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Fantasy The Lost Empire

Reading quietly, she found herself lost in the words. Capturing stories of past people that had died saving the castle from outsiders, and war. Elenora only hoped that she wouldn't be a course of any of their problems from now. Sitting on the window sill, she watched the moon dance over the fields and valley.
Sarai continued to observe silently, ever still and ever watching. Like a shadow in the night as she stalked her target. She wouldn't make a move unless she had to, but for now she was only going to play the waiting game.
"What are you waiting for me to do Sarai?" She asked her in a calm manner, looking over to the shadows. Up from her pages, as she pressed the book to her chest in a relaxed manner.
"I'm impressed," she said as she appeared. "Not many can notice when I'm around, then again you do only have use of one of your eyes, your ears must've slightly been enhanced cuz of it." She said as she looked down at the woman, "what are you doing roaming the halls in the dead of night?"
"I just had a sense you were there since my sight isn't the best, my hearing has become a sort of talent." I told her in a calm manner, watching the shadows. "I couldn't sleep so I decided to come into the library and read," I said lifting up the book slightly.
"There are books in your room," she said as she continued to stand there. "Well I'm afraid I'm gonna have to continue to watch you un...." her sentence was intrrrupted by a slight knock on the door. "Sarai leave her be, if she wants to read let her read. I can imagine there are many weighing heavily upon her mind and shoulders at the moment." Said Renellius who was standing in the door way.
"The books in my room aren't of an interesting topic," she explained looking into his eyes. Waiting for her response, Elenora jumped hearing the knock on the door before Sarai finishing speaking her sentence. Getting to her feet, Elenora stood at the final notice of Ren being at the door. Bowing her head in respect, before moving to the shelf to put the book back up.
Sarai sighed and nodded, turning around and walking out of the room. "Don't mind her, she doesn't trust you, or anyone for that matter. Not even me," he said with a slight laugh. Walking into the room, "find anything good?" He asked leaning again an end table.
"Words of people who've passed have interested me," she told him a calm tone of voice, slowly walking over to the shelves, looking at all the different covers. "Stories of your kingdom's past has caught my interest.." Elenora mumbled, looking to Ren.
"Ah the manifestos of a dying empire is what you found, my fathers is the most latest entry. I'm still working on mine." He said as he watched her. "The hold has a lot of history to it, it's been through so much."
"Five hundred years of history as I have read so far." Elenora pointed out in an impressed manner, feeling a little wheezy. Swaying slightly as she walked over to the table, closing her eyes. Sitting down as the thoughts from before, and flashbacks had been bothering her.
"I'm fine, just thinking about the dream I had..." Elenora commented sitting down, resting her head on her arms. "What happened in it makes me feel a bit sick in the stomach," She told him, softly.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked approaching her and crouching in front of her. "Sometimes it helps just to vent."
"In these situations venting isn't what I would call it...." She told him looking down in a rather confused manner, sighing softly. "It felt like a memory, and then I felt like my whole stomach was blasted from my gut."
"A memory? A memory of what?" He asked trying to look into her eyes. It was evident she was distraught, but he couldn't really tell why. Though if he had to take a guess, that incident with the hag may be giving her access to the memories of.....a welt of emotion boiled in Renellius' chest. Quickly he suppressed the rogue emotions.
"My death... Or a death of a life I once lived." Elenora commented looking down into her hands, before gazing over to him. "It was terrifying, everything seemed all well and good, then I was walking through the gardens.... And it happened, my stomach had been blown out of my gut." Elenora whispered softly looking towards Renellius. "Who was I?" She asked him in a mass of confusion.
Ren sighed, "an old friend of mine. Elizabeth was her name......we were childhood friends and...." his voice got soft and shaky. "She was murdered here.....shot right through the gut from a crossbow." He said looking down, not wanting to meet her gaze. "I remember it all like it was yestarday....we were just playing out in the garden and when we were going back she was just....shot...." he said a single tear rolled down his cheek, the moment covered by his mask.
Elenora looked to Ren with a distressed expression, feeling tears strolling down her cheeks. "I'm scared about being here... I don't know what my purpose is after that hag said those things...." She told Ren standing up slowly walking over to him, as she looked at his mask turning away for a moment. "I'm so lost with what I'm to do..."
"Don't worry about the hag," he said getting up. "No one could've survived that Greek fire grenade that Sarai had tossed to her. You'll be ok, I'll personally make sure of that." He added as he gently placed his hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her. "All my guards here will protect you, even Sarai, despite her lack of trust and probably jealousy, she'll obey my commands."
"It's hard not to worry about what she said..." Elenora commented looking out the window, closing her eyes tightly. Clenching her fists. "You shouldn't have to protect me, I can take care of myself your highness..." She spoke softly, relaxing at the touch of his hand. "Sarai is jealous, though she doesn't need to be jealous of me, I have little understand as to why she is anyway..."
"No you can't take care of yourself. By admitting that you can it show that you can't. Pride gets in the way." He said looking at her through masked eyes. "Plus what can that hag do now? She's burnt to a crisp, last I checked crispy corpses didn't have the ability to make demands. You'll be ok, I'll make sure of it."
"Pride doesn't get in the way of that, I have been able to fend for myself for years..." Elenora's temper boiled at the comment about her pride, before pushing the book back into the shelf. Shooting Ren a look before sitting down at the table and chairs, quietly thinking. "Times are easier for me at home..."
"Up until now anyways." Said Ren as he continued to observe her. Watching her reactions and reading her expressions, "you weren't able to fend for yourself that well here, guards found and captured you, Sarai alone found and captured you....oh by the way you'll probably want this back."
He said reaching behind him and pulling out her pistol, albeit now it was polished and cleaned and covered in engravings. "I had my smith clean it up for you." Leaning forward he handed it to her.
"There is some clear things I want to point out in my situation too you... How well do you think you'd be coping if you had just be bounced, I don't know... A thousand years or so... Ren, you think about it, I can't even think straight at the moment." Elenora commented in a stressed tone of voice, as she looked up from her book. Hearing Ren's last part to the conversation, she noticed the gun in his hand. "Oh, thank you... You didn't have to clean and polish it though..." Elenora commented blushing taking her pistol back, looking over the cleaning and engravings on it.

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