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Fantasy The Last Judgement

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[div class=statusText]Location: Outside
Tags:Homicidal and still adorable BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda
Mentions: James, Alaska, Grigs & clan
BGM: Children of Cain [/div]
[div class=statusText][/div][/div][div class=title]Rhys Contiello[/div][div class=text]
"Listen to your gut," Rhys watched him shiver against the cold, "Think about it. Nobody else could get in this fuckin' place, right? There were Revenants when we rolled up with the A-Team. They gotta' eat, don't they? Something's off, and it's been off, and I'm surprised you're doubting your line of reasoning, Reese's Puff ."

His nose crinkled a little at the nickname but he didn't say anything in response, wrapped too deep in thought.

"I may have a laugh-track for a brain, but if we're both smelling the shit...then there's probably shit, right?"

Rhys glanced towards the blond again, face a little too serious than what the moment required. "It wouldn't be unreasonable to assume as much."
He gave him a jerky nod, leaning his shovel against the side of the truck as he went to open the door that Nik had just cleared. Rhys hoped that the rest of the group wasn't getting into too much trouble without them. He was sure that Alaska and James, hell even Grigs and his kids, could handle themselves. What made him uneasy was the thought of anyone getting seriously injured because of what lurked inside.
The frozen door opened with a sharp creak, some snow falling from the roof of the vehicle and landing across the upholstery. He leaned in and grabbed the gas can along with the tube, giving both items a very disgusted, very annoyed look.

He was going to have more ptsd with all the gas he had siphoned the past couple days. Rhys leaned back, preparing to shut the door when something large thumped onto the roof of the truck. Snow scattered into the winds, billowing and temporarily blinding the ex-detective as he stumbled away from the truck.

"It was once where I stumbled upon a curious sight..."
The voice materialized from the center of the frost cloud, coarse like fragmented rock moving and grinding against each other but pitched in an unearthly sort of way.
"Angel and Devil engaged in such a...ravenous fight..."
He watched as the figure began to become more an more recognizable. She was little more than a wisp of a creature with diminutive limbs, if she were human she might have been cute. A petite woman with eyes as black as the pits of hell itself. Her skin was wrinkled like a dried prune and thick like leather, brown hair matted from the snow and other things he really didn't want to analyze. The demon reeked of sulfur and pain and day old vomit. Something inside him reared it's head, a tingling spread across his skin until his veins glowed in warning. It was a very different reaction compared to when he had first met Nik. Whereas his blond counterpart still held good inside him, this thing...this thing was so evil he could feel it tainting the very air.
"Where is it they come from, I wondered? Why is it they are here? To drink? To dance? To bathe? To fuck?"

Ice crept into his veins, cold sweat breaking out under his layers of clothes. Had this thing been...watching them? His hand moved back to the gun secured in his holster thinking that if he just shot this thing while it was talking they could continue on their way. He had barely blinked before he felt hot breath on the back of his neck. The hairs on his arms stood tall as his azure orbs slowly moved to look behind him.
"Pesky angels. Always wish to bang before the final talk."
His heart lept into his throat.

It was only then that he noticed her eyes.

Watched as the black bled into bright red, swirling in a pattern that froze him in place.

Rhys felt her hand rest against his back, gliding up his shoulder blades like a lover's touch. What he didn't feel was the force that sent him flying straight into the truck. His abdominal area hit the rim of the hood knocking his breath away and at the same time he felt something crack. His face was in the snow a second later, chest rising and falling rapidly as his struggled to gather his breath. Each inhale was like getting stabbed on repeat. He knew what broken ribs felt like and this....this felt like he had broken five.

"Tell me little Devil, do you break as easily as dove's broken wings?"

The next crack splintered throughout his mind, he didn't know what had hit him. He must have made a noise but his vision had gone black as the pain rocketed down his nerves. She hadn't even touched him. Yet he knew that another rib had been broken. He turned on his side, azure orbs seeking the demon. Rhys couldn't see Nik and something like dread curled itself in the pit of his stomach.

"My pretties inside came to feast, but with my favorite toy tossed to the gutter....well, I thought that it was time for me to have some play too. The Lich gets all the frigid fun. So why shouldn't I have my time in the sun?"

Rhys pulled himself to his knees, half leaning over himself as he tried to stand. His bloodied hand gripped onto the hood of the truck, vaguely wondering what was bleeding as he pulled himself to his feet. Rhys grit his teeth as he unholstered his gun. He didn't know how useful his bullets would be in this fight, but it wasn't like they had very many options. There was a spark of something in the back of his mind, warm and insistent, as if prodding at his conscious. It was the same feeling he had felt in the gas station, but this time he chose to ignore it.

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Kayden Julian Huang

Tags: Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater Chise_Robin_ Chise_Robin_ BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda Kaas Kaas

They were sitting in front of the slowly dying fire. The soft orange light kissing their cheeks as the flames twisted and turned, playing their own kind of game above the burning wood. The cracking soundtrack of burning fire following her voice,

" We were ambushed in California... On one of our hunting trips... A demon took control of him.. Alexander didn't even fight".

The moment he heard those words he spaced out. They were sharp, cold, cutting through his ears like razors. They echoed through his head over and over again, more and more powerful and effective every time they repeated themselves. Kayden's heart skipped a bit, a lump in his throat. The boy clenched to his head. He couldn't believe it. He was on the verge of tears. Every single trace of happiness, of the joy that overflowed him before was suddenly gone.

"It was as if he died at that moment. It was the same body, the same smile save for his eyes." Alaska's voice cracked a bit "he uhmm...killed dad after letting two vampires feed on his blood. Then a back up team came to help.. they...killed the demon... And Alex"

Kayden looked at Ally. He opened his mouth and tried to say something that would show his compassion or cheer her up a bit, or at least tell her it wasn't her fault, but his vocals froze. It was as if someone pulled some kind of an invisible 'mute' switch buried deep inside his head.

He fucked up. He knew he fucked up the moment he asked her the question. He shouldn't have done that. He should've kept his mouth shut.

"I'm glad you're ok Kay... I'll hit the bathroom and come back"

She walked away without saying how she felt. It wasn't even necessary as the look in her amber eyes told out her feelings. The windows to her soul showing whatever she tried to cover up behind that fake smile of hers.

A lie. A lie essential for preventing whatever sanity was left in her. The blinds hiding a vicious beast. A parasite that was living in her mind and slowly but effectively started to eat away whatever good was left in her. Bit by bit, leaving the poison behind. That was the monster that fed on its good brothers and sisters, a cannibal eating its own kind, an alpha memory showing his dominance over its peasants. It was that 'alpha ruler' who built the walls in people's minds, it was that bloody thing that kept kept preventing the host - person he was living in- from truly living the moment, from happiness, when every single person on this stupid, cursed planet deserved to be happy. What kind of satisfaction did that monster find in consuming, suppressing and shattering the good to thousands of pieces. The ink that tainted every single one of them. The danger lurking from the shadows, observing its pray. The shadow that kept blocking the only possible way to happiness. But was that monster really that powerful as they thought? There was the way to protect your inner self, your mind, and one of those guard ups was the lie. The cliche, ''I'm fine.''

Kayden watched Alaska disappearing from the room. He wanted to follow her. He wanted to make sure she was going to come back from that bathroom safe and sound. Bleeding wrists were the last thing they needed right now. Suddenly an intense laughter brought him back to his senses. Adisa- their silly prophet – was laughing like a maniac. He made himself comfortable next to where Kayden was sitting. The hunter didn't really see what the prophet did to their princess but he was lucky enough to see that 'the fuc' look on his face. It was priceless. That expression made Kayden snigger a bit. The bitter memory was suddenly replaced by a cherry cola.

Kayden then turned his head back to Adisa, his heart skipping a beat. He honestly didn't expect to see a snake curling around the man's waist. It was cute though. Kayden liked snakes, well they weren't really among the top 10 of his favorite animals, but he didn't fear them either. The creatures slightly reminded him of dragons and God he loved dragons. There was a mystic touch to these animals, something no one could really ever be able to truly understand.

Adisa put a finger to his mouth and mimicked saying "Rhys hates this guy, don't tell him he that he's here." Kayden looked over at their guarding angel and then back at the snake repeatedly so that his head almost fell off his neck. He couldn't believe such thought guy would fear such gentle creature. Kayden desperately tried not to laugh, but the whole idea itself was just hilarious.

''Promise I won't tell him,'' Kayden wheezed and then stopped when he remembered Alaska. Turning his head over to the dark hallway he realized she was gone for quite a while and that realization made him worry sick. The look on his eyes darkened, his head full of black scenarios. Thank God Adisa's laugh snapped him out of it again. Waking up from the dark thoughts he saw their princess Rhys going after the girl. It was better this way. If the awkward hunter would go after Ally, he'd probably blunt out some stupid bullshit at the girl making her even more confused and worried than she already was. Rhys on the other hand really was a tough cookie, a person everyone could trust . A true leader. Kayden did a mental reminder to thank this guy for keeping them all together, for keeping them sane.

The freckled boy gazed through the lobby. The place was full of life. People were casually chatting with each other while exchanging genuine smiles. It was the scene, the light atmosphere that warmed the hunter's heart. ''Is this what a real family should look like?'' the words echoed through his head.

After a while their fearless leader came back with the girl. A rock, no wait a fucking boulder fell off Kayden's chest when he saw the girl. She shot him a soft smile and Kayden returned it. It was a genuine one this time and the boy was glad that Ally felt better after the talk with their princess. Rhys could really do miracles. A fucking unicorn he was.

"Hey. I'm a bit desperate with this whole turning into a demon situation, so let me wish you well for actually being alive in just a sec, and I'm sorry for crashing this moment, but for the love of the God I don't even believe in, can you tell me if this stone James found can help my fucked up situation?"

It was Nik. The man that introduced himself to Kayden in the 'Barbie girl truck' on their way to the police station. Kayden threw Nik a gentle smile and nodded. A gesture he made to show the guy he wasn't interrupting anything,
''I'll leave you two be for a sec,'' he said to the prophet and the Barbie devil. He then stepped aside and leaned to the wall.

Some mumbo jumbo words started flying out of the prophet's mouth. Kayden knitted his brow in concentration. As much as the hunter wrinkled his forehead and forced his 3 brain cells to figure out the meaning of the words that Adisa used he didn't understand a bit. Kayden shook his head. Whatever that prophet did looked painful judging by the grimace the other man did.

"For fucks sake, I—don't even...Know. Why it fucking. Wanted. Me, in—The first place. You fuck—God damn...mother FUCKER...Satan can dere-lick my balls"

The words ran out of blondie's mouth like a fucking waterfall. Kayden felt sorry for the man but when he heard about licking balls he burst to laughter. He just couldn't help himself, trying to cover his face from the two. The next thing however was the cherry on top of the cake.

"Now I just have to find a spoon..."
"What did I do to deserve...Hey! That's my—"

Kayden was laughing in tears. Nik had literally just kicked their leader into his 'powdered' ass.

"Oh. Hi, Rhys."
"Don't you 'Hi, Rhys' me. What the fuck!? Santo cazzo Madre di Cristo! That hurt you big bag of dicks! Nessuno mi unfungulo! Jesus fucking-right in my goddamn ass! You could have fucking kicked me anywhere! But no, you had to plant your fucking boot right on my ass, you insufferable blond jackass. How did you even fucking do that!? And did you just kick me over a jar of fucking peanut butter, stronzino!? I mean I probably would have kicked someone for peanut butter but that's not the fucking point, what the shit, Niklas!? Dio cane! My ass is going to have a perminate fucking bruise now. Holy fuck. Porco dio!

The freckled boy was laughing so hard his chest hurt. He almost ended up rolling on the floor. Their leader was cursing big time and not just in english.

I swear to God if it was anybody else I would beat the fucking shit out of you."

"You'll pay for that later."

Kayden's eyes widened in surprise. Oho, their leader has a special kind of sympathy for their demon kicking ass Barbie doll that took karate classes at Jacky Chan's. Kayden looked at Rhys and wiggled his eyebrows, then regretted the thing. Luckily the blue-eyed leader didn't notice the guy teasing him, otherwise he'd probably become a stuffed hunting trophy by the end of the day with Rhys gloriously posing by him showing off his muscles to the group of survivors.

"I hate to interrupt whatever it is everyone is doing at the moment. But if you haven't noticed, it's cold as balls in here and that fire isn't going to cut it."

Kaydn's head was finally cold now. All of his attention was shifted to the unicorn.

"There's a generator in the basement. It'll give us some power and maybe we can get the heat working from there. But beyond those barricades...."

''…Doom,'' Kayden's mind finished the sentence. ''Well not doom, hope it's not doom. Goddamn it. Nuuu, it's not doom…there's a fucking rainbow at the end of the tunnel.Yeah, that could work.''

"I don't know what could be lurking there. So just be careful, pair or group up, and let's clear this place out. Grigs why don't you handle the bacement and I'll work on getting some gas."

And that was the moment when the confused freckles started panicking. Frantically turning around, he was searching for a person he could group up with. Too late. Every. Single. One. In. The.Room. Had. Already. Paired. Up…Fuck. Wait…every single one of them...save for ADISA!!! There's still hope! But where the fuck did the man go?!

Kayden searched through his mind. He tried to remember when the madman left the room. A sudden flashback hit him like a brick to his face. Why on Earth did he let that kick ass Barbie doll to distract him when the witch doctor was clearly out of his mind after that mambo jumbo seance he performed on Nik?!

Kayden ran to his backpack, took some weapons and dashed out of the room in hope of finding that Nemo fish.
''Adissaaa, come out come out wherever you are, no wait that sounds creepy.'' He paused. There was a strange scent in the air that reminded of….Noooo, of course not. Why would anybody, pfft, of course not. Kayden then coughed and continued searching for the silly prophet.

He was doing that for a while and he couldn't take it anymore. What if the man got injured?! That stupid snake grandpa made Kayden extremely worried. Finally he had enough of it, ''ADISA YOU LITTLE SHIT, WHERE DID YOU GO, SHOW YOURSELF YOU BLOODY SNAKE DADDY!!!!!!!!'' Kayden smirked at his own words, when the voice responded,


That had to be Adisa, no doubt. Kayden dashed to the source of the sound straight into the formal office space. ''Adisa why did you left the group all by yoursseeeeeeeeellffff?!'' he screamed while passing the doorway, slipping onto the pool of blood that greeted him at the entrance. He lost his balance and found himself sliding across the room, making a loud noice when hitting one of the desks.

His clothes were smudged in blood. Kayden was discussed. While taking that joy ride-slide he noticed a monster approaching Adisa. The monster he hated the most. THE FUCKING BOO HAG! That creature was literally a hybrid between a titan, a medusa and a dementor. Kayden shrugged. He also noticed that the creature wanted to make itself a new snazzy 'Adisa coat'.

Lucky for Adisa all the rattle Kayden did made the monster shift its attention to the freckled hunter. Unlucky for Kayden, traditional weapons didn't work on that naked motherfucker DICK!

The hunter tried not to meet with the boo's eyes. He shifted his gaze to the ground and shouted. Yes. He shouted. The streaking creature had already located him. There was no playing hide and seek anymore. The game came to its end,

''Adisa! Find some sort of a mirror! Quick! This son of a bitch has to take his own medicine! He has to face his own fugly eyes! I'll try to distract him as long as I can, just hurry!''

Kayden started running to the other end of the room, luring the creature as far away from the prophet as he could. While jumping from one desk to another the boo hag reached out for his leg. They both ended on the floor, Kayden fighting for his existence. The creature saw a huge potential of creating a new model of gucci coat from the boy's body.

The freckled hunter closed his eyes, took the swords our, crossing them in front of his face just in time so that Boo Hag couldn't quite reach him, but that bitch was heavy, too heavy.
''You realize I'm smol, right? You wouldn't fit mate.'' He said with a smirk. ''HURRY UP ADISA, THIS THING IS HEAVY!''
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Tags: Chise_Robin_ Chise_Robin_ [/div][/div][div class=title]James[/div][div class=text]James just kept swinging, not stopping for the barest moment in between. Every attack joined with a step forwards forcing Alaska to back away. She was good at avoiding his blade but James got more irritated every time he missed, for he only saw a monster dodging his attacks, waiting.

This wasn't how those fights normally went down, why didn't it attack him and why didn't he finally hit? He was still a little dizzy, but it wasn't that bad. James just stopped swinging as Alaska stood with her back against a wall, he whirled the blade around once and thrust it forward but instead of her his stab only hit the wall as she dashed past him low to the ground.

The tip of his blade colliding with the wall send a jolting pain through his not fully healed shoulder. It was merely a short reminder of what was really going on and had been going on the last days and before even had the chance to think about it a stinging pain shot into his head, keeping him from thinking at all. James turned towards the action again, his eyes locking onto Alaska as he was about to get into the fight again. He hesitated as her eyes met his for the briefest of moments, another reminder, a stronger one perhaps. It was like he took a peep behind the curtain of the madness that had taken hold of him before the pain returning to his head made him stumble and washed the insight away again.

He shook his head and looked back up the illusion cast upon him by the vampire yet unbroken. Instead of Alaska he still saw a monster trying to kill his mother, his family. Keeping them apart. Keeping them from being happy. He couldn't let that happen.

His left hand drew the pistol out of his back pocket as he rushed towards her. He fired at her twice, but his aim wasn't great because his vision was still blurry, he was running and he wasn't exactly calm right now. He was about to jump her, throw her to ground and try to stab, shoot or slash at her then. For all he knew, he was trying to stop a monster from hurting those he loved.[/div]
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Silent Mimic Silent Mimic JustAki JustAki

Luci was about to speak to the small lady, when she gave him a glare, and immediately walked away. Of course, this threw Luci off a bit. He wasn't surprised, as she was a new face to him. He wanted to talk to her anyways. He promptly followed her. "H-Hey Um-" Luci was cut off by something. He noticed the little lady throw a small pouch to the side. Luci went against his gut, and went to see what was in the bag. Luci sticks his thumbs into the bag, and opens the bag. He quickly turns his head away from the contents. Luci drops the bag and holds back the vomit. Tongues. The bag contained human tongues. Now, he needed to talk to her.

He ran up to her, and put his hand on her should, "Hey. What the hell was that about." Luci says grimly. Quickly realizing what he just said, and the malice behind it. He backed off slightly. "Oh.. Sorry about that.." he recoils. Although, his eye sharpens, and locks onto her. "Why did you have that." He asks her somewhat coldly.
CupAndCough CupAndCough
Fuck, it's a...Wendigo? Whatever the creepy dude said it was. Looking at the thing Ezra knew that running wasn't an option. Either they fought and hoped reinforcements showed up or they ran and died. Ezra was really not in a dying mood. Definitely a fuck whatever was trying to kill him to death mood. Non-literally but just as badly that is. Seriously right now he was really up for killing something.

Let's see: strong and tough enough to tear off the door and push through it without injury. It didn't seem to have much of a mind to affect and pain would likely just make it angrier. So that meant he'd have to try something else.

"Keep it busy a moment, please." Ezra asked his current partner as he began digging through his backpack. Let's see, one of the lighter fluid bottles he'd stolen from somewhere, an empty lemonade/piss bottle (they worked to fool Hellhounds if he needed to get away), a few tampons (he was certain he'd be able to trade them for some good shit if he ran into anyone who needed them), and a book of matches. Also a bit of toilet paper stuck to the bottom. Oh well, into the pot it went.

Let's see, soak the tampons in the lighter fluid (fuck, some got on his hand. He'd have to watch out for that), stuff them in the bottle, add the toilet paper as a fuse, and then he'd just need to light it and hurl it at the Wendigo.

Ezra straightens up and sees his companion battling the creature.
"Alright, I got a Molotov cocktail, back up and keep it back."
He reflected on the origins of the Molotov cocktail's name and smirked. Outright lies used for sarcasm were fun. Let's burn this motherfucker down.
penelope vale & woofus


Penny's Base (Farmingdale, NJ)
She Lays Down
part 2 of penny intro, next will be going north to meet with squad for haunted house
Her gaze was beginning to drift into itself as the dancing flames captured her vision. The fire stole her consciousness like a thief, the pain of the day's events snatched away into a burlap sack. Penny's eyes fluttered shut, and she allowed herself that lapse in security and alertness. Just in time, however, for a resounding crash to come from the floor beneath her.

She jerked upward immediately, perched like a perceptive dog. Penny's eyes flickered from the front door of the apartment she rested in, and then to the windows surrounding her. There was nothing at the windows... it had to be in the building. She sighed, beginning to stand up when another bang and crash came from below. Now, Penny was concerned. She had almost passed out in her so called safe base...and there was someone in the building. While she hadn't been as rigorous in checking the place as she would have liked to be, she assumed that a locked front door would keep most things away. Hopefully. But the entrance to the building was busted open anyhow, and had let in tendrils of snow and ice. She was on the third floor, so she had to be safe. Or so she thought.

Penny tossed the blanket back onto the couch and quietly crept to the front door. She tried to avoid the creaky floorboards, but she knew she didn't have the patterns down. Each step was an ache in her soul and sent twisting knives of fear into her gut. She really, really, didn't want to alert whatever was there that she was on the next floor. The last thing she wanted was another encounter.

It had been a fight for resources, though Penny hadn't wanted to fight at all. The survivors were a group that she had gotten herself interlaced with, and had pledged herself to their service. They assumed she was an adept human and perfectly normal. She blended in nicely with the background, just as she had wanted, but in the few days that she was there food and supplies had gone missing. Of course, eyes began to fall on her. She pleaded ignorance, because she truly knew nothing and was simply acting as medic to these people. The leader believed her, but then a patient outed Penny as being Blessed after catching sight of her tattoos and a bit of healing that she was experimenting with. Penny knew little of being Blessed except for the occasional word of mouth from fellow survivors, or from her own trial and error. For some reason, the leader figured it as lying and attempted to confront Penny...with an entire entourage of fighters. Despite the title of Blessed, they were afraid. They didn't know what power she had, and they didn't trust that some divine power had bestowed abilities onto her. Penny continued to protest her case, and was eventually chased out of their base. They tracked her across town before having a standoff at an abandoned gas station.

She made it out alive, thank god, but not without a hefty slice to the thigh and a few beatings. The others she managed to incapacitate and knock out, but she refused to kill them. It was a moral thing to Penny. She killed demons and she had no qualms with destroying the other monsters that dragged their insufferable bodies from the gates of hell. Survivors, however? Their level of evil varied far from the outright monstrosities that Hell produced. It was hard to judge them for trying to survive...But it had pissed her off that they were so quick to vilify their resident medic. A bell witch had rocked the group before her arriving and left many people in bad shape. She didn't even use her healing, but she sure did save their asses. It left a bad taste in her mouth...But she wouldn't kill them. So she ran back.

And here she was now.

Penny edged closer to the door, wincing with every creak. She pressed her ear to the cold wood and listened intently. More bangs from downstairs...but getting louder. What the hell could that be?

Then she heard the very indicator she needed. A bark.

"What the hell? Was that... is that a dog?!" She whispered to herself, staring incredulously at the peep hole in the door. The fish-eye lens perspective she had of the hallway and stairwell gave her little to go off. She did, however, recognize that bark. Unless Hellhounds (another name she didn't come up with) could sound as natural as that, she was sure it had to be a real dog. Penny's brows furrowed in worry as she tried to peer down the hall. Shouting was starting to come up, and human shouting at that. There were yelps of pain from the dog, more shouting, and then furious barking. It was growing louder.

Without a thought, which she instantly kicked herself for making a risky move like that, Penny unlocked the door and flung it open. She stuck her upper body out into the hall just in time to see a dog round about the corner. It was moving, and fast. The brown blur seemed to notice the open door and barreled in, tackling Penny to the ground. She gasped loudly as her back and head hit the ground painfully, expelling all the air from her lungs. The dog was growling and whimpering, and had rolled off of her once she hit the ground. The dog was against the wall, backing up and staring her down with its hair on end. Penny stared upside down, her lungs screaming to take air in again momentarily. She continued to look at the dog as she rolled to her feet and quickly slammed the door. She locked it tightly and held her breath, hoping the people outside wouldn't have followed the dog.

She looked back at the dog as she braced her body against the door.

It stared at her back.

The whooping and shouting was getting even louder, and when Penny took a break from gazing eternity in the dog's eyes, she peeped through the door again. She nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw the group of survivors run and whoop by the door. The banged on the door as they passed by, eliciting a yelp from the dog. Penny held her breath as she waited for the survivors (who she now recognized as the very same ones who had attacked her earlier) to stop and break the door down.

Seconds ticked by, but the men disappeared. Their hollering and speaking faded down the hall. They must have tracked her... somehow. There was a near blizzard outside... how the hell had they managed to find her? Sheer luck!?

Penny loudly released the breath she had been holding, and slid down the door. She sat, staring blankly at the dog. It was still on high alert with eyes never leaving Penny. Her heart melted at the sight of the creature. It was German Shepard. The dog had blood matting its fur and maw, along with a few visible cuts. One of its legs was bleeding profusely. She pouted, her stomach leaping into her throat as she stared at the frightened creature.

Her wide, blue eyes pleaded silently to the animal that she was of no harm. "H-Hey, buddy...I'm not going to hurt you. We're both running from the same people." Oh, how she wished that dogs could understand English.

Penny shifted onto her knees, thigh straining, as she stumbled to her feet. The dog looked nearly emaciated, and was probably starving. Where had it been this whole time? Wandering, as she had? Her empathy soared for the animal, and she cautiously shifted over to her corner of food and snacks she had hoarded. She had managed to score some cans of beans and other non-perishables. Some of the better spoils had been jerky sticks.

Her hands fumbled about as her gaze didn't leave the dog's. She found a jerky stick and ripped off the wrapper, waving the thing slowly through the air. The dog perked up, but still regarded her with haunted eyes. Her heart melted again, but she remained vigilant. Penny trusted dogs, probably more than people, but she knew what wild and ravenous animals were capable of. She just hoped she wouldn't have to... incapacitate this dog. "Hey, buddy. Do you want this? I don't...I don't need it. You look like you do. I wanna help you, pupper." She smiled anxiously at the pet, sinking to her knees and gesturing with the jerky. The dog wobbled forward, yelping as it limped with the injured leg. Her stomach did the leap again as she bit back a sorrowful moan. She placed the jerky on the ground and edged backward, giving the dog space.

The animal sniffed the jerky hesitantly before taking a nibble. Then, just as quickly as the dog nibbled the jerky did it disappear in an entire inhale. The dog was munching quite contentedly on the jerky for a half a second before looking at her expectantly. Do you have more?

"I've got plenty. You can trust me. I won't hurt you." She said to the dog, reaching for another jerky stick. This time, she got a little closer as she deposited the rations onto the floor. The dog inhaled the jerky once more, and then continued to look at Penny.

This happened three more times.

By the fourth, Penny was fairly close to the dog. She held out a hand for the dog to sniff after it had finished the jerky. The dog sniffed for a moment, and then licked her palm. Penny giggled, feeling the weight in her chest lift. She really wanted to die for this dog, immediately.

"That was yummy, huh boy? I don't have any more jerky...but can I help you? You're hurt." She frowned at the dog as she stroked its head slowly. The dog pressed into her hand and Penny frowned even deeper. How long had this dog been alone? She felt sick at the idea of an intelligent animal like this...abandoned. Or had it been orphaned?

Penny figured the dog wouldn't let her touch the wounds to wrap them or clean them, so she risked her corruption to do what her soul yearned for most. She closed her eyes, petting the dogs head, and with her free hand she hovered over the dog's wounds. She didn't get too close, but she assumed she would be allowed to once she began to heal the pet.

She centered her focus and breathing, tapping into the potential that burrowed deep into her core and tried to spread. She smothered the urge to grow, and to develop her angelic abilities out of sheer fear and lack of knowledge. When she did tap in, it was only during emergencies. This animal's wounds were definitely serious, judging the blood loss or counting for Penny's obvious bias toward non-humans, and called for desperate measures. She hummed as she felt the tickle of energy spread from the center of her chest outward, like the inverted feeling of a warm drink down the esophagus. Penny felt this warm pool, and leave her body. It laced through the developing tattoos, casting a faint light that grew once it reached the palm of her hand. A warmth spread outward from her hand, and the dog shuddered for a second. Then, it began to relax as the warmth reached its cold bones. The dog pressed into the hand that was petting it again, and began to lay down. She was given full access now, and moved her hand closer. She continued to pet the dog with one hand and with the other she mended the torn flesh. Her eyes opened, shining a brilliant and exciting power, as she watched the flesh mend.

Penny smiled, choking on her laughter a bit. Though she refused to acknowledge her ability the majority of the time... it was something else. Every time she used it, even if it was a little bit of healing on a cut, she had a momentarily giddy feeling. She massaged the dogs ears as she let the wounds heal and sew themselves together. This dog would need a washing afterward...but the likeliness of that happening was as slim as Penny getting a bath herself. They'd both stew in their blood, as it seemed. Together, at least.

The light evaporated from Penny's hand once she saw the major wounds were gone. The warmth simmered like a broth before disappearing with the ghost of itself like a kiss on he lips. She used two hands to pet the dog, who was now in an even better state than before. The dog, who she recognized now as a he, was pushing his face into her lap. She laughed a little as she scratched behind his ear. Penny hadn't laughed so naturally in a long time.

She pulled back and the dog stood up quickly, shaking himself off. He panted a bit, smiling as he looked at the woman. Penny cautiously leaned forward, and with two hands embraced the dog's head. She pressed her forehead against his and closed her eyes. "I will protect you with my entire soul, dog. I would die for you."

Once more, she pulled back. "Dog's not going to work as a name for you, is it? How about...Charming? Harold? Roberto?" She laughed to herself, and the dog gave a chesty woof! It hit her like a ton of bricks at that moment.

"I shall call you Woofus, and you shall be mine." She grinned cheekily at the beast, kissing him on the nose.
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Lilina Ovelia
The girl was brought back to life by a thing tapping on her shoulder. She woke up to see a man, asking her, "Hey. What the hell was that about.",making her mind quite irritated but he continued with, "Oh... Sorry about that...". The little witch was having a hard time whether to forgive him or burn him alive. The blonde spoke, "Why did you have that?", in which the little girl widened her eye, 'He saw what's inside?', she thought as she tried to look at where the bag was. It was slightly opened with some puke on the side. 'Darn it, I should have thrown it in a place that's more hidden.', she said in her mind as she spoke with her mouth and said, "The bag is nothing important. It was for rituals. That's all.". "If you question me once more about it, I'll make sure you're silent about it.", the little witch said with a sinister stare. She proceeded to stand and walk away from him. She said with a grin, "I'll explore, want to tag along?". GuavaJuiceXI GuavaJuiceXI
[class=biggie] width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; clear:both; font-size:12px; color: #162e70; font-weight:100; display:flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; height: 100%; [/class] [class=whut]background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #e8f1f2 2%, #381010100%); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #e8f1f2 2%, #381010 100%); background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #e8f1f2 2%, #381010 100%); padding:20px; [/class] [class=handsomedevil] box-shadow: 0 10px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.03), 0 6px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.08); border: solid 1px #e5e5e5; background: #fff; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; padding:8px; color: #162e70; font-weight:800; flex: 1; [/class] [class=speaks] box-shadow: 0 10px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.03), 0 6px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.08);padding:4%; text-align: left; background:#fff; border: solid 1px #e5e5e5; margin-left:20px; flex: 1; flex-basis: 30%; [/class] [class=speakeasy]border: solid 5px #f7f7f7; letter-spacing:1px; word-spacing: 4px; text-align: center; font-size:12px; padding:20px; color: #162e70; font-weight:100; letters-spacing: 3px; word-spacing: 2px; background: #fff;[/class] [class=speakeasy2] letter-spacing:1px; word-spacing: 4px; text-align: LEFT; font-size:14px; padding:20px; color: #162e70; font-weight:100; letters-spacing: 3px; word-spacing: 2px;[/class] [class name=handsomedevil maxWidth="800px"] margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px[/class] [class name=biggie maxWidth="800px"] padding: 0px; margin: 0 auto; flex-direction: column;[/class] [class name=speaks maxWidth="800px"]margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px; margin-top:20px[/class] [class name=bye maxWidth="800px"]display:none[/class]
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[div class=handsomedevil] [div class=speakeasy]"To go wrong in one`s own way is better than to go right in someone else's." [/div]
bitches get stiches ayo.jpg
[div class=speakeasy2]LOCATION — Outside the police station
TAGS — Help, call the police Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater
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it all burns.jpg
[/div][div class=speakeasy]“The man who has a conscience suffers whilst acknowledging his sin. That is his punishment.” [/div][/div][div class=speaks]
Nik shivered down to the core of his bones, like a red cardinal quite nearly frozen solid in all this gust and gale. His natural inclinations to create excessive heat were dwindling, and it was getting to be a bit much. As Rhys thrust himself into the vehicle to nab the gas can and what he could only assume was a tube for siphoning, the blond had his arms clutched around his body. Shoulders a bit slimmer than Rhys, Nik almost seemed years younger as he grasped his arms across his own body and tried to curl in on himself to preserve what little warmth he had left.

At that moment, Nik caught something out of the corner of his eye, and then a deafening sound slammed as heavy as a ton of bricks on top of the vehicle. The blond took a step back, eyes peering through the snow, but maintaining his line of sight with...a creature. A human. No, a black-eyed demon..not that either. Worse. Something worse, something harrowed and gnarled, disgusting and pestilent. He could feel the waves of pitch-black fresh hell wicking off the creature like flame licking gas in the air.

"It was once where I stumbled upon a curious sight..." Nik didn't stop backing up, maintaining the creature in his line of vision beneath strong brows, and stooped, low to the ground, as it spoke. Slow movements. He'd have had a catty retort for this. Something along the lines of 'Oh god, it's going to talk us to death'. But now wasn't the time.

It wasn't focused on him.

Nik felt a pressure in the center of his head, not unlike when Diana got him to meditate, which a great skill when you had a lowkey anxiety disorder in the crappocalypse, and a highkey affliction thrumming through your veins. But he wasn't meditating, and it was causing his head to feel like he was being subjected to a high-pressure front, like when flying in an airplane, his ears popping.

From the corner of his eye, he caught an azure-jeweled, burnt umber, and crimson-lipped waif, wavering through the gusts of wind that spun snow in a circle. Feet stepped through snow, but no sound was made, she was transparent, not real, not alive, a figment. 'God fucking damn it, why are you here?' He heard her cast-off of a laugh, the one she did when he said something stupid, it felt like it came from outside of him, but he knew it wasn't true.

It was a ghost in his soul, a memory, nothing more.

"Angel and Devil engaged in such a...ravenous fight..." 'It's going to rhyme us to death, actually' was another thing he would've said, but he didn't. He hoped Rhys would forgive him in this moment, for letting this thing bore him to death with sing-song rhymes through a twisted mouth. Nik's deft fingers reached for the gas canister behind him, and the thing was still, still talking, and still not looking at him. His little ghost drew closer, behind him, arms around his body, protective.

Not there, not real. Not now, no time, can't play with fake things when real danger is around.

"Where is it they come from, I wondered? Why is it they are here? To drink? To dance? To bathe? To fuck?" 'Yes, you piece of shit. All of those things, and not standing here in the ass-chapping cold listening to you yap.' It had been spying on them, like they were an amusing sitcom it turned on, and now it was bored, so this thing...a thing not unlike something he felt he'd eventually become, was dipping its hands into the fray to amuse itself. This Nik knew. Nik fondled the lighter in his pocket and slipped it up his sleeve, the ghost tugged at that sleeve, and he almost felt it.

His temples throbbed, he tried to reason his way out of this situation, but nothing came. Absolutely...nothing. The ghost placed its hands over his eyes, but she was see-through and nothingness, and he could still make out the scene. Her dark chocolate brown curls took to the gusts of air like a wave in the sea.

Realer than real. He couldn't be distracted right now. The little memory opened her mouth to yell her voiceless yell, her eyes angry, and she rounded to stop at his side, looking at him, and put her hand on his head, as if to check for a fever.

'Fuck off, or fucking help me.'

"Pesky angels. Always wish to bang before the final talk." He hoped Rhys would forgive him for saying nothing, for slowly rising with the canister in his hands. He hoped Rhys would forgive him for watching all this, and saying nothing. Nik knew he couldn't throw worth a damn, and so he was concocting a scheme to get them the hell out of this situation.

When one is facing what they think is death, sometimes something amazing happens.

Their entire world slows down, and their brain ping-pongs ideas on how to survive faster than their mind has ever worked before. Survival instinct. The human mind is a fascinating thing, and moments like this made the blond, who rarely thought on these notions, that perhaps time was relative. Effected by gravity, effected by the gravity of his thoughts.

Vision clearer than clear, sharper than sharp, he watched in slow motion as Rhys was forced into the car with a thwack, he audibly heard that crack, and winced, but displayed no other emotions. Nik's coat, the coat keeping him from freezing his ass off, was wool...wouldn't do. Couldn't throw it, not enough weight.

The ghost pressed her hands again, as if to take a temperature, then stood directly in front of his face, holding his head in her hands, he could see through her, and she leaned her mouth to his ear.

'This is ridiculous. Now? Now. Really?'

"Tell me little Devil, do you break as easily as dove's broken wings?" 'Does this thing ever shut up?,' the thought resounded, and then 'Forgive me Rhys, please, for standing around like a fuckin' moron.'

If only he could fucking throw. Light something on fire, fling it, something, anything, keep it on track. His heart pounded in his ears, he stifled himself from shaking, the edges of his vision pocked in static, in blues and yellows and reds, little primary colors signifying the panic rearing itself through his body to force fight, or force flight. Take action, now, it's now, there's no fucking time.

"My pretties inside came to feast, but with my favorite toy tossed to the gutter....well, I thought that it was time for me to have some play too. The Lich gets all the frigid fun. So why shouldn't I have my time in the sun?" Rhys pulled himself to his knees, and Nik's heart was beating faster than it had in literal years. He wasn't going to let this creature, this twisted, demented thing, take the detective from him. Not now, not ever, nothing was going to do that.

Visions of her split him in two, eyes glassy, the girl with the tattoos on her fingers, immolated down to nothing. The child inside cocooned in her body, and cracked with hellfire all the same. 'This can't happen again, I won't let this happen again, I'm not losing anyone else...I can't. I can't lose them, any of them.'

'I fucking refuse.'

Hey ugly, eyes on your twelve. He's not losing another one, so you can fuck off back to hell, you piece of shit!
"Hey ugly, eyes on your twelve. I'm not losing another one, so you can fuck off back to hell, you piece of shit! " Her words, in his ear, and through his mouth, she reared back to face the creature—this figment, or maybe more—her arm spread out as if wielding a power. She struck out, backwards and forwards like a palette knife over fresh paint, surging into his very skin, blackened affliction splitting up his body, ripping through him like laylines of lava scorching earth, right up to his eyes.

Her hand stayed poised, and then became his hand, as he hadn't even realized he was raising it.

The demon hissed as its body was pressed with even greater force than it landed, against the vehicle, and it scraped up it, body smashing into the metal, denting it, it snarled and then sent his own force back at him, the telekinetic power bursting through the snow like an invisible jet of water.

He grimaced and roared out what could only be described as a string of ridiculous cuss words, and his own gift, that had been laying dormant, snarled up to crack at the creature's body. A battle of wills, and this thing was now, far stronger than he was. Far stronger, having whittled away his affliction with that bloody stone.

He was losing ground, and it laughed. It was playing with him.

"Little Devil, if you continue on this path, you'll be as I Am, As You Truly Were Meant To Be."
Oh, fuck off, you ugly-ass bit—"

It knocked him back this time, through playing, pain inducement shuttering through him, bringing the blond to his knees, the telekinetic force of its onslaught sending him cracking against the far wall. But some damage was done, it seethed and struck out at the blond again, trying to split his mind and body. Put him down so that it would no longer be inconvenienced. The trouble here was that up to a certain threshold, Nik was very specifically...a masochist.

"You don't get to f-fuck around in my insides, you evil I'm uncultured." Body battered, voice hoarse and breathless, Nik raised his hand and pushed back, hard, but turned course in the last second to fling the gas can and lighter that had fallen when he had been slammed into the wall directly at Rhys.

The creature pummeled him again with its mind, into the wall, the wind knocked from his chest, it played with his body like he were nothing more than a rag doll, and began to pull his limbs behind and around, trying to tear his arm right from its socket.

"You are a nothing, little Devil. A nothing in this, not even on the playing board, and I am done playing with a pebble that thinks it's a Bishop..."

He screamed, beyond the threshold where he could handle this pain, the tendons in his shoulder ripping, the gas canister spun in the air in slow motion, the lighter twisting and cascading light through its blue, see-through frame, the glimmer of his own personal ghost's feet skipping over the snow, her body barely visible, as if running with the objects, carrying them herself, one solid footprint—real, and tangible—left in her wake as the canister and lighter came within Rhys' reach, and she flickered like a dying light.

Nik's bloodcurdling scream resounded.
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[class=infrontofbackaffectsright] width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; clear:both; font-size:14px; color: auto; font-weight:100; display:flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; height: 100%; [/class] [class=backgroundbloke]background:transparent; [/class] [class=sidebar] background:transparent; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; padding:5px; color: auto; font-weight:800; flex: 0.4; [/class] [class=witchtalk] box-shadow: 0 10px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.03), 0 6px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.08);padding:4%; text-align: left; background:transparent; border: solid 1px #e5e5e5; margin-left:20px; flex: 1; flex-basis: 30%; [/class] [class=sidedetails] width: 181px; box-shadow: 0 10px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.1), 0 6px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.5); border: solid 1px #e5e5e5; letter-spacing:1px; word-spacing: 4px; text-align: justify; font-size:10px; padding:17px; color: auto; font-weight:100; background: transparent; margin:auto;[/class] [class=sidedetails2] text-align: LEFT; font-size:14px; padding:5px; color: #162e70; font-weight:100; letters-spacing: 3px; word-spacing: 2px;[/class] [class name=sidebar maxWidth="800px"] margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px;[/class] [class name=infrontofbackaffectsright maxWidth="800px"] padding: 0px; margin: 0 auto; flex-direction: column;[/class] [class name=witchtalk maxWidth="800px"]margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px; margin-top:20px[/class] [class name=bye maxWidth="800px"]display:none[/class]
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Reverie Lowiezka​
LOCATION — Po Station Lobby & Basement
INTERACTIONS CupAndCough CupAndCough Gravitational Force Gravitational Force
MENTIONS— Why? Why? Why?
DESC. — Hair unfettered, tan wrap coat, red scarf, tights, black converse.
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❖ ❖​

She stood on the precipice, staring into the inky blackness of the styx. Fingers drummed delicately at the cold cement doorframe that lined the edges of the portal that the blocky male had disappeared into moments before. She had not seen Ezra tail after the man, and so had only assumed that Grigori had ventured into the bowels of the police station alone. Her tawny eyes shifted back to the lobby, where she had left Velska by the crackling fire.

"Amazing....." The young girl had breathed, the genuine wonder in her tone betraying her earlier attempts to appear uninterested in what the witch was doing.

Despite herself, Reverie felt herself beaming inwardly. She had always known that her skills and mastery in white witchery were subpar at best, considering the fact that she had arguably two of the greatest witch savants as parents. Many who had seen her work were often only interested in what she could accomplish with it; they saw alchemy and magic merely as a tool, or perhaps an ostentatious toy for amusement. A lack of appreciation for culture. She rather likened it to cooking, as she had learned in her years toiling in sweltering kitchens as a sous-chef. Where the increasing presence of uncultured brutes demanded the finest culinary delights, without regard for the time and care needed to make such tantalizers possible. It was a relative triviality of course, in as much now as it was, then. But to her, the capacity to appreciate the finer things in life is one of the things that separated men from beast. All things considered, it could be the very reason why coming across a fellow human now, in this crumbling world, might be just as bad as stumbling upon hellspawn. When man could no longer wonder at art, they ceased to be man.

So it was that as Velska's child-like curiosity hinted at a refreshing precociousness, the woman was once again reminded of happier times. It wasn't wishful, as she had long come to terms with change. But it was like separating memories into their own quaint boxes, and opening them up to cherish those little moments for what they were, simply because.

"Here." A hint of a smile curled the edges of her ruby lips, as she reached out a hand to offer the fair-haired girl a couple of the Frozendrops. A gift for the unwitting reminder. "Keep them wrapped up, when they crack, they freeze the first thing they touch."

All that was about two minutes ago.

She was here, now. Staring down into the treacherous unknown. Was it because she had sensed a slight worry the girl had for her father and somehow volunteered herself to go check on him? Perhaps Velska herself wanted to go, but was unwilling to be disobedient to her father's word. The heck am I thinking? If she would not look stupid, Reverie would've slapped herself. Twice, for good measure. What had become of her? Since when had she become a seer to scry the thoughts from behind a child's eyes. Since fucking when had she started caring? Maybe she was just making excuses to deny that she had suddenly associated herself with a larger community, and was somehow concerned for the safety of their scariest member. Or perhaps she was really going out of her mind.

The sound of her shoes scraping against dusty ground broke her out of her stupor. The woman blinked, realizing with a start that she had somehow descended into the abyss without meaning to, consciously.

"Holy hell..." Her whispered curse carried on a chilly draft, echoing into the gloom. Shit, that was loud...

❖ ❖​

Reverie had been trailing the boot marks against the dust, presumably made by the heavy-set man. She walked until the edge of the umbra, where the meager light from the open doorway above failed to penetrate the darkness and had stood there, hesitating to go further. She glanced at the ovoid glass clutched in her hand, a salvaged lightbulb, with glittering dust swirling in oily liquid. Giving it a rough shake, the bulb suddenly bloomed with warm light, pushing back against the shadows illuminating the area around her in a ten-foot radius. A scuffle up ahead, just out of sight.

"Salvadore?" She whispered, still unwilling to step further. Somehow calling him by surname seemed more apt, not that it was her biggest concern at the current moment. There was no answer of course, though she thought she heard the thud of footfall up ahead. Biting on her lower lip, she took a deep breath, took a step forward and gave in to her stupidity.

Reverie navigated through the basement with measured steps, the glowering bulb now hidden in the folds of her coat. She had debated on the wisdom of illumination and came to the conclusion that she didn't want to be the lightbulb to the various insects that lurked in the darkness. And so she had allowed her eyes to adjust to the near pitch-black gloom, all the while, the back of her neck prickled. Several times she whirled around half expecting some abominable horror to be sneaking up on her, but there was nothing other than the silhouettes of packaging and other useless knick-knacks. She had almost given up when she caught a flash of light somewhere ahead which she was almost certain, was the ex-military man. Eyes zeroing in at the faint dancing ray of light, she picked up her pace striding purposefully in order to catch up. The sound of her footsteps against the rugged flooring was like the brushing of dried skin on smooth cement.


She stopped. The scraping footfalls continued. Reverie thought of giving up her ghost.

Instead, she closed her eyes and concentrated, pinpointing the sound. It was somewhere off to the side, and seemed to be moving parallel in the same direction. Mayhap drawn towards the bobbing light. She had to warn him of course, that was what decent people did. Nevermind the fact that he was a battle-scarred veteran with hypersensitive awareness, who no doubt did not need a frantic witch alarming him to encroaching danger. Or the fact that she heard more shuffling sounds coming up behind her. She let out a quiet long-suffering breath. She did not survive so long by being a warrior. She survived by being smart. And right now, she was anything but. She could turn around and try to dart around whatever it was that was coming up behind, or she could head further in towards Grigori; at least she hoped it was him. Reverie chose the latter, resuming her walk as quietly as possible, as she was certain the shamblers were not aware of her presence yet.

No sooner had she taken a dozen steps, when a sudden shriek reverberated off the hollow walls and maze of piping. It was piercingly shrill and warned of savagery and unbridled violence. It also attracted a cacophony of answering snarls that seemed to come from every direction around her. The witch was already dashing forward by the time the revenants began their maddened charge.

She barely had time to register what was happening when she arrived at the scene. She saw the silhouettes of two men, one with the torch was undoubtedly Grigori, another closer to her appeared to be Ezra. And yet another, with twisted emaciated limbs and a jaw too wide for its skull. Wendigo.

God... If she even had a second, Reverie might have been frozen with fright. The monstrosity was way beyond her. The witch really only stood a chance if she had the time to prepare, which she clearly didn't. With the thundering patter of footsteps and slobbering wails coming up from behind, she thought of the only thing she could do for them. Buy time. She fumbled at her coat and drew forth the glowering bulb, holding it aloft. The renewed shrieks behind her only confirmed her suspicions. Cocking her arm, she flung the glass ball at the wendigo. With supernatural speed, the demon witch let out another piercing snarl as it ducked under the projectile; but Reverie had anticipated it. Glass shattered against the low ceiling, showering the wendigo with glowing liquid that stuck to its sallow hide, highlighting it in the darkness as if it were neon.

"GET DOWN-!" She hissed at the two men, tugging at Ezra's shirt as she ducked into the shadow of some looming furniture. A second later, half a dozen snarling Vents charged at the only thing they could see. Reverie hoped Grigori had read the situation enough to kill his light.

p.s: I know i wrote oil, but the glowy light is not electricity neither is it fire per se... it's... alchemy!
Last edited:

''True friendship can afford true knowledge. It does not depend on darkness.''
Henry David Thoreau


tags: Cocky lil shit Lakyr Lakyr
location: Police Station Cafeteria

His eyes, be it for the breifest moments held some kind of familiarity in them. Those kind dark green teary eyes shut close with pain..someone was tampering with his mind. Upon feeling the slight change in the hunter's behavior, one of the revenants dashed at her, Alaska shifted all of her weight to her right foot, kicking with her left, throwing the revenant against the wall.

A shot stopped her in her tracks before she was able to proceed, it missed her shoulder by mere inches. There was not enough time to proceess what happened before another one came penetrating her left forarm making her drop the new dagger to the ground. Alaska stepped a few feet back due to the impact of the shot, wincing. ''JAMES! This has to sto......'' He was now on top of her, pistol in one hand, and blade in the other, trying to slash at her. Alaska tried to knock the pistol out of his hand, holding his wrists.

''James please!'' She whispered ''you're.....stron....ger than this'' Alaska winced with pain. She didn't want to hurt him....She really didn't want to hurt him, but the pain from a newly dislocated shoulder would throw him off for sometime. The young huntress shifted her weight to his wounded shoulder, trying to get James off of her. ''I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry'' It was her brother's possession all over again. History kept repeating itself for this woman.

She cursed the apocalypse, cursed the world, cursed her own existence. ''I will not let you end up like him'' A certain sharpness...defiance underlined her voice as she now was on top of him, she knew how much it hurts, and that he'll be in a lot of pain if they get out of this situation alive...That was what she focused on.. getting them out alive.

Finally able to pin him for a moment, Alaska had the breifest moment to silently plea before being knocked off of him by the revenant she'd kicked earlier. Alaska readied her dagger,aligning it with the young woman's heart ready to strike. '' the monster will kill your family James!'' the vampire's voice came striking addressing the young hunter. ''what the fuck! these aren't your family! I AM YOUR FRIEND'' She shouted to him as well.

[div class=wrapper][div class=box][div class="boxBg boxBgLarge"][/div][div class="boxBg boxBgTall"][/div][div class="boxBg boxBgMedium"][/div][div class=boxInner][div class=statusBox][div class=characterPortrait][div class="imageBorder"]
[div class=statusText]Location: Outside > Base Camp
Tags:Blondie BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda
Mentions: The Voice in Rhys's Head | Ugly ass demon bitch
BGM: Birds of Hell Awaiting [/div]
[div class=statusText][/div][/div][div class=title]Rhys Contiello[/div][div class=text]
It turned towards him, crimson eyes glinting with savage delight. The paralyzing hurt spread through his body like icy, liquid metal. Rhys's mind was starting to fail, like an engine that turns over and over, never kicking into action. He couldn't formulate a thought. Every action could lead to more pain and there was no way out of this. No way out. Sweat accumulated on his palm, a clammy feeling that caused his grip to tighten over the handle of his gun. The weight of it was comforting in it's own way. Though he knew the side arm would be next to useless against this enemy. His feet were rooted in place, his throat began closing up.

"Fear is part of being human, Emrys, it's the precursor to bravery. You need it, it wakes you up to what needs to be done. So feel it, own it, let it ignite your thoughts."

The words came so clearly to his mind. As if the voice had spoken them into his ear. It was a vivid, jarring noise that snatched him from the depths of his own inaction. Fear was shackles, a knife in the gut slowly twisted, a constant hammer on the head, yet as easily as fear could kill --it had the potential to save.

"Hey ugly, eyes on your twelve. I'm not losing another one, so you can fuck off back to hell, you piece of shit!"
The demon's head jerked in an unnatural way, attention switching from Rhys to Nik in the blink of an eye. Rhys jumped away from the truck as the demon was slammed into it, the force of the blow denting the side of the truck. Azure eyes widened in disbelief, flickering towards the blond in muted shock. He hadn't seen him use telekinesis before, didn't even know that he could, but as the seconds ticked away it became more and more apparent that the demon was much, much, stronger than his peanut butter protector. Rhys's brows furrowed as if not understanding for a moment as to what was happening. The fight with the axeman...he had power pulse from him in sulfuric waves. Now it was nothing more than a fragment like a small child attempting to fight a grizzly bear.

"Little Devil, if you continue on this path, you'll be as I Am, As You Truly Were Meant To Be."
"Oh, fuck off, you ugly-ass bit—"

He was helpless to watch as Nik got thrown backwards right into the brick of the station.
"Fear is part of being human, Emrys, it's the precursor to ---"
"Bravery, yeah I heard you the first fuckin' time."
His legs almost have out under him, the action of trudging through waist-deep snow with broken ribs was not something he would count as a good time. He moved as fast as he could towards where Nik had been thrown, the snowy winds blinding him from seeing any detail besides vague outlines.

He heard their voices carry across the wind, syllables dissected in a frosted gale. Nik's tenor floated to his ears in chopped segments, followed by that screeching alto of far too many voices.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, not him, please, fuck, not him. Don't lay a finger on him. I swear to God--
The scream stopped him from thinking.
He felt his heart stop.
Time stopped.
The world might as well have stopped.
"I can help that human, Emrys, allow me to ---"

His breath flew out in smoke around him, legs wobbling as out of haze came an object.



His fingers clutched around the canister, bringing it to his chest as he quickly fumbled with snatching the lighter out of the air as well.
"You goddamn, crazy sonuvabitch, I could fuckin kiss you." The whisper came out ragged as he worked, moving faster than what he should have been capable of for a man who was frozen to the core. He unfastened the gas cap, failing to ignore Nik's screams as that thing continued to hurt him. In the back of his mind, Rhys swore that he would kill that thing. Brutally. Without mercy. He would laugh as he cast it to eternal damnation.

"You are a nothing, little Devil. A nothing in this, not even on the playing board, and I am done playing with a pebble that thinks it's a Bishop..."

The next scream got Rhys moving so fast he could have given himself whiplash.
Amber liquid arched through the air, pungent smell dousing his nostrils. Gas drenched the demon and he watched as it hissed, releasing Nik of whatever hold it had on him as it turned towards him with a feral grin. The laughter that echoed from its lips caused goose-flesh to pebble across his arms.

"How cute. Was that your plan little dove? Splash me with a bit of foul smelling stuffs? Hope that wins you the day?"
A grin spread over Rhys's face, wide and open, showing his whitened teeth. The expression openly mocking. The demon cocked it's head to the side, confused, if not curiously unnerved by look in Rhys's glowing azure gaze. He flicked the lighter in his hand, flame casting shadows across once side of his face. "You talk too much."

The demon launched towards him in a blur of movement.

A clawed hand reached for his throat.

He stepped to the side, tossing the lighter and watching as it caught onto the ends of her clothes first. It was a chain reaction then. Fire billowing up her body and encasing her in a flame that gave off so much heat Rhys had to back away. It screamed. Flailing into the snow, but it would not go out.

The stench of burning flesh filled the air.

Rhys didn't waste anytime, he was sprinting --as best as he could-- through the snow and towards Nik. His palm pressed against the other's face, fear openly resonated in his expression as he quickly checked him for any outward injuries. There wasn't time though, to really make sure he was okay. He didn't like that paleness to his complexion and he really didn't like how one arm seemed...
"You're a fuckin' idiot. Don't do that again or I swear to whatever fuckin' God is out there that I will beat the shit out of you."
He was trying to mask his panic by yelling, but his words didn't hold any bite they just sounded....desperate. Rhys laid a hand against Nik's shoulder, willing it to med, willing the damaged to be undone. He blocked out the demon's shrill screams and closed his eyes to concentrate. A warm glow pooled into the center of his palm and spread across Nik's arm. He could see every injury, every muscle that had been torn, and he mentally knitted it back together with golden light. Rhys opened his eyes, the blue irises swirled with a deep lustrous yellow. He rested his forehead against Nik's lightly, "You're off your rocker, insane, you fuckin' gay ass--" His words trailed off as he pressed a quick kiss to his lips effectively breaking off his rant. "You scared me."

The glow receded and the golden color faded to natural blue.
Rhys looped an arm under him, helping the afflicted to his feet and forgetting about his broken ribs in the process. Rhys made a noise, something like a whimper, but ignored it in favor of the pressing need of getting inside. He wasn't sure if burning that thing would actually kill it and the further away they got from that smoldering corpse, the better. He helped him up the steps and into the building, releasing a sigh of relief as soon as they got into the lobby.

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[/div][/div][div class=statusText]Location:
Grigori // Basement
Darius // Foyer > Database Center Entrance
Velska // Foyer

Grigori | Father/Leader | Reverie and Ezra
Darius | Son | Luiza
Velska | Daughter |

[div class=magical]

「 S T R 」
「 D E X 」
「 C O N 」
「 I N T 」
「 W I L L 」
「 A G L」
「 C H R 」

[/div][/div][div class=text][div class=postscroll]
[div class=title]SALVADORE GRIGORI[/div]

Velska grew flushed as the dark haired witch caught sight of her. Her childlike wonder turned to a glimpse of the shy neing beneath. Velska was never at a loss for words, nothing like Darius. She had something to say, she said it. Of course it was a guarded statement most of the time. This instance drew forth an innocence and nature she rarely felt from those beyond Grigori's following. As her eyes connected to Reverie's own, she stuttered. She had been caught, how unbecoming.

"I-I uh! I'm sorry!" , Velska cried only to realize that within the hands of Reverie and placed into her oen was two glas-like droplets. And with Reverie's departure she held these orbs with curiosity.

"T-Thank you!", Velska shouted as Reverie set off... Velska wondered what kind of person was she, odd and interesting.


With ferocity immeasurably high, the gangly abomination lunged at Grigori. Holstering his gun he kept both hands against the freed door. As the beast charge, Grigori reciprocated. Slamming the metal door against the powerful being, its snarling and grotesque vocalizations cursed the man. The force in which the wendigo slammed against the metal door was gargantuan. A violent and beastly assailing as the smell of flammable gas began to fill the air. Grigori slammed the door against Wendigo. The metallic screeches of iron ripping from paint as the horrid beast snarled and wailed echoed throughout the halls. Attracting the straggling revenants within the basement.

Grigori began to smash the blunt door against the face of the Wendigo’s maw. Hoping to daze the supernatural being, but to no avail. The horrid hunger from the beast pressed on despite the vicious metal blows of the shield-door Grigori held onto for survival.

With the sound of footsteps Grigori swiveled his head. Only to find Ezra had lit a firebomb. With the rancid air of the gasline filling the room, Grigori's eyes widened with anger. Releasing his grip as the gluttonous monstrosity beared down upon him. Grigori being the only shield these people had against the onslaught. With loose arms Grigori whipped forth a combat knife at the lit flame. Snuffing out the pyre.

”You want to die?! Gas has leaked---we cannot set a fire here!” The Wendigo beat down on the door to grasp at Grigori, narrowly missing his face with a deadly slash. ”Gah! Vermin! Boy! On my mark push this door, push it with all the telekinetic power you can!!” .

As Grigori’s words left his snarling face, a new set of footsteps arrived. Reverie. Grigori had no time to ask questions, but he would gladly accept the help. And help did she give.

With the oily illuminated slick, surely the other creatures would be attracted towards it.

Grigori looked forward behind the Wendigo, his eyes set upon a series of water pipes. If his plan went well the Wendigo would be tossed by the door into the water pipes at the far end of the hall...if only he could be frozen in the debris... He doubted it would be held long, but if they retreated deeper into the basement they could formulate a plan. Beyond the wendigo lied two paths, the dead end with the water pipes and the route the revenant took . Grigori could not lead this beast back. It would die in here, too many casualties if allowed to do that. The gasline had to be sealed as well. But with the pipes destroyed be could only hope for something beyomd his abilities

Grigori's head turned to Reverie, his eyes filled with determination, a will to live, "Could you lock this beast against the this door when it hits the wall?! Get ready on my mark! We need to retreat!"

Grigori looked to Ezra as he sent a mighty push against the Wendigo, lifting it off its feet.

“TOSS THIS DAMN THING NOW!!” , Grigori howled the deranged creature whipping its limbs with a savage array of slashes and flesh rending force.

[ Gravitational Force Gravitational Force , Lekiel Lekiel ]
[/div][div class=text][/div][/div][/div][/div]

[class=DoClassPls] height: 480px; overflow-y: scroll; padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px; margin:auto;center; [/class] [class=wrapper] background-image:url('https://www.rpnation.com/gallery/25c6c7b2fe2f32cc56b3ee671831462a.28248/full');background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size: 100% 100%; box-sizing:border-box; color:#f9f9f9; display:inline-block; position:relative; width:100%; text-align: justify; [/class] [class=title] color: crimson; font-size:4em; font-style:bold; padding:0; letter-spacing: 2px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align:center; [/class] [class=box] margin:2em 1em; padding:2px 4px 0px; position:relative; [/class] [class=boxBg] box-sizing:content-box; height:100%; pointer-events:none; position:absolute; width:100%; [/class] [class=boxBgLarge] top:0; left:-5px; padding:0 4px; border:1px solid rgba(255,255,255,.35); [/class] [class=boxBgTall] top:-8px;left:3px; padding:8px 0; width:calc(100% - 8px); height:100%; border:1px solid rgba(255,255,255,.25); [/class] [class=boxBgMedium] top:-4px; left:-1px; padding:4px 0; border:1px solid rgba(255,255,255,.4); [/class] [class=boxInner] background-color:#0d0d0d; overflow:hidden; margin:0.5em; [/class] [class=statusBox] box-sizing: border-box; border-right: 3px double crimson; border-bottom: 3px double crimson; border-top: 3px double crimson; padding: 15px; float: left; width: 250px; margin: 0px 15px 15px 0px;background-color:#1b1b1b [/class] [class=text] padding: 0px 15px 15px 15px; color:#edf6f8 ; font-size:1.2em; [/class] [class=statusText] font-size: 0.75em; [/class] [class=characterPortrait] box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; overflow: hidden; background-color:#0d0d0d [/class] [class name=characterPortrait state=hover] opacity: 0.5 [/class] [class=magical] margin:auto;center; background:white; opacity:0.5; width:100%; [/class] [class name=postscroll] height: 1000px; overflow-y: scroll; padding: 5px; margin:auto;center; [/class] [class name=statusBox maxWidth="800px"] margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px; width: 100%; max-width: none; overflow: auto;height: auto;[/class] [class name=postscroll maxWidth="800px"] padding: 0px; margin: 0 auto; float: none; width: 100%; overflow: auto;height: auto;[/class]
[class=biggie] width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; clear:both; font-size:12px; color: #162e70; font-weight:100; display:flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; height: 100%; [/class] [class=whut]background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #e8f1f2 2%, #381010100%); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #e8f1f2 2%, #381010 100%); background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #e8f1f2 2%, #381010 100%); padding:20px; [/class] [class=handsomedevil] box-shadow: 0 10px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.03), 0 6px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.08); border: solid 1px #e5e5e5; background: #fff; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; padding:8px; color: #162e70; font-weight:800; flex: 1; [/class] [class=speaks] box-shadow: 0 10px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.03), 0 6px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.08);padding:4%; text-align: left; background:#fff; border: solid 1px #e5e5e5; margin-left:20px; flex: 1; flex-basis: 30%; [/class] [class=speakeasy]border: solid 5px #f7f7f7; letter-spacing:1px; word-spacing: 4px; text-align: center; font-size:12px; padding:20px; color: #162e70; font-weight:100; letters-spacing: 3px; word-spacing: 2px; background: #fff;[/class] [class=speakeasy2] letter-spacing:1px; word-spacing: 4px; text-align: LEFT; font-size:14px; padding:20px; color: #162e70; font-weight:100; letters-spacing: 3px; word-spacing: 2px;[/class] [class name=handsomedevil maxWidth="800px"] margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px[/class] [class name=biggie maxWidth="800px"] padding: 0px; margin: 0 auto; flex-direction: column;[/class] [class name=speaks maxWidth="800px"]margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px; margin-top:20px[/class] [class name=bye maxWidth="800px"]display:none[/class]
[div class=whut]
[div class=biggie]
[div class=handsomedevil] [div class=speakeasy]"To go wrong in one`s own way is better than to go right in someone else's." [/div]

[div class=speakeasy2]LOCATION — Base Camp
OOC — it's peanut butter time. also i edited it a bit
TAGS — Knight in shining armor Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater
thatsucked3.jpg[div class=speakeasy]“The man who has a conscience suffers whilst acknowledging his sin. That is his punishment.” [/div][/div][div class=speaks]
The blond had passed out due to the pain, his arm had been wrenched like a nude nylon stocking full of sticks, meat and red wine, twisted, useless. If Rhys had managed to immolate the bastardess, he wouldn't have been the wiser, because he was staring at the insides of his eyelids. Or rather, he was staring at the figment he now knew with upmost certainty was Diana, haunting him, in a memory-dream aged in smoke and soaked in wine and earth.

It must have only been a few moments of this drifting, sitting at the driftwood countertop she had made, in their eclectic living room, the pair drinking their morning coffee. She had asked him something, but he was staring out the window at some bright red and cyan blue police lights. Her hand passed over his face in this strange little mixing of both memory and dream, and he smiled.

He felt a hand press to his face, colder than cold, rough-worn, large palm, long fingers..and his eyes shot open like a bullet clear out of the barrel of a gun. Deep indigo flashed and he was back, but his arm...it hurt so intensely that it was unfathomable. Beyond pain. On some other level of pain, the kind where your tears come, trailing down the corners of your eyes, and it hurts to even think about speaking. But he did anyways, because a hero was talking to him, a hero with a pleasant face, an often sad air about him, and a mouth he wanted to see done up in smiles more often.

"You're a fuckin' idiot. Don't do that again or I swear to whatever fuckin' God is out there that I will beat the shit out of you." Nik suffered a crass laugh and followed with a few parsing, chopping phrases, but he still managed to produce the sounds, no matter how much his body was screaming at him to stay the fuck still.
"Had to figure it out. My..long range is bad... Like. A pumpkin spice. Basic. Bottle blonde. Starbucks... College girl. Had to...figure it out," in his mind, this was a perfectly put together sentence, so he finished it off with a goofy grin. Trying to smile, even in this.

Nik cast a distant, disoriented gaze over to the embroiled creature and let out a few sets of stiff, halted chuckles.

"Burned the bitch, did you? Good...deserved it." Being in pain, when it wasn't for pleasure, was fucking exhausting. He knew Rhys had his own injuries and, as token Nik, didn't want to be fussed over, so tried to escape his grasp, but the whitelighter placed his hands on his shoulder all the same and put him back together. With a power he couldn't understand, not truthfully. Gods, angels, demons devils. Humans weren't ever really meant to know about these things, he felt.

The broken thing no longer broken, the blotched red skin in busted contusions no longer twinkling up veins, the tendons knitting together, one by one, part by part.

The light was golden, and Nik's blond lashes fluttered closed and open again, slowly, dreamy, as he watched Rhys work.

That demoness had been right. A pebble trying to play at being a Bishop. Without the cloak, shield, and dagger of his affliction hitting him hard, he wasn't nearly as much of a warrior. Fast, still. Keen knife work, still. But that doesn't mean much in a world where people like Grigs, Darius, and Velska themselves were a honed trifecta. Or the hunters James and Alaska, the witches and their powers, or specifically Rhys, as he had a past in law enforcement.

On top of that, the inhuman things, the festering little fuckers, and the giant goddamn Gerber Baby Bastards. And ghosts, those too. Bell Witch Bitches. He was only cut out for this when his soul was darker, in shades of nightmare and ink. Revenants and things that can't throw him around like a rag doll, those things, he could do. In his current state?

That giant Gerber Baby would eat him for breakfast.

Nik quirked a grin. He wasn't used to being saved. He wasn't used to being weaker. This was new. Different. And strangely enough, actually very appreciated.

Rhys rested his forehead on the blond's when he was finished, and Nik made a pleasant noise, not unlike a warm, rolling hum.
"You're off your rocker, insane, you fuckin' gay ass--" 'Ah, there he goes again', the blond thought. And then the detective placed a kiss upon his lips, and Nik's eyes opened wide to look at him in this action, to study his strong brow, to feel all of this, something he had been willing to sacrifice himself for. It was so new and green, this thing between them, so why did it feel so vast and entangled? If heaven did exist, it wasn't in the skies. It was in what people felt for each other, the thing that made countless musicians try to define the undefinable, poets desperately scrawling to underline the undeniable, and scientists wrack their brains to make mystery into math.

That was a magic, this new, green thing.

"You scared me."
"You scared me, too," Nik said, and then was helped up on weary limbs, wincing all the same, his hair tossled about his head like he had gone through a fucking tornado.

"My knight in shining armor," he said offhandedly, teasing, a kick of a chuckle escaping from his bruised chest. His body was bruised and battered but he didn't think anything else was broken, despite the creature's prior intent on using him as a mental punching bag. The blond drew his face to the detective's own as he helped him get over the threshold and into the lobby, it was softer than he expected, and so very cold.

He heard Rhys make a noise of discomfort and Nik stepped away once they were inside—he didn't want to add to his labors. Nik turned away and shut the door, and finding a nearby chair, he barred it up as best he could. He didn't know if that fucking thing was dead, and they didn't need it coming in here after them.

The hobble he started to stride into soon became a rather anemic looking walk, and he stayed with his shoulders against the other man as they grew closer to the dwindled fire. Nik placed a hand under Rhys' arm, ever so slight, he didn't know what exactly that bitch-ass demon had busted up, but he felt a light touch would be fine enough.

In truth, he just wanted someone to hold onto right now, but he didn't want to cause the other man any pain.

The blond eased down, as if he wasn't in this thirties, but actually a fucking centenarian, and winced. On his knees, he pulled over Rhys' bag, and his own, and rifled through both. The large jar of peanut butter came from Rhys' and he set it on the ground, then came the ibuprofen that had some type of relaxant in it as well, the remains of his med kit, odds and ends, cheese in a tight wrapper, and a bottle of water. Nik grabbed the sleeve of Rhys' coat, not unlike his little specter had done to him earlier, and gently, ever so gently, pulled him nearer both their things.

Peanut butter jar in hand, he suffered to spin it in the air and clasp it, then unscrew the lid and slide the jar in front of the other man.

"Here. I was going to give it to you anyways...sorry about earlier. And..." Nik smiled, as warm as he could offer, though he was low on energy. Even if the wound was healed, the adrenaline crash was a bitch and a half, and his limbs aches.

"Thanks...You're really something, you know." Nik shook his head, not ever bashful, but this time the words were a bit like butterflies stuck on the edge of a sill. The blond undid the cap of the ibuprofen bottle, it was some heavy shit, and pulled out a few pills. He unsheathed one of his blades, pressed it on the dividing line of one of the pills, placed on the ground, and cracked it in half. Any more than that, and with his current level of fatigue, he'd be out like a light. Nik unscrewed his water bottle, popped the halved pill into his mouth, swallowed it down with a gulp of annoyingly cold water, and held out the bottle to Rhys.

"Want some drugs, princess?" Nik was offering both the pills and the water, and anything else Rhys may have needed. He was welcome to anything, the gaze in Nik's eyes warm, appreciative, and open, painting that picture as clearly as he could enunciate it without using words.

They couldn't stay here long, this he knew, but they needed a moment of time, a short sliver, to recuperate. Whatever was going on, it was bigger than they knew. That bastardess had said as much.

"They're...probably going through some shit right now," he said, offhandedly, and if Rhys took the water bottle Nik would be suffering to pat his body down for his lighter, and if he hadn't, it'd be placed in front of him.

"Got my lighter?" he asked, and if it was handed back to him, he'd strike up his cigarette from the pack he was now handling, and sit for a few beats. He needed a moment, before he cavorted onwards on a mission. His eyes were weary, and now a bit glassy, the fatigue of the pill would soon set in, his bruises would feel less of a strain, but it was all so much, so fast, too much.

He could still hear the twisting of his limb in his ears, and his own scream.

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"Oh, uh, hey Haruka? I'll be back, I just n-need to check something.." Luci said he walked away from Haruka. Snapping her gaze to him, She found him talking to a girl, who seems to have this K.I oozing off her.

Blinking her eyes, she decided to go to them.
"Yo? Names Haruka" She said, nodding her head to the girl and smiling at her.

"So uhh, I kinda overheard what you guys were talking about. Can I come? If that's not a problem" Haruka said, hiding her eyes behind her hair as she smiled at the girl.

GuavaJuiceXI GuavaJuiceXI
Silent Mimic Silent Mimic

Ezra is in the basement:
Fucking old fucker Ezra thought to himself. The materials were used up and he was going to use them to save the geezer's ass. Ungrateful bastard. Still if he insisted...

"Eat this."
Tapping into the Demonic energy inside him, Ezra sent a telekinetic shove at the door in front of the Wendigo.
WHUMP! THUMP! THWUMP! CRASH! The Wendigo's face was crushed against the door as it went flying backwards, its feet unable to find purchase on the slick floors. It flew farther and farther back, scrabbling desperately in an attempt to arrest its momentum. It failed.

With a resounding CRSHHHHHHHHH followed by a lllllllllllllllll the creature ended up hitting the water pipes with enough force that they shattered, stunning it and the door holding it against the pipes. With effort it could heave the door off itself and renew its charge, but for now it was stuck.

Ezra wracked his brains as he tried to figure out what to do next. His usual strategy for things like this was to put someone else between him and the creature and run while the poor bastard got et. That wasn't an option right now and with the old bastard's help they might actually kill this thing. Except fire was a no-go and that thing looked strong as fuck.

Well, when it doubt make it somebody else's problem. "Now what?" Ezra demanded of the old bastard.

CupAndCough CupAndCough Lekiel Lekiel
[div class=wrapper][div class=box][div class="boxBg boxBgLarge"][/div][div class="boxBg boxBgTall"][/div][div class="boxBg boxBgMedium"][/div][div class=boxInner][div class=statusBox][div class=characterPortrait][/div][div class=statusText]Location: Police Station Cafeteria
Tags: Chise_Robin_ Chise_Robin_ [/div][/div][div class=title]James[/div][div class=text]On the ground Alaska managed to knock his gun out of his and not to get cut open by his blade. He did not notice her words but on the very brink of his perception, like the faintest whisper in the back of his mind. He stocked for one bare moment and that she used to throw him off, sending pain into his shoulder which now just through him back into his delusions.

It was like James was being buried alive in the madness the vampire had enthralled within him. Trying to fight, to push open the lid, would only get you exhausted and use up your air. Scratching the wood, trying to break through would split your fingernails and tear open your skin, bloodying your fingers. And if you managed to break through just the smallest bit somehow you'd be met with dirt pouring onto your face.

"Fuck you," he didn't decide to speak, the words just slipped from his mouth as she pinned him down. The pounding pain in James' shoulder slowly grew numb and Alaska was thrown off of him. He tried to get up quickly, leaving the gun on the ground, as she faced a revenant his mind didn't even care to notice.

"I AM YOUR FRIEND" Alaska yelled in the second he heard his mother telling him what he had to do again. At that moment these few words bashed their through to him, a crack was torn into the vampire's show, followed by a shattering pain James' forehead and a ringing noise in his ears.

Dirt. Pouring. Onto his face. Into his open mouth. And clinging on his bloodied fingers.

The show must go on. Looking back up he once again saw exactly what the fanged bitch wanted him to see. Every time he didn't manage to wiggle his mind free the vampire's claws just got a firmer hold of it. James darted towards Alaska and thrust his blade forwards. Then he followed up with a handful of wild swings before he stepped in further and tried to ram his knee into her stomach to send her to the ground again.[/div]
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'' And death came swiftly hovering...over an eternal night of hate.''


tags: Cocky lil shit Lakyr Lakyr
location: Police Station Cafeteria

She'd managed to kill the revenant before James darted towards her again, the vampie smiling in the shadows as he watched the two of them in silence.
The slashes came random and sharp, and she could only dodge for so long before they started making contact with her arms and wrists. Then came his knee in her guts, pinning her to the ground.

Panting she'd stopped to take her breath, her hair now broke out of the ponytail and was swimming in a pool of her own blood and that of the revenant's. She'd stopped, because it was California all over again. Her chest rose and fell as shallow breaths found their way into her lungs. What do you do when your enemy doesn't fight back? Do you just keep going? Does it throw you off your guard?

The slightest thought of dying crossed her mind. There she was, on the ground, unwilling to hurt the man she met four days ago while facing a similar terror. It would have been a good way to die, Alaska thought, fatigue creeping into her body. But no.... Alexander died, and she could never forgive herself for it..Her father died, and it still ached to that very day.

James' pistol lay on the ground not very far from her....Just within her reach. The hunter's eyes displayed so much hate for her she didn't think was even possible...There was one way out of this. One way that would give birth to two different out comes...James could go completely mad....Or he could be set free.

''Forgive me.....''

Alaska's fingers clasped around the pistol, pain shooting through her arms from the slashes of James' machete. She managed to kick him off of her and send a bullet aiming to scratch his healthy shoulder, creating a detour, all the while her eyes fixed on his grassy green ones. Still on the ground she shifted her aim towards the grinning bastard......and fired.

All of the screaming, the noise, the gun shots...all of the sounds that came from that cafeteria could attract people there, or attract more monsters.. She wondered what the others would be facing and wished they were ok. She looked towards James as the vampire crumbled to the ground bleeding from between his eyes. One shot wouldn't be enough to kill him... she knew, but at least it would knock him out for some moments.

She took the moment to jump up and run towards the unconscious vampire, planting her dagger into his neck and cutting horizontally till she severed the head, the remaining revenant went to a frenzy when it's master died. It darted towards the young huntress only to receive a bullet to it's heart. All the fatigue....the blood loss, and the pain was about to knock her out. Alaska's head felt light, a certain cold sensation going through her body, she locked her eyes on James, taking in his tired features. The revenant stood back up, howling, bleeding, dashing towards her again. But she couldn't move, she was too tired to.

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Tags: Chise_Robin_ Chise_Robin_ [/div][/div][div class=title]James[/div][div class=text]As Alaska managed to throw him off and shot his shoulder, sending his machete to the ground, all he could think over the instant pain was how odd this had been. She had held back all fight, only tried not to get hit, and then used his gun, only to injure him? That just wasn't how most monsters fought.

James barely managed to sit up as Alaska was severing the vampires head. At that moment it looked like the monster he couldn't kill was ripping off his mothers head, then before it was over there was a last shot of pain rampaging through his head as the scenery crumbled and he saw things for what they were again. The realization hit him like a train to the face.

He fucked up. He messed up big time, did the exact opposite of all he wanted to do. Of all he had to do. But it was worse than that. He didn't only fight on the wrong side but he fought Alaska. Hurt her. One of the few persons he really cared about. All because he was stupid. Did a stupid mistake that could've easily cost one of their lives. But the time for regrets and self-hatred was later. Now he had to do something right again.

The revenant Alaska had shot once got back up ready for another round but she wasn't in a condition to fight anymore. Exhausted. It charged at her but James ran as well, moving faster than he thought he could. He left his blade lying on the ground, not even thinking about picking it up but also not having the time for it. Not caring about it. His plan had a flaw, if Alaska was about to shoot the revenant again she might just hit James instead for he was running straight into the monster. But if that happened maybe he deserved it, he thought he did. So it was another thing he didn't care about because it wasn't important.

And it didn't happen, she didn't shoot again and James crashed into the charging thing, throwing it off its feet and then pinning it down. One of his knees pressing down one of its arms, his left hand holding the other one in place and his right hand grabbing the revenants forehead. He was holding it in a way it couldn't possibly bite him but it still tried ferociously and it scratched his arm, leg, and sides with its claw-like nails trying to free itself. Without any weapon he could only think of one way to kill it, so he started smashing its ugly head into the ground. Again. And again. And again. And that set on repeat, painting the floor in gore. He did it a few more times after it stopped fighting and then rolled off the revenant, lying on his own back.

He got up and looked at Alaska, his face an image of regret and sorrow. He just stood there, wanted to tell her how sorry he was, ask her if she was okay. He took a long breath but then stayed quiet. It would've sounded pathetic and dumb, it wasn't enough and it came too late. He wouldn't be able to express this with his words. So he just stood there more moments, not sure what to do. Helpless in a way.

Then he knew the best he could do. He stepped towards her, put his arms around her softly and then drew in for a tighter hug. She could push him off or step away, he would understand. He would quietly accept it and keep his thoughts for himself. But something told him she wouldn't. One of his hands rested on her back, the other one brushed over her chestnut brown hair and then came to rest on her back as well. He put his head next to hers, above her shoulder.

It took him a few moments before he could speak, his voice just a whisper, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Fuck, I'm sorry." Now tears were finally running down his face and he barely kept his voice from wavering too much. "I didn't want to hurt you. I fucked up, I'm a stupid fucking worthless incompetent idiot. Are you okay? I never wanted to ... why did I ... I didn't want to..." he didn't think about what to say, the words just came, they were what he thought and felt right now, but he didn't want to repeat himself too much so stopped a few seconds. "Thank you for saving me, us. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." his voice got quieter with every word. "I didn't want to, how could I-? Why ... why can't everything just be good for a few days?"

He waited a few more seconds, he didn't care that it was already way too long of a hug. Then he stepped back, looked to the ground and first, but looked up at her again after a moment.[/div]
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Reverie Lowiezka​
LOCATION — Po Station Lobby & Basement
INTERACTIONS CupAndCough CupAndCough Gravitational Force Gravitational Force
MENTIONS— Why? Why? Why?
DESC. — Hair unfettered, tan wrap coat, red scarf, tights, black converse.
[/div][div class=sidedetails2][/div]
[div class=bye]
[/div][/div][div class=witchtalk]
❖ ❖​

"Could you lock this beast against this door when it hits the wall?! Get ready on my mark! We need to retreat!"

"Yah!" Reverie snapped a quick reply. That she could do, though she wondered what good it would be. Wendigos were killed by fire but the smell of leaked gas permeated the dank underground and could very well turn into a fiery hell with an open flame. This whole excursion was starting to seem like an increasingly terrible idea by the minute. A haughty part of her was screaming an 'I told you so' but she ignored the voice, concentrating instead on the matter at hand. Not that there was much she offered.

The wendigo immediately beset upon them, with Grigori placing himself as a bastion between them and holding the door down. Around them, revenants clambered over tables and broken furniture screeching and joining the fray only to be tossed and smashed as if they were ragdolls. Then the moment came and Ezra sent the demon witch and metal door flying into the far corner with a gathered surge of his affliction. The witch sprang into action, vaulting over the table before her, and rushing to close the gap. The remnants of her glowbulb cast the whole place in an eerie kind of glow, a blueish tinge not unlike that of fungi. And in the dimness and the ear-splitting screech, she could see the wendigo struggling savagely against the onslaught of afflicted force holding it back. At this distance, it would surely gain the upper hand. But as the metal cover banged outwards with a particularly brutal thwack, a wet splatter connected against an emaciated arm. It was immediately followed by a chilling crunch, like that of grinding ice. The wendigo roared and jerked its arm, freeing the limb with a shattering of ice but its reprieve was only temporary. More followed as Reverie pelted it with more and more of her frozendrops until the sound of crackling ice muffled the maddened wails.

The corner now glimmered with an azure sheen, with only the shadow of the demon-witch faintly visible in the tomb of ice. Her ammunition spent, Reverie edged away from the entombed wendigo wary for any movement. But her preoccupation with the greater threat cost her. She heard a snarl, turning just in time to brace herself against a rushing revenant and the two tumbled to the floor in a heap. A cry of pain escaped her as Reverie felt her shoulder crash against the edge of something. There was no reprieve however, as the Revenant was upon its prey with a flurry of gnashing yellowed teeth. Pinned to the ground by its weight, Reverie twisted out of the way of a lunging bite. Narrowly avoiding having a chunk taken out of her neck. Screeching in annoyance, the revenant renewed its attack, only to be denied once more as a flailing fist connected squarely into its jaw.

"GET. THE FUCK. OFF. ME!" Her fingers stung with that punch, and she thought she might've fractured a bone but she could not afford to relent. Gritting her teeth she pounded against the bony frame with her fists trying to push it off, but it seemed futile, and only served to enrage the revenant even more.
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'' And death came swiftly hovering...over an eternal night of hate.''


tags: Cocky lil shit Lakyr Lakyr BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater
location: Police Station Cafeteria

Fury and pure anger radiated off of James as he banged that unfortunate revenant's head against the wall. He kept on going over and over again, rage masking his vision to the fact that the creature was already dead.

The pistol fell to the floor, and she made her way towards James slowly. ''He's dead....It's ok'' her words came more like whispers. The hunter finished from the revenant, got up, and stood there, right in front her, silently looking into her eyes with all the remorse and sorrow the world cold possibly hold.

Then came the hug, so surprising, warm and safe just like Nik and Rhys' hugs. Unlike their hugs she felt her heart skip a beat, chilling her whole body for a fraction of a second. Alaska was exhausted from the fight, she hugged him back tightly, listening to his words, trying to comfort him.

"It's ok....it's ok'' she kept saying, ''I'm glad you're ok, thank God you're ok'' Alaska hugged him tighter, shaking with fear now that everything was over, taking his smell in and closing her eyes tightly.
"I didn't want to hurt you. I fucked up, I'm a stupid fucking worthless incompetent idiot. Are you okay? I never wanted to ... why did I ... I didn't want to..."
His voice cracked, tears falling down his face. Alaska felt a lump form in her throat, words refused to come out of her mouth.

When he thanked her for saving them she shook her head telling him that he would have done the same thing. They were ok, and that's what mattered right now. She didn't loose him, he was ok.. She didn't loose him.. He was alive. Alaska kept repeating this to herself over and over and over again, not knowing how much she'd gotten attached to a stranger she met four days ago. She was relieved, and tired.

James pulled out from the hug, eying the ground for a while ''hey!'' her voice came kind and soft ''it's ok! i'm ok!'' they both would need some stitching and another shower perhaps but they were alive. Alaska smiled softly going closer to him: ''i'm sorry I shot you'' she chuckled touching his shoulder. ''We should probably take a look at that'' Alaska took his hand and led him out of that horried room and into the lobby.

''Oh thank God you guys are ok'' they both looked exhausted ,her voice held so much concern and fear. Her arms hurt so much from the scratches and gun shot and she was so tired she was about to pass out. Alaska leaned a little on James before sitting down trying to calm the dizziness in her head.

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[div class=statusText]Location: Base Camp
Tags:'Damsel' in Distress BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda
I want to know what love is [/div]
[div class=statusText][/div][/div][div class=title]Rhys Contiello[/div][div class=text]

"My knight in shining armor,"

He let out a soft snort, glancing over to the man at his side. "Anythin' for you sweetheart." The lithe to his voice was teasing as they walked up those blighted steps and into the retaliative warmth of the station. Rhys half turned away to give the other man space to close the door. A hiss of air flew past clenched teeth, his body almost doubling over from the action.

"Ah fuckin' --assfuck--Christ almighty."

His colorful words were spewed under his breath, arm clamped to his side as if that would stop the pain with each breath. Azure orbs tracked the movement of his counterpart, thankful at least that although the man was banged up he didn't appear to have any other serious injury. Rhys shuffled to the fire, sitting beside the natural heater with a bit of difficulty. Every inhale, every exhale, it was like a constant cycle of shallow pain that held his brain hostage. Still, there was little --if nothing-- that he would do about it besides make himself as comfortable as possible. He unzipped his jacket, shrugging out of the damp garment with the expression of someone who looked as if they were about to scream. Rhys bit his lip. The winter jacket hit the floor with a wet thawp. That didn't get rid of the wetness or the uncomfortable chill it brought with. He removed his leather jacket next, stopping every so often to breath through the pain. By the time he had removed both outer layers, Nik had situated himself next to him with their bag drawn up close.

There was red staining his shirt.
Rhys looked down, placing his hand to his abdomen gingerly. His fingers were coated with crimson when he pulled them away. At least he knew what had been bleeding back when he had put his hand on the truck. Rhys pulled the bottom of his shirt away, looking at the inch deep gash in the firelight. It almost looked like a claw mark. Probably from when he had been thrown against the truck. It was still bleeding lethargically, oozing crimson onto his onyx shirt. It had cut through the fabric too. A frown curved at his lips, thinking now about the whiskey in his bag.

"Here. I was going to give it to you anyways...sorry about earlier. And..." Rhys turned his attention to the damsel in distress, noting the jar of peanut butter he held out as a kind of offering. "Thanks...You're really something, you know."

The ex-detective stared, watching the shadows and shades of yellow and orange light move across his face like some sort of interpretative dance. There was something in the pit of his stomach that warmed and spread to his chest, a feeling that was somehow new and not. Rhys couldn't remember the last time he felt this way...but it had been long before Monica. A slight laugh bordering on a cough left him, still obvious in his staring, "No need to apologize, I was the idiot that took it in the first place." He went to raise his shoulders in a shrug but stopped half way as the pain inhibited the reaction. "Am I? 'Cause I'm figuring that all I'm good for at this point is shooting and swearing." The right side of his mouth tilted into a lopsided grin. His jest was a bit too real in that second because his grin faded and his gaze shifted to look at the fire for a long moment. Whatever shadows that haunted his mind were chased away by the sweet, sweet calling of peanut butter.

"Want some drugs, princess?"

His facial expression fell like an eighty pound weight dropped from the top of a building, his hands pausing in their pursuit of twisting off the peanut butter cap.

"Niklas..." He paused, realizing that he didn't even know the man's full name. It put a bit of a damper on the joke, and he let the other fill in the blanks for him before continuing, "offering and officer of the law drugs is a serious offense..." The seriousness to his expression cracked before he was even finished, a slight laugh bubbling out of him. It hurt to laugh. But damn this man to hell for making him want to laugh anyway. "That's a minimum of three months--aw fuck I can't. Hand it over."

He read the label before shaking out two capsules. It was a relatively high dosage for this kind of drug (more than potent enough to knock him on his ass for an hour or so) but with the pain igniting each nerve ending, he was going to need it. Rhys took the offered water as well, swallowing the pills before chasing it with water. He handed the bottle back, attempting to situate himself so that his ribs didn't constantly feel like they would kill him with each breath. His concern was focused on the blonde as he patted his pockets a bit in search of something.

"They're...probably going through some shit right now,"

Rhys either ignored the comment or didn't hear him. "Are you alright? I can probably heal a few bruises."
He extended the offer despite his own condition. Rhys didn't care that he was still bleeding or that every breath felt like it might be his last. What he did care about was the man beside him and that realization wasn't as frightening as he thought it would be.
"Got my lighter?"
"Yeah it's- ah."
Rhys stopped moving.
Struggled for a second for breath.
He closed his eyes against the pain.
Then his fingers slipped into the pocket of his joggers and produced the tiny dollar store looking lighter that had been thrown his way in the midst of chaos. He passed it over, arm dropping to his side. The peanut butter jar sat between them, ignored for the most part as Rhys tried to get his shit together. There much have been something wrong, because he didn't remember broken ribs hurting this much. Then again it had been over a decade since he had broken one.

"Nik...can....bag...whiskey...floss...fishing hook..."
He didn't have the air to get the sentence out. But he needed to take care of the gash in his stomach before the painkillers took hold. He waited for the items to be handed over before going to work.
Rhys grunted at the burn as the whiskey seemed to sear his open wound. He set the bottle next to the peanut butter after soaking the fish hook and tying the floss.



Cross stitch.


When he was done, his hands were shaking and he was sweating from the exertion. But at least he wasn't leaking blood everywhere. His head felt light and he wiped his hands on the winter jacket. His head fell against Nik's shoulder, needing the support and not having anything else to lean against. Rhys closed his eyes and breathed.

''Oh thank God you guys are ok.''

Alaska's voice. Rhys didn't move from his position, too out of it to really care. Mentally he repeated the sentiment back at her but all he could manage was a soft grunt.
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JustAki JustAki Silent Mimic Silent Mimic

This small child was UpSEtTIng Luci. This was an odd feeling. At the monestary, he was taught to not engage in any fighting, nor show any signs of hostility. Luci never had a problem with this. So why is this girl..angering him? ""If you question me once more about it, I'll make sure you're silent about it." This Little girl thought she could best him? Luci clenched his fist and turned the other cheek. Like he was taught. "Yeah, Whatever," Luci scoffed. Wait...what? Why was he getting so..aggravated? This was definitely not like him at all. The little girl walked away from him, and turned around. "I'll explore, want to tag along?". The wannabe loli Young lady said. With all of the shady things she was doing, Luci felt the need to watch her, to make sure she doesn't harm the group. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Haruka approach them. She introduced herself, "Yo? Names Haruka" she introduced herself. "So uhh, I kinda overheard what you guys were talking about. Can I come? If that's not a problem" She questions. Luci shakes his head "Of course it isn't a problem.." Luci responds. "After you, small one." Luci says. He smirks
[class=biggie] width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; clear:both; font-size:12px; color: #162e70; font-weight:100; display:flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; height: 100%; [/class] [class=whut]background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #e8f1f2 2%, #381010100%); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #e8f1f2 2%, #381010 100%); background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #e8f1f2 2%, #381010 100%); padding:20px; [/class] [class=handsomedevil] box-shadow: 0 10px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.03), 0 6px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.08); border: solid 1px #e5e5e5; background: #fff; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; padding:8px; color: #162e70; font-weight:800; flex: 1; [/class] [class=speaks] box-shadow: 0 10px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.03), 0 6px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.08);padding:4%; text-align: left; background:#fff; border: solid 1px #e5e5e5; margin-left:20px; flex: 1; flex-basis: 30%; [/class] [class=speakeasy]border: solid 5px #f7f7f7; letter-spacing:1px; word-spacing: 4px; text-align: center; font-size:12px; padding:20px; color: #162e70; font-weight:100; letters-spacing: 3px; word-spacing: 2px; background: #fff;[/class] [class=speakeasy2] letter-spacing:1px; word-spacing: 4px; text-align: LEFT; font-size:14px; padding:20px; color: #162e70; font-weight:100; letters-spacing: 3px; word-spacing: 2px;[/class] [class name=handsomedevil maxWidth="800px"] margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px[/class] [class name=biggie maxWidth="800px"] padding: 0px; margin: 0 auto; flex-direction: column;[/class] [class name=speaks maxWidth="800px"]margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px; margin-top:20px[/class] [class name=bye maxWidth="800px"]display:none[/class]
[div class=whut]
[div class=biggie]
[div class=handsomedevil] [div class=speakeasy]"To go wrong in one`s own way is better than to go right in someone else's." [/div]

[div class=speakeasy2]LOCATION — Base Camp
OOC —man y'all are fucked up, dam,
TAGS — Exhausted Hero Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater , Best State Chise_Robin_ Chise_Robin_ , Bros 4 life Lakyr Lakyr
[div class=speakeasy]“The man who has a conscience suffers whilst acknowledging his sin. That is his punishment.” [/div][/div][div class=speaks]
'Shit, shit, shit, shit.' Rhys was bleeding through his shirt, Nik didn't quite know the extent of his injuries up till that point, and worry crept into his throat to choke him on his words. He had seen what had happened, but nearly right after he had been battered himself, to the point of passing out. A physicality he had never, ever endured.

He could endure the mental and emotional scars with a hollow smile, but whatever had just happened had knocked him too hard.

It had been wretched.

"Voss," he offered the phrase back , slowly, harrowed in this still, but still trying to quirk a smile despite all that had happened. Nik started to open up his medical kit, there were scant supplies left, barely anything, but enough fishing wire and odds and ends to make do. Yet they were still attempting to make conversation. Nik's mind screamed at him, do more, be better, try harder. But that same mind was pumping full of, then draining off, all the glucose in his fucking body.

Rhys was trying to be so, so very stoic.

"Offering an officer of the law drugs is a serious offense..." Nik narrowed his eyes as Rhys spoke, studying his face for the countermeasure of comedy, and then found it when the other's expression shifted, and he tried to laugh. Nik could see how much it was paining him.
"Just take the stupid fucking pills—" he quite nearly hissed.
"That's a minimum of three months--aw fuck I can't. Hand it over." The blond, with his tossled hair and tired eyes, let out a hollow, short jaunt of a chuckle, but it was difficult to bring that joy to the forefront right now. What with how damaged Rhys seemed to be. There was something about the blessed, the Witch in Queens had told him once...they couldn't heal themselves.

That was a shitty fucking downside.

Rhys ignored his statement about the others, or perhaps just hadn't grasped the words, and instead tried to offer heroics again.
"Are you alright? I can probably heal a few bruises."
"I'm fine, all things considered...stop worrying about m—" Rhys was about to hand him his lighter but the movement was halted. Nik would've just dug into the other man's pocket like an idiot if he had known just how fucked up his wounds were, and the blond's entire continence shifted into fight or flight again.
"Shit, fuck, what can I—"
"Nik...can....bag...whiskey...floss...fishing hook..." Nik said nothing in response and got everything Rhys had called for, his hands shaking. He tried to stop the little quickened tremors that shot electricity up his veins and into the pit of his stomach, but he was doing a piss-poor job of it.

'I'm sorry. I make jokes and do stupid shit because I'm scared shitless all the time,' he thought, looking on, his shaking hands managing to eek out his cigarette finally.

The drugs started to kick in, and thankfully it was only half a pill, he had been smart. Should some wayward gnarled nasty decide to make itself known, Nik would be able to fight, because his body would no longer feel like it had been punched down on all sides. And he wouldn't be panicking as badly as he had a few moments earlier, eyes widening as Rhys' hand came back bloody, deep indigo gaze flashing, skin crawling, throat constricting.

A side effect of this particularly powerful brand of painkiller was a mellowing. Something not unlike dipping yourself in a hot bath after a long day. And so the panic was diminished, and he was able to think more clearly. If he hadn't taken one, he was sure he'd be internally and quite possibly externally freaking out about the wounds the detective had endured. And about all of this bullshit. What the bastard demon bitch had said, what they were going to do without gas, Rhys' condition, if that demon bitch was actually dead, and...

If the others were alright.

Nik watched as Rhys patched himself up, and hadn't even taken a clear drag of his cigarette, the ash falling onto the floor. His defense mechanisms weren't working right now. They just weren't. Nothing was working. As Rhys mended himself, Nik held back what panic was still threatening against the effects of the drugs, and mulled his lower lip over with his teeth, out of nervous reflex.

Alaska and James came forward, harrowed in their own right, so...many wounds. But with Rhys against his shoulder, he didn't move. His eyes staring at the floor, the cigarette not being smoked, his gaze distant and eyes glassy. He had heard them. He just wasn't registering everything, not quite yet.

"Oh thank God you guys are ok."
"That's the overstatement of the century, but...good to see you're..." 'Not dead, not choking on your own blood,' he thought.
"Doing...as well as can be expected...." he paused for a moment, feeling the dampness of his coat soaking into his bones, but he didn't move, because the one who had saved his life was resting on him. He'd have to move. He'd have to...

Nik looked over the pair of them, his State and his brother in arms, at the reddened eyes, at the wounds he could see, at their tire and flight, and eyes full of conflict, and each and every sign, just striking through him like a knife.

For the smallest of moments, as he had done earlier around James, he broke. It was a crack, a flash, glassy eyed. Nik flooded with emotions, and then beat them back down again until they were as bloody as his Rhys' wound had been. His defense mechanisms...weren't cut out to handle all this. Not even that half a pill could do the job.

He needed to act. He had to be something he currently was not, or really was ever. Not like the detective, not like the others, not a leader, not a hero, or truly deep down a fighter. He needed to be.

The cigarette remained ignored, casting ash on the floor.

Nik, as gently as humanly possible, shifted Rhys down, achingly slow, to rest on the assortment of blankets and bits they had found.
"Easy, easy...here, just rest a bit...I've got this." He shifted away, and began to douse the instruments Rhys had used with whatever he had left in terms of antiseptic, and then approached the pair of them.

"Alright kids..here, please...let's sit...." Nik went back to sitting on his knees, his gaze distant, but snapping back once he met Alaska's eyes, and then James'.
"There are pain killers, take some. Half, half is good...one will make you feel like you're high. Which, considering your wounds you may want to feel like you downed some edibles or got hotboxed with Snoop Lion circa the 2010s, but..." he was rambling. "I don't really know what the fuck is going on, so it's probably best you're not tapped out right now...speaking of which," still rambling, nervously rambling. If he filled the air with words, he felt, that maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't slip again.

The pebble propped back up his defenses by jamming the cigarette between his teeth, and tried to pretend he was a Bishop once more.

"I have two questions: What the hell happened to you both? And, who's first?"

'' Ya'll smoke to enjoy it, I smoke to die''
John Green


tags: Cocky lil shit Lakyr Lakyr BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater
location: Police Station Cafeteria

Nik was rambling, probably trying to distract himself from something. He was so bad at it that she threw her arms around him hugging tightly and exhaling with relief. "we're ok. Are you though?"

Alaska stood up, pushing James softly towards their quasi devil "He's first.. His shoulder is fucked up pretty bad.. I'm ok, tired..I just need some cloths to wrap up this arm.. and a shower..and a cigarette" she took the cigarette out of Nik's mouth and started smoking it. "I owe you one of these" Taking the nicotine completely in and getting out of her nose, not really wanting to talk about what happened. Alaska looked towards James, she didn't want to remind him of what he went through. Nik needed an answer though, it would make him feel better she thought.

The young huntress went towards Rhys and sat next to him looking at the half sleeping man with the softest expression. " vampires.." she started " and revenants.. we.. we handeld them.." if James wanted to tell them about what happened he could, but she felt like it would hurt him if she was the one to do it, and he sure as hell didn't have to. She smiled at him, allowing herself to get lost in his green eyes for a second, grateful that he was ok.

The smell of whiskey filled the air as she doused a cloth in the liquid, took a sip, then wrapped her arms with it. " what happened to you two?" she looked between the two men concerned.

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Lilina Ovelia
The girl smiled as she heard the responses of the two. She proceeded to explore deeper in the police station. She encountered a big metal door with a lable in top that says 'Gym'. She opened the door with all her might and saw a room filled with revenants and one creature that seems to be idle.The little witch looked at the two and said, "I'll focus on the revenants, go get the idle creature.". The witch prepared her fire magic and started to burn the revenants in one swoop of the flames. The revenants were falling like flies as she continued to burn them all.

Interacting with: Luci and Haruka
GuavaJuiceXI GuavaJuiceXI JustAki JustAki
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