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Realistic or Modern The Madisonian Forensics Team

I'm fine with any location!

*Sits in the back of the room and swings legs back and forth while the others make a decision.*
Yeah I have this youth group thing tonight that's kinda a big deal so I might not be able to post for a while

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Unacceptable! You're both fired.

This company can't manage without you two, welcome back to the team, I didn't want to fire you, upper managment made me. Water under the bridge
I don't get anything from this but once I'm done with this thing, I'm DONE with the organization. Thank gosh.

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@Lexie - Good luck at work today!

@Freddie - Have fun at your youth group event!

@DrCompton - lol, be nice and try telling upper management to buzz off for now from seeing that anyone who gets booted off the team will send the company into a havoc! All members on the team are valuable.
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No I got subway though because it's 2 minutes from where I work

Yay!!! Gotta go to work again!!
I don't work at subway. We've been through this. I just got subway for lunch. I work at a coffee shop
I'm good...I've got a meeting tomorrow from 4-6:30 and then Wednesday I have my senior portraits
okay idea time: I figured we could all post like one more time in the lab/whatever and then people call it a night and go home to do whatever they do at home... that way, we don't get bogged down with only the case, but we get a balance.

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