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Realistic or Modern The Madisonian Forensics Team

My mom is going to kill me for the massive disater in her kitchen.... flour is all over the floor and the rest of the counter...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.b86abebd110d1af65f3ca5d76b7a3ac7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56279" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.b86abebd110d1af65f3ca5d76b7a3ac7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Brb, I'm gonna see if I can tackle the majority of the issue before my mom gets home.

Which I highly doubt seeing that she called me and said she was 15 minutes away, but I shall try anyway!


Go all Levi on that mess's notreallyexistent ass.​
Well my mess has officially been:






*dramtic trumpets, drum rolls, rainbows, and the Cookie Monster dancing with mythical unicorns*

Nothing! Until tomorrow when I make another batch of donuts, seeing that my Gramps and Mum ate what I made today.

-_- I guess I won't know how they taste till tomorrow.

@The Doorman - Thanks for the Advice Mr.FellowAttackOnTitansFan! I really appreciate it! (^v^) Oh and are you making good progress on that CS? (* *)

*reveals a ultimate motive*
aber ich muss es probieren , um zu sehen, wenn etwas hinzugefügt werden soll, mein lieber Kumpel.

I'm glad I'm not the only one.

*gets all teary eyed*

Didn't think I spoke German as well did you?
I just know basic German because it's super close to Yiddish...

Except when it's not. And then I get really confused.

(The word for for Jewelry in German is not the same as the same word in Yiddish, lemme tell you)
Freddie said:
I just know basic German because it's super close to Yiddish...
Except when it's not. And then I get really confused.

(The word for for Jewelry in German is not the same as the same word in Yiddish, lemme tell you)

Ja, I get that.

I should probably just learn French so I can speak to my Grandma, I'm pretty okay with French...

*Is from Calgary, knows absolutely no French*

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