicable if they're a Blackblood)
Appearance (Real life picture please) (Can be placed below Name)


Personality [Virtues (3+), Vices (3+), Likes (3+), Dislikes (2+)]/or in paragraph form

History/Backstory (even if it's a brief blurb)

Powers/Abilities: (minimal powers. such as the healer numbing the pain at cost of them experiencing it themselves) (preferable to have some sort of drawback along with it.)

Theme song (optional)

I think Witches and vampires would probably exist, but more so in a smaller fashion than fantasy texts have us believe. Much like how lycanthrope is a disease, vampirism would also act like a disease where those born with it are fine, but offspring and those bitten become ghoulish. As far as witches it could be similar to people who are between these "worlds" so to speak in order to collaborate as peace keepers between were's vamps and humans
But that's just my 2 cents on the matter of question 6
I also agree with Meme Machine Meme Machine about question 10
I always have ideas.

Let's see.

10. Why hide?
While some would want to hunt for werewolves for monetary reasons, it can be anticipated that there would be public support for their safety, a la PETA or other activist groups, as well as people who think they are cool, and furries. Might even spark people trying to purposefully get bit for an over balance of perks. Hunters are a very good reason to stay hidden, but public hate and fear would be an even better reason. By giving weres a reason to be labeled as monsters, be it a rabid nature, negative attributes, poor birth rates, etc, then it can be better accepted that if were were discovered, then the mass outcry would be their destruction for the sake of public safety, especially at the risk of an outbreak of a disease that is objectively bad.

Using religion is heavily dependent on how much sway the religion has, and should this be in modern, going against religion wknt have much impact. Same with going against nature.

12. I think adding it to were history could lead for some fun worries, and give a few leads of stuff to look for. And would also explain the few were scares during history.

13. This is the fun part. The birth issue is a major one to deal with, as it dissuades weres from getting pregnant. Having one like that could be a risk to the pack.

Other issues could be a shift in mentality to something more feral and pack centric. Leading to a bit more aggressive tendencies and heirarchal standards.

Hunger could be a big thing too, given how much energy they would need to transform. Losing ones mind while hungry could end very badly, and other weres may need to reign them in. Furthermore, excessive transformations without recovery can lead to malnutrition and fatigue.

Keeping the pack in check, were packs are a team sport, so everyone has to be on board or run the risk of being made to be on board. As going rogue or not doing your part could not only hurt the pack, but also risk discovery. They cant afford to be trusting.

Bringing us to infected. If we bite someone, it has to be dealt with. Which should be a punishable taboo. That could lead to very dangerous situations and risk of discovery. And that if the newly infected were cant be brought on board, or cant be trusted, then they will need to be killed.

Pack relations. Need some proper reasons why dogs and wolves dont like each other. And then have the alphas do what they can to keep things diplomatic between the packs. While also not letting the misbehavior of the other pack slide.

Living with the expectation that this isnt the human world. Regardless of the laws and culture, weres are their own thing. As where they do live tougher lives and have less cares about human bullcrap.

Trying to keep humanity. While they are weres first, they do need to keep in mind where they came from. And should a werewolf have a mental breakdown or give up on restraint, things could end badly. So pressure and support needs to come from all members of the pack.

Also! I am a bit confused on the difference between dogs and wolves. As wolves are generally larger and stronger than their domesticated counterparts. One suggestion I might make is perhaps dogs tend to be at am even strength throughout, while wolves strength are more tied to the moon.
I'm interested in the dog Herbalist I can play Male or Female depending on the need of the gender!

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