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Realistic or Modern The Madisonian Forensics Team

I don't know Yiddish, but I'll be sure to try and learn it! I only know Russian, German, English, and some basic Spanish Filipino and French terms/sentences due to my family linage being all screwed up!

@The Doorman - Oh my, I can't believe that unless you only lived there for a few years after you were born!

@Lexie - I won't talk in any other languages but English anymore without a translation for you and Zoola!

And finally, Yippeee! @Freddie !!!!
Before The Sun Sets] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9566-the-doorman/ said:
@The Doorman[/URL] - Oh my, I can't believe that unless you only lived there for a few years after you were born!
I've been around Americans a loooooooooooooooooooooooong dang time.

Let's speak dragontongue, guise.

You guys are cray, it's awesome.


Lexie said:
.....I speak English...I learned Spanish but not enough to know what the hell in talking about
Lol, this.
You two lucky duckies, can speak sign language! I can't remember signs for my life, the only way I picked up on all these languages is from spending time with different people in my family!

@The Doorman - No wonder!
I need ASL for certain situations because my hearing is not that awesome, so that's how I started to learn that one
Still wanna learn Japanese tho.


Freddie said:
I need ASL for certain situations because my hearing is not that awesome, so that's how I started to learn that one
Ah, I see.
Cool, I just love Japan in general, the culture, the food, the elegance of the Japanese language~ *le sigh*

This feels more like a chat than an rp.
I'm just trying to decide on if I should have my character just waking up or in the lab early working on a previous case or organizing things.
Perhaps we should all start in the same place?

Like a team?

Or... We could split up...

Whatever you guys are okay with.
I mean either way, the first posts would go in the general RP tab since they're interacting in one place- or that's where they're going to, anyways
I changed half-assed German speaking to just half-assed foreign language speaking, because I figure I'll do more than just throw in German every now and then.

It be who I am...

Warning: If your father offers you a frozen onion ring, don't take it. It's disgusting, even if you like the taste of frozen fries.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.aca132e45b050337adc4df48fc3f3789.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56457" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.aca132e45b050337adc4df48fc3f3789.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

My donut ball with white icing, a subways napkin from lunch, sprinkles, and milk!

Additionally I should have a post up soon!



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