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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy The Last Judgement Events

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Index progress

Welcome to the Last Judgement


Queen of Hell
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The goal for each will be to further the plot while keeping some of that open-world aspect that makes these types of RPs so fun. Most of these events will not be very high stakes, in fact you'll have the option on if you want your character to participate or not. This is mainly because of IRL conflicts and I do understand that they come up every now and again.

Events will function into two main categories which are explained below. In the future there maybe more added but for now we'll try to keep this as simple as possible. Depending on the amount of participation in each event that will determine how long it will go, but I'm aiming for a 72hr time period at most. This means that they will be a bit more faster pace than the main story, so think of most of them as a sort of 'side quest' to the plot. A nice filler, but not something you need to worry about missing. That being said, they will be extremely action packed so if you want that juicy life-threatening-omg-we're-all-gonna-die feeling...that's what these are. [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*types[/div] There are two main types of events that will be used on this page: Mini and Relocation events.

Each Event will be posted with the dates and times of when they will start. I won't spring this on you guys so I'll be sure to give everyone at least a three day heads up.

[div class="statname"]MINI EVENTS[/div] The most casual, lowest of stakes, and fast paced event, Mini Events are essentially boss fights and will not negatively impact your characters for non participation. They will last somewhere from 24 to 72hrs depending on the amount of participants.

[div class="statname"]RELOCATION EVENTS[/div] THE ONLY EVENT THAT REQUIRES EVERYONE TO PARTICIPATE. These events will last anywhere from one to two weeks and will be a little faster paced than the main story. These events will be very chill and is usually just the transition from one area to another. Survivors can essentially take this time to build relationships.

Just want to make it clear that more event types may be added in the future. Events will NEVER overlap and this is mainly for my own sanity as well as making sure people aren't left out. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox mechanicsbox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*players[/div] To participate in EVENTS, you have to like the initial event post. I'll put a reminder at the end of each announcement, just in case but I'm making this a general rule so that I know how many people to expect. If no one is able to participate in a Mini Event they will either be postponed to a later date or completely scrapped. Minimum amount of people for Mini Events will be three or four. If something comes up where you suddenly cannot participate PLEASE let me know. I won't bite, I promise. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*perks[/div] EVENTS have a lot of unique opportunities for your characters. Not only will there be some A+ character development outside of the main story, but there will be items for your characters to get. This includes and is not limited to: weapons, herbs, new magical tomes/books, supplies, and perhaps something that could slow an afflicted/blessed's corruption.

Since there is a lot of danger involved as well, there are chances of major injury or possession. No deaths/possession on the character's part should happen without letting me know first. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*locations[/div] Locations will be dependent upon where the survivors are in the main story. There will either be a small travel period at the very start of the event or the event will begin in full force.

Events will never occur twice in the same location, just to keep things spicy, and right after a mini event occurs there will be a relocation event. This is because after each Mini Event there will be a swarm of monsters that will affect the entirety of the group even if you did not participate in the event itself. Mini and Relocation events will take place in the main thread, threadmarks will be used in order to flag each post so no one gets them confused with the main story. Any updates or 'need to know' information will be posted on this thread so make sure you check it often if you are participating. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox rulesbox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*RESPECT[/div] The rules here are the same as the rules for the RP. Nothing has really changed in that aspect.

Respect extends to everyone and I will only tolerate rude behavior between characters, not the writers. That being said, there are going to be some more adult themes in these events (and a lot more gore) so if you are uncomfortable with writing or reading that then that's understandable. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*LITERACY[/div] I don't care much for labels. As long as you can post a cohesive paragraph, then you're good. We all start somewhere, so if we offer feedback on your writing, it's because we want to help you grow. Occasional misspellings are understandable, we all have those days. This goes for the main story as well, so again this really shouldn't be anything new. [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*COMMITMENT[/div] I don't mind entering an event late so long as you keep us updated on your current status. Likewise, should you no longer feel like participating, I want to be informed instead of leaving us with question marks. I take more offence at being dropped like a hot potato than being told directly that you no longer feel like you can commit. [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] -->
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Hell Comes Knocking



Location: Shell Gas Station, Newark NJ
Event: Mini Event
Time: TENTATIVELY Beginning Saturday, 9/15, at 1 PM EST

He comes at dawn. Bloodstained axe dragging behind him, the scent of sulfur and smoke still rising from a gargantuan frame. A massive helm covers his head, dark holes for eyes, bullets simply ricochet off the metal. The juggernaut, the destroyer, a loyal monster in hell’s legion, traverses his way across the tarmac right to the doors of the gas station where he smashes down the barricades that have been keeping the monsters out.​
Chaos follows, hell hounds, vampires, revenants, the relative safety both groups had found in the remains of Newark is now left shattered. It’s time to gather their things and run. If they can survive the assault.

  • LIKE this post for participation.
  • The event will take place over the course of forty-eight hours, but may be finished up whenever threads are over.
  • The group will relocate post-event, and a relocation announcement will be made that day with the new location.
  • This event will affect other characters and the group as a whole!
  • There is no penalty for not participating, so no worries! Just let us know first! Your character will be conveniently moved before the event so no harm will befall him/her while you are away.
  • Any major injuries, character death, possessions, infections, or other major plot devices should be run by Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater first.
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Hell Comes Knocking

This event will be split up into two groups, you will be partnered with another character that you may or may not have had much interaction with. You are free to write each fight/encounter to your choosing as long as it loosely follows the given scene. You may write as much as you want for the event, but after two days your characters must have left the area.


take down whatever monsters come their way while the others try to find a way to safety.

  • Alaska & Nik : with the juggernaut right at the door, no one’s going anywhere if they don’t take him down.
  • James, Ezra & Terra: both are too close to the door when the axe smashes through it, they unwittingly end up the first line of defense against the dead, the shattering of the doors makes it easy for a pack of hell hounds to get inside, stop them before they get to anyone else.
  • Emma & Reverie : a group of revenants wouldn’t have posed too much of a danger, until a black-eyed demon takes control of one of their corpses and the vampire that moves to stop them is only made more dangerous by using compulsion.

retrieve supplies, find running cars, make sure everyone makes it out of the building.

  • Rhys, Luci, & Luíza : the cries of a prophet might provide a warning of what’s coming, now just to make sure she gets out of the building alive. With their options limited, the best shot might be to help get any vehicles back up and running. Trust that the rest of your team can watch your back as you clear the path for escape. It’s time to grab whatever they can carry and get the hell out of dodge.
If your name has not been included and you would like to participate in this event, please contact the me as soon as possible. And please remember any major injury MUST be run by an admin first!

BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda Lekiel Lekiel Chise_Robin_ Chise_Robin_ Lakyr Lakyr Epiphany Epiphany Artificial Angel Artificial Angel Paarthurnax Paarthurnax
GuavaJuiceXI GuavaJuiceXI
Gravitational Force Gravitational Force
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The Noise of Thunder


Starting Location: Newark, Shell Gas Station
Event: Relocation Event
Time: Beginning 9/17, at Aprox. 8PM EST
Ending Location: The Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office and Police Academy

With the opportunity to recuperate and replenish supplies taken, the forced decision was made to leave the relative sanctuary of the gas station, now overrun, and head south in the hopes of finding something that could be used, not only to contact whatever is left of society, but to rest and recoup elsewhere. There’s also some hope that they might be able to find some other survivors at best or at worst just some vehicles that might speed up their journey west.​
The brief respite that Newark had offered them so far from the demons and creatures that came along with the end of the world was instantly shattered as they drew nearer to Monmouth County. Howls of Hellhounds and the increasing snowfall has forced them to seek shelter in the sheriff's office and leaving little time to gather themselves. Once again their only objective has become to survive as Hell throws everything at them.​


  • The event will take place over the course of a week, but may be finished up whenever threads are over.
  • Any post started during the event should reflect the current location of the group.
  • Any major injuries, character death, possessions, infections, or other major plot devices should be run by Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater first.

the vechiles
may be subject to change
The current vechiles include:

Ford F-150 - driven by: Nik BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda | passengers: Rhys, Terra Artificial Angel Artificial Angel , Haruka JustAki JustAki
Station Wagon - driven by: Alaska Chise_Robin_ Chise_Robin_ | passengers: James Lakyr Lakyr , Stella Rui Rui , Ezra Gravitational Force Gravitational Force
Motorcycle 1- driven by: Luiza Paarthurnax Paarthurnax |passenger: Luci GuavaJuiceXI GuavaJuiceXI
Motorcycle 2 - driven by: Reverie Lekiel Lekiel |passenger: Emma Epiphany Epiphany
House of Horrors


Location: 86 Montrose Rd, Colt’s Neck, New Jersey
Event: Mini Event
Time: Monday 10/15 - Wednesday 10/31

→ the house
With limited resources at the sheriff's office, the group decides to brave the weather in search of much needed supplies. Their straight forward path into town takes an abrupt and unexplained shift off the main road they'd been traveling, the survivors are lead to a huge, sprawling mansion. Complete with three ponds (both frozen over), a fountain, and a beautiful stone courtyard. And that’s only on the outside.
The inside is just as well preserved. Six bedrooms, seven bathrooms, a spiral staircase, and a roaring fireplace. Everything about it appears to be in surprisingly good condition, the rooms looking untouched by raiders hands or torn apart by the dead.

But in the days that follow the group discovers two things:

The first is that in this house, all their worst fears will be brought to life.
The second: they can’t leave.​

→ for the players
This will be primarily a self-centered challenge. This event will work a little differently than the others. Everyone who signs up will be assigned a day to post a 'nightmare' where their character will be forced to experience some version of their worst fears. While this will take place primarily through illusions, there can be physical repercussions. However please keep in mind that the point of the event should be to explore their personal terrors, not necessarily to cause physical harm. They may attempt to leave, may even get out the doors, but any attempts to leave the ground will result in a spatial shift, simply looping the character back towards the house. One character will be completely cognoscente of what is going on (if you are interested please contact me) and can break themselves from the nightmare. It is then their job to help free the rest of the members of the party.
It will be a little like this where once a character is 'freed' they will go with whoever to the other rooms and snap someone else from their nightmare. Once everyone has been 'awakened' they will find themselves in the center where they need to fight the thing entrapping them in order to leave.​


  • LIKE this post if you’d like to participate. A schedule will be posted on Friday 10/12, but anyone who needs to switch days with another player may do so. If someone has specific days they would prefer or days they are unavailable please contact me or BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda before 10/12
  • The event will take place between 10/15 - 10/31. Please be respectful of other players when it’s their day to post, and try to help each other in the aftermath.
  • Any major injuries, character death, possessions, infections, or other major plot devices must be approved by me or BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda first.
House of Horrors
Location: 86 Montrose Rd, Colt’s Neck, New Jersey
Event: Mini Event
Time: Monday 10/15 - Wednesday 10/31

I'm posting this a little early since I've got it figured out. The empty days will be used as a 'the group has arrived and is looking around having a good time before they get sucked into their nightmares' type thing. If anyone wishes to participate please notify me and I'll add you to the schedule. The first person is the first one to break themselves from their nightmare and goes on to wake the next. It becomes a chain reaction until everyone is awake. The other people will be able to see parts of your nightmare so keep that in mind.
→ trigger warnings
As this is a mature RP, trigger warnings are not usually required beyond those stated in the rules. However because of the nature of this event, I’d like to encourage players to get as dark with this as they wish (tastefully; this doesn't mean go against site rules). If your post has an explicit scene please, please, please put a warning just in case. I appreciate everyone’s cooperation in this, to keep everyone safe while still remaining true to their characters.

→ schedule
10/15 -
10/16 -
10/17 - Penny & Woofus
10/18 - Luci
10/19 - James
10/20 - Adisa
10/21 - Nik
10/22 - Emma
10/23 - Kayden
10/24 -
10/25 - Alaska
10/26 - Ezra
10/27 - Reverie
10/28 - Alaska
10/29 - Darius
10/30 - Grigs
10/31 - Rhys


You may switch a day with another player if both agree to it, however if you miss your day then the opportunity is gone and you will not be permitted to reschedule.
The event will take place between 10/15 - 10/31. Please be respectful of other players when it’s their day to post, and try to help each other in the aftermath.
Any major injuries, character death, possessions, infections, or other major plot devices must be approved by the admins first.
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Event: Christmas Event !
: December 22nd - December 26th

→ for the players
  • For the past year, McGuire Airforce Base has evolved into it's own little community and as an ode to the days of old, a Christmas party has been put on by the residents. Each year the importance of what the old world holiday meant has grown into something more symbolic than it had ever been. Which also means that the base is decked out in whatever christmas-y things that can be salvaged. With the arrival of the new group, the MAFB survivors have decided to share their traditions which so happen to include a secret santa!
  • Just LIKE this post if you’d like to participate. Please make sure to sign up as soon as possible, as names will be distributed Friday (12/21) evening.
  • Names will be drawn, and the name of your recipient will be sent via PM so please respond to me to make sure that you got it!
  • If a player has multiple characters, you are not required to have all of them participate just let me know who is being put in the hat. (However you can if you’d like to!)
  • Gifts may be posted at any point between the 22nd and 26th.
  • Most of all Have Fun!

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