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Realistic or Modern The Madisonian Forensics Team

I'll support you. Go ahead and quit your job.

I just hope you're okay with living in a cardboard box with my pet rats, oscar and Pipi.
Oh my, I leave for a few hours only to return and read about quitting jobs and pet rats.

And oooo what type of car are you thinking about getting?
I have no idea. Considering I'm not 18 yet, my mom still has a say so I guess whatever works. Maybe a Toyota Corolla or Camry

If not a Chevy or ford
Corollas are wonderful cars, I drove a 2001

Corolla all through high school and the first few years I was in the army
That sucks...

I was just out in my garden, tending to lovely roses with huge-ass thorns. *bleeds out*

So I literally feel your pain.
I'm heading up to California & Nevada with my family for a few weeks. I love it up there (California, not so much NV haha) so I can't wait.
Lucky you... I live in California, lol. If you have allergies I'd highly suggest preparing for an allergen storm because it's bad this year. And there's a drought so there's that. Be careful, yo.
No probs, anything for my fellow allergics.

I wouldn't wish it upon anyone.

Have fun, though. Cali is wonderful aside from allergens and weather (unless, of course, you happen to be at the beach. Weather there is typically pleasant! Though if your hometown is flooding, drought might be a nice break, lol.)
Did someone say allergies *appears with my 2 inhalers, 3 eye drops, 2 types of pills, and emergency benadryl*

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Okay I just got back from a school bbq thing, and my sis has geometry now, and then I'm going to attempt driving- sorry for the delay y'all, but I'll have the initial prompt up by like 10 EST.

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Muhahaha! I have succeeded in creating donut balls! Now I'm gonna add some glaze and figure out how the heck I'll inject them with jelly!

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